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+## 9.6.0
+_Released 4/25/2022_
+- Now you can easily test multi-domain workflows by using the experimental
+ [`cy.origin()`](/api/commands/origin) command. This feature allows you to test
+ across different origins or domains within a single test. This experiment was
+ designed to work side-by-side with the [`cy.session()`](/api/commands/session)
+ experimental feature. You can turn on use of this command by setting the
+ [`experimentalSessionAndOrigin`](guides/references/experiments) configuration
+ option to `true`. For more details, read
+ [our blog post](https://cypress.io/blog/2022/04/25/cypress-9-6-0-easily-test-multi-domain-workflows-with-cy-origin/).
+ Addressed [#17336](https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/17336) and
+ [#944](https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/944).
+ - Added a new configuration option called `experimentalSessionAndOrigin`. This
+ option enables support for [`cy.session()`](/api/commands/session) and
+ [`cy.origin()`](/api/commands/origin).
+ - The `experimentalSessionSupport` configuration option has been removed and
+ replaced by the `experimentalSessionAndOrigin` configuration option. Please
+ update your configuration to use the new `experimentalSessionAndOrigin`
+ option to continue to opt-in to this experimental feature.
+ - When `experimentalSessionAndOrigin` is enabled, cross-origin requests will
+ no longer immediately fail, but instead, time out based on the
+ [`pageLoadTimeout`](/guides/references/configuration#Timeouts)
+ configuration. This allows the request to be appropriately handled by the
+ [`cy.origin()`](/api/commands/origin) command.
+ - When `experimentalSessionAndOrigin` is enabled, Cypress will no longer wait
+ on page loads between hooks before moving on to the next test.
+- Fixed an issue with Firefox 98+ where the Enter keystroke was not being sent
+ to an input element when using [`.type('{enter}')`](/api/commands/type). Fixed
+ [#21033](https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/21033).
+- We now verify if an interruption while running tests was signaled by the user
+ or if it came from an error in a plugin before showing the error message.
+ Fixed [#21010](https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/21010).
+- Improved the error message observed on Windows platforms when unzipping the
+ Cypress binary and the max file length is exceeded. Fixed in
+ [#21047](https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/pull/21047).
+- Updated the `Cypress.Commands.add()` TypeScript types to better reflect the
+ attributes of the `.add()` utility and the JQuery element, a possible previous
+ subject type. [#20376](https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/20376).
+**Dependency Updates:**
+- Upgraded `electron` dependency from `15.3.5` to `15.5.1` to consume fixes
+ related to
+ [improve performance](https://github.com/electron/electron/pull/33406) on
+ macOS Big Sur and later. Addressed
+ [#21068](https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/21068).
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"title": "not",
"slug": "not"
+ {
+ "title": "origin",
+ "slug": "origin"
+ },
"title": "parent",
"slug": "parent"
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+title: origin
+Visit multiple domains of different
+in a single test.
+In normal use, a single Cypress test may only run commands in a single origin, a
+limitation determined by standard web security features of the browser. The
+`cy.origin()` command allows your tests to bypass this limitation.
+The `cy.origin()` command is currently experimental and can be enabled by
+the [`experimentalSessionAndOrigin`](/guides/references/experiments) flag
+to `true` in the Cypress config.
+Enabling this flag does the following:
+- It adds the [`cy.session()`](/api/commands/session) and `cy.origin()`
+ commands, and [`Cypress.session`](/api/cypress-api/session) API.
+- It adds the following new behaviors (that will be the default in a future
+ major version release of Cypress) at the beginning of each test:
+ - The page is cleared (by setting it to `about:blank`).
+ - All active session data (cookies, `localStorage` and `sessionStorage`)
+ across all domains are cleared.
+- It supersedes
+ the [`Cypress.Cookies.preserveOnce()`](/api/cypress-api/cookies#Preserve-Once) and
+ [`Cypress.Cookies.defaults()`](/api/cypress-api/cookies#Defaults) methods.
+- Cross-origin requests will no longer fail immediately, but instead, time out
+ based on [`pageLoadTimeout`](/guides/references/configuration#Timeouts).
+- Tests will no longer wait on page loads before moving on to the next test.
+Because the page is cleared before each
+test, [`cy.visit()`](/api/commands/visit) must be explicitly called in each test
+to visit a page in your application.
