// Copyright 2021 The Grin Developers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Owner API External Definition use chrono::prelude::*; use ed25519_dalek::SecretKey as DalekSecretKey; use uuid::Uuid; use crate::config::{TorConfig, WalletConfig}; use crate::core::global; use crate::impls::HttpSlateSender; use crate::impls::SlateSender as _; use crate::keychain::{Identifier, Keychain}; use crate::libwallet::api_impl::owner_updater::{start_updater_log_thread, StatusMessage}; use crate::libwallet::api_impl::{owner, owner_updater}; use crate::libwallet::{ AcctPathMapping, Error, InitTxArgs, IssueInvoiceTxArgs, NodeClient, NodeHeightResult, OutputCommitMapping, PaymentProof, Slate, Slatepack, SlatepackAddress, TxLogEntry, ViewWallet, WalletInfo, WalletInst, WalletLCProvider, }; use crate::util::logger::LoggingConfig; use crate::util::secp::key::SecretKey; use crate::util::{from_hex, static_secp_instance, Mutex, ZeroingString}; use grin_wallet_util::OnionV3Address; use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Sender}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; /// Main interface into all wallet API functions. /// Wallet APIs are split into two seperate blocks of functionality /// called the ['Owner'](struct.Owner.html) and ['Foreign'](struct.Foreign.html) APIs /// /// * The 'Owner' API is intended to expose methods that are to be /// used by the wallet owner only. It is vital that this API is not /// exposed to anyone other than the owner of the wallet (i.e. the /// person with access to the seed and password. /// /// Methods in both APIs are intended to be 'single use', that is to say each /// method will 'open' the wallet (load the keychain with its master seed), perform /// its operation, then 'close' the wallet (unloading references to the keychain and master /// seed). pub struct Owner<L, C, K> where L: WalletLCProvider<'static, C, K> + 'static, C: NodeClient + 'static, K: Keychain + 'static, { /// contain all methods to manage the wallet pub wallet_inst: Arc<Mutex<Box<dyn WalletInst<'static, L, C, K>>>>, /// Flag to normalize some output during testing. Can mostly be ignored. pub doctest_mode: bool, /// retail TLD during doctest pub doctest_retain_tld: bool, /// Share ECDH key pub shared_key: Arc<Mutex<Option<SecretKey>>>, /// Update thread updater: Arc<Mutex<owner_updater::Updater<'static, L, C, K>>>, /// Stop state for update thread pub updater_running: Arc<AtomicBool>, /// Sender for update messages status_tx: Mutex<Option<Sender<StatusMessage>>>, /// Holds all update and status messages returned by the /// updater process updater_messages: Arc<Mutex<Vec<StatusMessage>>>, /// Optional TOR configuration, holding address of sender and /// data directory tor_config: Mutex<Option<TorConfig>>, } impl<L, C, K> Owner<L, C, K> where L: WalletLCProvider<'static, C, K> + 'static, C: NodeClient, K: Keychain, { /// Create a new API instance with the given wallet instance. All subsequent /// API calls will operate on this instance of the wallet. /// /// Each method will call the [`WalletBackend`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/trait.WalletBackend.html)'s /// [`open_with_credentials`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/trait.WalletBackend.html#tymethod.open_with_credentials) /// (initialising a keychain with the master seed,) perform its operation, then close the keychain /// with a call to [`close`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/trait.WalletBackend.html#tymethod.close) /// /// # Arguments /// * `wallet_in` - A reference-counted mutex containing an implementation of the /// * `custom_channel` - A custom MPSC Tx/Rx pair to capture status /// updates /// [`WalletBackend`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/trait.WalletBackend.html) trait. /// /// # Returns /// * An instance of the OwnerApi holding a reference to the provided wallet /// /// # Example /// ``` /// use grin_wallet_util::grin_keychain as keychain; /// use grin_wallet_util::grin_util as util; /// use grin_wallet_util::grin_core; /// use grin_wallet_api as api; /// use grin_wallet_config as config; /// use grin_wallet_impls as impls; /// use grin_wallet_libwallet as libwallet; /// /// use grin_core::global; /// use keychain::ExtKeychain; /// use tempfile::tempdir; /// /// use std::sync::Arc; /// use util::{Mutex, ZeroingString}; /// /// use api::Owner; /// use config::WalletConfig; /// use impls::{DefaultWalletImpl, DefaultLCProvider, HTTPNodeClient}; /// use libwallet::WalletInst; /// /// global::set_local_chain_type(global::ChainTypes::AutomatedTesting); /// /// let mut wallet_config = WalletConfig::default(); /// # let dir = tempdir().map_err(|e| format!("{:#?}", e)).unwrap(); /// # let dir = dir /// # .path() /// # .to_str() /// # .ok_or("Failed to convert tmpdir path to string.".to_owned()) /// # .unwrap(); /// # wallet_config.data_file_dir = dir.to_owned(); /// /// // A NodeClient must first be created to handle communication between /// // the wallet and the node. /// let node_client = HTTPNodeClient::new(&wallet_config.check_node_api_http_addr, None).unwrap(); /// /// // impls::DefaultWalletImpl is provided for convenience in instantiating the wallet /// // It contains the LMDBBackend, DefaultLCProvider (lifecycle) and ExtKeychain used /// // by the reference wallet implementation. /// // These traits can be replaced with alternative implementations if desired /// /// let mut wallet = Box::new(DefaultWalletImpl::<'static, HTTPNodeClient>::new(node_client.clone()).unwrap()) /// as Box<WalletInst<'static, DefaultLCProvider<HTTPNodeClient, ExtKeychain>, HTTPNodeClient, ExtKeychain>>; /// /// // Wallet LifeCycle Provider provides all functions init wallet and work with seeds, etc... /// let lc = wallet.lc_provider().unwrap(); /// /// // The top level wallet directory should be set manually (in the reference implementation, /// // this is provided in the WalletConfig) /// let _ = lc.set_top_level_directory(&wallet_config.data_file_dir); /// /// // Wallet must be opened with the password (TBD) /// let pw = ZeroingString::from("wallet_password"); /// lc.open_wallet(None, pw, false, false); /// /// // All wallet functions operate on an Arc::Mutex to allow multithreading where needed /// let mut wallet = Arc::new(Mutex::new(wallet)); /// /// let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// // .. perform wallet operations /// /// ``` pub fn new( wallet_inst: Arc<Mutex<Box<dyn WalletInst<'static, L, C, K>>>>, custom_channel: Option<Sender<StatusMessage>>, ) -> Self { let updater_running = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let updater = Arc::new(Mutex::new(owner_updater::Updater::new( wallet_inst.clone(), updater_running.clone(), ))); let updater_messages = Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![])); let tx = match custom_channel { Some(c) => c, None => { let (tx, rx) = channel(); let _ = start_updater_log_thread(rx, updater_messages.clone()); tx } }; Owner { wallet_inst, doctest_mode: false, doctest_retain_tld: false, shared_key: Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)), updater, updater_running, status_tx: Mutex::new(Some(tx)), updater_messages, tor_config: Mutex::new(None), } } /// Set the TOR configuration for this instance of the OwnerAPI, used during /// `init_send_tx` when send args are present and a TOR address is specified /// /// # Arguments /// * `tor_config` - The optional [TorConfig](#) to use /// # Returns /// * Nothing pub fn set_tor_config(&self, tor_config: Option<TorConfig>) { let mut lock = self.tor_config.lock(); *lock = tor_config; } /// Returns a list of accounts stored in the wallet (i.e. mappings between /// user-specified labels and BIP32 derivation paths. /// # Arguments /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// /// # Returns /// * Result Containing: /// * A Vector of [`AcctPathMapping`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/struct.AcctPathMapping.html) data /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Remarks /// /// * A wallet should always have the path with the label 'default' path defined, /// with path m/0/0 /// * This method does not need to use the wallet seed or keychain. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// /// let result = api_owner.accounts(None); /// /// if let Ok(accts) = result { /// //... /// } /// ``` pub fn accounts( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, ) -> Result<Vec<AcctPathMapping>, Error> { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let w = w_lock.lc_provider()?.wallet_inst()?; // Test keychain mask, to keep API consistent let _ = w.keychain(keychain_mask)?; owner::accounts(&mut **w) } /// Creates a new 'account', which is a mapping of a user-specified /// label to a BIP32 path /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// * `label` - A human readable label to which to map the new BIP32 Path /// /// # Returns /// * Result Containing: /// * A [Keychain Identifier](../grin_keychain/struct.Identifier.html) for the new path /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Remarks /// /// * Wallets should be initialised with the 'default' path mapped to `m/0/0` /// * Each call to this function will increment the first element of the path /// so the first call will create an account at `m/1/0` and the second at /// `m/2/0` etc. . . /// * The account path is used throughout as the parent key for most key-derivation /// operations. See [`set_active_account`](struct.Owner.html#method.set_active_account) for /// further details. /// /// * This function does not need to use the root wallet seed or keychain. