Hyperdrive is an automated market maker that enables fixed-rate markets to be built on top of arbitrary yield sources.
This repository makes use of foundry to build and test the smart contracts and uses several node.js packages to lint and prettify the source code. Proceed through the following steps to set up the repository:
- Install forge
- Install yarn
- Install node.js dependencies by running
from the project root
To build the smart contracts, run yarn build
To test the smart contracts, run yarn test
We have several linters. Solhint is a Solidity linter that checks for best
practices and style, prettier is a Solidity formatter that checks for formatting
and style, and cSpell is a spell checker. To run all three, run yarn lint
If you want to automatically format the code, run yarn prettier
The language used in this codebase is for coding convenience only, and is not intended to, and does not, have any particular legal or regulatory significance.