+## Syntax
+cy.origin(url, callbackFn)
+cy.origin(url, options, callbackFn)
+### Usage
+** Correct Usage**
+const hits = getHits() // Defined elsewhere
+// Run commands in secondary origin, passing in serializable values
+cy.origin('https://www.acme.com', { args: { hits } }, ({ hits }) => {
+ // Inside callback baseUrl is https://www.acme.com
+ cy.visit('/history/founder')
+ // Commands are executed in secondary origin
+ cy.get('h1').contains('About our Founder, Marvin Acme')
+ // Passed in values are accessed via callback args
+ cy.get('#hitcounter').contains(hits)
+// Even though we're outside the secondary origin block,
+// we're still on acme.com so return to baseUrl
+// Continue running commands on primary origin
+cy.get('h1').contains('My cool site under test')
+** Incorrect Usage**
+const hits = getHits()
+// cy.visit() should be inside cy.origin() callback
+cy.origin('https://www.acme.com', () => {
+ // Fails because origin was visited before cy.origin() block
+ cy.get('h1').contains('About our Founder, Marvin Acme')
+ // Fails because hits is not passed in via args
+ cy.get('#hitcounter').contains(hits)
+// Won't work because still on acme.com
+cy.get('h1').contains('My cool site under test')
+### Arguments
+** url** **_(String)_**
+A URL specifying the secondary origin in which the callback is to be executed.
+This should at the very least contain a hostname, and may also include the
+protocol, port number & path. Query params are not supported.
+This argument will be used in two ways:
+1. It uniquely identifies a secondary origin in which the commands in the
+ callback will be executed. Cypress will inject itself into this origin, and
+ then send it code to evaluate in that origin, without violating the browser's
+ same-origin policy.
+2. It overrides the `baseUrl` configured in your
+ [global configuration](/guides/references/configuration#Global) while inside
+ the callback. So `cy.visit()` and `cy.request()` will use this URL as a
+ prefix, not the configured `baseUrl`.
+** options** **_(Object)_**
+Pass in an options object to control the behavior of `cy.origin()`.
+| option | description |
+| ------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| args | Plain JavaScript object which will be serialized and sent from the primary origin to the secondary origin, where it will be deserialized and passed into the callback function as its first and only argument. |
+The `args` object is the **only** mechanism via which data may be injected into
+the callback, the callback is **not** a closure and does not retain access to
+the JavaScript context in which it was declared. Values passed into `args`
+**must** be serializable.
+** callbackFn** **_(Function)_**
+The function containing the commands to be executed in the secondary origin.
+This function will be stringified, sent to the Cypress instance in the secondary
+origin and evaluated. If the `args` option is specified, the deserialized args
+object will be passed into the function as its first and only argument.
+There are a number of limitations placed on commands run inside the callback,
+please see [Callback restrictions](#Callback-restrictions) section below for a
+full list.
+### Yields [](/guides/core-concepts/introduction-to-cypress#Subject-Management)
+- `cy.origin()` yields the value yielded by the last Cypress command in the
+ callback function.
+- If the callback contains no Cypress commands, `cy.origin()` yields the return
+ value of the function.
+- In either of the two cases above, if the value is not serializable, attempting
+ to access the yielded value will throw an error.
+## Examples
+### Using dynamic data in a secondary origin
+Callbacks are executed inside an entirely separate instance of Cypress, so
+arguments must be transmitted to the other instance by means of
+[the structured clone algorithm](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Structured_clone_algorithm).
+The interface for this mechanism is the `args` option.
+const sentArgs = { username: 'username', password: 'P@55w0rd!' }
+ 'supersecurelogons.com',
+ // Send the args here...
+ { args: sentArgs },
+ // ...and receive them at the other end here!
+ ({ username, password }) => {
+ cy.visit('/login')
+ cy.get('input#username').type(username)
+ cy.get('input#password').type(password)
+ cy.contains('button', 'Login').click()
+ }
+Note: You can just replace `sentArgs` with `args` if you want, the naming in
+this example is purely for clarity.
+### Yielding a value
+Values returned or yielded from the callback function **must** be serializable
+or they will not be returned to the primary origin. For example, the following
+will not work:
+** Incorrect Usage**
+cy.origin('https://www.acme.com', () => {
+ cy.visit('/')
+ cy.get('h1') // Yields an element, which can't be serialized...
+}).contains('ACME CORP') // ...so this will fail
+Instead, you must explicitly yield a serializable value:
+** Correct Usage**
+cy.origin('https://www.acme.com', () => {
+ cy.visit('/')
+ cy.get('h1').invoke('textContent') // Yields a string...
+}).should('equal', 'ACME CORP') // 👍
+### Navigating to secondary origin with cy.visit
+When navigating to a secondary origin using `cy.visit()`, it is essential to
+trigger the navigation **after** entering the origin callback, otherwise a
+cross-origin error will be thrown.
