A new job status file
Support for the following deprecated properties has been removed:
+Stylesheets for the following transformation types have moved to plug-in specific folders:
+If custom plug-ins have hard coded paths to these stylesheets, update references to use either
The integration process has been changed to use strict mode by default. For old plug-ins which are not valid,
Plug-ins that use the
The preprocessing Ant dependency chain has been cleaned up. Tasks no longer depend on the previous task in the
+ default chain, but rather the whole preprocess dependency chain is defined by the
Core TOC generation has been moved to a separate XSLT stylesheet
Flagging logic has been pulled out of the core X/HTML code and moved to a preprocess step. This significantly + simplifies and optimizes the X/HTML code, while making flagging logic available to any other transform type. The + new preprocess step implements all flagging logic; for each active flag, it adds a DITA-OT specific hint into + the intermediate topics (implemented as a specialization of the DITA <foreign> element). As part of this + change, all flagging-related templates in the XHTML code (such as start-flagit and gen-style) are + deprecated.
+If you override the X/HTML transforms, you may need to update your overrides to use the new flagging logic. In
+ most cases this just means deleting calls to the deprecated templates; in some cases, the calls can be replaced
+ with 2 lines to process flags in new places. You should compare your override to the updated XHTML code and
+ update as needed. See
Plug-ins that provide support for new transforms need to ensure that they properly support the DITA
+ <foreign> element, which should be ignored by default; if so, this change will have no immediate impact.
+ Support for flagging new transform types may be more easily added based on this update, because there is no need
+ to re-implement flagging logic, but this is not required. See
The following deprecated XSLT variables have been removed:
+XSLT stylesheets have been split to separate specialization topic code and new
PDF processing used to replace topic
A new