CTF challenges are usually categorized into one of these broad groups, and although at times they may be labeled, it is usually up to the competitor to find out what type of challenge it is. Here are some broad guidelines to finding out what type of challenge is presented:
Is the challenge given as a web link? If following the link does not download a file, the challenge is most likely a web one.
Is the file provided an image or music file? If so, the challenge is most likely a steganography one.
If the file is a jumbled text file, it is most likely a cryptography challenge.
If the challenge provides C source code and an ELF file, it is most likely a binary exploitation challenge.
If the file provided is not readily identifiable, the best tool to use is the file command, which tells you what type of file it is.
If the file output is PCAP or relating to packets or the web, the challenge is likely a web one.
If the file output is an ELF file, it is most likely a reversing challenge.
If the file output is an executable, it is most likely a reversing challenge.
Last resort, google the output of the
command on the file