Begin by downloading the latest version of the DISCOTRESS repository, which can be done from the command line:
git clone
Then navigate to the directory containing the source code with cd DISCOTRESS/src
and compile using:
g++ -std=c++17 discotress.cpp kmc_methods.cpp we.cpp ffs.cpp neus.cpp milestoning.cpp rea.cpp kps.cpp mcamc.cpp keywords.cpp network.cpp -o discotress -fopenmp
To run the program, simply type the magic word: discotress
, having provided the necessary input files documented below.
DISCOTRESS is tested using v5.4.0 of the gcc compiler, which supports OpenMP v4.0. These versions are therefore recommended but not required.
Get started with the tutorials.
The instructions to the program are set by the keywords in the input.kmc file.
Additional mandatory input files specify the network topology and parameters:
File | Format | Description |
stat_prob.dat | single col, length NNODES | natural log of stationary probabilities for nodes |
edge_conns.dat | double col, length NEDGES | each line specifies a bidirectional edge connecting nodes with the stated IDs (indexed from 1) |
edge_weights.dat | double col, length NEDGES | transition probabilities (for DTMC, if DISCRETETIME) or natural log of transition rates (for CTMC, default) associated with forward and reverse transitions (consistent with edge_conns.dat) |
nodes.A | single col, length set by NODESAFILE | list of IDs for nodes in the absorbing set 𝔄 (indexed from 1) |
nodes.B | single col, length set by NODESBFILE | list of IDs for nodes in the initial set 𝔅 (indexed from 1) |
Additional optional input files, corresponding to particular optional keywords, relate to the simulation parameters and to the recording of some statistics:
File | Format | Keyword | Description |
communities.dat | single col, length NNODES | COMMSFILE | community IDs for nodes (indexed from 0), specifies network partitioning for use in enhanced sampling methods |
bins.dat | single col, length NNODES | BINSFILE | bin IDs for nodes (indexed from 0), used for calculating transition path statistics (defaults to communities.dat) |
initcond.dat | single col, length cf. NODESBFILE | INITCONDFILE | initial occupation probability distribution for nodes of the initial set 𝔅. Defaults to be proportional to a local equilibrium within 𝔅 |
ntrajs.dat | single col, length cf. COMMSFILE | DIMREDUCTION | numbers of short trajectories to run, initialised from each community |
The following output files are written as the result of a computation to simulate trajectories. For a description of the output files when instead instructing the program to perform an exact computation, see the documentation for the keywords in the input.kmc file that relate to state reduction procedures.
File | Description | Format (columns) |
fpp_properties.dat | properties of simulated 𝔄 ← 𝔅 paths, together yielding numerical estimates of the probability distributions for path properties in the first passage path ensemble | path no. / path time / path length / ln of path probability / path entropy flow |
tp_stats.dat | bin statistics for the 𝔄 ← 𝔅 transition path ensemble, written if communities were specified | bin ID / no. of reactive (direct 𝔄 ← 𝔅) paths for which bin is visited / no. of paths for which bin is visited and trajectory returned to initial set 𝔅 / reactive visitation probability / committor probability |
walker.x.y.dat | trajectory information dumped at the specified time intervals (or when a trajectory escapes from a community, depending on options). x is the walker ID, y is the path number | node ID / community ID / path time / path length / path action (negative ln of path probability) / path entropy flow |
The following is a list of keywords that must always appear in the input.kmc file.
mandatory, number of nodes in the Markov chain.
mandatory, number of (bidirectional) edges in the Markov chain.
