diff --git a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.ConsoleApp/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.ConsoleApp.csproj b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.ConsoleApp/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.ConsoleApp.csproj
index b0f0af5..48d01e1 100644
--- a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.ConsoleApp/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.ConsoleApp.csproj
+++ b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.ConsoleApp/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.ConsoleApp.csproj
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
diff --git a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.ConsoleApp/Program.cs b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.ConsoleApp/Program.cs
index 4ef9d75..2505934 100644
--- a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.ConsoleApp/Program.cs
+++ b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.ConsoleApp/Program.cs
@@ -1,32 +1,36 @@
-namespace DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.ConsoleApp
+using DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.NewVersion;
+using DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.NewVersion.Steam;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+namespace DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.ConsoleApp
- public static class Program
+ public class Program
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine($"DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder version: {typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version}");
- Console.WriteLine("Finding Depots...");
+ using var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder =>
+ {
+ builder
+ .AddFilter("Microsoft", LogLevel.Warning)
+ .AddFilter("System", LogLevel.Warning)
+ .AddFilter("DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder", LogLevel.Information)
+ .AddConsole();
+ });
+ var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger();
+ logger.LogInformation("Starting processing...");
+ var steamSession = new Steam3Session(loggerFactory.CreateLogger());
+ steamSession.LoginToSteam();
+ var appInfoHandler = new AppInfoHandler(steamSession, loggerFactory.CreateLogger());
+ var steamDepotObtainer = new SteamDepotObtainer(steamSession, appInfoHandler, loggerFactory.CreateLogger());
+ await steamDepotObtainer.GoObtainDepotsAndWriteToFile();
- int retries = 0;
- while (true)
- {
- try
- {
- var qrCodeLoginner = new QrCodeDingLogin();
- await qrCodeLoginner.GoLogin();
- break;
- }
- catch (TimeoutException ex)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Timeout, retrying...");
- retries++;
- }
- }
- Console.WriteLine($"Application completed with {retries} retries");
//For some reason threads remain running
diff --git a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.csproj b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.csproj
index 64ad33c..f18fdfa 100644
--- a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.csproj
+++ b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.csproj
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
diff --git a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/AppInfoHandler.cs b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/AppInfoHandler.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31b795f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/AppInfoHandler.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+using DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.Steam;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+using SteamKit2;
+namespace DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.NewVersion.Steam
+ ///
+ /// Responsible for retrieving application metadata from Steam
+ ///
+ /// Adapted from : https://github.com/tpill90/steam-lancache-prefill/blob/master/SteamPrefill/Handlers/AppInfoHandler.cs
+ ///
+ public class AppInfoHandler : ISteamAppObtainerService
+ {
+ private readonly Steam3Session _steam3Session;
+ private readonly ILogger _logger;
+ public AppInfoHandler(Steam3Session steam3Session, ILogger logger)
+ {
+ _steam3Session = steam3Session;
+ _logger = logger;
+ }
+ private Dictionary _cachedAppNames = new Dictionary();
+ public App? GetSteamAppById(uint? steamAppId)
+ {
+ if (steamAppId != null && _cachedAppNames.TryGetValue(steamAppId.Value, out var app))
+ {
+ return app;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ //TODO comment
+ public async Task> EnsureAppsAreLoaded()
+ {
+ _logger.LogInformation("Retrieving all known AppIds");
+ using var steamAppsApi = _steam3Session.Configuration.GetAsyncWebAPIInterface("ISteamApps");
+ var response = await steamAppsApi.CallAsync(HttpMethod.Get, "GetAppList", 2);
+ var apiApps = response["apps"].Children.Select(app =>
+ new App()
+ {
+ appid = app["appid"].AsUnsignedInteger(),
+ name = app["name"].AsString() ?? "Unknown"
+ }
+ ).ToList();
+ _cachedAppNames = apiApps.DistinctBy(t => t.appid).ToDictionary(t => t.appid, t => t);
+ _logger.LogInformation("Retrieved {appCount} apps", apiApps.Count);
+ return apiApps;
+ }
+ public async Task> RetrieveAllAppIds2()
+ {
+ return _cachedAppNames.Values.ToList();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves the latest AppInfo for multiple apps at the same time. One large request containing multiple apps is significantly faster
+ /// than multiple individual requests, as it seems that there is a minimum threshold for how quickly steam will return results.
+ ///
+ /// The list of App Ids to retrieve info for
+ public async Task> BulkLoadAppInfoAsync(List appIdsToLoad)
+ {
+ if (!appIdsToLoad.Any())
+ {
+ return new List();
+ }
+ // Some apps will require an additional "access token" in order to retrieve their app metadata
+ var accessTokensResponse = await _steam3Session.SteamAppsApi.PICSGetAccessTokens(appIdsToLoad, new List()).ToTask();
+ var appTokens = accessTokensResponse.AppTokens;
+ // Build out the requests
+ var requests = new List();
+ foreach (var appId in appIdsToLoad)
+ {
+ var request = new SteamApps.PICSRequest(appId);
+ if (appTokens.ContainsKey(appId))
+ {
+ request.AccessToken = appTokens[appId];
+ }
+ requests.Add(request);
+ }
+ // Finally request the metadata from steam
+ var resultSet = await _steam3Session.SteamAppsApi.PICSGetProductInfo(requests, new List()).ToTask();
+ var appInfos = resultSet.Results.SelectMany(e => e.Apps).ToList();
+ var toReturn = new List();
+ foreach (var a in appInfos)
+ {
+ var depots = a.Value.KeyValues["depots"];
+ var updatedApp = new App()
+ {
+ appid = a.Value.KeyValues["appid"].AsUnsignedInteger(),
+ name = a.Value.KeyValues["common"]?["name"]?.AsString() ?? "Unknown"
+ };
+ _cachedAppNames[updatedApp.appid] = updatedApp;
+ foreach (var dep in depots.Children)
+ {
+ if (uint.TryParse(dep.Name, out var depotUint) && dep.Value == null)
+ {
+ if (dep.Children.Any(t => t.Name == "depotfromapp"))
+ {
+ var depfromappString = dep.Children.First(t => t.Name == "depotfromapp").AsString();
+ //Some apps have some strange characters in the depot id's: https://steamdb.info/app/1106980/depots/
+ var depfromappStringNumberified = new string(depfromappString?.Where(t => char.IsDigit(t)).ToArray());
+ var worked2 = uint.TryParse(depfromappStringNumberified, out var depfromapp);
+ //Assume that if depfromapp == 0, it's a redistributable that we've already obtained elsewhere
+ //Example: https://steamdb.info/app/2203540/depots/
+ if (worked2 && depfromapp != 0)
+ {
+ //var worked3 = SteamApi.SteamAppDict.TryGetValue(depfromapp, out var appNameThing2);
+ //string appName2 = worked3 ? appNameThing2!.name : "unknown";
+ //var outputString = ToOutputStringSanitized(depfromappStringNumberified, appName2, dep.Name);
+ var csv = new SteamDepotEnricherCSVModel()
+ {
+ SteamAppId = depfromapp,
+ SteamAppName = "",
+ SteamDepotId = depotUint
+ };
+ toReturn.Add(csv);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var csv = new SteamDepotEnricherCSVModel()
+ {
+ SteamAppId = a.Key,
