diff --git a/tests/common.py b/tests/common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceeecbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+Common strategies and utilities used across multiple test modules.
+Any real-world details or samples used as constants were correct when
+taken on 2024-03-06.
+import datetime as dt
+import string
+from dateutil import relativedelta as rd
+from hypothesis import strategies as st
+from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatOllama
+from parliai_public.readers.base import BaseReader
+class ToyReader(BaseReader):
+    """A toy class to allow testing our abstract base class."""
+    def retrieve_latest_entries(self):
+        """Allow testing with toy method."""
+    @staticmethod
+    def _read_metadata(url, soup):
+        """Allow testing with toy static method."""
+    @staticmethod
+    def _read_contents(soup):
+        """Allow testing with toy static method."""
+    def render(self, response, page):
+        """Allow testing with toy method."""
+    def _summary_template(self):
+        """Allow testing with toy method."""
+def where_what(reader):
+    """Get the right location and class for testing a reader."""
+    what = reader
+    if reader is ToyReader:
+        what = BaseReader
+    where = ".".join((what.__module__, what.__name__))
+    return where, what
+def default_llm() -> ChatOllama:
+    """Instantiate default LLM object for use in testing."""
+    llm = ChatOllama(
+        model_name="gemma",
+        temperature=0,
+        # max_output_tokens=2048,
+    )
+    return llm
+    (
+        "Bob Seely",
+        "Conservative, Isle of Wight",
+        "https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/25645/bob_seely/isle_of_wight",
+    ),
+    (
+        "Mark Logan",
+        "Conservative, Bolton North East",
+        "https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/25886/mark_logan/bolton_north_east",
+    ),
+    (
+        "Nigel Huddleston",
+        "Conservative, Mid Worcestershire",
+        "https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/25381/nigel_huddleston/mid_worcestershire",
+    ),
+    (
+        "Heather Wheeler",
+        "Conservative, South Derbyshire",
+        "https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/24769/heather_wheeler/south_derbyshire",
+    ),
+    (
+        "Ian Paisley Jnr",
+        "DUP, North Antrim",
+        "https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/13852/ian_paisley_jnr/north_antrim",
+    ),
+    (
+        "Matthew Offord",
+        "Conservative, Hendon",
+        "https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/24955/matthew_offord/hendon",
+    ),
+    (
+        "John Howell",
+        "Conservative, Henley",
+        "https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/14131/john_howell/henley",
+    ),
+    (
+        "Robert Goodwill",
+        "Conservative, Scarborough and Whitby",
+        "https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/11804/robert_goodwill/scarborough_and_whitby",
+    ),
+    (
+        "Naseem Shah",
+        "Labour, Bradford West",
+        "https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/25385/naseem_shah/bradford_west",
+    ),
+    (
+        "Amy Callaghan",
+        "Scottish National Party, East Dunbartonshire",
+        "https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/25863/amy_callaghan/east_dunbartonshire",
+    ),
+    "Attorney General's Office",
+    "Cabinet Office",
+    "Department for Business and Trade",
+    "Department for Culture, Media and Sport",
+    "Department for Education",
+    "Department for Energy Security and Net Zero",
+    "Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs",
+    "Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities",
+    "Department for Science, Innovation and Technology",
+    "Department for Transport",
+    "Department for Work and Pensions",
+    "Department of Health and Social Care",
+    "Export Credits Guarantee Department",
+    "Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office",
+    "HM Treasury",
+    "Home Office",
+    "Ministry of Defence",
+    "Ministry of Justice",
+    "Northern Ireland Office",
+    "Office of the Advocate General for Scotland",
+    "Office of the Leader of the House of Commons",
+    "Office of the Leader of the House of Lords",
+    "Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland",
+    "Office of the Secretary of State for Wales",
+    "ONS",
+    "Office for National Statistics",
+    "National Statistician",
+TODAY = dt.date.today()
+ST_DATES = st.dates(TODAY - rd.relativedelta(years=4), TODAY)
+ST_FREE_TEXT = st.text(
+    string.ascii_letters + string.digits + ".:;!?-", min_size=1
+MODEL_NAMES = ["llama3", "mistral", "openhermes"]
+    "Sure! Here is the text you are looking for: \nMy right honourable friend...",
+    "Sure - here is the quote: My right honourable friend...",
+    "Sure!The following contains references to your search terms:My right honourable friend...",
diff --git a/tests/readers/base/__init__.py b/tests/readers/base/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99eeea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/readers/base/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Tests for the BaseReader class."""
diff --git a/tests/readers/test_creation.py b/tests/readers/test_creation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..667a24a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/readers/test_creation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+"""Unit tests for instantiation methods of our readers."""
