CodeTiger.Core is a .NET library that provides a variety of reusable functionality, including packed integers (PackedInt16, PackedInt32, and PackedInt64), guard methods, various extension methods, and classes related to the Task Parallel Library (AsyncLazy, AsyncLock, AsyncAutoResetEvent, and AsyncManualResetEvent).
Documentation can be found in the wiki.
- Clone the sources:
git clone
To get started on Visual Studio 2019:
- Install Visual Studio 2019. The Community edition will work.
- Clone the source code (see above).
- Open CodeTiger.Core.sln solution in Visual Studio 2019.
Before you contribute, please read through the contributing guide.
You are also encouraged to join the chat on Gitter (see above) or start a discussion by filing an issue or creating a gist.
CodeTiger.Core is licensed under the MIT license.