# Contributing Guidelines

Want to contribute to this project? We ❤️ it!

- [Your First Contribution](#your-first-contribution)
  - [Contribution Types](#contribution-types)
  - [Making Code Contributions](#making-code-contributions)

## Prerequisites

Before submitting code to this project, you should first complete the following prerequisites. Completing these steps will make your first contribution easier:

- Read the [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/deepgram/deepgram-go-sdk/blob/main/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) at [https://github.com/deepgram/deepgram-go-sdk/blob/main/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md](https://github.com/deepgram/deepgram-go-sdk/blob/main/.github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
- [Sign up](http://github.com/signup) for a GitHub user account.

## Your First Contribution

The first step to getting started contributing to the Go SDK is to find something to work on. Help is always welcome, and no contribution is too small (but see below)!

Here are some things you can do today to get started contributing:

- Help improve the documentation
- Clarify code, variables, or functions that can be commented on
- Write test coverage
- Help triage issues

If the above suggestions don't appeal to you, you can browse the issues labeled as a [good first issue](https://github.com/deepgram/deepgram-go-sdk/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22) to see who is looking for help. The good first issue label also indicates that project maintainers have committed to providing extra assistance for new contributors. When you've found an issue to work on, you can assign it to yourself.

### Contribution Types

Here are a few types of contributions that we would be interested in hearing about.

- Bug fixes
  - If you find a bug, please first report it using Github Issues.
  - Issues that have already been identified as a bug will be labeled `🐛 bug`.
    - Before you start any coding or implementation, please see the [Making Code Contributions](#making-code-contributions) section first.
- New Features
  - If you'd like to accomplish something in the project that it doesn't already done, describe the problem in a new Github Issue.

    - Issues that have been identified as a feature request will be labeled `✨ enhancement`.
    - Before you start any coding or implementation, please see the [Making Code Contributions](#making-code-contributions) section first.
- Tests, Documentation, Miscellaneous
  - If you think the test coverage could be improved, the documentation could be clearer, you've got an alternative
    implementation of something that may have more advantages, or any other change we would still be glad hear about

## Making Code Contributions

for those interested in contributing code to the project, please review the [Code Contribution Guide](https://github.com/deepgram/deepgram-go-sdk/blob/main/.github/CODE_CONTRIBUTIONS_GUIDE.md) for more details.