diff --git a/bin/parser_generator_for_spec.dart b/bin/parser_generator_for_spec.dart
index dfa436cb7..b1e6396c8 100644
--- a/bin/parser_generator_for_spec.dart
+++ b/bin/parser_generator_for_spec.dart
@@ -227,6 +227,204 @@ main(arguments) {
-      "'World'|hello;1"
+      "'World'|hello;1",
+      "assert",
+      "break",
+      "case",
+      "catch",
+      "class",
+      "const",
+      "continue",
+      "default",
+      "do",
+      "else",
+      "enum",
+      "extends",
+      "final",
+      "finally",
+      "for",
+      "if",
+      "in",
+      "is",
+      "new",
+      "rethrow",
+      "return",
+      "super",
+      "switch",
+      "this",
+      "throw",
+      "try",
+      "var",
+      "void",
+      "while",
+      "with",
+      "assert = 42",
+      "break = 42",
+      "case = 42",
+      "catch = 42",
+      "class = 42",
+      "const = 42",
+      "continue = 42",
+      "default = 42",
+      "do = 42",
+      "else = 42",
+      "enum = 42",
+      "extends = 42",
+      "false = 42",
+      "final = 42",
+      "finally = 42",
+      "for = 42",
+      "if = 42",
+      "in = 42",
+      "is = 42",
+      "new = 42",
+      "null = 42",
+      "rethrow = 42",
+      "return = 42",
+      "super = 42",
+      "switch = 42",
+      "this = 42",
+      "throw = 42",
+      "true = 42",
+      "try = 42",
+      "var = 42",
+      "void = 42",
+      "while = 42",
+      "with = 42",
+      "assert()",
+      "break()",
+      "case()",
+      "catch()",
+      "class()",
+      "const()",
+      "continue()",
+      "default()",
+      "do()",
+      "else()",
+      "enum()",
+      "extends()",
+      "final()",
+      "finally()",
+      "for()",
+      "if()",
+      "in()",
+      "is()",
+      "new()",
+      "rethrow()",
+      "return()",
+      "super()",
+      "switch()",
+      "this()",
+      "throw()",
+      "try()",
+      "var()",
+      "void()",
+      "while()",
+      "with()",
+      "o.assert",
+      "o.break",
+      "o.case",
+      "o.catch",
+      "o.class",
+      "o.const",
+      "o.continue",
+      "o.default",
+      "o.do",
+      "o.else",
+      "o.enum",
+      "o.extends",
+      "o.false",
+      "o.final",
+      "o.finally",
+      "o.for",
+      "o.if",
+      "o.in",
+      "o.is",
+      "o.new",
+      "o.null",
+      "o.rethrow",
+      "o.return",
+      "o.super",
+      "o.switch",
+      "o.this",
+      "o.throw",
+      "o.true",
+      "o.try",
+      "o.var",
+      "o.void",
+      "o.while",
+      "o.with",
+      "o.assert = 42",
+      "o.break = 42",
+      "o.case = 42",
+      "o.catch = 42",
+      "o.class = 42",
+      "o.const = 42",
+      "o.continue = 42",
+      "o.default = 42",
+      "o.do = 42",
+      "o.else = 42",
+      "o.enum = 42",
+      "o.extends = 42",
+      "o.false = 42",
+      "o.final = 42",
+      "o.finally = 42",
+      "o.for = 42",
+      "o.if = 42",
+      "o.in = 42",
+      "o.is = 42",
+      "o.new = 42",
+      "o.null = 42",
+      "o.rethrow = 42",
+      "o.return = 42",
+      "o.super = 42",
+      "o.switch = 42",
+      "o.this = 42",
+      "o.throw = 42",
+      "o.true = 42",
+      "o.try = 42",
+      "o.var = 42",
+      "o.void = 42",
+      "o.while = 42",
+      "o.with = 42",
+      "o.assert()",
+      "o.break()",
+      "o.case()",
+      "o.catch()",
+      "o.class()",
+      "o.const()",
+      "o.continue()",
+      "o.default()",
+      "o.do()",
+      "o.else()",
+      "o.enum()",
+      "o.extends()",
+      "o.false()",
+      "o.final()",
+      "o.finally()",
+      "o.for()",
+      "o.if()",
+      "o.in()",
+      "o.is()",
+      "o.new()",
+      "o.null()",
+      "o.rethrow()",
+      "o.return()",
+      "o.super()",
+      "o.switch()",
+      "o.this()",
+      "o.throw()",
+      "o.true()",
+      "o.try()",
+      "o.var()",
+      "o.void()",
+      "o.while()",
+      "o.with()",
diff --git a/lib/core/parser/eval_access.dart b/lib/core/parser/eval_access.dart
index 1e1f53a68..d8f47fea7 100644
--- a/lib/core/parser/eval_access.dart
+++ b/lib/core/parser/eval_access.dart
