# The tests in here do not work properly in PowerShell 5.x # If you run them all at once, you will get a lot of FALSE PASSES using the old code # Running one test at a time in a new powershell session solves this problem: if (Get-Command powershell.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { foreach ($testcase in ls $PSScriptRoot\Tests\*.Tests.ps1) { powershell -NoProfile -Command Invoke-Pester $testcase.FullName } } else { Write-Warning "Skipping Windows PowerShell tests" } if (Get-Command pwsh -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { foreach ($testcase in ls $PSScriptRoot\Tests\*.Tests.ps1) { pwsh -NoProfile -Command Invoke-Pester $testcase.FullName } } else { Write-Warning "Skipping PowerShell Core tests" }