+ SteamAppName = a.Value.KeyValues["common"]?["name"]?.AsString() ?? "",
+ SteamDepotId = depotUint
+ };
+ toReturn.Add(csv);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //This cleans all callbacks. If we don't do this loading all apps takes around 7gb and never cleans up
+ _steam3Session.CallbackManager.RunWaitAllCallbacks(timeout: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0));
+ //// Handling unknown apps
+ //List unknownAppIds = resultSet.Results.SelectMany(e => e.UnknownApps).ToList();
+ //foreach (var unknownAppId in unknownAppIds)
+ //{
+ // LoadedAppInfos.TryAdd(unknownAppId, new AppInfo(unknownAppId, "Unknown"));
+ //}
+ var toReturn2 = toReturn
+ .GroupBy(p => new { p.SteamAppId, p.SteamDepotId })
+ .Select(g => g.First())
+ .ToList();
+ return toReturn2;
+ }
+ /////
+ ///// Steam stores all DLCs for a game as separate "apps", so they must be loaded after the game's AppInfo has been retrieved,
+ ///// and the list of DLC AppIds are known.
+ /////
+ ///// Once the DLC apps are loaded, the final combined depot list (both the app + dlc apps) will be built.
+ /////
+ //private async Task FetchDlcAppInfoAsync()
+ //{
+ // var dlcAppIds = LoadedAppInfos.Values.SelectMany(e => e.DlcAppIds).ToList();
+ // var containingAppIds = LoadedAppInfos.Values.Where(e => e.Type == AppType.Game)
+ // .SelectMany(e => e.Depots)
+ // .Select(e => e.ContainingAppId)
+ // .ToList();
+ // var idsToLoad = containingAppIds.Union(dlcAppIds).ToList();
+ // await BulkLoadAppInfoAsync(idsToLoad);
+ // // Builds out the list of all depots for each game, including depots from all related DLCs
+ // // DLCs are stored as separate "apps", so their info comes back separately.
+ // foreach (var app in LoadedAppInfos.Values.Where(e => e.Type == AppType.Game))
+ // {
+ // foreach (var dlcAppId in app.DlcAppIds)
+ // {
+ // var dlcApp = GetAppInfo(dlcAppId);
+ // var dlcDepots = dlcApp.Depots;
+ // app.Depots.AddRange(dlcDepots);
+ // // Clear out the dlc app's depots so that they dont get duplicates added
+ // dlcDepots.Clear();
+ // }
+ // var distinctDepots = app.Depots.DistinctBy(e => e.DepotId).ToList();
+ // app.Depots.Clear();
+ // app.Depots.AddRange(distinctDepots);
+ // }
+ //}
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/DepotInformationThing.cs b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/DepotInformationThing.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44746c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/DepotInformationThing.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+using static SteamKit2.Internal.CContentBuilder_CommitAppBuild_Request;
+namespace DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.NewVersion.Steam
+ public record DepotInformationThing(uint AppId, string? AppName, uint DepotId)
+ {
+ public string ToCsvString()
+ {
+ return $"{AppId};{AppName?.Replace(";", ":") ?? ""};{DepotId}";
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/Exceptions/SteamConnectionException.cs b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/Exceptions/SteamConnectionException.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9982077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/Exceptions/SteamConnectionException.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+using System.Runtime.Serialization;
+namespace DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.NewVersion.Steam.Exceptions
+ public class SteamConnectionException : Exception
+ {
+ public SteamConnectionException()
+ {
+ }
+ public SteamConnectionException(string message) : base(message)
+ {
+ }
+ public SteamConnectionException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner)
+ {
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/Exceptions/SteamLoginException.cs b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/Exceptions/SteamLoginException.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..331a9bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/Exceptions/SteamLoginException.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+namespace DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.NewVersion.Steam.Exceptions
+ public class SteamLoginException : Exception
+ {
+ public SteamLoginException()
+ {
+ }
+ public SteamLoginException(string message) : base(message)
+ {
+ }
+ public SteamLoginException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner)
+ {
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/ISteamAppObtainerService.cs b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/ISteamAppObtainerService.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ba0770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/ISteamAppObtainerService.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+using DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.Steam;
+namespace DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.NewVersion.Steam
+ public interface ISteamAppObtainerService
+ {
+ App? GetSteamAppById(uint? steamAppId);
+ }
diff --git a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/Steam3Session.cs b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/Steam3Session.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..367838c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/Steam3Session.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+using DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.NewVersion.Steam.Exceptions;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+using SteamKit2;
+using SteamKit2.CDN;
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+namespace DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.NewVersion.Steam
+ ///
+ /// Taken and adapted from:
+ /// https://github.com/tpill90/steam-lancache-prefill/blob/master/SteamPrefill/Handlers/Steam/Steam3Session.cs
+ ///
+ public sealed class Steam3Session : IDisposable
+ {
+ private readonly ILogger _logger;
+ #region Member fields
+ // Steam services
+ private readonly SteamClient _steamClient;
+ private readonly SteamUser _steamUser;
+ public readonly SteamApps SteamAppsApi;
+ public readonly SteamConfiguration Configuration;
+ public readonly Client CdnClient;
+ public readonly CallbackManager CallbackManager;
+ public bool LoggedInToSteam { get; private set; }
+ #endregion
+ public Steam3Session(ILogger logger)
+ {
+ _logger = logger;
+ _steamClient = new SteamClient(SteamConfiguration.Create(e => e.WithConnectionTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120))));
+ Configuration = _steamClient.Configuration;
+ _steamUser = _steamClient.GetHandler();
+ SteamAppsApi = _steamClient.GetHandler();
+ CallbackManager = new CallbackManager(_steamClient);
+ // This callback is triggered when SteamKit2 makes a successful connection
+ CallbackManager.Subscribe(e =>
+ {
+ _isConnecting = false;
+ _disconnected = false;
+ });
+ // If a connection attempt fails in anyway, SteamKit2 notifies of the failure with a "disconnect"
+ CallbackManager.Subscribe(e =>
+ {
+ _isConnecting = false;
+ _disconnected = true;
+ });
+ CallbackManager.Subscribe(loggedOn =>
+ {
+ _loggedOnCallbackResult = loggedOn;
+ });
+ CdnClient = new Client(_steamClient);
+ }
+ public void LoginToSteam()
+ {
+ _logger.LogInformation("Starting Steam login!");
+ int retryCount = 0;
+ bool logonSuccess = false;
+ while (!logonSuccess)
+ {
+ CallbackManager.RunWaitAllCallbacks(timeout: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50));
+ _logger.LogInformation("Connecting to Steam...");
+ ConnectToSteam();
+ var logonResult = AttemptSteamLogin();
+ logonSuccess = HandleLogonResult(logonResult);
+ retryCount++;
+ if (retryCount == 5)
+ {
+ throw new SteamLoginException("Unable to login to Steam! Try again in a few moments...");
+ }
+ }
+ LoggedInToSteam = true;
+ _logger.LogInformation("Steam session initialization complete!");
+ }
+ #region Connecting to Steam
+ // Used to busy wait until the connection attempt finishes in either a success or failure
+ private bool _isConnecting;
+ ///
+ /// Attempts to establish a connection to the Steam network.