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import 'package:angular/core/module.dart';
 class AccessScope extends syntax.AccessScope with AccessReflective {
   final Symbol symbol;
-  AccessScope(String name) : super(name), symbol = new Symbol(name);
+  AccessScope(String name) : super(name), symbol = newSymbol(name);
   eval(scope, [FilterMap filters]) => _eval(scope);
   assign(scope, value) => _assign(scope, scope, value);
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class AccessScopeFast extends syntax.AccessScope with AccessFast {
 class AccessMember extends syntax.AccessMember with AccessReflective {
   final Symbol symbol;
   AccessMember(object, String name)
-      : super(object, name), symbol = new Symbol(name);
+      : super(object, name), symbol = newSymbol(name);
   eval(scope, [FilterMap filters]) => _eval(object.eval(scope, filters));
   assign(scope, value) => _assign(scope, object.eval(scope), value);
   _assignToNonExisting(scope, value) => object.assign(scope, { name: value });
@@ -84,6 +84,9 @@ abstract class AccessReflective {
       _cachedKind = CACHED_MAP;
       _cachedValue = null;
       return holder[name];
+    } else if (symbol == null) {
+      _cachedHolder = UNINITIALIZED;
+      return null;
     InstanceMirror mirror = reflect(holder);
     try {
@@ -119,7 +122,7 @@ abstract class AccessReflective {
       holder[name] = value;
     } else if (holder == null) {
       _assignToNonExisting(scope, value);
-    } else {
+    } else if (symbol != null) {
       reflect(holder).setField(symbol, value);
     return value;
diff --git a/lib/core/parser/eval_calls.dart b/lib/core/parser/eval_calls.dart
index 4c1bab706..c7c152a6a 100644
--- a/lib/core/parser/eval_calls.dart
+++ b/lib/core/parser/eval_calls.dart
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class CallScope extends syntax.CallScope with CallReflective {
   final Symbol symbol;
   CallScope(name, arguments)
       : super(name, arguments)
-      , symbol = new Symbol(name);
+      , symbol = newSymbol(name);
   eval(scope, [FilterMap filters]) => _eval(scope, scope);
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class CallMember extends syntax.CallMember with CallReflective {
   final Symbol symbol;
   CallMember(object, name, arguments)
       : super(object, name, arguments)
-      , symbol = new Symbol(name);
+      , symbol = newSymbol(name);
   eval(scope, [FilterMap filters]) => _eval(scope, object.eval(scope, filters));
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ abstract class CallReflective {
       _cachedKind = CACHED_MAP;
       _cachedValue = null;
       return relaxFnApply(ensureFunctionFromMap(holder, name), arguments);
+    } else if (symbol == null) {
+      _cachedHolder = UNINITIALIZED;
+      throw new EvalError("Undefined function $name");
     } else {
       InstanceMirror mirror = reflect(holder);
       _cachedKind = CACHED_FUNCTION;
diff --git a/lib/core/parser/utils.dart b/lib/core/parser/utils.dart
index dfb386fdc..d79c9c96f 100644
--- a/lib/core/parser/utils.dart
+++ b/lib/core/parser/utils.dart
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ library angular.core.parser.utils;
 import 'package:angular/core/parser/syntax.dart' show Expression;
 import 'package:angular/core/module.dart';
+import 'package:angular/utils.dart' show isReservedWord;
 export 'package:angular/utils.dart' show relaxFnApply, relaxFnArgs, toBool;
 /// Marker for an uninitialized value.
@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ class EvalError {
 /// Evaluate the [list] in context of the [scope].
 List evalList(scope, List<Expression> list, [FilterMap filters]) {
   int length = list.length;
-  for(int cacheLength = _evalListCache.length; cacheLength <= length; cacheLength++) {
+  for (int cacheLength = _evalListCache.length; cacheLength <= length; cacheLength++) {
     _evalListCache.add(new List(cacheLength));
   List result = _evalListCache[length];
@@ -96,3 +97,9 @@ setKeyed(object, key, value) {
   return value;
+/// Returns a new symbol with the given name if the name is a legal
+/// symbol name. Otherwise, returns null.
