(nd by np) is 1 if panel p
is assigned to debate d
, and 0 if not.
(nd by np) is the score when assigning panel p
to debate d
(np by na) is 1 if panel p
contains adjudicator a
, and 0 if not.
(nd by np) are the scores for the assigned panels, 0 if not assigned.
(nd by 1) is the number of panels assigned to debate d
(1 by np) is the number of debates assigned to panel p
(nd by na) is the number of times adjudicator a
is assigned to debate d
(1 by na) is the number of times adjudicator a
is assigned.
- What factor(s) are taken into account
Judges, and their
- Names (for display)
- Institutions
- Rankings
- Gender(s)
- Region(s)
- Language status(es)
Teams, and their
- Names (for display)
- Institutions
- Gender(?)
- Region
- Language status
The draw
Teams that judges have seen, and in which rounds
Judges that judges have paneled with, and in which rounds
Teams that judges conflict with, and to what degrees
Judges that judges conflict with, and to what degrees
The Julia back-end does not require names but requires everything else.
Julia Modules 1. Score function calculator a. Debate weighting calculator b. Calculators for each thing 2. Set of possible panels generator 3. Solver wrapper
Questions about the solver
- Can it retain multiple solutions?
- Can it use previous solutions to find related solutions?
- Can a solver be stopped and asked for whatever it has at the time?
Web interface