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// /// let result = api_owner.create_account_path(None, "account1"); /// /// if let Ok(identifier) = result { /// //... /// } /// ``` pub fn create_account_path( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, label: &str, ) -> Result<Identifier, Error> { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let w = w_lock.lc_provider()?.wallet_inst()?; owner::create_account_path(&mut **w, keychain_mask, label) } /// Sets the wallet's currently active account. This sets the /// BIP32 parent path used for most key-derivation operations. /// /// # Arguments /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// * `label` - The human readable label for the account. Accounts can be retrieved via /// the [`account`](struct.Owner.html#method.accounts) method /// /// # Returns /// * Result Containing: /// * `Ok(())` if the path was correctly set /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Remarks /// /// * Wallet parent paths are 2 path elements long, e.g. `m/0/0` is the path /// labelled 'default'. Keys derived from this parent path are 3 elements long, /// e.g. the secret keys derived from the `m/0/0` path will be at paths `m/0/0/0`, /// `m/0/0/1` etc... /// /// * This function does not need to use the root wallet seed or keychain. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// /// let result = api_owner.create_account_path(None, "account1"); /// /// if let Ok(identifier) = result { /// // set the account active /// let result2 = api_owner.set_active_account(None, "account1"); /// } /// ``` pub fn set_active_account( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, label: &str, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let w = w_lock.lc_provider()?.wallet_inst()?; // Test keychain mask, to keep API consistent let _ = w.keychain(keychain_mask)?; owner::set_active_account(&mut **w, label) } /// Returns a list of outputs from the active account in the wallet. /// /// # Arguments /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// * `include_spent` - If `true`, outputs that have been marked as 'spent' /// in the wallet will be returned. If `false`, spent outputs will omitted /// from the results. /// * `refresh_from_node` - If true, the wallet will attempt to contact /// a node (via the [`NodeClient`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/trait.NodeClient.html) /// provided during wallet instantiation). If `false`, the results will /// contain output information that may be out-of-date (from the last time /// the wallet's output set was refreshed against the node). /// Note this setting is ignored if the updater process is running via a call to /// [`start_updater`](struct.Owner.html#method.start_updater) /// * `tx_id` - If `Some(i)`, only return the outputs associated with /// the transaction log entry of id `i`. /// /// # Returns /// * `(bool, Vec<OutputCommitMapping>)` - A tuple: /// * The first `bool` element indicates whether the data was successfully /// refreshed from the node (note this may be false even if the `refresh_from_node` /// argument was set to `true`. /// * The second element contains a vector of /// [OutputCommitMapping](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/struct.OutputCommitMapping.html) /// of which each element is a mapping between the wallet's internal /// [OutputData](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/struct.Output.html) /// and the Output commitment as identified in the chain's UTXO set /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let show_spent = false; /// let update_from_node = true; /// let tx_id = None; /// /// let result = api_owner.retrieve_outputs(None, show_spent, update_from_node, tx_id); /// /// if let Ok((was_updated, output_mappings)) = result { /// //... /// } /// ``` pub fn retrieve_outputs( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, include_spent: bool, refresh_from_node: bool, tx_id: Option<u32>, ) -> Result<(bool, Vec<OutputCommitMapping>), Error> { let tx = { let t = self.status_tx.lock(); t.clone() }; let refresh_from_node = match self.updater_running.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { true => false, false => refresh_from_node, }; owner::retrieve_outputs( self.wallet_inst.clone(), keychain_mask, &tx, include_spent, refresh_from_node, tx_id, ) } /// Returns a list of [Transaction Log Entries](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/struct.TxLogEntry.html) /// from the active account in the wallet. /// /// # Arguments /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// * `refresh_from_node` - If true, the wallet will attempt to contact /// a node (via the [`NodeClient`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/trait.NodeClient.html) /// provided during wallet instantiation). If `false`, the results will /// contain transaction information that may be out-of-date (from the last time /// the wallet's output set was refreshed against the node). /// Note this setting is ignored if the updater process is running via a call to /// [`start_updater`](struct.Owner.html#method.start_updater) /// * `tx_id` - If `Some(i)`, only return the transactions associated with /// the transaction log entry of id `i`. /// * `tx_slate_id` - If `Some(uuid)`, only return transactions associated with /// the given [`Slate`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/slate/struct.Slate.html) uuid. /// /// # Returns /// * `(bool, Vec<TxLogEntry)` - A tuple: /// * The first `bool` element indicates whether the data was successfully /// refreshed from the node (note this may be false even if the `refresh_from_node` /// argument was set to `true`. /// * The second element contains the set of retrieved /// [TxLogEntries](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/struct.TxLogEntry.html) /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let update_from_node = true; /// let tx_id = None; /// let tx_slate_id = None; /// /// // Return all TxLogEntries /// let result = api_owner.retrieve_txs(None, update_from_node, tx_id, tx_slate_id); /// /// if let Ok((was_updated, tx_log_entries)) = result { /// //... /// } /// ``` pub fn retrieve_txs( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, refresh_from_node: bool, tx_id: Option<u32>, tx_slate_id: Option<Uuid>, ) -> Result<(bool, Vec<TxLogEntry>), Error> { let tx = { let t = self.status_tx.lock(); t.clone() }; let refresh_from_node = match self.updater_running.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { true => false, false => refresh_from_node, }; let mut res = owner::retrieve_txs( self.wallet_inst.clone(), keychain_mask, &tx, refresh_from_node, tx_id, tx_slate_id, )?; if self.doctest_mode { res.1 = res .1 .into_iter() .map(|mut t| { t.confirmation_ts = Some(Utc.ymd(2019, 1, 15).and_hms(16, 1, 26)); t.creation_ts = Utc.ymd(2019, 1, 15).and_hms(16, 1, 26); t }) .collect(); } Ok(res) } /// Returns summary information from the active account in the wallet. /// /// # Arguments /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// * `refresh_from_node` - If true, the wallet will attempt to contact /// a node (via the [`NodeClient`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/trait.NodeClient.html) /// provided during wallet instantiation). If `false`, the results will /// contain transaction information that may be out-of-date (from the last time /// the wallet's output set was refreshed against the node). /// Note this setting is ignored if the updater process is running via a call to /// [`start_updater`](struct.Owner.html#method.start_updater) /// * `minimum_confirmations` - The minimum number of confirmations an output /// should have before it's included in the 'amount_currently_spendable' total /// /// # Returns /// * (`bool`, [`WalletInfo`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/struct.WalletInfo.html)) - A tuple: /// * The first `bool` element indicates whether the data was successfully /// refreshed from the node (note this may be false even if the `refresh_from_node` /// argument was set to `true`. /// * The second element contains the Summary [`WalletInfo`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/struct.WalletInfo.html) /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let mut api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let update_from_node = true; /// let minimum_confirmations=10; /// /// // Return summary info for active account /// let result = api_owner.retrieve_summary_info(None, update_from_node, minimum_confirmations); /// /// if let Ok((was_updated, summary_info)) = result { /// //... /// } /// ``` pub fn retrieve_summary_info( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, refresh_from_node: bool, minimum_confirmations: u64, ) -> Result<(bool, WalletInfo), Error> { let tx = { let t = self.status_tx.lock(); t.clone() }; let refresh_from_node = match self.updater_running.