+import datetime as dt
+from unittest import mock
+import pytest
+from hypothesis import given, provisional
+from hypothesis import strategies as st
+from parliai_public.readers import Debates, WrittenAnswers
+from ..common import ST_DATES, ST_FREE_TEXT, TODAY, ToyReader, where_what
+ST_OPTIONAL_STRINGS = st.one_of((st.just(None), ST_FREE_TEXT))
+YESTERDAY = TODAY - dt.timedelta(days=1)
+    st.sampled_from((ToyReader, Debates, WrittenAnswers)),
+    st.lists(provisional.urls(), max_size=5),
+    st.one_of((st.just(None), st.lists(ST_FREE_TEXT, max_size=5))),
+    st.one_of(st.just(None), st.lists(ST_DATES, min_size=1, max_size=5)),
+def test_init(reader_class, urls, terms, dates, outdir, prompt):
+    """Test instantiation occurs correctly."""
+    where, what = where_what(reader_class)
+    if reader_class is WrittenAnswers:
+        urls = reader_class._supported_urls
+    config = {
+        "prompt": "",
+        "llm_name": "gemma",
+    }
+    with mock.patch(f"{where}._load_config") as load:
+        load.return_value = config
+        reader = reader_class(urls, terms, dates, outdir, prompt)
+    default_terms = ["Office for National Statistics", "ONS"]
+    assert isinstance(reader, what)
+    assert reader.urls == urls
+    assert reader.terms == default_terms if not terms else terms
+    assert reader.dates == [YESTERDAY] if dates is None else dates
+    assert reader.outdir == outdir
+    assert reader.prompt == ("" if prompt is None else prompt)
+    assert reader.llm_name == "gemma"
+    load.assert_called_once_with()
+@pytest.mark.skip("Skipping - requires diagnostics re keywords")
+    st.sampled_from((ToyReader, Debates, WrittenAnswers)),
+    st.lists(provisional.urls(), max_size=5),
+    st.lists(ST_FREE_TEXT, max_size=5),
+def test_from_toml_no_dates(reader_class, path, urls, terms, text):
+    """
+    Test that an instance can be made from a configuration file.
+    In this test, we do not configure any of the date parameters, so
+    every reader instance should have the same `dates` attribute:
+    yesterday.
+    """
+    where, what = where_what(reader_class)
+    if reader_class is WrittenAnswers:
+        urls = reader_class._supported_urls
+    with (
+        mock.patch(f"{where}._load_config") as loader,
+        mock.patch("parliai_public.dates.list_dates") as lister,
+    ):
+        loader.return_value = {
+            "urls": urls,
+            "terms": terms,
+            "outdir": text,
+            "prompt": text,
+            "llm_name": "gemma",
+        }
+        reader = reader_class.from_toml(path)
+    assert isinstance(reader, what)
+    assert reader.urls == urls
+    assert reader.terms == terms
+    assert reader.dates == [YESTERDAY]
+    assert reader.outdir == text
+    assert reader.prompt == text
+    assert reader.llm_name == "gemma"
+    assert loader.return_value["dates"] is None
+    assert loader.call_count == 2
+    assert loader.call_args_list == [mock.call(path), mock.call()]
+    lister.assert_not_called()
+    st.sampled_from((ToyReader, Debates, WrittenAnswers)),
+    ST_DATES.map(dt.date.isoformat),
+def test_from_toml_with_start(reader_class, start):
+    """
+    Check the config constructor works with a start date.
+    The actual date list construction is mocked here.
+    """
+    where, what = where_what(reader_class)
+    with (
+        mock.patch(f"{where}._load_config") as loader,
+        mock.patch("parliai_public.dates.list_dates") as lister,
+    ):
+        loader.return_value = {
+            "urls": [],
+            "start": start,
+            "prompt": "",
+            "llm_name": "gemma",
+        }
+        lister.return_value = ["dates"]
+        reader = reader_class.from_toml()
+    assert isinstance(reader, what)
+    assert reader.dates == ["dates"]
+    assert "start" not in loader.return_value
+    assert loader.return_value.get("dates") == ["dates"]
+    lister.assert_called_once_with(start, None, None, "%Y-%m-%d")
+    st.sampled_from((ToyReader, Debates, WrittenAnswers)),
+    ST_DATES.map(dt.date.isoformat),
+def test_from_toml_with_end(reader_class, end):
+    """Check the config constructor works with an end date."""
