Define a function which can compute the sum of two numbers.
Define a function with two numbers as arguments. You can compute the sum in the function and return the value.
Main author's Solution: Python 2
def SumFunction(number1, number2):
return number1 + number2
print SumFunction(1,2)
My Solution: Python 3
sum = lambda n1,n2 : n1 + n2 # here lambda is use to define little function as sum
Define a function that can convert a integer into a string and print it in console.
Use str() to convert a number to string.
Main author's Solution: Python 2
def printValue(n):
print str(n)
My Solution: Python 3
conv = lambda x : str(x)
n = conv(10)
print(type(n)) # checks the type of the variable
Define a function that can receive two integer numbers in string form and compute their sum and then print it in console.
Use int() to convert a string to integer.
Main author's Solution: Python 2
def printValue(s1,s2):
print int(s1) + int(s2)
printValue("3","4") #7
My Solution: Python 3
sum = lambda s1,s2 : int(s1) + int(s2)
print(sum("10","45")) # 55
Define a function that can accept two strings as input and concatenate them and then print it in console.
Use + sign to concatenate the strings.
Main author's Solution: Python 2
def printValue(s1,s2):
print s1 + s2
printValue("3","4") #34
My Solution: Python 3
sum = lambda s1,s2 : s1 + s2
print(sum("10","45")) # 1045
Define a function that can accept two strings as input and print the string with maximum length in console. If two strings have the same length, then the function should print all strings line by line.
Use len() function to get the length of a string.
Main author's Solution: Python 2
def printValue(s1,s2):
len1 = len(s1)
len2 = len(s2)
if len1 > len2:
print s1
elif len2 > len1:
print s2
print s1
print s2
My Solution: Python 3
def printVal(s1,s2):
len1 = len(s1)
len2 = len(s2)
if len1 > len2:
elif len1 < len2:
'''Solution by: yuan1z'''
func = lambda a,b: print(max((a,b),key=len)) if len(a)!=len(b) else print(a+'\n'+b)