# Introduction A time-boxed security review of the **protocol name** protocol was done by **JP_Courses**, with a focus on the security aspects of the application's smart contracts implementation. # Disclaimer A smart contract security review can never verify the complete absence of vulnerabilities. This is a time, resource and expertise bound effort where I try to find as many vulnerabilities as possible. I can not guarantee 100% security after the review or even if the review will find any problems with your smart contracts. Subsequent security reviews, bug bounty programs and on-chain monitoring are strongly recommended. # About **JP_Courses** **JP_Courses** is an upcoming & independent Web3 Security Researcher(Smart Contract Auditor), competing in competitive audits on Code4rena, Sherlock, Codehawks, and Hats. He aims to contribute to the Web3 & DeFi ecosystem and its protocols by hunting for bugs & security vulnerabilities in smart contracts. Reach out to him via one of the following: Twitter: @JP_Courses Github: https://github.com/dappconsulting/audits Telegram: @W3S4vengers | https://t.me/W3S4vengers Web3 Security Review Enquiry Form: https://app.deform.cc/form/cac0cfd4-e161-4048-b9fb-84819cc5e158 # About **ProtocolName** _explanation what the protocol does, some architectural comments, technical documentation_ ## Observations ## Privileged Roles & Actors # Severity classification | Severity | Impact: High | Impact: Medium | Impact: Low | | ---------------------- | ------------ | -------------- | ----------- | | **Likelihood: High** | Critical | High | Medium | | **Likelihood: Medium** | High | Medium | Low | | **Likelihood: Low** | Medium | Low | Low | **Impact** - the technical, economic and reputation damage of a successful attack **Likelihood** - the chance that a particular vulnerability gets discovered and exploited **Severity** - the overall criticality of the risk # Security Assessment Summary **_review commit hash_ - [fffffffff](url)** **_fixes review commit hash_ - [fffffffff](url)** ### Scope The following smart contracts were in scope of the audit: - `SmartContractName` - `SmartContractName` --- # Findings Summary | ID | Title | Severity | Status | | ------ | ----------------------- | -------- | ------ | | [C-01] | Any Critical Title Here | Critical | TBD | | [H-01] | Any High Title Here | High | TBD | | [M-01] | Any Medium Title Here | Medium | TBD | | [L-01] | Any Low Title Here | Low | TBD | # Detailed Findings # [S-01] VulnerabilityHeadline ## Severity **Impact:** **Likelihood:** ## Description ## Recommendations