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Hyperdrive is an automated market maker that enables fixed-rate markets to be built on top of arbitrary yield sources. Hyperdrive provides several novel features for fixed-rate AMMs including:

  • Terms on Demand: Hyperdrive allows for minting to be a part of the AMM, where the AMM essentially underwrites a new term for the user whenever they open a position. The user is not constrained to purchasing, selling, or minting into preexisting terms that are partially matured.
  • Continuous Liquidity: Hyperdrive pools never expire and underwrite a variety of fixed and variable rate terms with differing maturity dates. LPs can provide liquidity once without needing to roll their liquidity over to new terms.
  • Single-Sided Liquidity: Hyperdrive liquidity providers are only required to provide base assets. The fact that LPs don't need to mint bonds to provide liquidity improves the capital efficiency and UX of providing liquidity to fixed-rate markets.


Hyperdrive-rs is a Rust library that mirrors the functionality of the Hyperdrive Solidity smart contracts. Hyperdrive-rs includes differential testing against smart contracts for implemented functions, which demonstrates parity between the two implementations. This is a work-in-progress and not all Hyperdrive features are present.

Python bindings for this libarary can be accessed via agent0.

WASM bindings are available via the Hyperdrive web sdk.


The Hyperdrive docs include documentation on how to use Hyperdrive to source and provide liquidity, documentation for developers seeking to use Hyperdrive programatically, and documentation for developers that want to integrate Hyperdrive with a yield source.

The Hyperdrive Whitepaper describes the technical details underlying how Hyperdrive mints terms on demand, enables LPs to provide everlasting liquidity, and explains how the AMM's pricing model works.

Gettings Started


This repository makes use of foundry to build and test smart contracts against the Rust implementation. Proceed through the following steps to set up the repository:

  • Install forge
  • Create a sim-link to the Hyperdrive smart contracts:
    • clone Hyperdrive into a parent folder
    • create a sim link to hyperdrive in this repository root via ln -s ../hyperdrive .


To build the smart contracts, run make build.


To test the smart contracts, run make test.


We have several linters. Solhint is a Solidity linter that checks for best practices and style, prettier is a Solidity formatter that checks for formatting and style, and cSpell is a spell checker. To run all three, run make lint. If you want to automatically format the code, run make prettier.


The language used in this code and documentation is not intended to, and does not, have any particular financial, legal, or regulatory significance.

Copyright © 2024 DELV

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "OSS License").

By accessing or using this code, you signify that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by and to comply with the OSS License and DELV's Terms of Service. If you do not agree to those terms, you are prohibited from accessing or using this code.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the OSS License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the OSS License and the DELV Terms of Service for the specific language governing permissions and limitations.