- Drop Python 2 support and ensure Python 3 is well supported
- Added simple webserver (early state, unstable) to use pagan as a web application.
- Added pagan command line interface to generate avatars from your terminal.
- Added pytest and tox tests.
- Resolved issue with newer versions of pillow.
- Resolved issue with python 3 imports.
- Resolved issue with python 3 hash encoding.
- Updated Readme.
- Implementing the Avatar class in pagan.py as the main accessor.
- Overall restructure for an object oriented approach.
- Avatar objects can now be instantiated and manipulated before drawing.
- Hash functions can now be omitted on Avatar creation by using simple constants (e.g., pagan.SHA512).
- Generator paths are now OS independent.
- Comment cleanup on some methods.
- Constants are now initialised in init.py
- Refactoring of the main filename from pagan.py to generator.py
- Added pathhandling for correct template reading to import pagan as a installed module.
- Hashfunction accessors are now stored in a dictionary.
- When run as main, the predefined samples run all available hash algorithms.
- Added a setup script and manifest to publish on pypi.
- Refactoring
- Cleanup
- Modified pagan to generate hashes from arbitrary input strings.
- Avatar creation is now fully based on a hash in hexadecimal form instead of IPv4 addresses.
- Supports all hash algorithms that are included in pythons hashlib.
- Can still process IPv4 addresses, they are also hashed now. Same applies for IPv6 addresses.
- Features more colors. Each part of the gear is now painted uniquely due to the potential of hashes.
- Did some refactoring.
- Added documentation.