+ /// Retries if necessary until successful connection is established
+ ///
+ /// Throws if unable to connect to Steam
+ private void ConnectToSteam()
+ {
+ var timeoutAfter = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30);
+ // Busy waiting until the client has a successful connection established
+ while (!_steamClient.IsConnected)
+ {
+ _isConnecting = true;
+ _steamClient.Connect();
+ // Busy waiting until SteamKit2 either succeeds/fails the connection attempt
+ while (_isConnecting)
+ {
+ CallbackManager.RunWaitAllCallbacks(timeout: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50));
+ if (DateTime.Now > timeoutAfter)
+ {
+ throw new SteamConnectionException("Timeout connecting to Steam... Try again in a few moments");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _logger.LogInformation("Connected to Steam!");
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Logging into Steam
+ private SteamUser.LoggedOnCallback _loggedOnCallbackResult;
+ private SteamUser.LoggedOnCallback AttemptSteamLogin()
+ {
+ var timeoutAfter = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30);
+ // Need to reset this global result value, as it will be populated once the logon callback completes
+ _loggedOnCallbackResult = null;
+ _steamUser.LogOnAnonymous();
+ // Busy waiting for the callback to complete, then we can return the callback value synchronously
+ while (_loggedOnCallbackResult == null)
+ {
+ CallbackManager.RunWaitAllCallbacks(timeout: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50));
+ if (DateTime.Now > timeoutAfter)
+ {
+ throw new SteamLoginException("Timeout logging into Steam... Try again in a few moments");
+ }
+ }
+ return _loggedOnCallbackResult;
+ }
+ [SuppressMessage("", "VSTHRD002:Synchronously waiting on tasks may cause deadlocks.", Justification = "Its not possible for this callback method to be async, must block synchronously")]
+ private bool HandleLogonResult(SteamUser.LoggedOnCallback logonResult)
+ {
+ var loggedOn = logonResult;
+ if (loggedOn.Result == EResult.ServiceUnavailable)
+ {
+ throw new SteamLoginException($"Unable to login to Steam : Service is unavailable");
+ }
+ if (loggedOn.Result != EResult.OK)
+ {
+ throw new SteamLoginException($"Unable to login to Steam. An unknown error occurred : {loggedOn.Result}");
+ }
+ _logger.LogInformation($"Logged in anonymously to Steam");
+ return true;
+ }
+ private bool _disconnected = true;
+ public void Disconnect()
+ {
+ if (_disconnected)
+ {
+ _logger.LogInformation("Already disconnected from Steam");
+ return;
+ }
+ _disconnected = false;
+ _steamClient.Disconnect();
+ _logger.LogInformation("Disconnecting from Steam..");
+ while (!_disconnected)
+ {
+ CallbackManager.RunWaitAllCallbacks(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));
+ }
+ _logger.LogInformation("Disconnected from Steam!");
+ LoggedInToSteam = false;
+ }
+ #endregion
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ _logger.LogInformation($"Disposing {nameof(Steam3Session)}...");
+ Disconnect();
+ CdnClient.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/SteamDepotEnricherCSVModel.cs b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/SteamDepotEnricherCSVModel.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9132c40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/Steam/SteamDepotEnricherCSVModel.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+namespace DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.NewVersion.Steam
+ public class SteamDepotEnricherCSVModel
+ {
+ public required uint SteamAppId { get; init; }
+ public required string SteamAppName { get; init; }
+ public required uint SteamDepotId { get; init; }
+ }
diff --git a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/SteamDepotObtainer.cs b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/SteamDepotObtainer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e335327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/NewVersion/SteamDepotObtainer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+using DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.NewVersion.Steam;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.NewVersion
+ public class SteamDepotObtainer
+ {
+ private readonly Steam3Session _steam3Session;
+ private readonly AppInfoHandler _appInfoHandler;
+ private readonly ILogger _logger;
+ public SteamDepotObtainer(Steam3Session steam3Session, AppInfoHandler appInfoHandler, ILogger logger)
+ {
+ _steam3Session = steam3Session;
+ _appInfoHandler = appInfoHandler;
+ _logger = logger;
+ }
+ public async Task GoObtainDepotsAndWriteToFile()
+ {
+ _logger.LogInformation("Ensuring apps are loaded...");
+ await _appInfoHandler.EnsureAppsAreLoaded();
+ _logger.LogInformation("Ensuring apps are loaded completed");
+ var picsChangesResult = await _steam3Session.SteamAppsApi.PICSGetChangesSince().ToTask();
+ var currentChangeNumber = picsChangesResult.CurrentChangeNumber;
+ var _currentChangeNumber = currentChangeNumber;
+ var changedApps = (await _appInfoHandler.RetrieveAllAppIds2()).Select(t => t.appid).ToList();
+ _logger.LogInformation($"Changelist 0 -> {_currentChangeNumber} ({changedApps.Count} apps)");
+ _logger.LogInformation($"Processing everything in bulk...");
+ var superList = new List();
+ for (var i = 0; i < changedApps.Count; i += 1000)
+ {
+ _logger.LogInformation($"Processing {i} -> {i + 1000} / {changedApps.Count}");
+ var currentBatch = changedApps.Skip(i).Take(1000).ToList();
+ var appInfos = await _appInfoHandler.BulkLoadAppInfoAsync(currentBatch);
+ foreach (var depot in appInfos)
+ {
+ superList.Add(new DepotInformationThing(depot.SteamAppId, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(depot.SteamAppName) ? "unknown" : depot.SteamAppName, depot.SteamDepotId));
+ }
+ }
+ _logger.LogInformation("Obtaining depots completed, total depots: " + superList.Count);
+ _logger.LogInformation("Filtering duplicate depots...");
+ var superListFiltered = superList.DistinctBy(t => new { t.DepotId, t.AppId }).OrderBy(t => t.AppId).ThenBy(t => t.DepotId).ThenBy(t => t.AppName).ToList();
