#include <tdl/tdl.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
auto toolInfo = tdl::ToolInfo {
.metaInfo = {
.version = "7.6.5", // version of your tool
.name = "testApp", // name of your tool
.docurl = "example.com", // url to the documentation of your tool
.category = "sequence analysis", //!TODO what are good categories?
.description = "awesome tool! does everything", // a description of your tool
.executableName = argv[0], // executable name of your tool, we advise to fill it with what ever is given in argv[0]
// A list of citations you would like people to look at when they use your tool for research
.citations = {{"doi:123", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meaning_of_life"},
{"doi:456", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_completeness"}}
.params = {
// allow a call like `./myTool build --input <file1> <file2>`
tdl::Node {
.name = "build",
.description = "builds some index for search",
.tags = {}, // no tags
.value = tdl::Node::Children {
tdl::Node {
.name = "input", // This must be the same as the referenceName of CLIMapping
.description = "input file",
.value = tdl::StringValueList{}, // indicates that we are accepting a list of strings as values
// allow a call like `./myTool search --index myindex.db --queries <file1> <file2>`
tdl::Node {
.name = "search",
.description = "using index to search",
.value = tdl::Node::Children {
tdl::Node {
.name = "queries", // This must be the same as the referenceName of CLIMapping
.description = "files with search queries",
.value = tdl::StringValueList{}, // indicates that we are accepting a list of strings as values
tdl::Node {
.name = "index", // This must be the same as the referenceName of CLIMapping
.description = "path to an index file",
.value = tdl::StringValue{}, // indicates that we are accepting a single string value
.cliMapping = {
tdl::CLIMapping {.optionIdentifier = "--input", .referenceName = "input"},
tdl::CLIMapping {.optionIdentifier = "--index", .referenceName = "index"},
tdl::CLIMapping {.optionIdentifier = "--queries", .referenceName = "queries"},