A python-based module(s) to query the Cisco PSIRT openVuln API.
The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) openVuln API is a RESTful API that allows customers to obtain Cisco Security Vulnerability information in different machine-consumable formats. APIs are important for customers because they allow their technical staff and programmers to build tools that help them do their job more effectively (in this case, to keep up with security vulnerability information). More information about the API can be found at: https://developer.cisco.com/psirt
You can easily do:
pip install openVulnQuery
Depending on your environment, you may need to specify the latest version (1.29), as demonstrated below:
python3 -m pip install openVulnQuery==1.31
If you are experiencing any difficulty installing openVulnQuery. Here is the link to [common installation issues solutions] (https://github.com/iamparas/openVulnAPI/blob/master/openVulnQuery/InstallationIssueSolutions.md).
- Tested on Python Version 2.7 and 3.7
argparse >= 1.4.0
- requests >= 2.10.0`
Obtain client ID and Secret:
- Visit https://apiconsole.cisco.com/
- Sign In
- Select My Applications Tab
- Register a New Application by:
- Entering Application Name
- Under OAuth2.0 Credentials check Client Credentials
- Under Select APIs choose Cisco PSIRT openVuln API
- Agree to the terms and service and click Register
- Take note of the "rate contract" presented like e.g.:
Rate Limits
10 Calls per second
5,000 Calls per day
- Note the value of "Client ID" (a string like e.g. 'abc12abcd13abcdefabcde1a')
- Note the value of "Client Secret" (a string like e.g. '1a2abcDEfaBcDefAbcDeFA3b')
- Provide the credentials to the application at runtime via two preferred alternativev ways:
Either export two matching environment variables (below the syntax for bash and assuming the values are as in steps 6. and 7.):
>> export CLIENT_ID="abc12abcd13abcdefabcde1a" >> export CLIENT_SECRET="1a2abcDEfaBcDefAbcDeFA3b"
Or create a valid JSON file (e.g.
) with these personal credentials similar to the below given (assuming the values are as in steps 6. and 7.):{ "CLIENT_ID": "abc12abcd13abcdefabcde1a", "CLIENT_SECRET": "1a2abcDEfaBcDefAbcDeFA3b" }
- Do not distribute the credentials file resulting from previous step
- The resulting OAuth2 Token will be automatically generated on every call to the API.
If installed with pip run the program by typing
>>openVulnQuery --config PathToCredentialsFile --Advisory Type --API Filters --Parsing Fields --Output Format -Count
Or cd into the directory with the main.py file and run using
>>python main.py --config PathToCredentialsFile --Advisory Type --API Filters --Parsing Fields --Output Format -Count
-- Used for whole word commands, - Used for single character commands
--config FILE
Path to JSON file with credentials (as in above step 8)
A sample has been provided in the same folder as main.py:
The configuration will be tried first from config file,
next from environemnt variables CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET,
last from config.py variable values, or fail.
Returns all advisories
>> openVulnQuery --all
Search by specific advisory id
>> openVulnQuery --advisory cisco-sa-20110201-webex
Search by specific cve id
>> openVulnQuery --cve CVE-2010-3043
Search by the last number of advisories published
>> openVulnQuery --latest 10
Note: the latest option is limited to 100 maximum queries
Search by severity (low, medium, high, critical)
>> openVulnQuery --severity critical
>> openVulnQuery --severity high
>> openVulnQuery --severity medium
>> openVulnQuery --severity low
Search by the year (1995 to present)
>> openVulnQuery --year 2016
Search by the product name
>> openVulnQuery --product Cisco
Cisco Software Checker has been integrated with openVulnAPI.
Search by IOS version
>> openVulnQuery --ios 15.6\(2\)SP (*use \ to escape bracket in ios version)
>> openVulnQuery --ios 15.6(\2\)SP
Cisco Software Checker has been integrated with openVulnAPI.
Search by Cisco IOS XE Software version.
>> openVulnQuery --ios_xe 3.16.1S
Cisco Software Checker has been integrated with openVulnAPI.
Search by Cisco NX-OS (standalone mode) Software version.
>> openVulnQuery --nxos 8.3(1)
Cisco Software Checker has been integrated with openVulnAPI.
Search by Cisco NX-OS (ACI mode) Software version.
