Releases: djcb/mu
Releases · djcb/mu
Bugfix release 1.6.5
Some more fixes. Note that from now on, further 1.6 release are on the release/1.6
Bugfix release 1.6.4
A few more fixes.
Bugfix release 1.6.3
A few more updates -- lazy indexing and thread-subjects, org link config.
Bugfix release 1.6.2
Some more fixes for problems found in the 1.6 series.
Bugfix release 1.6.1
Fixes for some problems found by early adopters.
NOTE: After upgrading, you need to call mu init
, with your preferred parameters before you can use mu
. This is because the underlying database-schema has changed.
mu 1.6.0
* NEWS (user visible changes & bigger non-visible ones)
* 1.6 (released, as of July 27 2021)
*** mu
- Where available (and with suitably equiped ~libglib~), log to the ~systemd~
journal instead of ~~/.cache/mu.log~. Passing the ~--debug~ option to ~mu~
increases the amount that is logged.
- Follow symlinks in maildirs, and support moving messsages across
filesystems. Obviously, that is typically quite a bit slower than the
single-filesystem case, but can be still be useful.
- Optionally provide readline support for the ~mu~ server (when in tty-mode)
- Reworked the way mu generates s-expressions for mu4e; they are created
programmatically now instead of through string building.
- The indexer (the part of mu that scans maildirs and updates the message
store) has been rewritten so it can work asynchronously and take advantage
of multiple cores. Note that for now, indexing in ~mu4e~ is still a blocking
- Portability updates for dealing with non-POSIX systems, and in particular
VFAT filesystem, and building using Clang/libc++.
- The personal addresses (as per ~--my-address=~ for ~mu init~) can now also
include regular expressions (basic POSIX); wrap the expression in ~/~, e.g.,
- Modernized the querying/threading machinery; this makes some old code a
lot easier to understand and maintain, and even while not an explicit
goal, is also faster.
- Experimental support for the Meson build system.
*** mu4e
- Use the gnus-based message viewer as the default; the new viewer has quite
a few extra features compared to the old, mu4e-specific one, such as
faster crypto, support for S/MIME, syntax-highlighting, calendar
invitations and more.
The new view is superior in most ways, but if you still depend on
something from the old one, you can use:
;; set *before* loading mu4e; and restart emacs if you want to change it
;; users of use-packag~ should can use the :init section for this.
(setq mu4e-view-use-old t)
(The older variable ~mu4e-view-use-gnus~ with the opposite meaning is
obsolete now, and no longer in use).
- Include maildir-shortcuts in the main-view with overall/unread counts,
similar to bookmarks, and with the same ~:hide~ and ~:hide-unread~ properties.
Note that for the latter, you need to update your maildir-shortcuts to the
new format, as explained in the ~mu4e-maildir-shortcuts~ docstring.
You can set ~mu4e-main-hide-fully-read~ to hide any bookmarks/maildirs that
have no unread messages.
- Add some more properties for use in capturing org-mode links to messages /
queries. See [[info:mu4e#Org-mode links][the mu4e manual]] for details.
- Honor ~truncate-string-ellipsis~ so you can now use 'fancy' ellipses for
truncated strings with ~(setq truncate-string-ellipsis "…")~
- Add a variable ~mu4e-mu-debug~ which, when set to non-~nil,~ makes the ~mu~
server log more verbosely (to ~mu.log~ or the journal)
- Better alignment in headers-buffers; this looks nicer, but is also a bit
slower, hence you need to enable ~mu4e-headers-precise-alignment~ for this.
- Support ~mu~'s new regexp-based personal addresses, and add
~mu4e-personal-address-p~ to check whether a given string matches a personal
- TAB-Completion for writing ~mu~ queries
- Switch the context for existing draft messages using
~mu4e-compose-context-switch~ or ~C-c C-;~ in ~mu4e-compose-mode~.
Stable release 1.4.14
A few small fixes backported from master
Bugfix release 1.4.13
Version 1.4.13
Release 1.4.12
Fixes backported from master.