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Configuration management with BLT


BLT supports several methods of configuration management (CM) in Drupal 8. All of these rely to varying degrees on Drupal core's configuration entities, which can be "imported" into a database or "exported" to disk as yml files.

BLT strongly recommends a CM workflow based on the Configuration Split module, as described below. For most projects, this strikes the best balance of flexibility, reliability, and ease of maintenance and development. This document will also describe a Features-based workflow (analogous to most CM workflows in Drupal 7) that can better accomodate certain multisite architectures, but generally has a much higher development and maintenance overhead.

General principles

This section describes aspects of BLT's development and deployment process that are common to all CM workflows.

Basics of configuration management

The primary goal of configuration management is to ensure that all configuration changes can be reviewed, tested, and predictably deployed to production environments. Some simple changes, such as changing a site's name or slogan, might have limited, atomic, and predictable effects, and therefore not require strict change management. Other types of changes, such as modifying field storage schemas, always need to go through a review process. Additionally, different projects might have different degrees of risk tolerance. For instance, some might prefer that configuration be strictly read-only in production, prohibiting even the simple site name change above.

A good CM workflow should be flexible enought to accomodate either of these use cases, and make it easy for developers to make and capture configuration changes, review and test these changes, and reliably deploy these changes to a remote environment.

Generally speaking, a configuration change follows this lifecycle:

  1. A developer makes the change in her or his local environment.
  2. The developer uses CM commands to export the configuration change to disk.
  3. The developer commits the new or updated configuration to VCS and opens a pull request.
  4. Automated testing ensures that the configuration can be installed from scratch on a new site as well as imported without conflicts on an existing site.
  5. After the change is deployed, deployment hooks automatically import the new or updated configuration.

The way that configuration is captured and deployed between environments in Drupal 8 is typically via YAML files. These YAML files, typically stored in a root config directory, or distributed with individual modules in config/install directories, represent individual configuration objects that can be synchronized with the active configuration in an environment's database via a variety of methods. See documentation on core configuration management.

This document address the challenge of capturing ("exporting") and deploying ("importing") configuration in a consistent way in order to support the workflow described above.

How BLT handles configuration updates

BLT-based projects already support this workflow, including automatic imports of configuration updates. BLT defines a generic setup:update task that applies any pending database and configuration updates. This same task can be re-used locally, in a CI environment, or remotely (via the local:update, ci:update, and deploy:update wrappers, respectively) to ensure that configuration changes and database updates behave identically in all environments.

When you run one of these update commands, they perform the following updates (see setup:config-import):

  • Database updates: the equivalent of running drush updb or hitting update.php, this applies any pending database updates.
  • Config import: runs the core configuration-import command to import any configuration stored in the root config directory. This is either a full or partial import, depending on how BLT is configured.
  • Features import (optional): runs features-import-all, which imports any configuration stored in a feature module's config/install directory. Note that this only runs if you've configured the cm.features.bundle property in blt/project.yml.

There are also pre- and post-config import hooks that you can use to run custom commands.

Config vs content

Drupal’s config system cannot be used to manage entities that Drupal considers to be content, such as nodes, taxonomy terms, and files. This can create conflicts when a configuration entity depends on a content entity, such as:

  • You have a block type that includes a file upload field, and you want to place the block in a theme and export the block configuration.
  • You have a view that is filtered by a static taxonomy term, and you want to export that view configuration.

In these cases, the exported configuration file for the block or view will define a dependency on a content object (referenced by UUID). If that content doesn’t exist when the configuration is imported, the import will fail.

The solution is to make sure that the referenced content exists before configuration is imported. There are currently two recommended methods for this:

  • Use the default_content module to export the referenced content as JSON files, and store these files with a feature or other dedicated module.
  • Use Migrate and a custom module to create default content from any number of custom sources, such as JSON files stored with your feature.