mandatory, employ a 'wrapping' enhanced sampling strategy for accelerating the observation of rare events. Further detail on wrapper methods is given below. Options:
- BTOA - simulate paths initialised in state 𝔅 and terminating at state 𝔄, no enhanced sampling strategy employed
- FIXEDT - simulate paths of fixed total time, no enhanced sampling strategy employed
- DIMREDN - special class to simulate many short nonequilibrium trajectories starting from each community in turn, used for estimation of a coarse-grained Markov chain. See DIMREDUCTION keyword for more detail
- WE - weighted ensemble sampling
- FFS - forward flux sampling
- NEUS - non-equilibrium umbrella sampling
- MILES - milestoning
- REA - recursive enumeration algorithm, a special wrapper method to calculate the highest-probability paths
TRAJ str
mandatory, method for propagating individual trajectories. Options:
- BKL - Bortz-Kalos-Lebowitz (aka n-fold way) algorithm, i.e. standard kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC)
- KPS - kinetic path sampling algorithm
- MCAMC - Monte Carlo with absorbing Markov chains algorithm
mandatory if not WRAPPER DIMREDN, name of the file containing the node IDs (indexed from 1) belonging to the 𝔄 (absorbing) set, and number of nodes in the 𝔄 set.
mandatory if not WRAPPER DIMREDN, name of the file containing the node IDs (indexed from 1) belonging to the 𝔅 (initial) set, and number of nodes in the 𝔅 set.
The WRAPPER method handles a set of walkers (independent trajectories) that are each propagated by the chosen TRAJ method. The following provides further detail on the requirements and considerations relating to each WRAPPER method option.
the standard wrapper method to straightforwardly simulate 𝔄 ← 𝔅 paths using the chosen TRAJ method. The first passage path properties and the transition path bin statistics, printed to the output files fpp_properties.dat and tp_stats.dat, respectively, correspond to the nonequilibrium path ensembles (i.e. standard first hitting problem).
instructs the program to simulate a number of trajectories (equal to NABPATHS) of fixed time (equal to TRAJT), initialized at state 𝔅. Trajectories are not terminated when the absorbing state 𝔄 is hit, and the output file fpp_properties.dat is not written. Using the STEADYSTATE keyword, steady-state transition path bin statistics, as well as an estimate for the steady-state mean first passage time, are calculated for the equilibrium 𝔄 ← 𝔅 path ensemble, which exists if the Markov chain is irreducible. Simulation of the steady-state 𝔄 ← 𝔅 path ensemble is best achieved using a small number of long-timescale trajectories.
instructs the program to simulate many short trajectories (numbers specified via the DIMREDUCTION keyword) of fixed total time (specified via the TRAJT keyword) initialised from each community in turn. These trajectories are printed to files walker.x.y.dat, where x is the ID of the community, and y is the iteration number for that community. Trajectory information is written to files whenever a trajectory transitions to a new community. DUMPINTVLS must be set so that appropriate trajectory data is output. The simulation is parallelised, using a number of threads equal to NTHREADS. This calculation is compatible with two algorithms to propagate individual trajectories, namely, TRAJ KPS, and TRAJ MCAMC (without MEANRATE). The communities of nodes must be specified (COMMSFILE keyword). NABPATHS, MAXIT, and BINSFILE keywords are ignored. This setup is incompatible with specification of an initial condition via the INITCONDFILE keyword, and with the NODESAFILE and NODESBFILE keywords. Instead, a local equilibrium within the starting community is assumed as the initial probability distribution for each macrostate. A script to estimate a coarse-grained discrete- or continuous-time Markov chain from the relevant trajectory information (namely, the times at which communities are occupied) is available here.
the weighted ensemble method accelerates the sampling of 𝔄 ← 𝔅 paths by using a splitting and culling procedure to maintain a specified number of walkers in each of the specified communties (given via the COMMSTARGFILE keyword if known a priori, otherwise the ADAPTIVECOMMS keyword must be set). Can only be used with TRAJ BKL.
the forward flux sampling method accelerates the sampling of 𝔄 ← 𝔅 paths by ratcheting across nested interfaces.
the non-equilibrium umbrella sampling method accelerates the sampling of 𝔄 ← 𝔅 steady state paths by simulating walkers confined to cells. Can only be used with TRAJ BKL.
the milestoning method accelerates the sampling of 𝔄 ← 𝔅 steady state paths by simulating walkers initialised at milestones (interfaces between macrostates) hitting adjacent milestones.