>> openVulnQuery --aci 11.0(2j)
NOTE: Cisco reserves the right to remove End-of-Support releases from the Cisco Software Checker (subsequently reflected in this API).
--user-agent APPLICATION
Name of application to be sent as User-Agent header value in the request.
Default is TestApp.
If no fields are passed in the default API fields will be returned
Any field that has no information will return with with the field name and NA
- advisory_id
- sir
- first_published
- last_updated
- cves
- bug_ids
- cvss_base_score
- advisory_title
- publication_url
- cwe
- product_names
- summary
- vuln_title
- cvrf_url
-f or --fields
API Fields
openVulnQuery --config PathToCredentialsFile --any API filter -f or --fields list of fields separated by space
>> openVulnQuery --config PathToCredentialsFile --all -f sir cves cvrf_url
>> openVulnQuery --config PathToCredentialsFile --severity critical -f last_updated cves
openVulnQuery --config PathToCredentialsFile --any API filter -f or --fields list of fields separated by space
>> openVulnQuery --config PathToCredentialsFile --all -f bug_ids vuln_title product_names
>> openVulnQuery --config PathToCredentialsFile --severity critical -f bug_ids summary
openVulnQuery --config PathToCredentialsFile --any API filter -f or --fields list of fields separated by space
>> openVulnQuery --config PathToCredentialsFile --all -f sir bug_ids cves vuln_title
>> openVulnQuery --config PathToCredentialsFile --year 2011 -f cves cvrf_url bug_ids summary product_names
User can be more specific on filtering advisories when searching all advisories or by severity. They can filter based on last updated and first published dates providing start and end date as a search range. Dates should be entered in YYYY-MM-DD format.
>> # export CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET or write to config.py ... then:
>> openVulnQuery --severity high --last_updated 2016-01-02:2016-04-02 --json filename.json
>> openVulnQuery --all --last_updated 2016-01-02:2016-07-02
>> openVulnQuery --severity critical --first_published 2015-01-02:2015-01-04
Table style printed to screen
>> openVulnQuery --config PathToCredentialsFile --year 2016
--json file path
Returns json in a file in the specified path
>> openVulnQuery --config PathToCredentialsFile --year 2016 --json /Users/bkorabik/Documents/2016_cvrf.json
--csv file path
Creates a CSV file in the specified path
>> openVulnQuery --config PathToCredentialsFile --year 2016 --csv /Users/bkorabik/Documents/2016_cvrf.csv
Returns the count of fields entered with -f or --fields. If no fields are entered the base API fields are counted and displayed
>> openVulnQuery --config PathToCredentialsFile --year 2016 -c
>> # export CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET or write to config.py ... then:
>> openVulnQuery --severity low -f sir cves bug_ids -c
- Update the config.py file with client id and secret
- Directly interact with query_client.py to query the Open Vuln API
- query_client.py returns Advisory Object
- advisory.py module has Advisory object a abstract class
- This abstraction hides the implementation details and the data source used to populate the data type. The data members of security advisories are populated from API results.
No support for filtering based on --API fields, you can't use --year 2016 and --severity high
Filtering with Grep:
Finding the Number of CVRF Advisories with a "Critical" sir in 2013
>> openVulnQuery --config PathToCredentialsFile --year 2013 -f sir | grep -c "Critical"
>> openVulnQuery --config PathToCredentialsFile --severity critical -f first_published | grep -c "2013"
If more than one API filter is entered, the last filter will be used for the API call.
You can alternatively use the date range functionality, as shown below:
>> openVulnQuery --config PathToCredentialsFile --severity critical --first_published 2017-01-02:2017-10-01
After you install openVulnQuery package, you can use the query_client module to make API-call which returns advisory objects. For each query to the API, you can pick the advisory format.
>> from openVulnQuery import query_client
>> query_client = query_client.OpenVulnQueryClient(client_id="", client_secret="")
>> advisories = query_client.get_by_year(year=2010, adv_format='default')
>> advisories = query_client.get_by_ios_xe('ios', '3.16.1S')
If you want to use the additional date filters based on first published and last updated date. You can pass the appropriate class
>> advisories = query_client.get_by_severity(adv_format='cvrf', severity='high', FirstPublished(2016-01-01, 2016-02-02))
If the run time environment has the variable CISCO_OPEN_VULN_API_DEBUG
set (and the value evaluates to True) the data forming every request as well as raw and formatted variants of successful responses (HTTP 200/OK
) will be written to files in JSON format.
