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+# External HMS Integration
+### TL;DR
+The UCX toolkit by default relies on the internal workspace HMS as a source for tables and views.
Many DB users utilize an external HMS instead of the Workspace HMS provided by DB.
A popular external HMS is Amazon Glue.
This document describes the considerations for UCX integration with external HMS.
+### Current Considerations
+- Integration with external HMS is set up on individual clusters.
+- Theoretically we can integrate separate clusters in a workspace with different HMS repositories.
+- In reality most customers use a single (internal or external) HMS within a workspace.
+- When migrating from an external HMS we have to consider that it is used by more than one workspace.
+- Integration with external HMS has to be set on all DB Warehouses together.
+- HMS connectivity is set, usually, on cluster policy. As well as global SQL Warehouse config
+- Typically external HMS setup relies on:
+ - Spark Config
+ - Instance Profiles
+ - Init scripts
+### Design Decisions
+- Should we set up a single HMS for UCX?
+- Should we suggest copying the setup from an existing Cluster/Cluster policy?
+- We shouldn't override the set up for the DB Warehouses (that may break functionality)
+- We should allow overriding cluster settings and instance profile setting to accommodate novel settings.
+### Challenges
+- We cannot support multiple HMS
+- Using an external HMS to persist UCX tables will break functionality for a second workspace using UCX
+- We should consider using a pattern similar to our integration testing to rename the target database to allow persisting from multiple workspaces. For example WS1 --> UCX_ABC, WS2 --> UCX_DEF.
+- With external HMS it is likely that some of the tables will not be accessible by some of the workspaces. We may need to migrate certain databases from certain workspaces.
+### Suggested flow
+1. Start the installer.
+2. The installer looks for use of external HMS by the workspace. We review cluster policies or DBSQL warehouses settings.
+3. We alert the user that an external HMS is set and request ask a YES/NO to set external HMS.
+4. We alert the user if they opted for external HMS and the DB Warehouses are not set for external HMS
+5. We update the configuration file with the HMS settings.
+6. We set the job clusters with the required External HMS settings.