Updating core and contributed modules

Caution must be taken when updating core and contributed modules. If those updates make changes to a module’s configuration or schema, you must make sure to also update your exported configurations. Otherwise, the next time you run updates it will import a stale configuration schema and cause unexpected behavior.

The best way to handle this is to always follow these steps when updating contributed and core modules:

  1. Start from a clean local:setup or local:refresh. If you are using Features, ensure that there are no overridden configuration. The flag in project.yml can assist with this by halting builds with overridden features.
  2. Use composer update drupal/modulename --with-dependencies to download the new module version(s).
  3. Run drush updb to apply any pending updates locally.
  4. If any updates were applied, check if they modified any stored configuration. If using Features, check for overridden features. If using core CM, export all configuration and check for any changes on disk using git status.
  5. Export any changed Features (if using Features) and commit the changed configuration, along with the updated composer.json and composer.lock.

We need to find a better way of preventing this than manually monitoring module updates. Find more information in these issues:

Ensuring integrity of stored configuration

Configuration stored on disk, whether via the core configuration system or features, is essentially a flat-file database and must be treated as such. For instance, all changes to configuration should be made via the UI or an appopriate API and then exported to disk. You should never make changes to individual config files by hand, just as you would never write a raw SQL query to add a Drupal content type. Even seemingly small changes to one part of the configuration can have sweeping and unanticipated changes. For instance, enabling the Panelizer or Workbench modules will modify the configuration of every content type on the site.

BLT has a built-in test that will help protect against some of these mistakes. After configuration is imported (i.e. during local:update or deploy:update), it will check if any configuration remains overridden. If so, the build will fail, alerting you to the fact that there are uncaptured configuration changes or possibly a corrupt configuration export. This test acts as a canary and should not be disabled, but if you need to temporarily disable it in an emergency (i.e. if deploys to a cloud environment are failing), you can do so by settings cm.allow-overrides to true.

Finally, you should enable protected branches in Github to ensure that pull requests can only be merged if they are up to date with the target branch. This protects against a scenario where, for instance, one PR adds a new content type, while another PR enables Workbench (which would modify that content type). Individually, each of these PRs is perfectly valid, but once they are both merged they produce a corrupt configuration (where the new content type is lacking Workbench configuration). When used with BLT’s built-in test for configuration overrides, protected branches can quite effectively prevent some forms of configuration corruption.

For an ongoing discussion of how to ensure configuration integrity, see

Configuration Split workflow


BLT recommends using the Config Split module to manage configuration on most projects. For an overview of how to use Config Split, see this excellent blog post by Jeff Geerling.

The only limitation of Config Split is that it's difficult to define configuration that varies between sites in a multisite installation. Multisite installations that require highly customized bundles of configuration per-site might be better suited by a Features-based workflow.

Setting up Config Split

BLT uses Config Split for configuration management by default, so if you haven't modified BLT defaults, you should be good to go!

If for some reason BLT is not working with Config Split, ensure that you are using Drush version 8.1.10 or higher, Config Split version 8.1.0-beta4 or higher, and that cm.strategy is set to config-split in blt/project.yml.

Using Config Split to capture and deploy configuration

BLT and Config Split together make it easy to capture configuration changes in code and deploy those changes to a remote environment.

BLT automatically enables the following config splits in the following environments:

Split Environment
local any non-Acquia, non-Travis environment
ci Acquia Pipelines OR Travis CI
dev Acquia Dev
stage Acquia Staging
prod Acquia Prod
ah_other any Acquia environment not listed above

As a prerequisite, make sure your BLT-based project is set up to use Config Split (see section above).

To capture and deploy configuration changes using Config Split:

  1. Ensure that your local environment is up to date and refreshed (e.g. git pull and blt local:refresh).
  2. Use the Drupal UI to make the necessary configuration changes in your local environment. For instance, go to to add a new content type.
  3. Once you have completed local development, use drush cex (config-export) to export your configuration changes to the config/default directory. Remember to use an appropriate alias if you are using a VM (e.g. drush @example.local cex).
  4. Review the updated configuration in config/default using git diff. If you are satisfied with the changes, commit them and open a pull request.