+// Do things in primary origin...
+cy.origin('www.acme.com', () => {
+ // Visit https://www.acme.com/history/founder
+ cy.visit('/history/founder')
+ cy.get('h1').contains('About our Founder, Marvin Acme')
+Here the `baseUrl` inside the `cy.origin()` callback is set to `www.acme.com`
+and the protocol defaults to `https`. When `cy.visit()` is called with the path
+`/history/founder`, the three are concatenated to make
+### Navigating to secondary origin with UI
+When navigating to a secondary origin by clicking a link or button in the
+primary origin, it is essential to trigger the navigation _before_ entering the
+origin callback, otherwise a cross-origin error will be thrown.
+// Button in primary origin goes to https://www.acme.com
+cy.contains('button', 'Go').click()
+cy.origin('www.acme.com', () => {
+ // No cy.visit is needed as the button brought us here
+ cy.get('h1').contains('ACME CORP')
+### Navigating to multiple secondary origins in succession
+Callbacks may **not** themselves contain `cy.origin()` calls, so when visiting
+multiple origins, do so at the top level of the test.
+cy.origin('foo.com', () => {
+ cy.visit('/')
+ cy.url().should('contain', 'foo.com')
+cy.origin('bar.com', () => {
+ cy.visit('/')
+ cy.url().should('contain', 'bar.com')
+cy.origin('baz.com', () => {
+ cy.visit('/')
+ cy.url().should('contain', 'baz.com')
+A future version of Cypress will allow the use of nested `cy.origin()` calls.
+### SSO login custom command
+A very common requirement is logging in to a site before running a test. If
+login itself is not the specific focus of the test, it's good to encapsulate
+this functionality in a `login`
+[custom command](/api/cypress-api/custom-commands) so you don't have to
+duplicate this login code in every test. Here's an idealized example of how to
+do this with `cy.origin()`.
+** Inefficient Usage**
+Cypress.Commands.add('login', (username, password) => {
+ // Remember to pass in dependencies via `args`
+ const args = { username, password }
+ cy.origin('my-auth.com', { args }, ({ username, password }) => {
+ // Go to https://auth-provider.com/login
+ cy.visit('/login')
+ cy.contains('Username').find('input').type(username)
+ cy.contains('Password').find('input').type(password)
+ cy.get('button').contains('Login').click()
+ })
+ // Confirm we're back at the primary origin before continuing
+ cy.url().should('contain', '/home')
+Having to go through an entire login flow before every test is not very
+performant. Up until now you could get around this problem by putting login code
+in the first test of your file, then performing subsequent tests reusing the
+same session.
+However, once the `experimentalSessionAndOrigin` flag is activated, this is no
+longer possible, since all session state is now cleared between tests. So to
+avoid this overhead we recommend you leverage the
+[`cy.session()`](/api/commands/session) command, which allows you to easily
+cache session information and reuse it across tests. So now let's enhance our
+custom login command with `cy.session()` for a complete syndicated login flow
+with session caching and validation. No mocking, no workarounds, no third-party
+Cypress.Commands.add('login', (username, password) => {
+ const args = { username, password }
+ cy.session(
+ // Username & password can be used as the cache key too
+ args,
+ () => {
+ cy.origin('my-auth.com', { args }, ({ username, password }) => {
+ cy.visit('/login')
+ cy.contains('Username').find('input').type(username)
+ cy.contains('Password').find('input').type(password)
+ cy.get('button').contains('Login').click()
+ })
+ cy.url().should('contain', '/home')
+ },
+ {
+ validate() {
+ cy.request('/api/user').its('status').should('eq', 200)
+ },
+ }
+ )
+## Notes
+### Migrating existing tests
+Enabling the `experimentalSessionAndOrigin` flag makes the test-runner work
+slightly differently, and some test suites that rely on the existing behaviour
+may have to be updated. The most important of these changes is **test
+isolation**. This means that after every test, the current page is reset to
+`about:blank` and all active session data
+(cookies, `localStorage` and `sessionStorage`) across all domains are cleared.
+This change is opt-in for now, but will be standardized in a future major
+release of Cypress, so eventually all tests will need to be isolated.
+Before this change, it was possible to write tests such that you could, for
+example, log in to a CMS in the first test, change some content in the second
+test, verify the new version is displayed on a different URL in the third, and
+log out in the fourth. Here's a simplified example of such a test strategy.
+Before Multiple small tests against different
+it('logs in', () => {
+ cy.visit('https"//supersecurelogons.com')
+ cy.get('input#password').type('Password123!')
