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Ansible and terraform scripts for deploying ceph supported oneprovider

The ansible playbook can be used apart from terraform. If you plan to use only ansible for deploying oneprovider follow the section Ansible. If you plan to deploy oneprovider cluster from scratch using terraform and ansible follow the section Terraform with ansible.

Deploying with ansible


ansible >=2.8.4
jinja2 >=2.10

The requirements can be installed with pip:

sudo pip install -U Jinja2
sudo pip install jmespath


Ansible invetory file

Copy hosts.sample and edit it:

cp hosts.sample hosts
vi hosts

Place your hostnames and ips. There are four groups:

  • [mons] - monitors
  • [mgrs] - managers
  • [osds] - OSDs
  • [ops] - oneprovider nodes

The hosts should be accessible with your ssh public key without prompting.

Ansible variables

Copy group_vars/all.yml.sample and modify it accordingly:

cd group_vars
cp all.yml.sample all.yml
vim all.yml

The variables semantic is explained in the comments.

Running the playbooks


ansible-playbook -i hosts ceph-prep.yml
cd ceph-ansible
ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml
cd ..
ansible-playbook -i hosts op.yml

Deploying with terraform and ansible

The terraform scripts are placed in the following directories: gcp - scripts for Google Cloud Platform


  • terraform version >= v0.12.24
  • requirements from section Ansible

Common configuration

  • Go to the relevant terraform directiory
  • Copy or rename the sample tvars file
  • Edit od.tvars - place in your cloud-related parameters according to the comments
  • Edit group_vars/all.yml - place in your onedata-related parameters
cd gcp
cp od.tvars.sample od.tvars
vim od.tvars
vim ../group_vars/all.yml

Deploying ceph and oneprovider

Run terraform

terraform apply -var-file od.tvars