the recursive enumeration algorithm (REA) determines the highest-probability 𝔄 ← 𝔅 paths using a k shortest paths algorithm wherein the edge costs are given by the contributions of individual transitions to the total path action. There must be only a single initial (source) node and a single absorbing (sink) node (cf. the NODESAFILE and NODESBFILE keywords). The choice of TRAJ method option is arbitrary since an explicit simulation is not performed. NABPATHS is interpreted as the number of highest-probability paths to be computed (i.e. = k). If the REANOTIRRED keyword is specified, then the Markov chain is taken to be reducible, and the REA will not throw an error in the case that no candidate paths to a node exist (the default behaviour, suitable for irreducible Markov chains, is to throw an error in this circumstance). If no candidate paths to the target node can be found and the REANOTIRRED keyword is specified, then the program will exit the REA loop and print the set of paths that have been determined (which is then the complete set of A<-B paths). If the WRITEREA keyword is specified, then trajectory data for the k highest-probability paths are written to the files shortest_path.k.dat in the usual walker.x.y.dat format (see above), except that the paths are printed backwards. The output file fpp_properties.dat lists the properties of the dominant k first passage paths from the source to the sink node, stated in order of decreasing probability (increasing path action). For a DTMC (keyword DISCRETETIME), NOLOOP must be set, and for a CTMC (default), BRANCHPROBS must be set, so that shortest paths do not contain self-loop transitions for nodes. Hence, the entropy flow along shortest paths is not computed for DTMCs.
The following is a list of keywords that specify generic simulation parameters and keywords that control the recording of statistics or other aspects of the output.
optional. Default to be the same as COMMSFILE, if specified.
Name of the file containing the bin IDs (indexed from 0) for nodes, and number of bins. The bins are used to collect statistics associated with nodes (or groups thereof) for the 𝔄 ← 𝔅 transition path ensemble, namely committor and visitation probabilities.
mandatory if WRAPPER is DIMREDN, FFS, NEUS, or MILES. Also mandatory if WRAPPER is WE, or if TRAJ is KPS or MCAMC, and ADAPTIVECOMMS is not specified.
Name of the file containing the definitions of communities (single-column, indexed from zero, number of entries equal to the number of nodes NNODES in the network) and no. of communities. Is overridden by ADAPTIVECOMMS. For both WRAPPER and TRAJ enhanced sampling methods, except TRAJ BKL, the communities are used to divide the state space (eg the communities define the trapping basins in KPS, or the communities for resampling in WE), and for certain algorithms may dictate the resolution at which the transition path statistics (see BINSFILE keyword) can be calculated. The specification of communities must be consistent with the definition of the 𝔄 and 𝔅 sets. An exception is if the number of communities is 2, in which case the initial set 𝔅 can be a subset of the relevant community. Note that if this is chosen to be the case, then re-hitting 𝔅 is not detected, and committor and transient visitation probabilities for the bins will be incorrect.
if set, then trajectory data is dumped at precisely the time intervals specified by TINTVL (which must therefore be >0.). Otherwise, trajectory data written when the next time interval is exceeded is precisely for the current time of the walker. Path probability and entropy flow are not written in the walker files if this keyword is set, but are still dumped to the fpp_properties.dat file. This keyword is required with WRAPPER DIMREDN, since the trajectory information required to construct a coarse-grained Markov chain is otherwise not printed.
optional. Name of the file containing initial occupation probabilities for nodes in 𝔅 that are alternative to the stationary probabilities. The number of entries is assumed to be the same as the specified number of nodes in 𝔅, and the specified order is assumed to be the same also (cf NODESBFILE). The values must sum to unity.
default is inf. The maximum number of iterations of the relevant algorithm to run before the simulation is terminated (if the target number of 𝔄 ← 𝔅 paths to simulate is not reached). The interpretation of this option depends on the chosen enhanced sampling method. e.g. with WRAPPER WE, MAXIT is the number of iterations of the resampling procedure. With WRAPPER BTOA and TRAJ KPS or TRAJ MCAMC, MAXIT is the number of basin escape trajectories simulated.
mandatory if not WRAPPER DIMREDN and if none of the state reduction keywords are specified. The simulation is terminated when this number of 𝔄 ← 𝔅 paths have been successfully sampled. If WRAPPER FIXEDT, then this number is the number of paths of fixed total time to be simulated (not necessarily conditioned on the endpoint 𝔄 and 𝔅 states).
