title: ANALYZE | TiDB SQL Statement Reference
summary: An overview of the usage of ANALYZE for the TiDB database.
aliases: ['/docs/dev/sql-statements/sql-statement-analyze-table/','/docs/dev/reference/sql/statements/analyze-table/']


This statement updates the statistics that TiDB builds on tables and indexes. It is recommended to run `ANALYZE` after performing a large batch update or import of records, or when you notice that query execution plans are sub-optimal.

TiDB will also automatically update its statistics over time as it discovers that they are inconsistent with its own estimates.

Currently, TiDB collects statistical information in two ways: full collection (implemented using the `ANALYZE TABLE` statement) and incremental collection (implemented using the `ANALYZE INCREMENTAL TABLE` statement). For detailed usage of these two statements, refer to [introduction to statistics](/statistics.md)

## Synopsis

AnalyzeTableStmt ::=
    'ANALYZE' ( 'TABLE' ( TableNameList ( 'ALL COLUMNS' | 'PREDICATE COLUMNS' ) | TableName ( 'INDEX' IndexNameList? | AnalyzeColumnOption | 'PARTITION' PartitionNameList ( 'INDEX' IndexNameList? | AnalyzeColumnOption )? )? ) | 'INCREMENTAL' 'TABLE' TableName ( 'PARTITION' PartitionNameList )? 'INDEX' IndexNameList? ) AnalyzeOptionListOpt

AnalyzeOptionListOpt ::=
( WITH AnalyzeOptionList )?

AnalyzeOptionList ::=
AnalyzeOption ( ',' AnlyzeOption )*

AnalyzeOption ::=

AnalyzeColumnOption ::=

TableNameList ::=
    TableName (',' TableName)*

TableName ::=
    Identifier ( '.' Identifier )?

ColumnNameList ::=
    Identifier ( ',' Identifier )*

IndexNameList ::=
    Identifier ( ',' Identifier )*

PartitionNameList ::=
    Identifier ( ',' Identifier )*

## Examples

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO t1 (c1) VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5);
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> ALTER TABLE t1 ADD INDEX (c1);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.30 sec)

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c1 = 3;
| id                     | estRows | task      | access object          | operator info                               |
| IndexReader_6          | 10.00   | root      |                        | index:IndexRangeScan_5                      |
| └─IndexRangeScan_5     | 10.00   | cop[tikv] | table:t1, index:c1(c1) | range:[3,3], keep order:false, stats:pseudo |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> analyze table t1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.13 sec)

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c1 = 3;
| id                     | estRows | task      | access object          | operator info                 |
| IndexReader_6          | 1.00    | root      |                        | index:IndexRangeScan_5        |
| └─IndexRangeScan_5     | 1.00    | cop[tikv] | table:t1, index:c1(c1) | range:[3,3], keep order:false |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

## MySQL compatibility

TiDB differs from MySQL in **both** the statistics it collects and how it makes use of statistics during query execution. While this statement is syntactically similar to MySQL, the following differences apply:

1. TiDB might not include very recently committed changes when running `ANALYZE TABLE`. After a batch-update of rows, you might need to `sleep(1)` before executing `ANALYZE TABLE` in order for the statistics update to reflect these changes. [#16570](https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/16570).
2. `ANALYZE TABLE` takes significantly longer to execute in TiDB than MySQL. This performance difference can be partially mitigated by enabling fast analyze with `SET GLOBAL tidb_enable_fast_analyze=1`. Fast analyze makes use of sampling, leading to less accurate statistics. Its usage is still considered experimental.

MySQL does not support the `ANALYZE INCREMENTAL TABLE` statement. TiDB supports incremental collection of statistics. For detailed usage, refer to [incremental collection](/statistics.md#incremental-collection).

## See also

* [EXPLAIN](/sql-statements/sql-statement-explain.md)
* [EXPLAIN ANALYZE](/sql-statements/sql-statement-explain-analyze.md)