+ _logger.LogInformation("Filtering duplicate depots completed, total depots: " + superListFiltered.Count);
+ _logger.LogInformation("Writing depots to file...");
+ var sb = new StringBuilder();
+ foreach (var depot in superListFiltered)
+ {
+ sb.AppendLine(depot.ToCsvString());
+ }
+ var depots = sb.ToString();
+ Directory.CreateDirectory("output");
+ var outputPath = Path.Combine("output", "app-depot-output-cleaned.csv");
+ File.WriteAllText(outputPath, depots);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/QrCodeDingLogin.cs b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/QrCodeDingLogin.cs
index de34439..98cf773 100644
--- a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/QrCodeDingLogin.cs
+++ b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/QrCodeDingLogin.cs
@@ -1,389 +1,389 @@
-using DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.Steam;
-using QRCoder;
-using SteamKit2;
-using SteamKit2.Authentication;
-using static SteamKit2.SteamApps;
+//using DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.Steam;
+//using QRCoder;
+//using SteamKit2;
+//using SteamKit2.Authentication;
+//using static SteamKit2.SteamApps;
-namespace DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder
- public class QrCodeDingLogin
- {
- private readonly SteamClient steamClient;
- private readonly CallbackManager manager;
- private bool isRunning;
- private readonly SteamUser? steamUser;
+//namespace DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder
+// public class QrCodeDingLogin
+// {
+// private readonly SteamClient steamClient;
+// private readonly CallbackManager manager;
+// private bool isRunning;
+// private readonly SteamUser? steamUser;
- private const string TokenFilePath = "token.txt";
+// private const string TokenFilePath = "token.txt";
- //AppId;AppName;DepotId
- string outputFolder = "output";
- string outputFilePath = "output/app-depot-output.csv";
- string outputFilePathCleaned = "output/app-depot-output-cleaned.csv";
- string lastProcessedStoreFile = "lastprocessed.txt";
- uint? lastProcessedTemp = null;
+// //AppId;AppName;DepotId
+// string outputFolder = "output";
+// string outputFilePath = "output/app-depot-output.csv";
+// string outputFilePathCleaned = "output/app-depot-output-cleaned.csv";
+// string lastProcessedStoreFile = "lastprocessed.txt";
+// uint? lastProcessedTemp = null;
- int deniedCount = 0;
- int processedCount = 0;
- private bool loggedOn;
+// int deniedCount = 0;
+// int processedCount = 0;
+// private bool loggedOn;
- public QrCodeDingLogin()
- {
- if (!Directory.Exists(outputFolder))
- {
- Directory.CreateDirectory(outputFolder);
- }
+// public QrCodeDingLogin()
+// {
+// if (!Directory.Exists(outputFolder))
+// {
+// Directory.CreateDirectory(outputFolder);
+// }
- // create our steamclient instance
- steamClient = new SteamClient();
+// // create our steamclient instance
+// steamClient = new SteamClient();
- // create the callback manager which will route callbacks to function calls
- manager = new CallbackManager(steamClient);
+// // create the callback manager which will route callbacks to function calls
+// manager = new CallbackManager(steamClient);
- // get the steamuser handler, which is used for logging on after successfully connecting
- steamUser = steamClient.GetHandler();
+// // get the steamuser handler, which is used for logging on after successfully connecting
+// steamUser = steamClient.GetHandler();
- // register a few callbacks we're interested in
- // these are registered upon creation to a callback manager, which will then route the callbacks
- // to the functions specified
- manager.Subscribe(OnConnected);
- manager.Subscribe(OnDisconnected);
+// // register a few callbacks we're interested in
+// // these are registered upon creation to a callback manager, which will then route the callbacks
+// // to the functions specified
+// manager.Subscribe(OnConnected);
+// manager.Subscribe(OnDisconnected);
- manager.Subscribe(OnLoggedOn);
- manager.Subscribe(OnLoggedOff);
+// manager.Subscribe(OnLoggedOn);
+// manager.Subscribe(OnLoggedOff);
- manager.Subscribe(PicsCallback);
+// manager.Subscribe(PicsCallback);
- manager.Subscribe(OnPICSTokens);
- }
+// manager.Subscribe(OnPICSTokens);
+// }
- public async Task GoLogin()
- {
- uint? lastAppIdProcessed = null;
- if (File.Exists(lastProcessedStoreFile))
- {
- var lastAppProcessed = File.ReadAllText(lastProcessedStoreFile).Trim();
- if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lastAppProcessed))
- {
- lastAppIdProcessed = uint.Parse(lastAppProcessed);
- }
- }
+// public async Task GoLogin()
+// {
+// uint? lastAppIdProcessed = null;
+// if (File.Exists(lastProcessedStoreFile))
+// {
+// var lastAppProcessed = File.ReadAllText(lastProcessedStoreFile).Trim();
+// if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lastAppProcessed))
+// {
+// lastAppIdProcessed = uint.Parse(lastAppProcessed);
+// }
+// }
- Console.WriteLine($"Starting processing from app: {lastAppIdProcessed}");
+// Console.WriteLine($"Starting processing from app: {lastAppIdProcessed}");
- isRunning = true;
+// isRunning = true;
- Console.WriteLine("Connecting to Steam...");
+// Console.WriteLine("Connecting to Steam...");
- // initiate the connection
- steamClient.Connect();
+// // initiate the connection
+// steamClient.Connect();
- while (!loggedOn)
- {
- manager.RunWaitCallbacks(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
- }
+// while (!loggedOn)
+// {
+// manager.RunWaitCallbacks(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
+// }
- int i = 0;
- int setSize = 1000;
+// int i = 0;
+// int setSize = 1000;
- var allSteamApps = SteamApi.SteamApiData.applist.apps;
+// var allSteamApps = SteamApi.SteamApiData.applist.apps;
- if (lastAppIdProcessed != null)
- {
- var allSteamAppsToProcess = allSteamApps.TakeWhile(t => t.appid != lastAppIdProcessed).ToList();
- i = allSteamAppsToProcess.Count + 1;
- }
+// if (lastAppIdProcessed != null)
+// {
+// var allSteamAppsToProcess = allSteamApps.TakeWhile(t => t.appid != lastAppIdProcessed).ToList();
