For convenience, we've provided a service that the application uses by default.
Alternatively, you can host your own NATS Streaming Server and configure convey
to use that server.
Some of these methods do not use TLS. Only use the "no TLS" methods for experimental or development purposes only. Typically, you should enable TLS on the NATS Server. See encrypt connections with TLS.
Start NATS Streaming service as a Docker container:
docker run -p 4222:4222 nats-streaming:linux
Configure convey
to use this server:
convey configure --nats-url nats://localhost:4222 --nats-cluster test-cluster
Create a resource group and create the container:
az group create -n nats -l westus
az container create --image nats-streaming:linux --location westus --command-line "/nats-streaming-server -cid test-cluster -mc 0 -ma 30m -mi 10m -D" -g nats -n nats-container --ports 4222 --ip-address Public
For the meaning of the --command-line
arguments, see NATS Streaming Server - Command Line Arguments.
Get the IP address of the container and use it below.
Configure convey
to use this server:
convey configure --nats-url nats://IP_ADDRESS:4222 --nats-cluster test-cluster
The below steps to generate the certificates were adapted from this blog post:
In order to secure our NATS server, we will create a self-signed cert and we will sign this certificate with our own self-signed Certification Authority. If you are familiar with this and can create your own certificates, you can skip this part.
Download cfssl
and cfssljson
Prepare some files for cfssl
echo '
"CN": "Convey self-signed CA",
"key": {
"algo": "rsa",
"size": 2048
"names": [
"O": "Convey CA",
"L": "Portland",
"ST": "Oregon",
"C": "US"
}' > ca.json
echo '
"signing": {
"default": {
"expiry": "43800h"
"profiles": {
"server": {
"expiry": "43800h",
"usages": [
"digital signing",
"key encipherment",
"server auth"
}' > config.json
echo '{
"CN": "Server",
"hosts": [
}' > server.json
Generate the certificates:
cfssl gencert -initca ca.json | cfssljson -bare ca
cfssl gencert -ca=ca.pem -ca-key=ca-key.pem -config=config.json -profile=server server.json | cfssljson -bare server
Start the NATS Streaming server:
docker run -p 4222:4222 -v $(pwd):/certs nats-streaming:linux --cluster_id test-cluster --store MEMORY --max_channels 0 --max_subs 0 --max_msgs 0 --max_bytes 0 --max_age 24h --max_inactivity 10m -tls_client_cacert /certs/ca.pem --encrypt --encryption_key mykey --tlscert /certs/server.pem --tlskey /certs/server-key.pem --tls
Where $(pwd)
is the directory that contains all the created certificates.
Finally, configure convey
to use this server:
convey configure --nats-url nats://localhost:4222 --nats-cluster test-cluster --nats-cacert $(pwd)/ca.pem --keyfile FILE
If you want to host on a VM instead, it should be fairly straightforward to modify the above and configure convey
to point to the correct IP or hostname.
Create a resource group and VM (an Azure VM in this sample):
az group create -n nats -l westus
az vm create --image UbuntuLTS -g nats -n convey-nats-usw2-1 -l westus2 --size Standard_DS2_v2 --public-ip-address-dns-name convey-nats-usw2-1
az vm open-port -g nats -n convey-nats-usw2-1 --port 80 443 4443 4444
SSH into the VM:
Use certbot to get your SSL certificate:
Install and start NATS Server:
wget -O nats-server.deb
nohup nats-server --addr --port 4443 --https_port 4444 --tlscert /etc/letsencrypt/live/ --tlskey /etc/letsencrypt/live/ --tls --log /var/log/nats-server &
Other releases:
Install and start NATS Streaming Server:
wget -O nats-streaming-server.deb
dpkg -i nats-streaming-server.deb
nohup nats-streaming-server --cluster_id test-cluster --store MEMORY --max_channels 0 --max_subs 0 --max_msgs 0 --max_bytes 0 --max_age 24h --max_inactivity 10m --encrypt --encryption_key mykey --nats_server nats:// --log /var/log/nats-streaming-server &
Other releases:
Finally, configure convey
to use this server:
convey configure --nats-url nats:// --nats-cluster test-cluster --keyfile FILE