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { true => false, false => refresh_from_node, }; owner::retrieve_summary_info( self.wallet_inst.clone(), keychain_mask, &tx, refresh_from_node, minimum_confirmations, ) } /// Initiates a new transaction as the sender, creating a new /// [`Slate`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/slate/struct.Slate.html) object containing /// the sender's inputs, change outputs, and public signature data. This slate can /// then be sent to the recipient to continue the transaction via the /// [Foreign API's `receive_tx`](struct.Foreign.html#method.receive_tx) method. /// /// When a transaction is created, the wallet must also lock inputs (and create unconfirmed /// outputs) corresponding to the transaction created in the slate, so that the wallet doesn't /// attempt to re-spend outputs that are already included in a transaction before the transaction /// is confirmed. This method also returns a function that will perform that locking, and it is /// up to the caller to decide the best time to call the lock function /// (via the [`tx_lock_outputs`](struct.Owner.html#method.tx_lock_outputs) method). /// If the exchange method is intended to be synchronous (such as via a direct http call,) /// then the lock call can wait until the response is confirmed. If it is asynchronous, (such /// as via file transfer,) the lock call should happen immediately (before the file is sent /// to the recipient). /// /// If the `send_args` [`InitTxSendArgs`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/struct.InitTxSendArgs.html), /// of the [`args`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/struct.InitTxArgs.html), field is Some, this /// function will attempt to send the slate back to the sender using the slatepack sync /// send (TOR). If providing this argument, check the `state` field of the slate to see if the /// sync_send was successful (it should be S2 if the sync sent successfully). It will also post /// the transction if the `post_tx` field is set. /// /// # Arguments /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// * `args` - [`InitTxArgs`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/struct.InitTxArgs.html), /// transaction initialization arguments. See struct documentation for further detail. /// /// # Returns /// * a result containing: /// * The transaction [Slate](../grin_wallet_libwallet/slate/struct.Slate.html), /// which can be forwarded to the recieving party by any means. Once the caller is relatively /// certain that the transaction has been sent to the recipient, the associated wallet /// transaction outputs should be locked via a call to /// [`tx_lock_outputs`](struct.Owner.html#method.tx_lock_outputs). This must be called before calling /// [`finalize_tx`](struct.Owner.html#method.finalize_tx). /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Remarks /// /// * This method requires an active connection to a node, and will fail with error if a node /// cannot be contacted to refresh output statuses. /// * This method will store a partially completed transaction in the wallet's transaction log, /// which will be updated on the corresponding call to [`finalize_tx`](struct.Owner.html#method.finalize_tx). /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [new](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let mut api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// // Attempt to create a transaction using the 'default' account /// let args = InitTxArgs { /// src_acct_name: None, /// amount: 2_000_000_000, /// minimum_confirmations: 2, /// max_outputs: 500, /// num_change_outputs: 1, /// selection_strategy_is_use_all: false, /// ..Default::default() /// }; /// let result = api_owner.init_send_tx( /// None, /// args, /// ); /// /// if let Ok(slate) = result { /// // Send slate somehow /// // ... /// // Lock our outputs if we're happy the slate was (or is being) sent /// api_owner.tx_lock_outputs(None, &slate); /// } /// ``` pub fn init_send_tx( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, args: InitTxArgs, ) -> Result<Slate, Error> { let send_args = args.send_args.clone(); let slate = { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let w = w_lock.lc_provider()?.wallet_inst()?; owner::init_send_tx(&mut **w, keychain_mask, args, self.doctest_mode)? }; // Helper functionality. If send arguments exist, attempt to send sync and // finalize let skip_tor = match send_args.as_ref() { None => false, Some(sa) => sa.skip_tor, }; match send_args { Some(sa) => { let tor_config_lock = self.tor_config.lock(); let tc = tor_config_lock.clone(); let tc = match tc { Some(mut c) => { c.skip_send_attempt = Some(skip_tor); Some(c) } None => None, }; let res = try_slatepack_sync_workflow( &slate, &sa.dest, tc, None, false, self.doctest_mode, ); match res { Ok(Some(s)) => { if sa.post_tx { self.tx_lock_outputs(keychain_mask, &s)?; let ret_slate = self.finalize_tx(keychain_mask, &s)?; let result = self.post_tx(keychain_mask, &ret_slate, sa.fluff); match result { Ok(_) => { info!("Tx sent ok",); return Ok(ret_slate); } Err(e) => { error!("Tx sent fail: {}", e); return Err(e); } } } else { self.tx_lock_outputs(keychain_mask, &s)?; let ret_slate = self.finalize_tx(keychain_mask, &s)?; return Ok(ret_slate); } } Ok(None) => Ok(slate), Err(_) => Ok(slate), } } None => Ok(slate), } } /// Issues a new invoice transaction slate, essentially a `request for payment`. /// The slate created by this function will contain the amount, an output for the amount, /// as well as round 1 of singature creation complete. The slate should then be send /// to the payer, who should add their inputs and signature data and return the slate /// via the [Foreign API's `finalize_tx`](struct.Foreign.html#method.finalize_tx) method. /// /// # Arguments /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// * `args` - [`IssueInvoiceTxArgs`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/struct.IssueInvoiceTxArgs.html), /// invoice transaction initialization arguments. See struct documentation for further detail. /// /// # Returns /// * ``Ok([`slate`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/slate/struct.Slate.html))` if successful, /// containing the updated slate. /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let mut api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// /// let args = IssueInvoiceTxArgs { /// amount: 60_000_000_000, /// ..Default::default() /// }; /// let result = api_owner.issue_invoice_tx(None, args); /// /// if let Ok(slate) = result { /// // if okay, send to the payer to add their inputs /// // . . . /// } /// ``` pub fn issue_invoice_tx( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, args: IssueInvoiceTxArgs, ) -> Result<Slate, Error> { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let w = w_lock.lc_provider()?.wallet_inst()?; owner::issue_invoice_tx(&mut **w, keychain_mask, args, self.doctest_mode) } /// Processes an invoice tranaction created by another party, essentially /// a `request for payment`. The incoming slate should contain a requested /// amount, an output created by the invoicer convering the amount, and /// part 1 of signature creation completed. This function will add inputs /// equalling the amount + fees, as well as perform round 1 and 2 of signature /// creation. /// /// Callers should note that no prompting of the user will be done by this function /// it is up to the caller to present the request for payment to the user /// and verify that payment should go ahead. /// /// If the `send_args` [`InitTxSendArgs`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/struct.InitTxSendArgs.html), /// of the [`args`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/struct.InitTxArgs.html), field is Some, this /// function will attempt to send the slate back to the initiator using the slatepack sync /// send (TOR). If providing this argument, check the `state` field of the slate to see if the /// sync_send was successful (it should be I3 if the sync sent successfully). /// /// This function also stores the final transaction in the user's wallet files for retrieval /// via the [`get_stored_tx`](struct.Owner.html#method.get_stored_tx) function. /// /// # Arguments /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// * `slate` - The transaction [`Slate`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/slate/struct.Slate.html). The /// payer should have filled in round 1 and 2. /// * `args` - [`InitTxArgs`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/struct.InitTxArgs.html), /// transaction initialization arguments. See struct documentation for further detail. /// /// # Returns /// * ``Ok([`slate`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/slate/struct.Slate.html))` if successful, /// containing the updated slate. /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let mut api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// /// // . . . /// // The slate has been recieved from the invoicer, somehow /// # let slate = Slate::blank(2, true); /// let args = InitTxArgs { /// src_acct_name: None, /// amount: slate.amount, /// minimum_confirmations: 2, /// max_outputs: 500, /// num_change_outputs: 1, /// selection_strategy_is_use_all: false, /// ..Default::default() /// }; /// /// let result = api_owner.process_invoice_tx(None, &slate, args); /// /// if let Ok(slate) = result { /// // If result okay, send back to the invoicer /// // . . . /// } /// ``` pub fn process_invoice_tx( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, slate: &Slate, args: InitTxArgs, ) -> Result<Slate, Error> { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let w = w_lock.lc_provider()?.wallet_inst()?; let send_args = args.send_args.clone(); let slate = owner::process_invoice_tx(&mut **w, keychain_mask, slate, args, self.doctest_mode)?; // Helper functionality. If send arguments exist, attempt to send match send_args { Some(sa) => { let tor_config_lock = self.tor_config.lock(); let tc = tor_config_lock.clone(); let tc = match tc { Some(mut c) => { c.skip_send_attempt = Some(sa.skip_tor); Some(c) } None => None, }; let res = try_slatepack_sync_workflow( &slate, &sa.dest, tc, None, true, self.doctest_mode, ); match