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Shadowsocks-libev Docker Image

shadowsocks-libev is a lightweight secured socks5 proxy for embedded devices and low end boxes. It is a port of shadowsocks created by @clowwindy maintained by @madeye and @linusyang.

Docker images are built for quick deployment in various computing cloud providers. For more information on docker and containerization technologies, refer to official document.

Prepare the host

Many cloud providers offer docker-ready environments, for instance the CoreOS Droplet in DigitalOcean or the Container-Optimized OS in Google Cloud.

If you need to install docker yourself, follow the official installation guide.

Pull the image

$ docker pull shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev

This pulls the latest release of shadowsocks-libev.

You can also choose to pull a previous release or to try the bleeding edge build:

$ docker pull shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev:<tag>
$ docker pull shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev:edge

A list of supported tags can be found at Docker Hub.

Start a container

$ docker run -p 8388:8388 -p 8388:8388/udp -d --restart always shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev:latest

This starts a container of the latest release with all the default settings, which is equivalent to

$ ss-server -s -p 8388 -k "$(hostname)" -m aes-256-cfb -t 300 --fast-open -d "," -u

Note: It's the hostname in the container that is used as the password, not that of the host.

With custom port

In most cases you'll want to change a thing or two, for instance the port which the server listens on. This is done by changing the -p arguments.

Here's an example to start a container that listens on 28388 (both TCP and UDP):

$ docker run -p 28388:8388 -p 28388:8388/udp -d --restart always shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev

With custom password

Another thing you may want to change is the password. To change that, you can pass your own password as an environment variable when starting the container.

Here's an example to start a container with 9MLSpPmNt as the password:

$ docker run -e PASSWORD=9MLSpPmNt -p 8388:8388 -p 8388:8388/udp -d --restart always shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev

⚠️ Click here to generate a strong password to protect your server.

With other customizations

Besides PASSWORD, the image also defines the following environment variables that you can customize:

  • SERVER_ADDR: the IP/domain to bind to, defaults to
  • METHOD: encryption method to use, defaults to aes-256-cfb
  • TIMEOUT: defaults to 300
  • DNS_ADDRS: DNS servers to redirect NS lookup requests to, defaults to,

Additional arguments supported by ss-server can be passed with the environment variable ARGS, for instance to start in verbose mode:

$ docker run -e ARGS=-v -p 8388:8388 -p 8388:8388/udp -d --restart always shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev:latest

Use docker-compose to manage (optional)

It is very handy to use docker-compose to manage docker containers. You can download the binary at

This is a sample docker-compose.yml file.

  image: shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev
    - "8388:8388"
    - METHOD=aes-256-cfb
  restart: always

It is highly recommended that you setup a directory tree to make things easy to manage.

$ mkdir -p ~/fig/shadowsocks/
$ cd ~/fig/shadowsocks/
$ curl -sSLO
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose ps


At last, download shadowsocks client here. Don't forget to share internet with your friends.

    "server": "your-vps-ip",
    "server_port": 8388,
    "local_address": "",
    "local_port": 1080,
    "password": "9MLSpPmNt",
    "timeout": 600,
    "method": "aes-256-cfb"