TINTVL double
time interval for dumping trajectory information. Negative value (default) indicates that trajectory data is not written (i.e. files walker.0.y.dat are not output). Zero value specifies that all trajectory information is written. An explicit non-negative value must be set if WRAPPER DIMREDN. The exact value of TINTVL is ignored if TRAJ KPS (in which case trajectory data is written after every basin escape).
The following is a list of keywords that specify simulation parameters pertaining to particular enhanced sampling methods (selected by the WRAPPER and TRAJ keywords).
mandatory if WRAPPER WE, TRAJ KPS, or TRAJ MCAMC, and COMMSFILE is not specified. Default False.
Set the partitioning of the state space leveraged in WE, KPS or MCAMC to be defined on-the-fly by a breadth-first search procedure. The argument is the minimum transition rate for a node to be included in the community being built up. If set with TRAJ as KPS or MCAMC, KPSKMCSTEPS is ignored.
mandatory if WRAPPER WE and not ADAPTIVECOMMS.
Name of the file containing the target number of trajectories in each bin (single-column, number of entries equal to the number of communities in the network).
mandatory if WRAPPER DIMREDN, which initialises a special wrapper class that does not perform the usual code function, which is to simulate 𝔄 ← 𝔅 transition paths, and instead instructs the program to simulate many short trajectories starting from each community, each of length in time equal to TRAJT. The total number of trajectories that are to be simulated starting from each community is listed in the file given as the string arg (single-column format, length equal to number of communities, set via the COMMSFILE keyword).
optional. If TRAJ is KPS or MCAMC, specifies the number of standard BKL steps to be performed after a kPS or MCAMC escape from a trapping basin. Default is 0 (pure kPS (or MCAMC), no kMC steps). However, this is not the recommended value. If using TRAJ KPS or TRAJ MCAMC, for most systems, great gains in simulation efficiency will be achieved by setting KPSKMCSTEPS to an appropriate nonzero value. This is because many metastable systems will feature transition regions between metastable states. Therefore, after each basin escape, the trajectory will likely flicker between the two basins. Rather than simulate expensive kPS or MCAMC basin escape iterations for these trivial recrossings, it is much more efficient to perform standard BKL steps. Note that this keyword does not require BRANCHPROBS to be set, and can also be used with DISCRETETIME. Ignored if ADAPTIVECOMMS.
optional. If TRAJ MCAMC, the calculation uses the approximate mean rate method, as opposed to the default exact first passage time analysis (FPTA) method. Default false.
mandatory if TRAJ KPS. The maximum number of nodes that are to be eliminated from the current trapping basin. If NELIM exceeds the number of nodes in the largest community, then all states of any trapping basin are always eliminated. Note that NELIM determines the number of transition matrices stored for the active subnetwork, and therefore the choice of this keyword (along with the sizes of communities) can strongly affect memory usage.
mandatory if WRAPPER is WE, FFS, NEUS, or MILES. Specifies the number of walkers (independent trajectories) on the network, which are simulated in parallel (see NTHREADS). This keyword is ignored (and therefore does not need to be explicitly set) if WRAPPER is BTOA or DIMREDN, in which case the number of walkers is set to NTHREADS.
if WRAPPER REA, specifies that candidate paths to nodes may not necessarily exist (this situation may occur when the Markov chain is not irreducible). Hence, errors are not thrown in this circumstance (unlike the default behaviour), and the main loop of the REA is exited in the event that no more paths to the target node exist. Default false.
optional. If WRAPPER FIXEDT, indicates that a small number of trajectories (equal to NTHREADS) of fixed total time are to be ran, from which statistics for the 𝔄 ← 𝔅 equilibrium (steady state) TPE are to be computed. The argument associated with this keyword specifies the time threshold after which the trajectory is considered to have equilibriated and recording of steady state path statistics begins. The default value for this argument is 0., but this value should be altered to an appropriate finite value. To ensure that the simulation estimates of these steady state properties are unbiased and accurate, the total fixed time of trajectories (set by TRAJT) should be long, to ensure that sufficient statistics are obtained, and statistics should be recorded after a suitably long time period has passed (several times the average mixing time [Kemeny constant] of the Markov chain), to ensure that the trajectories have equilibriated prior to recording steady state path statistics.