+Symbol newSymbol(String name) {
+  return isReservedWord(name) ? null : new Symbol(name);
diff --git a/lib/core_dom/module.dart b/lib/core_dom/module.dart
index 6fe343371..d193675d3 100644
--- a/lib/core_dom/module.dart
+++ b/lib/core_dom/module.dart
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import 'package:perf_api/perf_api.dart';
 import 'package:angular/core/module.dart';
 import 'package:angular/core/parser/parser.dart';
-import 'package:angular/utils.dart';
 part 'block.dart';
 part 'block_factory.dart';
diff --git a/lib/directive/ng_pluralize.dart b/lib/directive/ng_pluralize.dart
index 6be4a6458..7b2903a7d 100644
--- a/lib/directive/ng_pluralize.dart
+++ b/lib/directive/ng_pluralize.dart
@@ -96,7 +96,16 @@ class NgPluralizeDirective {
   int offset;
   var discreteRules = <String, String>{};
   var categoryRules = <Symbol, String>{};
   static final RegExp IS_WHEN = new RegExp(r'^when-(minus-)?.');
+  static const Map<String, Symbol> SYMBOLS = const {
+    'zero'  : #zero,
+    'one'   : #one,
+    'two'   : #two,
+    'few'   : #few,
+    'many'  : #many,
+    'other' : #other,
+  };
   NgPluralizeDirective(this.scope, this.element, this.interpolate,
                        NodeAttrs attributes, this.parser) {
@@ -116,10 +125,11 @@ class NgPluralizeDirective {
     whens.forEach((k, v) {
-      if (['zero', 'one', 'two', 'few', 'many', 'other'].contains(k)) {
-        this.categoryRules[new Symbol(k.toString())] = v;
+      Symbol symbol = SYMBOLS[k];
+      if (symbol != null) {
+        this.categoryRules[symbol] = v;
       } else {
-        this.discreteRules[k.toString()] = v;
+        this.discreteRules[k] = v;
diff --git a/lib/tools/parser_generator/dart_code_gen.dart b/lib/tools/parser_generator/dart_code_gen.dart
index eda4b6ca5..5bac0003c 100644
--- a/lib/tools/parser_generator/dart_code_gen.dart
+++ b/lib/tools/parser_generator/dart_code_gen.dart
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 library dart_code_gen;
-import 'package:angular/tools/reserved_dart_keywords.dart';
+import 'package:angular/utils.dart' show isReservedWord;
 import 'package:angular/core/parser/syntax.dart';
 escape(String s) => s.replaceAllMapped(new RegExp(r'(\"|\$|\n)'), (m) {
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ class HelperMap {
   String lookup(String key) {
     String name = _computeName(key);
     if (helpers.containsKey(key)) return name;
-    helpers[key] = isReserved(key)
+    helpers[key] = isReservedWord(key)
         ? templateForReserved(name, key)
         : template(name, key);
     return name;
diff --git a/lib/tools/parser_getter_setter/generator.dart b/lib/tools/parser_getter_setter/generator.dart
index e1b4b7de5..b33244e10 100644
--- a/lib/tools/parser_getter_setter/generator.dart
+++ b/lib/tools/parser_getter_setter/generator.dart
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import 'package:angular/core/parser/parser.dart';
-import 'package:angular/tools/reserved_dart_keywords.dart';
+import 'package:angular/utils.dart' show isReservedWord;
 import 'dart:math';
 class DartGetterSetterGen extends ParserBackend {
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ class DartGetterSetterGen extends ParserBackend {
   bool isAssignable(expression) => true;
   registerAccess(String name) {
-    if (isReserved(name)) return;
+    if (isReservedWord(name)) return;
   registerCall(String name, List arguments) {
-    if (isReserved(name)) return;
+    if (isReservedWord(name)) return;
     Set<int> arities = calls.putIfAbsent(name, () => new Set<int>());
diff --git a/lib/tools/reserved_dart_keywords.dart b/lib/tools/reserved_dart_keywords.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d009f5fc..000000000
--- a/lib/tools/reserved_dart_keywords.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-library reserved_dart_keywords;
-// From https://www.dartlang.org/docs/spec/latest/dart-language-specification.html#h.huusvrzea3q
-    "assert", "break", "case", "catch", "class", "const", "continue",
-    "default", "do", "else", "enum", "extends", "false", "final",
-    "finally", "for", "if", "in", "is", "new", "null", "rethrow",
-    "return", "super", "switch", "this", "throw", "true", "try",
-    "var", "void", "while", "with"];
-isReserved(String key) => RESERVED_DART_KEYWORDS.contains(key);
diff --git a/lib/tools/source_metadata_extractor.dart b/lib/tools/source_metadata_extractor.dart
index c125f244d..ebe36844f 100644
--- a/lib/tools/source_metadata_extractor.dart
+++ b/lib/tools/source_metadata_extractor.dart
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
 import 'package:angular/tools/source_crawler.dart';
 import 'package:angular/tools/common.dart';
-import 'package:angular/utils.dart';
 const String _COMPONENT = '-component';
 const String _DIRECTIVE = '-directive';
diff --git a/lib/utils.dart b/lib/utils.dart
index 6c35b862e..1a476b737 100644
--- a/lib/utils.dart
+++ b/lib/utils.dart
@@ -78,3 +78,43 @@ relaxFnArgs(Function fn) {
 capitalize(String s) => s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1);
+/// Returns whether or not the given identifier is a reserved word in Dart.
