The Versatile Data Kit project team welcomes contributions from the community.
If you wish to contribute code, but you have not signed our contributor license agreement (CLA), our bot will update the issue when you open a Pull Request. For any questions about the CLA process, please refer to our FAQ.
- projects - the interesting part, aka the source code - there is a separate folder for each component;
- control-service - Java spring-based API for managing the lifecycle of data jobs: job definitions, job deployments, and executions in Kubernetes;
- vdk-core - Python-based SDK containing a data library for developing and running data jobs. Includes a powerful plugin framework;
- vdk-heartbeat - tool for verifying the deployed SDK and Control Service are functional and working correctly;
- vdk-control-cli - User friendly CLI interface over Control Service operations including login/logout;
- vdk-plugins - Set of plugins that we maintain and provide for different use-cases like lineage, database support, etc.;
- support - helper scripts used by developers of the project during their workday;
- cicd - build and ci cd related scripts common across all projects. Each project also has its own cicd folder;
- examples - list of example use-cases. Each example directory has its README with detailed explanations;
- specs - specs for feature proposals and architecture documents.
To boostrap the project run
Each component project is independently buildable and has independent CICD. This enables people to contribute only to a specific component without needing to know anything about the other components.
Each component project has its own with specific details on how to test (locally), build, and run it. Each component project also has "" scripts in their cicd/ folder that would build the whole component. Each component project also has its own .gitlab-ci.yml file with a definition of its CICD.
If in doubt, open the .gitlab-ci.yml file of the project. Read through the Gitlab CI file to find the build process confirmed to work by an automated continuous integration (CI). CI runs in Docker Linux containers, so if you have docker installed, you will be able to replicate the process.
Versatile Data Kit project uses GitHub issues and pull requests to track what work needs to be done, what work is currently in progress, and who work is assigned to.
Before suggesting a change/feature, think if this change only serves your needs, or it serves a broader need, which is good for the project itself because it helps multiple users.
For more complex features/changes, submitting your design is valuable, if possible, before you even write a single line of code. Creating a PR in Github with your proposal as markdown (in specs directory) is recommended. Reviews and feedback will happen in the PR.
Also, reach out to the community - through Slack or mail to discuss your idea. We are happy to help.
We use Github Flow. In short, it looks like this:
- All changes to the main branch ("main" in our case) are through pull requests;
- Any changes must go on a feature branch or on a fork;
- Pipeline must pass before merging, and the pull request must be reviewed and approved;
- Break code commits into small self-contained units;
- Commit messages must follow the template in git-commit-template.txt. We aim to follow;
- projects/*/ Next version section should be updated accordingly.
Familiarize with recommendations written here.
We prefer maintaining a straight branch history by rebasing before merging. Fast-forward merges should not create merge commits.
It's important to update with any adjustments to the project. Versioning of all components follows
Changelog has the following sections:
- New feature: significant additions to the project. This usually requires bumping at least a minor version;
- Improvements - an enhancement to existing functionality and minor additions;
- Bug Fixes - Fixes of bugs/regressions;
- Breaking Changes: any changes that break Versatile Data Kit's backward-compatibility.
Each component project maintains its own CHANGELOG. Go to projects/component-name/ to see the changelog of the component
We are using CI as a code based on Gitlab CI. Entrypoint of CICD is the file .gitlab-ci.yml.
There you can find the full definition of the CI/CD pipeline. For more details see the CICD wiki in our Dev Guide
To make a new public release, follow these steps:
- Create a new release from the Releases menu - this will require a new tag;
- Autogenerate the changelog (, then sort the changes alphabetically; if all change names are prefixed with the component name, this will ensure changes are grouped by component. Sorting can be done using the
utility available in MacOS and Linux distros; - Review which components have received changes since the previous release - this should be apparent from the changelog;
- Create a new PR which bumps the minor versions of all newly changed components:
- Record the new versions as they are released and list them in the Release description;
- Post a tweet on the official VDK Twitter account, announcing the new release and linking to it.