TAURE double
mandatory if WRAPPER WE. The time between resampling trajectories.
TRAJT long double
mandatory if WRAPPER is FIXEDT or DIMREDN. The maximum time for trajectories when simulating paths of fixed total time.
if WRAPPER REA, write output trajectory files shortest_path.k.dat, in the usual walker.x.y.dat format (see above) except backwards, for each of the k shortest paths. Default false.
The following keywords are used in combination with the keywords WRAPPER BTOA and TRAJ KPS. Use of any of the following keywords overrides the default functionality of DISCOTRESS, which is to simulate dynamical paths, and instead instructs the program to perform a state reduction procedure to exactly compute one or more dynamical quantities associated with nodes, in a numerically stable manner. NABPATHS must be set to 1. The communities.dat file must specify precisely two communities; namely, nodes in the target set 𝔄 and nodes not in 𝔄. The COMMITTOR, ABSORPTION, MFPT, and GTH keywords can be used together in any combination. The computations performed with the FUNDAMENTALRED and FUNDAMENTALIRRED keywords are standalone operations.
The memory costs of state reduction computations can be reduced without consequence by setting the type of the h
members (which represent the numbers of kMC steps for transitions, when using the KPS algorithm) of the Node
and Edge
structures (defined in the file ktn.h) to int
, since these members are not used in the state reduction methods.
specifies that a state reduction procedure is performed to compute the absorption probabilities. The probabilities B_ij that a trajectory initialised from the non-absorbing node i is absorbed at node j are written to the file absorption.dat in the format "i / j / B_ij". For the initial occupation probability distribution (which, by default, is assumed to be a local equilibrium within the initial set 𝔅), the absorption (hitting) probabilities for each absorbing node are printed to the file hitting_probs.dat.
specifies that a state reduction procedure is performed to compute the committor probabilities for all nodes. The committor probabilities are written to the files committor_AB.dat and committor_BA.dat (for 𝔄 ← 𝔅 and 𝔅 ← 𝔄 directions, respectively). Note that the committor probabilities determined by this method are for each node, and the calculation is exact and deterministic (unlike calculation of the committor probabilities for the bins from simulation data, cf. the BINSFILE keyword).
specifies that a state reduction algorithm is used to compute the fundamental matrix of an irreducible Markov chain. The (i,j) edge weights Z_ij of the renormalised network resulting from this procedure are the elements of the fundamental matrix, the trace of which gives the Kemeny constant (average mixing time) for the Markov chain. These values are written to the file fundamental.dat in the format "i / j / Z_ij", and the Kemeny constant is printed in the output.
specifies that a state reduction algorithm is used to compute the fundamental matrix of an absorbing (i.e. reducible) Markov chain. The (i,j) edge weights n_ij of the renormalised network resulting from this procedure are the expected numbers of times that the j-th node is visited along first passage paths initialised from the i-th node. These values are written to the file transient_visits.dat in the format "i / j / n_ij". The node visitation probabilities can be computed from this information if the committor probabilities are also known. For the initial occupation probability distribution (which, by default, is assumed to be a local equilibrium within the initial set 𝔅), the expected numbers of times that non-absorbing nodes are visited along first passage paths are printed to the file node_visits.dat.
specifies that the stationary probability distribution (which exists if the Markov chain is irreducible) is computed using the Grassmann-Taksar-Heyman (GTH) algorithm. Can only be used when the target set 𝔄 contains a single node. The input file stat_prob.dat must be provided, but its contents are not used. The stationary probabilities determined by the GTH algorithm are written to the file stat_prob_gth.dat.