Blacklisting modules and configuration

Note that when you run drush cex, if the project has been configured correctly, some configuration that's specific to the development environment should automatically be excluded. This functionality is known as "blacklisting". If you need to customize this behavior, you can modify the blacklists for the respective environment.

For example, let's say you want to install and configure the Stage File Proxy module locally but not in remote environments. Follow these steps to add it to the local split:

  1. Add the module to composer.json and run composer update drupal/stage_file_proxy.
  2. Start from a clean installation: blt local:setup or blt local:refresh.
  3. Install the Stage File Proxy module.
  4. Configure the Stage File Proxy module as appropriate.
  5. Navigate to the local config split configuration page: /admin/config/development/configuration/config-split/local/edit
  6. Add Stage File Proxy to the list of modules to filter (make sure to use ctrl-click or cmd-click to select multiple).
  7. Add stage_file_proxy.settings to the blacklist (again using ctrl-click or cmd-click).
  8. Save your changes.
  9. Export the modified local config split to disk: drush csex local
  10. Finally, export the default config split to disk: drush cex

At this point, you should see a new file config/local/stage_file_proxy.settings.yml as well as a modified file config/default/config_split.config_split.local.yml. Commit these changes as well as your changes to composer.json and composer.lock.

Greylisting modules and configuration

Some configuration that's intended to be "unlocked" in production might also be excluded (such as webforms). If you need to customize this behavior, you can use the greylist functionality described in this blog post.

Features-based workflow

Features allows you to bundle related configuration files (such as a content type and its fields) into individual feature modules. Drupal treats features just like normal modules, but Features and its dependencies add some special sauce that allow features to not only provide default configuration (like normal modules), but to also update (track and import) changes to this configuration.

Because of this more modular architecture, Features can be a better solution for certain multisite applications where functionality needs to be customized on a per-site basis. For instance, if you have a number of content types exported as separate features, but a given site only needs a subset of those content types, you could disable the unused features to make for a cleaner content editing experience. This also has the advantage of logically grouping functionality and custom code alongside its corresponding configuration.

However, the downside to this more granular approach is that Features cannot make some of the same assumptions as the core configuration system, and relies much more heavily on the developer to manage the architecture and handle configuration changes that it can't. This makes the overall system much more error-prone and more of a burden to maintain.

To set up a Features-based workflow, you'll need to set cm.strategy to features in blt/project.yml.

Using bundles

Features lets you define custom "bundles" that essentially let you train Features to support your project's individual workflow. At the most basic level, they are a way to namespace your features, so you'd want to choose a bundle name based on your project name (an "Acme" bundle would prefix all of your feature machine names with "acme_").

Bundles can also do a lot more to make your life easier. For instance, Features automatically suggests features based around content types and taxonomies. If you'd also like to automatically create features for, say, custom block types, you can configure that preference in your custom bundle. You can also choose to always exclude certain types of configuration (such as permissions--see below), or always group certain types of configuration (such as field storage) into a "core" bundle, which is helpful for breaking circular dependencies.

Note that as of version 8.3.3, Features can manage user roles and permissions, but not in an independent fashion. Permissions can only be exported for an entire role at once, unlike in D7 where you could export roles and their associated permissions separately. For this reason, Features excludes roles and permissions by default. If you wish to export them, change the "alters" setting on your Features bundle. (reference)

Testing features

It’s important to ensure via automated testing that features can be installed on a new site as well as enabled on existing sites.

There are many reasons that features can fail to install or import properly. The most frequent cause is circular dependencies. For instance, imagine that feature A depends on a field exported in feature B, and feature B depends on a field exported in feature B. Neither feature can be enabled first, and site installs will break. This may not be a big deal if you only have a single-site installation, but if you are building a multi-site platform this is something you want to catch early.