+// i = allSteamAppsToProcess.Count + 1;
+// }
- processedCount = i;
+// processedCount = i;
- DateTime lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
+// DateTime lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
- // create our callback handling loop
- while (isRunning)
- {
- // in order for the callbacks to get routed, they need to be handled by the manager
- manager.RunWaitCallbacks(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
+// // create our callback handling loop
+// while (isRunning)
+// {
+// // in order for the callbacks to get routed, they need to be handled by the manager
+// manager.RunWaitCallbacks(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
- //We need to wait untill all stuff has processed asyncly
- if (processedCount + deniedCount == i)
- {
- if (lastProcessedTemp != -1)
- {
- File.WriteAllText(lastProcessedStoreFile, lastProcessedTemp.ToString());
- }
+// //We need to wait untill all stuff has processed asyncly
+// if (processedCount + deniedCount == i)
+// {
+// if (lastProcessedTemp != -1)
+// {
+// File.WriteAllText(lastProcessedStoreFile, lastProcessedTemp.ToString());
+// }
- Console.WriteLine($"Progress: {i}/{allSteamApps.Length} {Math.Round(i / (double)allSteamApps.Length * 100.0, 2)}%");
+// Console.WriteLine($"Progress: {i}/{allSteamApps.Length} {Math.Round(i / (double)allSteamApps.Length * 100.0, 2)}%");
- if (i == allSteamApps.Length)
- {
- break;
- }
+// if (i == allSteamApps.Length)
+// {
+// break;
+// }
- var steamApps = steamClient.GetHandler();
+// var steamApps = steamClient.GetHandler();
- var set = allSteamApps.Skip(i).Take(setSize).ToList();
- var appsToGet = set.Select(t => t.appid).ToList();
+// var set = allSteamApps.Skip(i).Take(setSize).ToList();
+// var appsToGet = set.Select(t => t.appid).ToList();
- lastProcessedTemp = set.Last().appid;
+// lastProcessedTemp = set.Last().appid;
- lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
- await steamApps.PICSGetAccessTokens(appsToGet, new List());
- i += set.Count;
- }
- else if (lastUpdate.AddSeconds(60) < DateTime.Now)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("No update within 60 seconds. Killing everything and retrying....");
- DisconnectAndWaitForDisconnectedMax30Seconds();
- throw new TimeoutException("no response, please retry");
- }
- }
+// lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
+// await steamApps.PICSGetAccessTokens(appsToGet, new List());
+// i += set.Count;
+// }
+// else if (lastUpdate.AddSeconds(60) < DateTime.Now)
+// {
+// Console.WriteLine("No update within 60 seconds. Killing everything and retrying....");
+// DisconnectAndWaitForDisconnectedMax30Seconds();
+// throw new TimeoutException("no response, please retry");
+// }
+// }
- DisconnectAndWaitForDisconnectedMax30Seconds();
+// DisconnectAndWaitForDisconnectedMax30Seconds();
- Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up everything...");
+// Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up everything...");
- var allLines = File.ReadAllLines(outputFilePath);
- Console.WriteLine($"Total lines: {allLines.Length}");
- var allLinesDistinct = allLines.Distinct().ToList();
- Console.WriteLine($"Duplicate lines removed (E.g. SteamWorks redist stuff): {allLines.Length - allLinesDistinct.Count}");
+// var allLines = File.ReadAllLines(outputFilePath);
+// Console.WriteLine($"Total lines: {allLines.Length}");
+// var allLinesDistinct = allLines.Distinct().ToList();
+// Console.WriteLine($"Duplicate lines removed (E.g. SteamWorks redist stuff): {allLines.Length - allLinesDistinct.Count}");
- var selectified = allLinesDistinct.Select(t =>
- {
- var splitted = t.Split(';');
- var canParseAppId = int.TryParse(splitted[0], out var appId);
- var canParseDepotId = int.TryParse(splitted[1], out var depotId);
- return new { Original = t, AppId = canParseAppId ? appId : 0, DepotId = canParseDepotId ? depotId : 0 };
- }).ToList();
+// var selectified = allLinesDistinct.Select(t =>
+// {
+// var splitted = t.Split(';');
+// var canParseAppId = int.TryParse(splitted[0], out var appId);
+// var canParseDepotId = int.TryParse(splitted[1], out var depotId);
+// return new { Original = t, AppId = canParseAppId ? appId : 0, DepotId = canParseDepotId ? depotId : 0 };
+// }).ToList();
- Console.WriteLine("Sorting...");
+// Console.WriteLine("Sorting...");
- var selectifiedSorted = selectified.OrderBy(t => t.AppId).ThenBy(t => t.DepotId).Select(t => t.Original).ToList();
+// var selectifiedSorted = selectified.OrderBy(t => t.AppId).ThenBy(t => t.DepotId).Select(t => t.Original).ToList();
- Console.WriteLine($"Writing output to: {outputFilePathCleaned}");
- File.WriteAllLines(outputFilePathCleaned, selectifiedSorted);
+// Console.WriteLine($"Writing output to: {outputFilePathCleaned}");
+// File.WriteAllLines(outputFilePathCleaned, selectifiedSorted);
- Console.WriteLine("App exitted");
- }
+// Console.WriteLine("App exitted");
+// }
- private void DisconnectAndWaitForDisconnectedMax30Seconds()
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Disconnecting...");
- steamClient.Disconnect();
+// private void DisconnectAndWaitForDisconnectedMax30Seconds()
+// {
+// Console.WriteLine("Disconnecting...");
+// steamClient.Disconnect();
- for (int y = 0; y < 30; y++)
- {
- if (isRunning == false)
- {
- break;
- }
- Console.WriteLine($"Waiting for SteamClient to Disconnect... {y}");
+// for (int y = 0; y < 30; y++)
+// {
+// if (isRunning == false)
+// {
+// break;
+// }
+// Console.WriteLine($"Waiting for SteamClient to Disconnect... {y}");
- // in order for the callbacks to get routed, they need to be handled by the manager
- manager.RunWaitCallbacks(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
- }
- }
+// // in order for the callbacks to get routed, they need to be handled by the manager
+// manager.RunWaitCallbacks(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
+// }
+// }
- async void OnConnected(SteamClient.ConnectedCallback callback)
- {
- //TokenStore? token = null;
+// async void OnConnected(SteamClient.ConnectedCallback callback)
+// {
+// //TokenStore? token = null;
