This feature enables the user to see their expense in a graphical format to enable better UX.
Currently, the /display & /analytics commands can display graphs. Use /analytics for better formats.
The code that implements this feature can be found here
visualize(total_text): This is the main function used to implement the graphing part of display feature. This file is called from, and takes the user expense as a string and creates a dictionary which in turn is fed as input matplotlib to create the graph
addlabels(x, y): This function is used to add the labels to the graph. It takes the expense values and adds the values inside the bar graph for each expense type
viewBudget(data): This function saves a pie chart with the cateogry-wise budget split
overall_split(category_budget): This function is the updated version of viewBudget
spend_wise_split(category_spend): This function saves a pie chart with the category wise split of expenditure
remaining(category_spend_percent): This function saves a bar graph with the cateogry-wise % of budget remaining
time_series(cat_spend_dict): This function saves a time series graph with history of spending
After you've added sufficient input data, use the /display or /analytics command and you can see the output in a pictorial representation.