Deployments in this project have files split between multiple locations, to allow common files to be used by multiple deployments. To apply or delete, run the following:
( export VISIBILITY=<private | public> && export SUBDOMAIN=<your deployment> && kubectl -n ibl-navigator-${SUBDOMAIN} <apply | delete> -f k8s/deployments/navigator-${VISIBILITY}/${SUBDOMAIN} -f k8s/deployments/navigator-${VISIBILITY}/ )
If an entierly new deployment needs to be made, complete the following:
- create a new subdirectory in the navigator directory:
mkdir navigator/<your deployment>
- establish a new namespace:
kubectl create namespace ibl-navigator-<your deployment>
- set a DNS record in gandi of type CNAME, with name = your deployment, and having a hostname identical to that of
- configure deployment files in your subdirectory
- apply deployment with
( export VISIBILITY=<private | public> && export SUBDOMAIN=<your deployment> && kubectl -n ibl-navigator-${SUBDOMAIN} <apply | delete> -f navigator-${VISIBILITY}/${SUBDOMAIN} -f navigator-${VISIBILITY}/ )
source k8s/deployments/jupyterhub/.env && helm upgrade --install jupyterhub jupyterhub/jupyterhub -n jhub --create-namespace --values k8s/deployments/jupyterhub/helm_config.yaml --set hub.config.GitHubOAuthenticator.client_id=${GITHUB_CLIENT_ID} --set hub.config.GitHubOAuthenticator.client_secret=${GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET} --set hub.db.url=${JUPYTERHUB_DB_URL} --version "1.1.3" --devel --timeout 1h --debug #--wait --dry-run
helm delete jupyterhub -n jhub # && kubectl delete ns jupyterhub
note: deleting namespace is currently permanently breaking dns resolution for that ns (matching name)
Deployments in this project have files split between multiple locations, to allow common files to be used by multiple deployments. To apply or delete, run the following:
( kubectl -n sci-viz-public apply -f k8s/deployments/sciviz/hpa.yaml -f k8s/deployments/sciviz/secret.yaml -f k8s/deployments/sciviz/public/sci-viz/ -f k8s/deployments/sciviz/public/pharus/ )