res { Ok(s) => Ok(s.unwrap()), Err(_) => Ok(slate), } } None => Ok(slate), } } /// Locks the outputs associated with the inputs to the transaction in the given /// [`Slate`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/slate/struct.Slate.html), /// making them unavailable for use in further transactions. This function is called /// by the sender, (or more generally, all parties who have put inputs into the transaction,) /// and must be called before the corresponding call to [`finalize_tx`](struct.Owner.html#method.finalize_tx) /// that completes the transaction. /// /// Outputs will generally remain locked until they are removed from the chain, /// at which point they will become `Spent`. It is commonplace for transactions not to complete /// for various reasons over which a particular wallet has no control. For this reason, /// [`cancel_tx`](struct.Owner.html#method.cancel_tx) can be used to manually unlock outputs /// and return them to the `Unspent` state. /// /// # Arguments /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// * `slate` - The transaction [`Slate`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/slate/struct.Slate.html). All /// * `participant_id` - The participant id, generally 0 for the party putting in funds, 1 for the /// party receiving. /// elements in the `input` vector of the `tx` field that are found in the wallet's currently /// active account will be set to status `Locked` /// /// # Returns /// * Ok(()) if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let mut api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let args = InitTxArgs { /// src_acct_name: None, /// amount: 2_000_000_000, /// minimum_confirmations: 10, /// max_outputs: 500, /// num_change_outputs: 1, /// selection_strategy_is_use_all: false, /// ..Default::default() /// }; /// let result = api_owner.init_send_tx( /// None, /// args, /// ); /// /// if let Ok(slate) = result { /// // Send slate somehow /// // ... /// // Lock our outputs if we're happy the slate was (or is being) sent /// api_owner.tx_lock_outputs(None, &slate); /// } /// ``` pub fn tx_lock_outputs( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, slate: &Slate, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let w = w_lock.lc_provider()?.wallet_inst()?; owner::tx_lock_outputs(&mut **w, keychain_mask, slate) } /// Finalizes a transaction, after all parties /// have filled in both rounds of Slate generation. This step adds /// all participants partial signatures to create the final signature, /// resulting in a final transaction that is ready to post to a node. /// /// Note that this function DOES NOT POST the transaction to a node /// for validation. This is done in separately via the /// [`post_tx`](struct.Owner.html#method.post_tx) function. /// /// This function also stores the final transaction in the user's wallet files for retrieval /// via the [`get_stored_tx`](struct.Owner.html#method.get_stored_tx) function. /// /// # Arguments /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// * `slate` - The transaction [`Slate`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/slate/struct.Slate.html). All /// participants must have filled in both rounds, and the sender should have locked their /// outputs (via the [`tx_lock_outputs`](struct.Owner.html#method.tx_lock_outputs) function). /// /// # Returns /// * ``Ok([`slate`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/slate/struct.Slate.html))` if successful, /// containing the new finalized slate. /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let mut api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let args = InitTxArgs { /// src_acct_name: None, /// amount: 2_000_000_000, /// minimum_confirmations: 10, /// max_outputs: 500, /// num_change_outputs: 1, /// selection_strategy_is_use_all: false, /// ..Default::default() /// }; /// let result = api_owner.init_send_tx( /// None, /// args, /// ); /// /// if let Ok(slate) = result { /// // Send slate somehow /// // ... /// // Lock our outputs if we're happy the slate was (or is being) sent /// let res = api_owner.tx_lock_outputs(None, &slate); /// // /// // Retrieve slate back from recipient /// // /// let res = api_owner.finalize_tx(None, &slate); /// } /// ``` pub fn finalize_tx( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, slate: &Slate, ) -> Result<Slate, Error> { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let w = w_lock.lc_provider()?.wallet_inst()?; owner::finalize_tx(&mut **w, keychain_mask, slate) } /// Posts a completed transaction to the listening node for validation and inclusion in a block /// for mining. /// /// # Arguments /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// * `tx` - A completed [`Transaction`](../grin_core/core/transaction/struct.Transaction.html), /// typically the `tx` field in the transaction [`Slate`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/slate/struct.Slate.html). /// * `fluff` - Instruct the node whether to use the Dandelion protocol when posting the /// transaction. If `true`, the node should skip the Dandelion phase and broadcast the /// transaction to all peers immediately. If `false`, the node will follow dandelion logic and /// initiate the stem phase. /// /// # Returns /// * `Ok(())` if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let mut api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let args = InitTxArgs { /// src_acct_name: None, /// amount: 2_000_000_000, /// minimum_confirmations: 10, /// max_outputs: 500, /// num_change_outputs: 1, /// selection_strategy_is_use_all: false, /// ..Default::default() /// }; /// let result = api_owner.init_send_tx( /// None, /// args, /// ); /// /// if let Ok(slate) = result { /// // Send slate somehow /// // ... /// // Lock our outputs if we're happy the slate was (or is being) sent /// let res = api_owner.tx_lock_outputs(None, &slate); /// // /// // Retrieve slate back from recipient /// // /// let res = api_owner.finalize_tx(None, &slate); /// let res = api_owner.post_tx(None, &slate, true); /// } /// ``` pub fn post_tx( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, slate: &Slate, fluff: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let client = { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let w = w_lock.lc_provider()?.wallet_inst()?; // Test keychain mask, to keep API consistent let _ = w.keychain(keychain_mask)?; w.w2n_client().clone() }; owner::post_tx(&client, slate.tx_or_err()?, fluff) } /// Cancels a transaction. This entails: /// * Setting the transaction status to either `TxSentCancelled` or `TxReceivedCancelled` /// * Deleting all change outputs or recipient outputs associated with the transaction /// * Setting the status of all assocatied inputs from `Locked` to `Spent` so they can be /// used in new transactions. /// /// Transactions can be cancelled by transaction log id or slate id (call with either set to /// Some, not both) /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// * `tx_id` - If present, cancel by the [`TxLogEntry`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/struct.TxLogEntry.html) id /// for the transaction. /// /// * `tx_slate_id` - If present, cancel by the Slate id. /// /// # Returns /// * `Ok(())` if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let mut api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let args = InitTxArgs { /// src_acct_name: None, /// amount: 2_000_000_000, /// minimum_confirmations: 10, /// max_outputs: 500, /// num_change_outputs: 1, /// selection_strategy_is_use_all: false, /// ..Default::default() /// }; /// let result = api_owner.init_send_tx( /// None, /// args, /// ); /// /// if let Ok(slate) = result { /// // Send slate somehow /// // ... /// // Lock our outputs if we're happy the slate was (or is being) sent /// let res = api_owner.tx_lock_outputs(None, &slate); /// // /// // We didn't get the slate back, or something else went wrong /// // /// let res = api_owner.cancel_tx(None, None, Some(slate.id.clone())); /// } /// ``` pub fn cancel_tx( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, tx_id: Option<u32>, tx_slate_id: Option<Uuid>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let tx = { let t = self.status_tx.lock(); t.clone() }; owner::cancel_tx( self.wallet_inst.clone(), keychain_mask, &tx, tx_id, tx_slate_id, ) } /// Retrieves the stored transaction associated with a TxLogEntry. Can be used even after the /// transaction has completed. Either the Transaction Log ID or the Slate UUID must be supplied. /// If both are supplied, the Transaction Log ID is preferred. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// * `tx_id` - The id of the transaction in the wallet's Transaction Log. Either this or /// `slate_id` must be provided. /// * `slate_id` - The UUID of the Transaction Slate to find. Either this or `tx_id` must be /// provided /// /// # Returns /// * Ok(Some([Slate](../grin_wallet_libwallet/slate/struct.Slate.html)) containing the stored /// transaction, if successful. Note that this Slate will not contain all of the fields used by /// the original Slate that resulted in the transaction. /// * Ok(None) if the stored Transaction isn't found. /// * [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let update_from_node = true; /// let tx_id = None; /// let tx_slate_id = None; /// /// // Return all TxLogEntries /// let result = api_owner.retrieve_txs(None, update_from_node, tx_id, tx_slate_id); /// /// if let Ok((was_updated, tx_log_entries)) = result { /// let stored_tx = api_owner.get_stored_tx(None, Some(tx_log_entries[0].id), None).unwrap(); /// //... /// } /// ``` pub fn get_stored_tx( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, tx_id: Option<u32>, slate_id: Option<&Uuid>, ) -> Result<Option<Slate>, Error> { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let w = w_lock.lc_provider()?.wallet_inst()?; // Test keychain mask, to keep API consistent let _ = w.keychain(keychain_mask)?; owner::get_stored_tx(&**w, tx_id, slate_id) } /// Return the rewind hash of the wallet. /// The rewind hash when shared, help third-party to retrieve informations (outputs, balance, ...) that belongs to this wallet. