Requests-File is a transport adapter for use with the Requests Python library to allow local filesystem access via file:// URLs.
To use:
import requests
from requests_file import FileAdapter
s = requests.Session()
s.mount('file://', FileAdapter())
resp = s.get('file:///path/to/file')
- Will open and read local files
- Might set a Content-Length header
- That's about it
No encoding information is set in the response object, so be careful using Response.text: the chardet library will be used to convert the file to a unicode type and it may not detect what you actually want.
EACCES is converted to a 403 status code, and ENOENT is converted to a 404. All other IOError types are converted to a 400.
Contributions welcome! Feel free to open a pull request against
To maximise compatibility with Requests, this code is licensed under the Apache license. See LICENSE for more details.