A feature can also stay "overridden" after it is imported, due to another module overriding the provided config. For instance, workbench adds a special field to content types when it is enabled. If this field isn't exported to the feature containing a content type, the feature will be perpetually overridden. This isn't necessarily harmful, but can make it difficult to diagnose other more serious issues. It's recommended to set BLT's CM "allow overrides" property to false to automatically test for overrides.

You can use the following code snippet in your profile's install file to enable all features in a given bundle:

$available_modules = system_rebuild_module_data();
$dependencies = array();
foreach ($available_modules as $name => $module) {
  if ($module->info['package'] == 'My Bundle') {
    $dependencies[] = $name;

Updating custom fields and schema

There are some configuration changes that Features (and the core config system) doesn’t handle well, including:

  • Updating field storage (e.g. changing a single-value field to an unlimited-value field)
  • Adding a new custom block type to an existing feature (sadly, you have to create a new feature for every block type)
  • Deleting a field (you'll want to remove the field from the feature and then use the code snippet below to actually delete the field)
  • Adding a field to some types of content (such as block content)
  • Adding multiple config entities at once that depend on one another (leading to cryptic exceptions when you run features-import... use the workaround below)

To handle these things, you'll want to use update hooks. For instance, you can use the following snippet of code to create or delete a field:

use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig;

// Create a new field.
module_load_include('profile', ‘foo', 'foo'); // See below; foo is your profile name.
$storage_values = foo_read_config('', 'foo_feature');
$field_values = foo_read_config('field.field.block_content.foo_my_block.field_my_new_field', 'foo_feature');

// Delete an existing field.
$field = FieldStorageConfig::loadByName('block_content', 'field_my_field');

This depends on a helper function like this, which I suggest adding to your custom profile (Lightning includes this out of the box):

use Drupal\Core\Config\FileStorage;
use Drupal\Core\Config\InstallStorage;

 * Reads a stored config file from a module's config/install directory.
 * @param string $id
 *   The config ID.
 * @param string $module
 *   (optional) The module to search. Defaults to 'foo' profile (not technically
 *   a module, but profiles are treated like modules by the install system).
 * @return array
 *   The config data.
function foo_read_config($id, $module = 'foo') {
  // Statically cache all FileStorage objects, keyed by module.
  static $storage = [];

  if (empty($storage[$module])) {
    $dir = \Drupal::service('module_handler')->getModule($module)->getPath();
    $storage[$module] = new FileStorage($dir . '/' . InstallStorage::CONFIG_INSTALL_DIRECTORY);
  return $storage[$module]->read($id);

Overriding configuration

Drupal normally prevents modules from overriding configuration that already exists in the system, producing an exception like this:

Configuration objects (foo) provided by bar already exist in active configuration

If you need to override the default configuration provided by another project (or core), the available solutions are:

  • Recommended: use Features. Features will prevent a PreExistingConfigException from being thrown when a feature containing pre-existing configuration is installed. Ensure that Features is already enabled before installing any individual features that might contain configuration overrides (simply listing Features as a dependency isn't sufficient).
  • Move your config into the a custom profile. Configuration imports for Profiles are treated differently than for module. Importing pre-existing configuration for a Profile will not throw a PreExistingConfigException.
  • Use config rewrite, which will allow you to rewrite the configuration of another module prior to installation.
  • Use the config override system built into core. This has some limitations of which you should be wary.

Other gotchas

Be aware that reverting all features and config on every deploy creates a risk of discarding server-side changes. This risk should be controlled by carefully managing permissions, and must be balanced against the greater risk of allowing for divergent configuration between your DB and VCS.

Configuration Management in Drupal 8 is still being improved early in the Drupal 8 lifecycle, and you should continue to monitor Drupal Core's issue queue and Drupal Planet blog posts for refinements to the CM workflows explained here.

Similarly, Features is a ground-up rewrite in Drupal 8 and is maturing quickly, but may still have some traps. Developers should keep a close eye on exported features, and architects need to carefully review features in PRs for the gotchas and best practices listed above.