The data is divided in thematic layers, each layer is represented by a geojson file.
- continents
- geoareas
- islands
- marine
- terrain
- waterrelated
- deserts
- biomes
Note: while deserts are waterrelated, they get their own layer.
The following table shows which features can currently be expected in the different layers. You can also find this information structured in featureclasses_layers.json. This is work in progress, and featureclasses as well as layers may still be added or changed if deemed useful.
featureclass | layer | definition | wikidata |
archipelago | islands | An archipelago is a group of islands | Q33837 |
basin | terrain | here a basin is a depression on land (seawater covered basins are found in the sea file) | Q190429 |
coast | terrain | a coastal land area | Q93352 |
continent | continents | large landmass as recognized by cultural convention | Q5107 |
delta | waterrelated | a river delta, a landform at the mouth of a river | Q43197 |
desert | deserts | a landscape with little precipitation | Q8514 |
foothills | terrain | hilly transition zone between plains and higher mountains or hills | Q1354045 |
geoarea | geoareas | a geographic region | Q82794 |
gorge | terrain | a narrow and deep ravine between cliffs, a canyon | Q150784 |
island | islands | an island: land completely surrounded by water and smaller than a continent | Q23442 |
isthmus | terrain | a narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas | Q93267 |
lake | waterrelated | a body of relatively still water located in a basin | Q23397 |
lowland | terrain | plains which are located close to the sea level (not above ~150m) | Q193071 |
mountainrange | terrain | an area with several geologically related mountains | Q46831 |
peninsula | terrain | a landform which is surrounded more than half but not completely by water | Q34763 |
plain | terrain | a flat geographic region (see also lowland and plateau) | Q160091 |
plateau | terrain | a flat geographic region which is higher than the surrounding | Q75520 |
tundra | biomes | a biome where the tree growth is hindered by low temperatures and short grow seasons | Q43262 |
valley | terrain | low area between hills, often with a river running through it | Q39816 |
wetlands | waterrelated | land area that is permanently or seasonally saturated with water | Q170321 |
bay | marine | body of water connected to an ocean or lake, formed by an indentation of the shoreline | Q39594 |
channel | marine | type of landform; confined river; strait | Q1210950 |
fjord | marine | long, narrow inlet of the ocean created in a valley carved by glacial activity | Q45776 |
generic | marine | ||
gulf | marine | large inlet that is an arm of an ocean or sea | Q1322134 |
inlet | marine | an indentation of a shoreline that often leads to an enclosed body of salt water, such as a sound, bay, lagoon, or marsh | Q1172599 |
lagoon | marine | shallow body of water separated from larger body of water by a barrier | Q187223 |
ocean | marine | very large body of saline water | Q9430 |
reef | marine | feature lying beneath the surface of the water | Q184358 |
river | marine | larger natural watercourse | Q4022 |
sea | marine | large body of saline water | Q165 |
sound | marine | long, relatively wide body of water, connecting two larger parts of the sea | Q491713 |
strait | marine | naturally formed, narrow waterway that connects two larger bodies of water | Q37901 |
While all properties are optional you should provide these properties for easier handling (identification)
- name
- featureclass
- scalerank
- region
- subregion
- wikidata
These are the currently used values for the region
, you should not add more regions:
- Africa
- Antarctica
- Asia
- Europe
- North America
- Oceania
- Seven seas (open ocean)
- South America
These are the currently used values for the subregion
but you can add more subregions as you see fit:
- Arabian Sea
- Arctic Archipelago
- Arctic Ocean
- Australasia
- Bay of Bengal
- British Isles
- Central America
- Comores
- Falkland Islands
- Galapagos islands
- Greenland
- Iceland
- Indian Ocean
- Is. Revillagigedo
- Malay Archipelago
- Mascarene Islands
- Mediterranean Sea
- Melanesia
- Micronesia
- New Zealand
- North Atlantic Ocean
- Polynesia
- Seychelles
- South China Sea
- Southern Atlantic Ocean
- Southern Indian Ocean
- West Indies
- 7 "continent"
- 68 "peninsula"
- 12 "delta"
- 4 "isthmus"
- 295 "island"
- 165 "archipelago"
- 58 "desert"
- 4 "tundra"
- 3 "wetlands"
- 222 "mountain_range"
- 72 "plateau"
- 37 "coast"
- 30 "plain"
- 6 "valley"
- 5 "lowland"
- 11 "basin"
- 3 "foothills"
- 3 "lake"
- 3 "gorge"
- 44 "geoarea"