- //var envToken = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("STEAMTOKEN");
- //if (envToken != null)
- //{
- // token = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(envToken);
- //}
- //else if (File.Exists(TokenFilePath))
- //{
- // var tokenStoreSerialized = File.ReadAllText(TokenFilePath);
- // token = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(tokenStoreSerialized);
- //}
+// //var envToken = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("STEAMTOKEN");
+// //if (envToken != null)
+// //{
+// // token = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(envToken);
+// //}
+// //else if (File.Exists(TokenFilePath))
+// //{
+// // var tokenStoreSerialized = File.ReadAllText(TokenFilePath);
+// // token = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(tokenStoreSerialized);
+// //}
- steamUser.LogOnAnonymous();
+// steamUser.LogOnAnonymous();
- //if (token != null)
- //{
- // // Logon to Steam with the access token we have received
- // steamUser.LogOn(new SteamUser.LogOnDetails
- // {
- // Username = token.AccountName,
- // AccessToken = token.RefreshToken,
- // });
- //}
- //else
- //{
+// //if (token != null)
+// //{
+// // // Logon to Steam with the access token we have received
+// // steamUser.LogOn(new SteamUser.LogOnDetails
+// // {
+// // Username = token.AccountName,
+// // AccessToken = token.RefreshToken,
+// // });
+// //}
+// //else
+// //{
- // // Start an authentication session by requesting a link
- // var authSession = await steamClient.Authentication.BeginAuthSessionViaQRAsync(new AuthSessionDetails());
+// // // Start an authentication session by requesting a link
+// // var authSession = await steamClient.Authentication.BeginAuthSessionViaQRAsync(new AuthSessionDetails());
- // // Steam will periodically refresh the challenge url, this callback allows you to draw a new qr code
- // authSession.ChallengeURLChanged = () =>
- // {
- // Console.WriteLine();
- // Console.WriteLine("Steam has refreshed the challenge url");
- // DrawQRCode(authSession);
- // };
- // // Draw current qr right away
- // DrawQRCode(authSession);
- // // Starting polling Steam for authentication response
- // // This response is later used to logon to Steam after connecting
- // var pollResponse = await authSession.PollingWaitForResultAsync();
- // Console.WriteLine($"Logging in as '{pollResponse.AccountName}'...");
- // // Logon to Steam with the access token we have received
- // steamUser.LogOn(new SteamUser.LogOnDetails
- // {
- // Username = pollResponse.AccountName,
- // AccessToken = pollResponse.RefreshToken,
- // });
- // var tokenStore = new TokenStore() { AccountName = pollResponse.AccountName, RefreshToken = pollResponse.RefreshToken };
- // var tokenStoreSerialized = JsonSerializer.Serialize(tokenStore, new JsonSerializerOptions() { WriteIndented = true });
- // File.WriteAllText(TokenFilePath, tokenStoreSerialized);
- //}
- }
- void OnDisconnected(SteamClient.DisconnectedCallback callback)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Disconnected from Steam");
- isRunning = false;
- }
- async void OnLoggedOn(SteamUser.LoggedOnCallback callback)
- {
- if (callback.Result != EResult.OK)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Unable to logon to Steam: {0} / {1}", callback.Result, callback.ExtendedResult);
- isRunning = false;
- return;
- }
- Console.WriteLine("Successfully logged on!");
- loggedOn = true;
- // at this point, we'd be able to perform actions on Steam
- // for this sample we'll just log off
- //steamUser.LogOff();
- }
- void OnLoggedOff(SteamUser.LoggedOffCallback callback)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Logged off of Steam: {0}", callback.Result);
- }
- void OnPICSTokens(PICSTokensCallback callback)
- {
- foreach (var denied in callback.AppTokensDenied)
- {
- var theApp = SteamApi.SteamAppDict[denied];
- var outputString = ToOutputStringSanitized(theApp.appid.ToString(), theApp.name, "denied");
- //Console.WriteLine(outputString);
- File.AppendAllLines(outputFilePath, new List() { outputString });
- deniedCount++;
- }
- var allPicsRequests = callback.AppTokens.Select(t => new PICSRequest(t.Key, t.Value)).ToList();
- var steamApps = steamClient.GetHandler();
- steamApps.PICSGetProductInfo(allPicsRequests, new List(), false);
- }
- private void PicsCallback(PICSProductInfoCallback callback)
- {
- foreach (var a in callback.Apps)
- {
- var depots = a.Value.KeyValues["depots"];
- foreach (var dep in depots.Children)
- {
- if (uint.TryParse(dep.Name, out var _) && dep.Value == null)
- {
- var worked = SteamApi.SteamAppDict.TryGetValue(a.Key, out var appNameThing);
+// // // Steam will periodically refresh the challenge url, this callback allows you to draw a new qr code
+// // authSession.ChallengeURLChanged = () =>
+// // {
+// // Console.WriteLine();
+// // Console.WriteLine("Steam has refreshed the challenge url");
+// // DrawQRCode(authSession);
+// // };
+// // // Draw current qr right away
+// // DrawQRCode(authSession);
+// // // Starting polling Steam for authentication response
+// // // This response is later used to logon to Steam after connecting
+// // var pollResponse = await authSession.PollingWaitForResultAsync();
+// // Console.WriteLine($"Logging in as '{pollResponse.AccountName}'...");
+// // // Logon to Steam with the access token we have received
+// // steamUser.LogOn(new SteamUser.LogOnDetails
+// // {
+// // Username = pollResponse.AccountName,
+// // AccessToken = pollResponse.RefreshToken,
+// // });
+// // var tokenStore = new TokenStore() { AccountName = pollResponse.AccountName, RefreshToken = pollResponse.RefreshToken };
+// // var tokenStoreSerialized = JsonSerializer.Serialize(tokenStore, new JsonSerializerOptions() { WriteIndented = true });
+// // File.WriteAllText(TokenFilePath, tokenStoreSerialized);
+// //}
+// }
+// void OnDisconnected(SteamClient.DisconnectedCallback callback)
+// {
+// Console.WriteLine("Disconnected from Steam");
+// isRunning = false;
+// }
+// async void OnLoggedOn(SteamUser.LoggedOnCallback callback)
+// {
+// if (callback.Result != EResult.OK)
