All notable changes to this project are documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- RAW export: Any height too close to the top height is set to 0 height
- feature: OpenEXR export
- feature: 32-bit
- y-axis inversion as a default was removed
- Fix incorrect y-axis mapping on RAW export: y-axis was inverted/flipped
- feature: toggling between endianness
- feature: allow selecting bit-depth of exported integers: 16, 24
- descriptions for operators (buttons)
- errors for invalid export path
- Addon name
- Min and Max height Labels are now Entries
- Change Filename Entry to Filepath Entry (enables user to use file dialog to choose save location)
- Version info in the panel footer
- Quality check
- dimensions: are they equal and power of 2?
- resolution: is it power of 2 + 1?
- are vertex positions (object-space) valid and not out-of-bounds?
- Feedback on Success and Error: show in status bar oder as tooltip over button (latter only for errors)
- GUI Layout
- When selecting another object, the stats were not updated.
config options
Invert Y-axis
Invert X-axis
- this one is required to have the same map in Godot (Zylann's Plugin) as in Blender