2.4.1 (2023-09-25)
2.4.0 (2023-02-14)
- health professional indexer (#255) (8e87af6)
- move reward to finalize request update (#273) (257df01)
- second opinion indexer handler (#256) (30a6067)
- add delay between reward (#249) (32dd85e)
- error update on stake (#258) (b214b29)
- format data class (#257) (c4a1f07)
- health professional indexer (#269) (abf944b)
- indexer second opinion (#266) (8c449db)
- menstrual subscription (#280) (da7151e)
- reward failed (#252) (db13adc)
- reward finalized (#284) (a09db94)
- reward finalized (#285) (b5ec933)
- reward not called (#270) (fd3fc29)
- reward order fulfilled (#277) (2d19fee)
- reward, handle with convert to bigint (#247) (b6d6f95)
- run check inqueu subscription if some subscription is inactive (#276) (8510bf7)
- run when finished (#267) (320e9af)
2.3.0 (2022-12-16)
- move duration menstrual subscription to env (#231) (ca423b2)
- scheduler inqueue to active (#230) (724ed1d)
- transaction log menstrual subscription (#227) (372daaa)
- add menstrual subscription index when initialize (a3cb8b8)
- add menstrual subscription index when initialize (#221) (a3cb8b8)
- amount transaction log menstrual subscription (#229) (1f59bf7)
- change menstrual subscription status inqueue to active (#236) (0bda662)
- convert to dbio currency unit remove ethereum listener (#242) (4a12919)
- currency unit (#235) (b3632c9)
- error listener (#237) (9db6ba5)
- error module (#232) (0190107)
- reward request service (#228) (d495e43)
2.2.0 (2022-11-30)
- add command handler menstrual subscription event (#197) (280ce35)
- add menstrual calendar event handler (#177) (92010db)
- menstrual subscription scheduler (#218) (0d1a128)
- update cycle log (effect node pallet events parameter changed) (#219) (3bc5c3c)
- update notification (#204) (6407abe)
- update notification order fulfilled with dynamic currency (#194) (4769250)
- update service request listener and indexer (#195) (51c042c)
- error and update menstrual calendar indexer (#200) (926b2f7)
- menstrual calendar and fix id (#180) (d4d5746)
- menstrual cycle log model data convert (#205) (c5fd91c)
- scheduler log error (#220) (a2a03b1)
- staking request (#213) (b196b76)
- update order fulfilled (#153) (e7dc265)
- Update package polkadot provider (#207) (e071a66)
- update transaction hash from blockchain (#214) (ee8c28d)