+// {
+// Console.WriteLine("Unable to logon to Steam: {0} / {1}", callback.Result, callback.ExtendedResult);
+// isRunning = false;
+// return;
+// }
+// Console.WriteLine("Successfully logged on!");
+// loggedOn = true;
+// // at this point, we'd be able to perform actions on Steam
+// // for this sample we'll just log off
+// //steamUser.LogOff();
+// }
+// void OnLoggedOff(SteamUser.LoggedOffCallback callback)
+// {
+// Console.WriteLine("Logged off of Steam: {0}", callback.Result);
+// }
+// void OnPICSTokens(PICSTokensCallback callback)
+// {
+// foreach (var denied in callback.AppTokensDenied)
+// {
+// var theApp = SteamApi.SteamAppDict[denied];
+// var outputString = ToOutputStringSanitized(theApp.appid.ToString(), theApp.name, "denied");
+// //Console.WriteLine(outputString);
+// File.AppendAllLines(outputFilePath, new List() { outputString });
+// deniedCount++;
+// }
+// var allPicsRequests = callback.AppTokens.Select(t => new PICSRequest(t.Key, t.Value)).ToList();
+// var steamApps = steamClient.GetHandler();
+// steamApps.PICSGetProductInfo(allPicsRequests, new List(), false);
+// }
+// private void PicsCallback(PICSProductInfoCallback callback)
+// {
+// foreach (var a in callback.Apps)
+// {
+// var depots = a.Value.KeyValues["depots"];
+// foreach (var dep in depots.Children)
+// {
+// if (uint.TryParse(dep.Name, out var _) && dep.Value == null)
+// {
+// var worked = SteamApi.SteamAppDict.TryGetValue(a.Key, out var appNameThing);
- string appName = worked ? appNameThing!.name : "unknown";
- if (dep.Children.Any(t => t.Name == "depotfromapp"))
- {
- var depfromappString = dep.Children.First(t => t.Name == "depotfromapp").AsString();
- //Some apps have some strange characters in the depot id's: https://steamdb.info/app/1106980/depots/
- var depfromappStringNumberified = new string(depfromappString?.Where(t => char.IsDigit(t)).ToArray());
- var worked2 = uint.TryParse(depfromappStringNumberified, out var depfromapp);
- //Assume that if depfromapp == 0, it's a redistributable that we've already obtained elsewhere
- //Example: https://steamdb.info/app/2203540/depots/
- if (worked2 && depfromapp != 0)
- {
- var worked3 = SteamApi.SteamAppDict.TryGetValue(depfromapp, out var appNameThing2);
- string appName2 = worked3 ? appNameThing2!.name : "unknown";
- var outputString = ToOutputStringSanitized(depfromappStringNumberified, appName2, dep.Name);
- //Console.WriteLine(outputString);
- File.AppendAllLines(outputFilePath, new List() { outputString });
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var outputString = ToOutputStringSanitized(a.Key.ToString(), appName, dep.Name);
- //Console.WriteLine(outputString);
- File.AppendAllLines(outputFilePath, new List() { outputString });
- }
- }
- }
- processedCount++;
- }
- }
- public string ToOutputStringSanitized(string appId, string appName, string depotId)
- {
- if (appId == "0")
- {
+// string appName = worked ? appNameThing!.name : "unknown";
+// if (dep.Children.Any(t => t.Name == "depotfromapp"))
+// {
+// var depfromappString = dep.Children.First(t => t.Name == "depotfromapp").AsString();
+// //Some apps have some strange characters in the depot id's: https://steamdb.info/app/1106980/depots/
+// var depfromappStringNumberified = new string(depfromappString?.Where(t => char.IsDigit(t)).ToArray());
+// var worked2 = uint.TryParse(depfromappStringNumberified, out var depfromapp);
+// //Assume that if depfromapp == 0, it's a redistributable that we've already obtained elsewhere
+// //Example: https://steamdb.info/app/2203540/depots/
+// if (worked2 && depfromapp != 0)
+// {
+// var worked3 = SteamApi.SteamAppDict.TryGetValue(depfromapp, out var appNameThing2);
+// string appName2 = worked3 ? appNameThing2!.name : "unknown";
+// var outputString = ToOutputStringSanitized(depfromappStringNumberified, appName2, dep.Name);
+// //Console.WriteLine(outputString);
+// File.AppendAllLines(outputFilePath, new List() { outputString });
+// }
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// var outputString = ToOutputStringSanitized(a.Key.ToString(), appName, dep.Name);
+// //Console.WriteLine(outputString);
+// File.AppendAllLines(outputFilePath, new List() { outputString });
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// processedCount++;
+// }
+// }
+// public string ToOutputStringSanitized(string appId, string appName, string depotId)
+// {
+// if (appId == "0")
+// {
- }
- appId = appId ?? "";
- appName = appName ?? "";
- depotId = depotId ?? "";
+// }
+// appId = appId ?? "";
+// appName = appName ?? "";
+// depotId = depotId ?? "";
- return $"{appId.Replace(";", ":")};{appName.Replace(";", ":")};{depotId.Replace(";", ":")}";
- }
+// return $"{appId.Replace(";", ":")};{appName.Replace(";", ":")};{depotId.Replace(";", ":")}";
+// }
- void DrawQRCode(QrAuthSession authSession)
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"Challenge URL: {authSession.ChallengeURL}");
- Console.WriteLine();
- // Encode the link as a QR code
- var qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
- var qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(authSession.ChallengeURL, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.L);
- var qrCode = new AsciiQRCode(qrCodeData);
- var qrCodeAsAsciiArt = qrCode.GetGraphic(1, drawQuietZones: false);
- Console.WriteLine("Use the Steam Mobile App to sign in via QR code:");
- Console.WriteLine(qrCodeAsAsciiArt);
- }
- }
+// void DrawQRCode(QrAuthSession authSession)
+// {
+// Console.WriteLine($"Challenge URL: {authSession.ChallengeURL}");
+// Console.WriteLine();
+// // Encode the link as a QR code
+// var qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
+// var qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(authSession.ChallengeURL, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.L);
+// var qrCode = new AsciiQRCode(qrCodeData);
+// var qrCodeAsAsciiArt = qrCode.GetGraphic(1, drawQuietZones: false);
+// Console.WriteLine("Use the Steam Mobile App to sign in via QR code:");
+// Console.WriteLine(qrCodeAsAsciiArt);
+// }
+// }