+    where, what = where_what(reader_class)
+    with (
+        mock.patch(f"{where}._load_config") as loader,
+        mock.patch("parliai_public.dates.list_dates") as lister,
+    ):
+        loader.return_value = {
+            "urls": [],
+            "end": end,
+            "prompt": "",
+            "llm_name": "gemma",
+        }
+        lister.return_value = ["dates"]
+        reader = reader_class.from_toml()
+    assert isinstance(reader, what)
+    assert reader.dates == ["dates"]
+    assert "end" not in loader.return_value
+    assert loader.return_value.get("dates") == ["dates"]
+    lister.assert_called_once_with(None, end, None, "%Y-%m-%d")
+    st.sampled_from((ToyReader, Debates, WrittenAnswers)),
+    st.tuples(ST_DATES, ST_DATES).map(
+        lambda dates: sorted(map(dt.date.isoformat, dates))
+    ),
+def test_from_toml_with_endpoints(reader_class, endpoints):
+    """Check the config constructor works with two endpoints."""
+    where, what = where_what(reader_class)
+    start, end = endpoints
+    with (
+        mock.patch(f"{where}._load_config") as loader,
+        mock.patch("parliai_public.dates.list_dates") as lister,
+    ):
+        loader.return_value = {
+            "urls": [],
+            "start": start,
+            "end": end,
+            "prompt": "",
+            "llm_name": "gemma",
+        }
+        lister.return_value = ["dates"]
+        reader = reader_class.from_toml()
+    assert isinstance(reader, what)
+    assert reader.dates == ["dates"]
+    assert "start" not in loader.return_value
+    assert "end" not in loader.return_value
+    assert loader.return_value.get("dates") == ["dates"]
+    lister.assert_called_once_with(start, end, None, "%Y-%m-%d")
+    st.sampled_from((ToyReader, Debates, WrittenAnswers)),
+    st.integers(1, 14),
+def test_from_toml_with_window(reader_class, window):
+    """Check the config constructor works with a window."""
+    where, what = where_what(reader_class)
+    with (
+        mock.patch(f"{where}._load_config") as loader,
+        mock.patch("parliai_public.dates.list_dates") as lister,
+    ):
+        loader.return_value = {
+            "urls": [],
+            "window": window,
+            "prompt": "",
+            "llm_name": "gemma",
+        }
+        lister.return_value = ["dates"]
+        reader = reader_class.from_toml()
+    assert isinstance(reader, what)
+    assert reader.dates == ["dates"]
+    assert "end" not in loader.return_value
+    assert loader.return_value.get("dates") == ["dates"]
+    lister.assert_called_once_with(None, None, window, "%Y-%m-%d")
+    st.sampled_from((ToyReader, Debates, WrittenAnswers)),
+    ST_DATES.map(dt.date.isoformat),
+    st.integers(1, 14),
+def test_from_toml_with_end_and_window(reader_class, end, window):
+    """Check the config constructor works with an end and a window."""
+    where, what = where_what(reader_class)
+    with (
+        mock.patch(f"{where}._load_config") as loader,
+        mock.patch("parliai_public.dates.list_dates") as lister,
+    ):
+        loader.return_value = {
+            "urls": [],
+            "end": end,
+            "window": window,
+            "prompt": "",
+            "llm_name": "gemma",
+        }
+        lister.return_value = ["dates"]
+        reader = reader_class.from_toml()
+    assert isinstance(reader, what)
+    assert reader.dates == ["dates"]
+    assert "end" not in loader.return_value
+    assert "window" not in loader.return_value
+    assert loader.return_value.get("dates") == ["dates"]
+    lister.assert_called_once_with(None, end, window, "%Y-%m-%d")
diff --git a/tests/readers/theyworkforyou/__init__.py b/tests/readers/theyworkforyou/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b94998
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/readers/theyworkforyou/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Unit tests for the debates reader."""