The file names follow the pattern: ts-{ts}_id-{id}_snapshot-of-{kind}.json
, where:
receives a date time stamp as ruled by the module variableDEBUG_TIME_STAMP_FORMAT
) and noted in local time, -
is a string holding a UUID4 generated for the request and useful to correlate request and response data files -
is one of three strings speaking for themselves:request
The files will be written either to the current folder, or to a path stored in the environment variable CISCO_OPEN_VULN_API_PATH
(if it is set).
Note: The folder at that later path is expected to exist and be writeable by the user. Please note also, that Filesystem and JSON serialization errors are ignored.
Here are the information stored in advisory object.
* advisory_id
* sir
* first_published
* last_updated
* cves
* bug_ids
* cvss_base_score
* advisory_title
* publication_url
* cwe
* product_names
* summary
* cvrf_url
* vuln_title
After you install openVulnQuery package, you can use the query_client module to make API-call which returns advisory objects. For each query to the API, you can pick advisory format.
>> from openVulnQuery import query_client
>> query_client = query_client.OpenVulnQueryClient(client_id='', client_secret='')
>> advisories = query_client.get_by_year(year=2010, adv_format='default')
Here are the information stored in advisory object.
* advisory_id
* sir
* first_published
* last_updated
* cves
* bug_ids
* cvss_base_score
* advisory_title
* publication_url
* cwe
* product_names
* summary
* cvrf_url
* ios_release
* first_fixed
* cvrf_url
To run the tests in the tests folder, the additional required mock
module should be installed inside the venv
with the usual:
pip install mock pytest
There are unit tests in tests/
and some sample like system level test (tests/test_query_client_cvrf.py
) skipped in below sample runs, as it contacting the real API.
Sample run (expecting pytest
has been installed e.g. via pip install pytest
$ cd /www/github.com/CiscoPSIRT/openVulnAPI/openVulnQuery
$ pytest
=========================================================================================================== test session starts ============================================================================================================
platform darwin -- Python 2.7.13, pytest-3.1.2, py-1.4.34, pluggy-0.4.0
rootdir: /www/github.com/CiscoPSIRT/openVulnAPI/openVulnQuery, inifile:
plugins: cov-2.5.1
collected 159 items
tests/test_advisory.py ......................
tests/test_authorization.py ...
tests/test_cli_api.py ..............................................
tests/test_config.py ....
tests/test_constants.py ...........
tests/test_main.py ...........................s......
tests/test_query_client.py ................
tests/test_query_client_cvrf.py ssssssss
tests/test_utils.py ...............
================================================================================================== 150 passed, 9 skipped in 1.16 seconds ===================================================================================================
Including coverage info (requires pip install pytest-cov
which includes pip install coverage
$ pytest --cov=openVulnQuery --cov-report=term-missing --cov-report=html
=========================================================================================================== test session starts ============================================================================================================
platform darwin -- Python 2.7.13, pytest-3.1.2, py-1.4.34, pluggy-0.4.0
rootdir: /www/github.com/CiscoPSIRT/openVulnAPI/openVulnQuery, inifile:
plugins: cov-2.5.1
collected 159 items
tests/test_advisory.py ......................
tests/test_authorization.py ...
tests/test_cli_api.py ..............................................
tests/test_config.py ....
tests/test_constants.py ...........
tests/test_main.py ...........................s......
tests/test_query_client.py ................
tests/test_query_client_cvrf.py ssssssss
tests/test_utils.py ...............
---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 2.7.13-final-0 ----------
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
openVulnQuery/__init__.py 0 0 100%
openVulnQuery/advisory.py 90 1 99% 59
openVulnQuery/authorization.py 6 0 100%
openVulnQuery/cli_api.py 75 4 95% 294-297, 311
openVulnQuery/config.py 4 0 100%
openVulnQuery/constants.py 11 0 100%
openVulnQuery/main.py 38 6 84% 57, 60-65, 70
openVulnQuery/query_client.py 100 16 84% 128-134, 148-155, 160-167
openVulnQuery/rest_api.py 3 0 100%
openVulnQuery/utils.py 76 12 84% 109, 118-129
TOTAL 403 39 90%
Coverage HTML written to dir htmlcov
================================================================================================== 150 passed, 9 skipped in 1.60 seconds ===================================================================================================