diff --git a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/Steam/SteamApi.cs b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/Steam/SteamApi.cs
index d80ccc9..666f06c 100644
--- a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/Steam/SteamApi.cs
+++ b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/Steam/SteamApi.cs
@@ -1,63 +1,72 @@
-using System.Text.Json;
-namespace DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.Steam
- public static class SteamApi
- {
- private static readonly Lazy> _steamAppDict = new Lazy>(() =>
- {
- //.ToDictionary(t => t.appid, t => t)
- //Previously we had the code mentioned above but this sometimes resulted in a duplicate appid (still weird but whatever this should solve it)
- var allSteamApps = SteamApiData.applist.apps;
- var outputDict = new Dictionary();
- foreach (var app in allSteamApps)
- {
- if (outputDict.ContainsKey(app.appid))
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"Found duplicate appid: {app.appid} with name: {app.name}");
- }
- else
- {
- outputDict.Add(app.appid, app);
- }
- }
- return outputDict;
- });
- private static readonly Lazy _steamApiData = new Lazy(LoadSteamApiData);
- public static SteamApiData SteamApiData => _steamApiData.Value;
- public static Dictionary SteamAppDict => _steamAppDict.Value;
- private static SteamApiData LoadSteamApiData()
- {
- var subDir = "Steam";
- string path = Path.Combine(subDir, "SteamData.json");
- if (File.Exists(path))
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"Found {path} so reading apps from that file.");
- var json = File.ReadAllText(path);
- return JsonSerializer.Deserialize(json);
- }
- else
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"Could not find {path}, so obtaining new SteamApi Data...");
- using var c = new HttpClient();
- var result = c.GetAsync("https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/GetAppList/v2/").Result;
- var resultString = result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
- Console.WriteLine($"Writing result to file. First 1000 chars: {resultString.Substring(0, 1000)}");
- if (!Directory.Exists(subDir))
- {
- Directory.CreateDirectory(subDir);
- }
- File.WriteAllText(path, resultString);
- return JsonSerializer.Deserialize(resultString);
- }
- }
- }
+//using System.Text.Json;
+//namespace DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.Steam
+// public static class SteamApi
+// {
+// private static readonly Lazy> _steamAppDict = new Lazy>(() =>
+// {
+// //.ToDictionary(t => t.appid, t => t)
+// //Previously we had the code mentioned above but this sometimes resulted in a duplicate appid (still weird but whatever this should solve it)
+// var allSteamApps = SteamApiData.applist.apps;
+// var outputDict = new Dictionary();
+// foreach (var app in allSteamApps)
+// {
+// if (outputDict.ContainsKey(app.appid))
+// {
+// var theDuplicate = outputDict[app.appid];
+// if (theDuplicate.name != app.name)
+// {
+// Console.WriteLine($"Found duplicate appid: {app.appid} with name: {app.name} and duplicate name: {theDuplicate.name}");
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// Console.WriteLine($"Found duplicate appid: {app.appid} with name: {app.name}");
+// }
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// outputDict.Add(app.appid, app);
+// }
+// }
+// return outputDict;
+// });
+// private static readonly Lazy _steamApiData = new Lazy(LoadSteamApiData);
+// public static SteamApiData SteamApiData => _steamApiData.Value;
+// public static Dictionary SteamAppDict => _steamAppDict.Value;
+// private static SteamApiData LoadSteamApiData()
+// {
+// var subDir = "Steam";
+// string path = Path.Combine(subDir, "SteamData.json");
+// if (File.Exists(path))
+// {
+// Console.WriteLine($"Found {path} so reading apps from that file.");
+// var json = File.ReadAllText(path);
+// return JsonSerializer.Deserialize(json);
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// Console.WriteLine($"Could not find {path}, so obtaining new SteamApi Data...");
+// using var c = new HttpClient();
+// var result = c.GetAsync("https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/GetAppList/v2/").Result;
+// var resultString = result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
+// Console.WriteLine($"Writing result to file. First 1000 chars: {resultString.Substring(0, 1000)}");
+// if (!Directory.Exists(subDir))
+// {
+// Directory.CreateDirectory(subDir);
+// }
+// File.WriteAllText(path, resultString);
+// return JsonSerializer.Deserialize(resultString);
+// }
+// }
+// }
diff --git a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/Steam/SteamApiData.cs b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/Steam/SteamApiData.cs
index cef2a0b..51a7c65 100644
--- a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/Steam/SteamApiData.cs
+++ b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/Steam/SteamApiData.cs
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
namespace DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder.Steam
- public class SteamApiData
- {
- public Applist applist { get; set; }
- }
+ //public class SteamApiData
+ //{
+ // public Applist applist { get; set; }
+ //}
- public class Applist
- {
- public App[] apps { get; set; }
- }
+ //public class Applist
+ //{
+ // public App[] apps { get; set; }
+ //}
public class App
diff --git a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/TokenStore.cs b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/TokenStore.cs
index f27a4a1..2c30064 100644
--- a/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/TokenStore.cs
+++ b/DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder/TokenStore.cs
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-namespace DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder
- public class TokenStore
- {
- public string AccountName { get; set; }
- public string RefreshToken { get; set; }
- }
+//namespace DeveLanCacheUI_SteamDepotFinder
+// public class TokenStore
+// {
+// public string AccountName { get; set; }
+// public string RefreshToken { get; set; }
+// }