+ cy.get('button#submit').click()
+it('updates the content', () => {
+ cy.get('#current-user').contains('logged in')
+ cy.get('button#edit-1').click()
+ cy.get('input#title').type('Updated title')
+ cy.get('button#submit').click()
+ cy.get('.toast').type('Changes saved!')
+it('validates the change', () => {
+ cy.visit('/items/1')
+ cy.get('h1').contains('Updated title')
+After switching on `experimentalSessionAndOrigin`, this flow would need to be
+contained within a single test. While this practice has always been
+we know some users have historically written tests this way, often to get around
+the same-origin restrictions. But with `cy.origin()` you no longer need these
+kind of brittle hacks, as your multi-origin logic can all reside in a single
+test, like the following.
+After One big test using `cy.origin()`
+it('securely edits content', () => {
+ cy.origin('supersecurelogons.com', () => {
+ cy.visit('https"//supersecurelogons.com')
+ cy.get('input#password').type('Password123!')
+ cy.get('button#submit').click()
+ })
+ cy.origin('mycms.com', () => {
+ cy.url().should('contain', 'cms')
+ cy.get('#current-user').contains('logged in')
+ cy.get('button#edit-1').click()
+ cy.get('input#title').type('Updated title')
+ cy.get('button#submit').click()
+ cy.get('.toast').type('Changes saved!')
+ })
+ cy.visit('/items/1')
+ cy.get('h1').contains('Updated title')
+Always remember,
+[Cypress tests are not unit tests](https://docs.cypress.io/guides/references/best-practices#Creating-tiny-tests-with-a-single-assertion).
+### Serialization
+When entering a `cy.origin()` block, Cypress injects itself at runtime, with all
+your configuration settings, into the requested origin, and sets up
+bidirectional communication with that instance. This coordination model requires
+that any data sent from one instance to another be
+for transmission. It is very important to understand that variables **inside**
+the callback are not shared with the scope **outside** the callback. For example
+this will not work:
+** Incorrect Usage**
+const foo = 1
+cy.origin('somesite.com', () => {
+ cy.visit('/')
+ // This line will throw a ReferenceError because
+ // `foo` is not defined in the scope of the callback
+ cy.get('input').type(foo)
+Instead, the variable must be explicitly passed into the callback using the
+`args` option:
+** Correct Usage**
+const foo = 1
+cy.origin('somesite.com', { args: { foo } }, ({ foo }) => {
+ cy.visit('/')
+ // Now it will pass
+ cy.get('input').type(foo)
+Cypress uses
+[the structured clone algorithm](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Structured_clone_algorithm)
+to transfer the `args` option to the secondary origin. This introduces a number
+[restrictions on the data which may be passed](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Structured_clone_algorithm#things_that_dont_work_with_structured_clone)
+into the callback.
+### Callback restrictions
+Because of the way in which the callback is transmitted and executed, there are
+certain limitations on what code may be run inside it. In particular, the
+following Cypress commands will throw errors if used in the callback:
+- `cy.origin()`
+- [`cy.intercept()`](/api/commands/intercept)
+- [`cy.session()`](/api/commands/session)
+- [`cy.server()`](/api/commands/server)
+- [`cy.route()`](/api/commands/route)
+- [`Cypress.Cookies.preserveOnce()`](/api/cypress-api/cookies)
+It is also currently not possible to use
+[dynamic `import()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import#dynamic_imports)
+within the callback. Because of this limitation, it cannot use
+[npm](https://www.npmjs.com/) packages or other third-party libraries inside the
+callback, as there is no mechanism to reference them. This functionality will be
+provided in a future version of Cypress.
+While third-party packages are strictly unavailable, it is possible to reuse
+your **own** code between `cy.origin()` callbacks. The workaround is to create a
+custom Cypress command within the secondary origin in a `before` block:
+before(() => {
+ cy.origin('somesite.com', () => {
+ Cypress.Commands.add('clickLink', (label) => {
+ cy.get('a').contains(label).click()
+ })
+ })
+it('clicks the secondary origin link', () => {
+ cy.origin('somesite.com', () => {
+ cy.clickLink('Click Me')
+ })
+### Other limitations
+There are other testing scenarios which are not currently covered by
+- It cannot run commands
+ [in a different browser window](/guides/references/trade-offs#Multiple-browsers-open-at-the-same-time)
+- It cannot run commands
+ [in a different browser tab](/guides/references/trade-offs#Multiple-tabs)
+- It cannot run commands
+ [inside an `