specifies that a state reduction procedure is performed to compute mean first passage times (MFPT). The MFPTs m_i𝔄 for transitions from non-absorbing nodes i to the set of absorbing nodes 𝔄 are written to the file mfpt.dat in the format "i / m_i𝔄". Given an initial occupation probability distribution (which, by default, is assumed to be a local equilibrium within the initial set 𝔅), the 𝔄 ← 𝔅 MFPT is printed in the output. If the initial mean waiting times of nodes are set to the initial mean number of steps to exit (i.e. equal to unity for all nodes), then the MFPTs are in fact the mean first passage path lengths.
when used in conjunction with MFPT, specifies that mean first passage path lengths (instead of times) are computed. This is achieved by overriding the mean waiting times to instead represent the mean numbers of steps to exit, which are initially equal to unity for all nodes. Is used in conjunction with BRANCHPROBS, in which case each transition represents a move to a different node.
if TRAJ BKL, the edges for transitions from each node are ordered according to decreasing transition probability. This optimizes the performance of the BKL algorithm, so is generally recommended, but the path entropy flow is then not output. Default false.
when simulating a CTMC, this keyword indicates that the transition probabilities used internally in the program are the branching probabilities. In this case, there are no self-loops and the mean waiting times are uniform. Otherwise, the linearised transition probability matrix is used, and TAU must be set. The TRAJ BKL and TRAJ KPS methods are more efficient when the branching probabilities are used, so this keyword is generally recommended. This keyword is ignored if TRAJ MCAMC. This keyword is not compatible with DISCRETETIME.
enable extra printing and tests to aid debugging. Default false.
the edge weights read from edge_weights.dat are taken to be the transition probabilities of a DTMC. This overrides the default behaviour, which is to assume that edge_weights.dat is a list of (log) transition rates parameterising a continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC). Only the probabilities for transitions between different nodes need to be specified in the edge_weights.dat file. The self-loop transition probabilities for nodes are inferred to be the difference of the sum of probabilities for outgoing transitions from unity. For a DTMC, TAU must be provided, and is interpreted as the (fixed) lag time (i.e. all transitions are associated with a constant time step TAU, rather than an exponential distribution with mean TAU). Note that this keyword is compatible with all TRAJ options and state reduction procedures.
dump the mean waiting times for nodes to the file meanwaitingtimes.dat.
if DISCRETETIME, the average numbers of self-loop transitions for nodes are accounted for implicitly by renormalization of outgoing transition probabilities and the lag time. Thus the lag time for transitions from nodes becomes node-dependent, and represents an expectation with respect to the numbers of self-loop transitions before escape from a node. The length of a path then represents the number of transitions between different nodes (as is the case for a CTMC parameterized by a branching probability matrix), often referred to as the dynamical activity. When using TRAJ BKL, this keyword will increase the efficiency of the simulation, since the self-loop transitions for nodes are not explicitly taken. However, when using this option, only the mean of the simulated first passage time distribution is meaningful. Not compatible with TRAJ MCAMC. Default false.
number of threads to use in parallel calculations. Defaults to max. no. of threads available. Keyword is overridden and set equal to one when performing a state reduction computation.
SEED int
seed for the random number generators (default 19).
indicates that the waiting time distributions for internode transitions in a continuous-time model are not exponential distributions but are instead Weibull distributions. The two Weibull distribution parameters are read from input files. The first parameter overrides the t_esc
member of the node
class, which otherwise represents the mean waiting time for a node in a CTMC (or the lag time for a node in a DTMC). Recall that the exponential distribution has the memoryless property, and therefore defines a CTMC. A continuous-time process for which the transition probabilities depend only on the current node, and for which the waiting time distributions are non-exponential, is a semi-Markov process. DISCOTRESS can be used to simulate an arbitrary finite semi-Markov chain by replacing the function weibull_distribn()
representing the Weibull distribution with any probability distribution of choice. This keyword is not compatible with TRAJ MCAMC or DISCRETETIME, and is not compatible with any state reduction procedures. [This keyword is not yet implemented].
TAU long double
mandatory if not BRANCHPROBS. If DISCRETETIME, TAU is the lag time at which the DTMC is parameterised. Otherwise, if BRANCHPROBS is not provided, then the CTMC is parameterised by a linearised transition probability matrix with TAU the uniform mean waiting time.