A collection of all stations of Deutsche Bahn, computed from open data.
Warning: This module does not contain stations without an IBNR.
npm install db-stations
returns a readable stream in object mode, emitting Friendly Public Transport Format station
const stations = require('db-stations')
.on('data', console.log)
.on('error', console.error)
type: 'station',
id: '8000007', // EVA number
ds100: 'FALZ', // DS100 code
nr: 133, // DB internal
name: 'Alzey',
weight: 73.1,
coordinates: {latitude: 49.7502, longitude: 8.109749},
operator: {
type: 'operator',
id: 'zweckverband-schienenpersonennahverkehr-rheinland-pfalz-sud',
name: 'ZPNV Süd'
address: {
city: 'Alzey',
zipcode: '55232',
street: 'Bahnhofstr. 30'
// and a lot more…
returns a readable stream in object mode, emitting Friendly Public Transport Format station
objects with more information.
.on('data', console.log)
.on('error', console.error)
type: 'station',
id: '8000007',
additionalIds: [],
ds100: 'FALZ',
nr: 133,
name: 'Alzey',
weight: 73.1,
coordinates: {latitude: 49.7502, longitude: 8.109749},
operator: {
type: 'operator',
id: 'zweckverband-schienenpersonennahverkehr-rheinland-pfalz-sud',
name: 'ZPNV Süd'
address: {
city: 'Alzey',
zipcode: '55232',
street: 'Bahnhofstr. 30'
category: 3,
priceCategory: 3,
hasParking: true,
hasBicycleParking: true,
hasLocalPublicTransport: true,
hasPublicFacilities: false,
hasLockerSystem: false,
hasTaxiRank: true,
hasTravelNecessities: false,
hasSteplessAccess: 'partial',
hasMobilityService: 'no',
hasWiFi: false,
hasTravelCenter: false,
hasRailwayMission: false,
hasDBLounge: false,
hasLostAndFound: false,
hasCarRental: false,
federalState: 'Rheinland-Pfalz',
regionalbereich: {
number: 5,
name: 'RB Mitte',
shortName: 'RB M'
timeTableOffice: {
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'Bahnhofsmanagement Mainz'
szentrale: {
number: 24,
publicPhoneNumber: '06131/151055',
name: 'Mainz Hbf'
stationManagement: {
number: 184,
name: 'Mainz'
ril100Identifiers: [ {
rilIdentifier: 'FALZ',
isMain: true,
hasSteamPermission: true,
geographicCoordinates: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [
} ]
If you have a question, found a bug or want to propose a feature, have a look at the issues page.
The generated data in data.ndjson
has originally been published under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International by Deutsche Bahn (DB).