This guide covers how Argo Rollouts integrates with service-meshes managed by AWS App Mesh. This guide builds upon the concepts of the basic getting started guide.
- Kubernetes cluster with AWS App Mesh Controller for K8s installed
!!! tip
See the [App Mesh Controler Installation instructions]( on how to get started using App Mesh with Kubernetes.
When App Mesh is used as the traffic router, the Rollout canary strategy must define the following mandatory fields:
kind: Rollout
name: my-rollout
# canaryService and stableService are references to Services which the Rollout will modify
# to target the canary ReplicaSet and stable ReplicaSet respectively (required).
canaryService: my-svc-canary
stableService: my-svc-stable
# The referenced virtual-service will be used to determine the virtual-router that is
# manipulated to update canary weights.
# name of the virtual-service App Mesh CR
name: my-svc
# Optional set of routes to update. If empty, all routes associated with the virtual-service are updated.
- http-primary
# virtualNodeGroup is a structure to refer App Mesh virtual-node CR corresponding to Canary and Stable versions
# canaryVirtualNodeRef refers to virtual-node corresponding to canary version. Rollouts controller will
# update the podSelector of this virtual-node to latest canary pod-hash generated by controller.
name: my-vn-canary
# stableVirtualNodeRef refers to virtual-node corresponding to stable version. Rollouts controller will
# update the podSelector of this virtual-node to latest stable pod-hash generated by controller.
name: my-vn-stable
- setWeight: 25
- pause: {}
In this guide, the two services are: my-svc-canary
and my-svc-stable
respectively. There are two
virtual-node CRs corresponding to these services named my-vn-canary
and my-vn-stable
respectively. In addition, there is a virtual-service named rollout-demo-vsvc
that is provided by a
virtual-router CR named rollout-demo-vrouter
. This virtual-router need have at least one route with action to forward
traffic to the canary and stable virtual-nodes. Initially weight for canary is set to 0% while for stable it is 100%.
During rollout, controller will modify the weights on route(s) based on the configuraiton defined in
To summarize, run the following commands to deploy a service:
- Two services (stable and canary)
- One service (for VIP and DNS lookup)
- Two App Mesh virtual-nodes (stable and canary)
- One App Mesh virtual-router with routes to virtual-nodes
- One App Mesh virtual-service corresponding to VIP service
- A rollout
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
First make sure that rollout is stable.
kubectl argo rollouts get rollout my-rollout -n argo-examples -w
Then make sure the service is functional.
kubectl -n argo-examples port-forward svc/my-svc 8181:80
Now its time to deploy new version. Update the rollout with new image.
kubectl argo rollouts set image my-rollout demo=argoproj/rollouts-demo:green -n argo-examples
Rollout should deploy a new canary revision and update the weights under virtual-router.
kubectl get -n argo-examples virtualrouter my-vrouter -o json | jq ".spec.routes[0].httpRoute.action.weightedTargets"
"virtualNodeRef": {
"name": "my-vn-canary"
"weight": 25
"virtualNodeRef": {
"name": "my-vn-stable"
"weight": 75
Now manually approve the rollout that is paused indefinitely, and continue watching the routes get updated
kubectl argo rollouts promote my-rollout -n argo-examples
watch -d 'kubectl get -n argo-examples virtualrouter my-vrouter -o json | jq ".spec.routes[0].httpRoute.action.weightedTargets"'