This is a resubmission. Compare to the previous submission I have:
- used an alternative way of specifying unicode characters in a test that doesn't fail on Windows.
The following notes were generated across my local OS X install and ubuntu running on travis-ci. Response to NOTEs across three platforms below.
checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
Namespaces in Imports field not imported from: 'R6' R6 is a build time dependency.
Missing or unexported object: ‘RSQLite::initExtension’ This is used for compatibility with RSQlite 1.0 (not yet on CRAN), and is only called if packageVersion("RSQLite") >= 1.
checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
src_mysql: no visible global function definition for ‘MySQL’ src_postgres: no visible global function definition for ‘PostgreSQL’
These packages currently need to be attached in order to work.
I couldn't check on win-builder because it doesn't have the latest Rcpp and appears to be missing RMySQL.
Important reverse dependency check notes (summary at;
COPASutils, freqweights, qdap, simPH: fail for various reasons. All package authors were informed of the upcoming release and shown R CMD check issues over a week ago.
ecoengine: same problem as always on our test machine.
ggvis: You'll be recieving a submission that fixes these issues very shortly from Winston.
repra, rPref: uses a deprecated function.