+bool isReservedWord(String identifier) => RESERVED_WORDS.contains(identifier);
+final Set<String> RESERVED_WORDS = new Set<String>.from(const [
+  "assert",
+  "break",
+  "case",
+  "catch",
+  "class",
+  "const",
+  "continue",
+  "default",
+  "do",
+  "else",
+  "enum",
+  "extends",
+  "false",
+  "final",
+  "finally",
+  "for",
+  "if",
+  "in",
+  "is",
+  "new",
+  "null",
+  "rethrow",
+  "return",
+  "super",
+  "switch",
+  "this",
+  "throw",
+  "true",
+  "try",
+  "var",
+  "void",
+  "while",
+  "with"
diff --git a/perf/dom/compile_perf.dart b/perf/dom/compile_perf.dart
index 0698b1e68..3fcf72831 100644
--- a/perf/dom/compile_perf.dart
+++ b/perf/dom/compile_perf.dart
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ main() => describe('compiler', () {
         items.add({"text":'text_$i', "done": i & 1 == 1});
       var empty = [];
-      tb.rootScope.classFor = (item) => 'ng-${item["done"]}';
+      tb.rootScope.context['classFor'] = (item) => 'ng-${item["done"]}';
       time('create 100 blocks',
-          () => tb.rootScope.apply(() => tb.rootScope.items = items),
-          cleanUp: () => tb.rootScope.apply(() => tb.rootScope.items = empty),
+          () => tb.rootScope.apply(() => tb.rootScope.context['items'] = items),
+          cleanUp: () => tb.rootScope.apply(() => tb.rootScope.context['items'] = empty),
           verify: () => expect(tb.rootElement.querySelectorAll('li').length).toEqual(100));
diff --git a/test/core/parser/parser_spec.dart b/test/core/parser/parser_spec.dart
index 437fa66b6..6db4a5b3f 100644
--- a/test/core/parser/parser_spec.dart
+++ b/test/core/parser/parser_spec.dart
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 library parser_spec;
 import '../../_specs.dart';
+import 'package:angular/utils.dart' show RESERVED_WORDS;
 // Used to test getter / setter logic.
 class TestData {
@@ -396,6 +397,66 @@ main() {
+    describe('reserved words', () {
+      it('should support reserved words in member get access', () {
+        for (String reserved in RESERVED_WORDS) {
+          expect(parser("o.$reserved").eval({ 'o': new Object() })).toEqual(null);
+          expect(parser("o.$reserved").eval({ 'o': { reserved: reserved }})).toEqual(reserved);
+        }
+      });
+      it('should support reserved words in member set access', () {
+        for (String reserved in RESERVED_WORDS) {
+          expect(parser("o.$reserved = 42").eval({ 'o': new Object() })).toEqual(42);
+          var map = { reserved: 0 };
+          expect(parser("o.$reserved = 42").eval({ 'o': map })).toEqual(42);
+          expect(map[reserved]).toEqual(42);
+        }
+      });
+      it('should support reserved words in member calls', () {
+        for (String reserved in RESERVED_WORDS) {
+          expect(() {
+            parser("o.$reserved()").eval({ 'o': new Object() });
+          }).toThrow('Undefined function $reserved');
+          expect(parser("o.$reserved()").eval({ 'o': { reserved: () => reserved }})).toEqual(reserved);
+        }
+      });
+      it('should support reserved words in scope get access', () {
+        for (String reserved in RESERVED_WORDS) {
+          if ([ "true", "false", "null"].contains(reserved)) continue;
+          expect(parser("$reserved").eval(new Object())).toEqual(null);
+          expect(parser("$reserved").eval({ reserved: reserved })).toEqual(reserved);
+        }
+      });
+      it('should support reserved words in scope set access', () {
+        for (String reserved in RESERVED_WORDS) {
+          if ([ "true", "false", "null"].contains(reserved)) continue;
+          expect(parser("$reserved = 42").eval(new Object())).toEqual(42);
+          var map = { reserved: 0 };
+          expect(parser("$reserved = 42").eval(map)).toEqual(42);
+          expect(map[reserved]).toEqual(42);
+        }
+      });
+      it('should support reserved words in scope calls', () {
+        for (String reserved in RESERVED_WORDS) {
+          if ([ "true", "false", "null"].contains(reserved)) continue;
+          expect(() {
+            parser("$reserved()").eval(new Object());
+          }).toThrow('Undefined function $reserved');
+          expect(parser("$reserved()").eval({ reserved: () => reserved })).toEqual(reserved);
+        }
+      });
+    });
     describe('test cases imported from AngularJS', () {
       //// ==== IMPORTED ITs
       it('should parse expressions', () {