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// /// # Returns /// * `Ok(String)` if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let mut api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let result = api_owner.scan( /// None, /// Some(20000), /// false, /// ); /// /// if let Ok(_) = result { /// // Wallet outputs should be consistent with what's on chain /// // ... /// } /// ``` pub fn get_rewind_hash(&self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>) -> Result<String, Error> { owner::get_rewind_hash(self.wallet_inst.clone(), keychain_mask) } /// Scans the entire UTXO set from the node, identify which outputs belong to the given rewind hash view wallet. /// /// This function can be used to retrieve outputs informations (outputs, balance, ...) from a rewind hash view wallet. /// /// This operation scans the entire chain, and is expected to be time intensive. It is imperative /// that no other processes should be trying to use the wallet at the same time this function is /// running. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `rewind_hash` - Rewind hash of a wallet, used to retrieve the output of a third-party wallet. /// * `start_height` - If provided, the height of the first block from which to start scanning. /// The scan will start from block 1 if this is not provided. /// /// # Returns /// * `Ok(ViewWallet)` if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let mut api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let result = api_owner.scan( /// None, /// Some(20000), /// false, /// ); /// /// if let Ok(_) = result { /// // Wallet outputs should be consistent with what's on chain /// // ... /// } /// ``` pub fn scan_rewind_hash( &self, rewind_hash: String, start_height: Option<u64>, ) -> Result<ViewWallet, Error> { let tx = { let t = self.status_tx.lock(); t.clone() }; owner::scan_rewind_hash(self.wallet_inst.clone(), rewind_hash, start_height, &tx) } /// Scans the entire UTXO set from the node, identify which outputs belong to the given wallet /// update the wallet state to be consistent with what's currently in the UTXO set. /// /// This function can be used to repair wallet state, particularly by restoring outputs that may /// be missing if the wallet owner has cancelled transactions locally that were then successfully /// posted to the chain. /// /// This operation scans the entire chain, and is expected to be time intensive. It is imperative /// that no other processes should be trying to use the wallet at the same time this function is /// running. /// /// When an output is found that doesn't exist in the wallet, a corresponding /// [TxLogEntry](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/struct.TxLogEntry.html) is created. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// * `start_height` - If provided, the height of the first block from which to start scanning. /// The scan will start from block 1 if this is not provided. /// * `delete_unconfirmed` - if `false`, the scan process will be non-destructive, and /// mostly limited to restoring missing outputs. It will leave unconfirmed transaction logs entries /// and unconfirmed outputs intact. If `true`, the process will unlock all locked outputs, /// restore all missing outputs, and mark any outputs that have been marked 'Spent' but are still /// in the UTXO set as 'Unspent' (as can happen during a fork). It will also attempt to cancel any /// transaction log entries associated with any locked outputs or outputs incorrectly marked 'Spent'. /// Note this completely removes all outstanding transactions, so users should be very aware what /// will happen if this flag is set. Note that if transactions/outputs are removed that later /// confirm on the chain, another call to this function will restore them. /// /// # Returns /// * `Ok(())` if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let mut api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let result = api_owner.scan( /// None, /// Some(20000), /// false, /// ); /// /// if let Ok(_) = result { /// // Wallet outputs should be consistent with what's on chain /// // ... /// } /// ``` pub fn scan( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, start_height: Option<u64>, delete_unconfirmed: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let tx = { let t = self.status_tx.lock(); t.clone() }; owner::scan( self.wallet_inst.clone(), keychain_mask, start_height, delete_unconfirmed, &tx, ) } /// Retrieves the last known height known by the wallet. This is determined as follows: /// * If the wallet can successfully contact its configured node, the reported node /// height is returned, and the `updated_from_node` field in the response is `true` /// * If the wallet cannot contact the node, this function returns the maximum height /// of all outputs contained within the wallet, and the `updated_from_node` fields /// in the response is set to false. /// /// Clients should generally ensure the `updated_from_node` field is returned as /// `true` before assuming the height for any operation. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// /// # Returns /// * Ok with a [`NodeHeightResult`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/struct.NodeHeightResult.html) /// if successful. If the height result was obtained from the configured node, /// `updated_from_node` will be set to `true` /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let result = api_owner.node_height(None); /// /// if let Ok(node_height_result) = result { /// if node_height_result.updated_from_node { /// //we can assume node_height_result.height is relatively safe to use /// /// } /// //... /// } /// ``` pub fn node_height( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, ) -> Result<NodeHeightResult, Error> { { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let w = w_lock.lc_provider()?.wallet_inst()?; // Test keychain mask, to keep API consistent let _ = w.keychain(keychain_mask)?; } let mut res = owner::node_height(self.wallet_inst.clone(), keychain_mask)?; if self.doctest_mode { // return a consistent hash for doctest res.header_hash = "d4b3d3c40695afd8c7760f8fc423565f7d41310b7a4e1c4a4a7950a66f16240d".to_owned(); } Ok(res) } // LIFECYCLE FUNCTIONS /// Retrieve the top-level directory for the wallet. This directory should contain the /// `grin-wallet.toml` file and the `wallet_data` directory that contains the wallet /// seed + data files. Future versions of the wallet API will support multiple wallets /// within the top level directory. /// /// The top level directory defaults to (in order of precedence): /// /// 1) The current directory, from which `grin-wallet` or the main process was run, if it /// contains a `grin-wallet.toml` file. /// 2) ~/.grin/<chaintype>/ otherwise /// /// # Arguments /// /// * None /// /// # Returns /// * Ok with a String value representing the full path to the top level wallet dierctory /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let result = api_owner.get_top_level_directory(); /// /// if let Ok(dir) = result { /// println!("Top level directory is: {}", dir); /// //... /// } /// ``` pub fn get_top_level_directory(&self) -> Result<String, Error> { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let lc = w_lock.lc_provider()?; if self.doctest_mode && !self.doctest_retain_tld { Ok("/doctest/dir".to_owned()) } else { lc.get_top_level_directory() } } /// Set the top-level directory for the wallet. This directory can be empty, and will be created /// during a subsequent calls to [`create_config`](struct.Owner.html#method.create_config) /// /// Set [`get_top_level_directory`](struct.Owner.html#method.get_top_level_directory) for a /// description of the top level directory and default paths. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `dir`: The new top-level directory path (either relative to current directory or /// absolute. /// /// # Returns /// * Ok if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let dir = "path/to/wallet/dir"; /// /// # let dir = tempdir().map_err(|e| format!("{:#?}", e)).unwrap(); /// # let dir = dir /// # .path() /// # .to_str() /// # .ok_or("Failed to convert tmpdir path to string.".to_owned()) /// # .unwrap(); /// /// let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let result = api_owner.set_top_level_directory(dir); /// /// if let Ok(dir) = result { /// //... /// } /// ``` pub fn set_top_level_directory(&self, dir: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let lc = w_lock.lc_provider()?; lc.set_top_level_directory(dir) } /// Create a `grin-wallet.toml` configuration file in the top-level directory for the /// specified chain type. /// A custom [`WalletConfig`](../grin_wallet_config/types/struct.WalletConfig.html) /// and/or grin `LoggingConfig` may optionally be provided, otherwise defaults will be used. /// /// Paths in the configuration file will be updated to reflect the top level directory, so /// path-related values in the optional configuration structs will be ignored. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `chain_type`: The chain type to use in creation of the configuration file. This can be /// * `AutomatedTesting` /// * `UserTesting` /// * `Testnet` /// * `Mainnet` /// /// # Returns /// * Ok if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// use grin_core::global::ChainTypes; /// /// let dir = "path/to/wallet/dir"; /// /// # let dir = tempdir().map_err(|e| format!("{:#?}", e)).unwrap(); /// # let dir = dir /// # .path() /// # .to_str() /// # .ok_or("Failed to convert tmpdir path to string.".to_owned()) /// # .unwrap(); /// /// let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let _ = api_owner.set_top_level_directory(dir); /// /// let result = api_owner.create_config(&ChainTypes::Mainnet, None, None, None); /// /// if let Ok(_) = result { /// //... /// } /// ``` pub fn create_config( &self, chain_type: &global::ChainTypes, wallet_config: Option<WalletConfig>, logging_config: Option<LoggingConfig>, tor_config: Option<TorConfig>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let lc = w_lock.lc_provider()?; lc.create_config( chain_type, "grin-wallet.toml", wallet_config, logging_config, tor_config, ) } /// Creates a new wallet seed and empty wallet database in the `wallet_data` directory of /// the top level directory. /// /// Paths in the configuration file will be updated to reflect the top level directory, so /// path-related values in the optional configuration structs will be ignored. /// /// The wallet files must not already exist, and ~The `grin-wallet.toml` file must exist /// in the top level directory (can be created via a call to /// [`create_config`](struct.Owner.html#method.create_config)) /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `name`: Reserved for future use, use `None` for the time being. /// * `mnemonic`: If present, restore the wallet seed from the given mnemonic instead of creating /// a new random seed. /// * `mnemonic_length`: Desired length of mnemonic in bytes (16 or 32, either 12 or 24 words). /// Use 0 if mnemonic isn't being used. /// * `password`: The password used to encrypt/decrypt the `wallet.seed` file /// /// # Returns /// * Ok if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// use grin_core::global::ChainTypes; /// /// // note that the WalletInst struct does not necessarily need to contain an /// // instantiated wallet /// /// let dir = "path/to/wallet/dir"; /// /// # let dir = tempdir().map_err(|e| format!("{:#?}", e)).unwrap(); /// # let dir = dir /// # .path() /// # .to_str() /// # .ok_or("Failed to convert tmpdir path to string.".to_owned()) /// # .unwrap(); /// let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let _ = api_owner.set_top_level_directory(dir); /// /// // Create configuration /// let result = api_owner.create_config(&ChainTypes::Mainnet, None, None, None); /// /// // create new wallet wirh random seed /// let pw = ZeroingString::from("my_password"); /// let result = api_owner.create_wallet(None, None, 0, pw); /// /// if let Ok(r) = result { /// //... /// } /// ``` pub fn create_wallet( &self, name: Option<&str>, mnemonic: Option<ZeroingString>, mnemonic_length: u32, password: ZeroingString, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let lc = w_lock.lc_provider()?; lc.create_wallet( name, mnemonic, mnemonic_length as usize, password, self.doctest_mode, ) } /// `Opens` a wallet, populating the internal keychain with the encrypted seed, and optionally /// returning a `keychain_mask` token to the caller to provide in all future calls. /// If using a mask, the seed will be stored in-memory XORed against the `keychain_mask`, and /// will not be useable if the mask is not provided. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `name`: Reserved for future use, use `None` for the time being. /// * `password`: The password to use to open the wallet /// a new random seed. /// * `use_mask`: Whether to create and return a mask which much be provided in all future /// API calls. /// /// # Returns /// * Ok if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// use grin_core::global::ChainTypes; /// /// // note that the WalletInst struct does not necessarily need to contain an /// // instantiated wallet /// let dir = "path/to/wallet/dir"; /// /// # let dir = tempdir().map_err(|e| format!("{:#?}", e)).unwrap(); /// # let dir = dir /// # .path() /// # .to_str() /// # .ok_or("Failed to convert tmpdir path to string.".to_owned()) /// # .unwrap(); /// let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let _ = api_owner.set_top_level_directory(dir); /// /// // Create configuration /// let result = api_owner.create_config(&ChainTypes::Mainnet, None, None, None); /// /// // create new wallet wirh random seed /// let pw = ZeroingString::from("my_password"); /// let _ = api_owner.create_wallet(None, None, 0, pw.clone()); /// /// let result = api_owner.open_wallet(None, pw, true); /// /// if let Ok(m) = result { /// // use this mask in all subsequent calls /// let mask = m; /// } /// ``` pub fn open_wallet( &self, name: Option<&str>, password: ZeroingString, use_mask: bool, ) -> Result<Option<SecretKey>, Error> { // just return a representative string for doctest mode if self.doctest_mode { let secp_inst = static_secp_instance(); let secp = secp_inst.lock(); return Ok(Some(SecretKey::from_slice( &secp, &from_hex("d096b3cb75986b3b13f80b8f5243a9edf0af4c74ac37578c5a12cfb5b59b1868") .unwrap(), )?)); } let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let lc = w_lock.lc_provider()?; lc.open_wallet(name, password, use_mask, self.doctest_mode) } /// `Close` a wallet, removing the master seed from memory. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `name`: Reserved for future use, use `None` for the time being. /// /// # Returns /// * Ok if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// use grin_core::global::ChainTypes; /// /// // Set up as above /// # let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// /// let res = api_owner.close_wallet(None); /// /// if let Ok(_) = res { /// // ... /// } /// ``` pub fn close_wallet(&self, name: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let lc = w_lock.lc_provider()?; lc.close_wallet(name) } /// Return the BIP39 mnemonic for the given wallet. This function will decrypt /// the wallet's seed file with the given password, and thus does not need the /// wallet to be open. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `name`: Reserved for future use, use `None` for the time being. /// * `password`: The password used to encrypt the seed file. /// /// # Returns /// * Ok(BIP-39 mneminc) if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// use grin_core::global::ChainTypes; /// /// // Set up as above /// # let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// /// let pw = ZeroingString::from("my_password"); /// let res = api_owner.get_mnemonic(None, pw); /// /// if let Ok(mne) = res { /// // ... /// } /// ``` pub fn get_mnemonic( &self, name: Option<&str>, password: ZeroingString, ) -> Result<ZeroingString, Error> { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let lc = w_lock.lc_provider()?; lc.get_mnemonic(name, password) } /// Changes a wallet's password, meaning the old seed file is decrypted with the old password, /// and a new seed file is created with the same mnemonic and encrypted with the new password. /// /// This function temporarily backs up the old seed file until a test-decryption of the new /// file is confirmed to contain the same seed as the original seed file, at which point the /// backup is deleted. If this operation fails for an unknown reason, the backup file will still /// exist in the wallet's data directory encrypted with the old password. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `name`: Reserved for future use, use `None` for the time being. /// * `old`: The password used to encrypt the existing seed file (i.e. old password) /// * `new`: The password to be used to encrypt the new seed file /// /// # Returns /// * Ok(()) if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// use grin_core::global::ChainTypes; /// /// // Set up as above /// # let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// /// let old = ZeroingString::from("my_password"); /// let new = ZeroingString::from("new_password"); /// let res = api_owner.change_password(None, old, new); /// /// if let Ok(mne) = res { /// // ... /// } /// ``` pub fn change_password( &self, name: Option<&str>, old: ZeroingString, new: ZeroingString, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let lc = w_lock.lc_provider()?; lc.change_password(name, old, new) } /// Deletes a wallet, removing the config file, seed file and all data files. /// Obviously, use with extreme caution and plenty of user warning /// /// Highly recommended that the wallet be explicitly closed first via the `close_wallet` /// function. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `name`: Reserved for future use, use `None` for the time being. /// /// # Returns /// * Ok if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// use grin_core::global::ChainTypes; /// /// // Set up as above /// # let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// /// let res = api_owner.delete_wallet(None); /// /// if let Ok(_) = res { /// // ... /// } /// ``` pub fn delete_wallet(&self, name: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut w_lock = self.wallet_inst.lock(); let lc = w_lock.lc_provider()?; lc.delete_wallet(name) } /// Starts a background wallet update thread, which performs the wallet update process /// automatically at the frequency specified. /// /// The updater process is as follows: /// /// * Reconcile the wallet outputs against the node's current UTXO set, confirming /// transactions if needs be. /// * Look up transactions by kernel in cases where it's necessary (for instance, when /// there are no change outputs for a transaction and transaction status can't be /// inferred from the output state. /// * Incrementally perform a scan of the UTXO set, correcting outputs and transactions /// where their local state differs from what's on-chain. The wallet stores the last /// position scanned, and will scan back 100 blocks worth of UTXOs on each update, to /// correct any differences due to forks or otherwise. /// /// Note that an update process can take a long time, particularly when the entire /// UTXO set is being scanned for correctness. The wallet status can be determined by /// calling the [`get_updater_messages`](struct.Owner.html#method.get_updater_messages). /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// * `frequency`: The frequency at which to call the update process. Note this is /// time elapsed since the last successful update process. If calling via the JSON-RPC /// api, this represents milliseconds. /// /// # Returns /// * Ok if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// use grin_core::global::ChainTypes; /// /// use std::time::Duration; /// /// // Set up as above /// # let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// /// let res = api_owner.start_updater(None, Duration::from_secs(60)); /// /// if let Ok(_) = res { /// // ... /// } /// ``` pub fn start_updater( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, frequency: Duration, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let updater_inner = self.updater.clone(); let tx_inner = { let t = self.status_tx.lock(); t.clone() }; let keychain_mask = match keychain_mask { Some(m) => Some(m.clone()), None => None, }; let _ = thread::Builder::new() .name("wallet-updater".to_string()) .spawn(move || { let u = updater_inner.lock(); if let Err(e) = u.run(frequency, keychain_mask, &tx_inner) { error!("Wallet state updater failed with error: {:?}", e); } })?; Ok(()) } /// Stops the background update thread. If the updater is currently updating, the /// thread will stop after the next update /// /// # Arguments /// /// * None /// /// # Returns /// * Ok if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// use grin_core::global::ChainTypes; /// /// use std::time::Duration; /// /// // Set up as above /// # let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// /// let res = api_owner.start_updater(None, Duration::from_secs(60)); /// /// if let Ok(_) = res { /// // ... /// } /// /// let res = api_owner.stop_updater(); /// ``` pub fn stop_updater(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { self.updater_running.store(false, Ordering::Relaxed); Ok(()) } /// Retrieve messages from the updater thread, up to `count` number of messages. /// The resulting array will be ordered newest messages first. The updater will /// store a maximum of 10,000 messages, after which it will start removing the oldest /// messages as newer ones are created. /// /// Messages retrieved via this method are removed from the internal queue, so calling /// this function at a specified interval should result in a complete message history. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `count` - The number of messages to retrieve. /// /// # Returns /// * Ok with a Vec of [`StatusMessage`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/api_impl/owner_updater/enum.StatusMessage.html) /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// use grin_core::global::ChainTypes; /// /// use std::time::Duration; /// /// // Set up as above /// # let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// /// let res = api_owner.start_updater(None, Duration::from_secs(60)); /// /// let messages = api_owner.get_updater_messages(10000); /// /// if let Ok(_) = res { /// // ... /// } /// /// ``` pub fn get_updater_messages(&self, count: usize) -> Result<Vec<StatusMessage>, Error> { let mut q = self.updater_messages.lock(); let index = q.len().saturating_sub(count); Ok(q.split_off(index)) } // SLATEPACK /// Retrieve the public slatepack address associated with the active account at the /// given derivation path. /// /// In this case, an "address" means a Slatepack Address corresponding to /// a private key derived as follows: /// /// e.g. The default parent account is at /// /// `m/0/0` /// /// With output blinding factors created as /// /// `m/0/0/0` /// `m/0/0/1` etc... /// /// The corresponding public address derivation path would be at: /// /// `m/0/1` /// /// With addresses created as: /// /// `m/0/1/0` /// `m/0/1/1` etc... /// /// Note that these addresses correspond to the public keys used in the addresses /// of TOR hidden services configured by the wallet listener. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// * `derivation_index` - The index along the derivation path to retrieve an address for /// /// # Returns /// * Ok with a SlatepackAddress representing the address /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// use grin_core::global::ChainTypes; /// /// use std::time::Duration; /// /// // Set up as above /// # let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// /// let res = api_owner.get_slatepack_address(None, 0); /// /// if let Ok(_) = res { /// // ... /// } /// /// ``` pub fn get_slatepack_address( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, derivation_index: u32, ) -> Result<SlatepackAddress, Error> { owner::get_slatepack_address(self.wallet_inst.clone(), keychain_mask, derivation_index) } /// Retrieve the private ed25519 slatepack key at the given derivation index. Currently /// used to decrypt encrypted slatepack messages. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// * `derivation_index` - The index along the derivation path to for which to retrieve the secret key /// /// # Returns /// * Ok with an ed25519_dalek::SecretKey if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// use grin_core::global::ChainTypes; /// /// use std::time::Duration; /// /// // Set up as above /// # let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// /// let res = api_owner.get_slatepack_secret_key(None, 0); /// /// if let Ok(_) = res { /// // ... /// } /// /// ``` pub fn get_slatepack_secret_key( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, derivation_index: u32, ) -> Result<DalekSecretKey, Error> { owner::get_slatepack_secret_key(self.wallet_inst.clone(), keychain_mask, derivation_index) } /// Create a slatepack from a given slate, optionally encoding the slate with the provided /// recipient public keys /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// * `sender_index` - If Some(n), the index along the derivation path to include as the sender /// * `recipients` - Optional recipients for which to encrypt the slatepack's payload (i.e. the /// slate). If an empty vec, the payload will remain unencrypted /// /// # Returns /// * Ok with a String representing an armored slatepack if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// use grin_core::global::ChainTypes; /// /// use std::time::Duration; /// /// // Set up as above /// # let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// /// let mut api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let args = InitTxArgs { /// src_acct_name: None, /// amount: 2_000_000_000, /// minimum_confirmations: 10, /// max_outputs: 500, /// num_change_outputs: 1, /// selection_strategy_is_use_all: false, /// ..Default::default() /// }; /// let result = api_owner.init_send_tx( /// None, /// args, /// ); /// /// if let Ok(slate) = result { /// // Create a slatepack from our slate /// let slatepack = api_owner.create_slatepack_message( /// None, /// &slate, /// Some(0), /// vec![], /// ); /// } /// /// ``` pub fn create_slatepack_message( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, slate: &Slate, sender_index: Option<u32>, recipients: Vec<SlatepackAddress>, ) -> Result<String, Error> { owner::create_slatepack_message( self.wallet_inst.clone(), keychain_mask, slate, sender_index, recipients, ) } /// Extract the slate from the given slatepack. If the slatepack payload is encrypted, attempting to /// decrypt with keys at the given address derivation path indices. /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// * `slatepack` - A string representing an armored slatepack /// * `secret_indices` - Indices along this wallet's deriviation path with which to attempt /// decryption. This function will attempt to use secret keys at each index along this path /// to attempt to decrypt the payload, returning an error if none of the keys match. /// /// # Returns /// * Ok with a [Slate](../grin_wallet_libwallet/slate/struct.Slate.html) if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// use grin_core::global::ChainTypes; /// /// use std::time::Duration; /// /// // Set up as above /// # let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// // ... receive a slatepack from somewhere /// # let slatepack_string = String::from(""); /// let res = api_owner.slate_from_slatepack_message( /// None, /// slatepack_string, /// vec![0, 1, 2], /// ); /// ``` pub fn slate_from_slatepack_message( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, slatepack: String, secret_indices: Vec<u32>, ) -> Result<Slate, Error> { owner::slate_from_slatepack_message( self.wallet_inst.clone(), keychain_mask, slatepack, secret_indices, ) } /// Decode