Releases: davidlougheed/strkit
Releases · davidlougheed/strkit
Version 0.15.0 alpha 9
Version 0.15.0 alpha 8
Version 0.15.0 alpha 7
- feat!: only allow one BAM file + port more code to Rust
- feat(call)!: max reads param
- perf(call): early-skip loci with >3 reads with extremely poor (slow) alignment
- fix(call): bad logic for pure SNV peak assignment read threshold
- chore(call): eliminate abs min read threshold for SNV incorporation
- perf(call): small optimizations for lambdas
- Logging:
Full Changelog: v0.15.0-alpha.6...v0.15.0-alpha.7
Version 0.15.0 alpha 6
Version 0.15.0 alpha 5
- feat(call): output motif and ref copy num in VCF
- feat(call): output peak assign method in VCF
- feat(call): join/remap synonymous phase sets
- fix(call): vcf output with missed calls
- fix(call): don't output duplicate SNV alleles
- fix(call): handle empty allele with a warning
- fix(call): better contig format detection for snvs
- fix(call): use best representative sequence as a pseudo-consensus
- chore(call): set timeout on locks as a failsafe
- perf(call): use Rust component for cigar pair decoding
- perf(call): switch to strkit_rust_ext/numpy arrays for coords/consensus
Full Changelog: v0.15.0-alpha.4...v0.15.0-alpha.5
Version 0.15.0 alpha 4
Version 0.15.0 alpha 3
Version 0.15.0 alpha 2
Version 0.15.0a1
- refact(call)!: use params object for calling methods
- feat(call): optional incorporation of HP tags from haplotagged alignment
- feat(call): initial implementation of snv haplotype-block phasing
- perf(call): decode cigar optimization
- perf(call): upgrade strkit_rust_ext to 0.6.0
- fix(call): properly terminate realign process if it times out
- chore(call): tell user how to pass sample id manually
- chore: enable rustdeps in Dockerfile
- misc. documentation updates
Full Changelog: v0.14.0...v0.15.0a1