an armored slatepack, returning a Slatepack object that can be /// viewed, manipulated, output as json, etc. The resulting slatepack will be /// decrypted by this wallet if possible /// /// # Arguments /// /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using /// * `slatepack` - A string representing an armored slatepack /// * `secret_indices` - Indices along this wallet's deriviation path with which to attempt /// decryption. If this wallet can't decrypt this slatepack, the payload of the returned /// Slatepack will remain encrypted. /// /// # Returns /// * Ok with a [Slatepack](../grin_wallet_libwallet/slatepack/types/struct.Slatepack.html) if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered. /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// use grin_core::global::ChainTypes; /// /// use std::time::Duration; /// /// // Set up as above /// # let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// # let slatepack_string = String::from(""); /// // .. receive a slatepack from somewhere /// let res = api_owner.decode_slatepack_message( /// None, /// slatepack_string, /// vec![0, 1, 2], /// ); /// /// ``` pub fn decode_slatepack_message( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, slatepack: String, secret_indices: Vec<u32>, ) -> Result<Slatepack, Error> { owner::decode_slatepack_message( self.wallet_inst.clone(), keychain_mask, slatepack, secret_indices, ) } // PAYMENT PROOFS /// Returns a single, exportable [PaymentProof](../grin_wallet_libwallet/api_impl/types/struct.PaymentProof.html) /// from a completed transaction within the wallet. /// /// The transaction must have been created with a payment proof, and the transaction must be /// complete in order for a payment proof to be returned. Either the `tx_id` or `tx_slate_id` /// argument must be provided, or the function will return an error. /// /// # Arguments /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// * `refresh_from_node` - If true, the wallet will attempt to contact /// a node (via the [`NodeClient`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/types/trait.NodeClient.html) /// provided during wallet instantiation). If `false`, the results will /// contain transaction information that may be out-of-date (from the last time /// the wallet's output set was refreshed against the node). /// Note this setting is ignored if the updater process is running via a call to /// [`start_updater`](struct.Owner.html#method.start_updater) /// * `tx_id` - If `Some(i)` return the proof associated with the transaction with id `i` /// * `tx_slate_id` - If `Some(uuid)`, return the proof associated with the transaction with the /// given `uuid` /// /// # Returns /// * Ok([PaymentProof](../grin_wallet_libwallet/api_impl/types/struct.PaymentProof.html)) if successful /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered /// or the proof is not present or complete /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let update_from_node = true; /// let tx_id = None; /// let tx_slate_id = Some(Uuid::parse_str("0436430c-2b02-624c-2032-570501212b00").unwrap()); /// /// // Return all TxLogEntries /// let result = api_owner.retrieve_payment_proof(None, update_from_node, tx_id, tx_slate_id); /// /// if let Ok(p) = result { /// //... /// } /// ``` pub fn retrieve_payment_proof( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, refresh_from_node: bool, tx_id: Option<u32>, tx_slate_id: Option<Uuid>, ) -> Result<PaymentProof, Error> { let tx = { let t = self.status_tx.lock(); t.clone() }; let refresh_from_node = match self.updater_running.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { true => false, false => refresh_from_node, }; owner::retrieve_payment_proof( self.wallet_inst.clone(), keychain_mask, &tx, refresh_from_node, tx_id, tx_slate_id, ) } /// Verifies a [PaymentProof](../grin_wallet_libwallet/api_impl/types/struct.PaymentProof.html) /// This process entails: /// /// * Ensuring the kernel identified by the proof's stored excess commitment exists in the kernel set /// * Reproducing the signed message `amount|kernel_commitment|sender_address` /// * Validating the proof's `recipient_sig` against the message using the recipient's /// address as the public key and /// * Validating the proof's `sender_sig` against the message using the senders's /// address as the public key /// /// This function also checks whether the sender or recipient address belongs to the currently /// open wallet, and returns 2 booleans indicating whether the address belongs to the sender and /// whether the address belongs to the recipient respectively /// /// # Arguments /// * `keychain_mask` - Wallet secret mask to XOR against the stored wallet seed before using, if /// being used. /// * `proof` A [PaymentProof](../grin_wallet_libwallet/api_impl/types/struct.PaymentProof.html)) /// /// # Returns /// * Ok((bool, bool)) if the proof is valid. The first boolean indicates whether the sender /// address belongs to this wallet, the second whether the recipient address belongs to this /// wallet /// * or [`libwallet::Error`](../grin_wallet_libwallet/struct.Error.html) if an error is encountered /// or the proof is not present or complete /// /// # Example /// Set up as in [`new`](struct.Owner.html#method.new) method above. /// ``` /// # grin_wallet_api::doctest_helper_setup_doc_env!(wallet, wallet_config); /// /// let api_owner = Owner::new(wallet.clone(), None); /// let update_from_node = true; /// let tx_id = None; /// let tx_slate_id = Some(Uuid::parse_str("0436430c-2b02-624c-2032-570501212b00").unwrap()); /// /// // Return all TxLogEntries /// let result = api_owner.retrieve_payment_proof(None, update_from_node, tx_id, tx_slate_id); /// /// // The proof will likely be exported as JSON to be provided to another party /// /// if let Ok(p) = result { /// let valid = api_owner.verify_payment_proof(None, &p); /// if let Ok(_) = valid { /// //... /// } /// } /// ``` pub fn verify_payment_proof( &self, keychain_mask: Option<&SecretKey>, proof: &PaymentProof, ) -> Result<(bool, bool), Error> { owner::verify_payment_proof(self.wallet_inst.clone(), keychain_mask, proof) } } /// attempt to send slate synchronously with TOR pub fn try_slatepack_sync_workflow( slate: &Slate, dest: &str, tor_config: Option<TorConfig>, tor_sender: Option<HttpSlateSender>, send_to_finalize: bool, test_mode: bool, ) -> Result<Option<Slate>, libwallet::Error> { if let Some(tc) = &tor_config { if tc.skip_send_attempt == Some(true) { return Ok(None); } } let mut ret_slate = Slate::blank(2, false); let mut send_sync = |mut sender: HttpSlateSender, method_str: &str| match sender .send_tx(&slate, send_to_finalize) { Ok(s) => { ret_slate = s; return Ok(()); } Err(e) => { debug!( "Send ({}): Could not send Slate via {}: {}", method_str, method_str, e ); return Err(e); } }; // Try parsing Slatepack address match SlatepackAddress::try_from(dest) { Ok(address) => { let tor_addr = OnionV3Address::try_from(&address).unwrap(); // Try sending to the destination via TOR let sender = match tor_sender { None => { if test_mode { None } else { match HttpSlateSender::with_socks_proxy( &tor_addr.to_http_str(), &tor_config.as_ref().unwrap().socks_proxy_addr, &tor_config.as_ref().unwrap().send_config_dir, ) { Ok(s) => Some(s), Err(e) => { debug!("Send (TOR): Cannot create TOR Slate sender {:?}", e); None } } } } Some(s) => { if test_mode { None } else { Some(s) } } }; if let Some(s) = sender { warn!("Attempting to send transaction via TOR"); match send_sync(s, "TOR") { Ok(_) => return Ok(Some(ret_slate)), Err(e) => { debug!("Unable to send via TOR: {}", e); warn!("Unable to send transaction via TOR"); } } } } Err(e) => { debug!("Send (TOR): Destination is not SlatepackAddress {:?}", e); warn!("Destination is not a valid Slatepack address. Will output Slatepack.") } } Ok(None) } #[doc(hidden)] #[macro_export] macro_rules! doctest_helper_setup_doc_env { ($wallet:ident, $wallet_config:ident) => { use grin_wallet_api as api; use grin_wallet_config as config; use grin_wallet_impls as impls; use grin_wallet_libwallet as libwallet; use grin_wallet_util::grin_core; use grin_wallet_util::grin_keychain as keychain; use grin_wallet_util::grin_util as util; use grin_core::global; use keychain::ExtKeychain; use tempfile::tempdir; use std::sync::Arc; use util::{Mutex, ZeroingString}; use api::{Foreign, Owner}; use config::WalletConfig; use impls::{DefaultLCProvider, DefaultWalletImpl, HTTPNodeClient}; use libwallet::{BlockFees, InitTxArgs, IssueInvoiceTxArgs, Slate, WalletInst}; use uuid::Uuid; // don't run on windows CI, which gives very inconsistent results if cfg!(windows) { return; } // Set our local chain_type for testing. global::set_local_chain_type(global::ChainTypes::AutomatedTesting); let dir = tempdir().map_err(|e| format!("{:#?}", e)).unwrap(); let dir = dir .path() .to_str() .ok_or("Failed to convert tmpdir path to string.".to_owned()) .unwrap(); let mut wallet_config = WalletConfig::default(); wallet_config.data_file_dir = dir.to_owned(); let pw = ZeroingString::from(""); let node_client = HTTPNodeClient::new(&wallet_config.check_node_api_http_addr, None).unwrap(); let mut wallet = Box::new( DefaultWalletImpl::<'static, HTTPNodeClient>::new(node_client.clone()).unwrap(), ) as Box< WalletInst< 'static, DefaultLCProvider<HTTPNodeClient, ExtKeychain>, HTTPNodeClient, ExtKeychain, >, >; let lc = wallet.lc_provider().unwrap(); let _ = lc.set_top_level_directory(&wallet_config.data_file_dir); lc.open_wallet(None, pw, false, false); let mut $wallet = Arc::new(Mutex::new(wallet)); }; }