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File metadata and controls

387 lines (320 loc) · 15.2 KB

Upgrade from v0.32.x to v0.33.x

There are deprecated resources in v0.33.0 that were removed. SNS esources were used to be represented in but now they are moved to, their versions got upgraded to v1beta1 and SNS prefix is dropped from their name.

Thanks to package manager, old CRDs are not deleted once you upgrade to the new version; only their controllers are stopped, which gives users time to create corresponding new types.

The first step is to upgrade to the new version:

# Find the name of your Provider object.
kubectl get provider.pkg
# Patch it with the new version. Make sure you use the latest patch release of
# v0.33.x
kubectl patch provider.pkg <provider object name> -p '{"spec":{"package": "crossplanecontrib/provider-aws:v0.33.0"}}' --type=merge

At this point, there is no controller reconciling your existing notification custom resources. We will create new CRs that correspond to those old notification CRs but have new type, and then clean up the old CRs.

Create using new CRDs

Create new custom resources (CR) with the new metadata:

# SNSTopic
kubectl get -ojson \
  | jq 'del(.items[].metadata.namespace,.items[].metadata.resourceVersion,.items[].metadata.uid,.items[].metadata.generation) | .items[].metadata.creationTimestamp=null' \
  | sed 's|||g' \
  | sed 's|SNSTopic|Topic|g' \
  | kubectl apply -f -
# SNSSubscription
kubectl get -ojson \
  | jq 'del(.items[].metadata.namespace,.items[].metadata.resourceVersion,.items[].metadata.uid,.items[].metadata.generation) | .items[].metadata.creationTimestamp=null' \
  | sed 's|||g' \
  | sed 's|SNSSubscription|Subscription|g' \
  | kubectl apply -f -

Check whether we have created a counterpart for all CR instances.

# The number of old CRs in notification group.
kubectl get aws -o name | grep '' | wc -l
# The number of new CRs in sns group. This number should be equal to the number
# of old CRs from notification group.
kubectl get aws -o name | grep '' | wc -l

Update Composition References

If you didn't use Composition to deploy these resources, you can skip this step and continue with the clean up.

We need to edit each and every composite resource (XR) that references to the old ojects to make them point to the new CRs we just created. In addition, we'll also need to update Composition objects so that future creations use the new CRDs.

Since Crossplane is actively reconciling the composite resource and Composition, we need to scale it down so that it doesn't create duplicate CRs while we're doing the changes.

# Make sure to check the namespace.
kubectl -n crossplane-system scale deployment crossplane --replicas=0

We will first edit the Composition objects to use the new CRD apiVersion and kinds. Find all Compositions to see which of them uses SNS resources:

kubectl get composition

In each element of the spec.resources array, make sure all SNS resources have the new apiVersion and kind.

kind: Composition
    - name: subscription
        apiVersion: # <--- change this to the new group,
        kind: SNSSubscription # <--- change this to the new kind, i.e. "Subscription" in this case.

You will now need to edit composite resources that has composed resources with the old CRDs. Get the list of all composite resources:

kubectl get composite
# Assuming the composite type is Xnotification
kubectl edit Xnotification resource-wfmfp

The changes you need to make are as following:

  - apiVersion: # <--- change this to the new group,
    kind: SNSSubscription # <--- change type to the new name, i.e. Subscription in this case.
    name: platform-ref-aws-cluster-mwx8t-5j9hv # <--- make sure there is a resource with this name whose kind 
  # Make the changes described above for every entry in this array.

At this point, everything looks like they were created with these apiVersion and kind in the first place. Before scaling Crossplane up again, let's check how many notification resources exist in the cluster at this point so that we can be sure no duplicate is created by composition controller:

kubectl get aws -o name | grep '' | wc -l

We can bring back Crossplane:

kubectl -n crossplane-system scale deployment crossplane --replicas=1

After it's up and running check how many resources are there now and compare with the initial number:

kubectl get aws -o name | grep '' | wc -l

All good if the numbers match!

Clean up the old CRs

Now that the new ones took place of the old ones, we can delete the old ones:

# Since no controller is reconciling them, we need to remove the finalizer to
# unblock deletion.
kubectl get aws -o name \
  | grep '' \
  | xargs -I {} kubectl patch {} -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers": []}}' --type=merge
# Delete all resources in notification group
kubectl get aws -o name \
  | grep '' \
  | xargs kubectl delete

You can check whether there is any remaining CRs from the old types:

kubectl get aws -o name | grep ''

Done! You can check all resources by running kubectl get managed.

Upgrade from v0.21.x to v0.22.x

There are number of resources in v0.22.0 that were upgraded to v1beta1. Most of those upgrades require no manual intervention since their schemas didn't change. However, IAM resources were used to be represented in but now they are moved to, their versions got upgraded to v1beta1 and IAM prefix is dropped from their name.

Thanks to package manager, old CRDs are not deleted once you upgrade to the new version; only their controllers are stopped, which gives users time to create corresponding new types.

The first step is to upgrade to the new version:

# Find the name of your Provider object.
kubectl get provider.pkg
# Patch it with the new version. Make sure you use the latest patch release of
# v0.22.x
kubectl patch provider.pkg <provider object name> -p '{"spec":{"package": "crossplane/provider-aws:v0.22.0"}}' --type=merge

At this point, there is no controller reconciling your existing IAM custom resources. We will create new CRs that correspond to those old IAM CRs but have new type, and then clean up the old CRs.

Create using new CRDs

Create new custom resources (CR) with the new metadata:

# IAMUser
kubectl get -ojson \
  | jq 'del(.items[].metadata.namespace,.items[].metadata.resourceVersion,.items[].metadata.uid,.items[].metadata.generation) | .items[].metadata.creationTimestamp=null' \
  | sed 's|||g' \
  | sed 's|IAMUser|User|g' \
  | kubectl apply -f -
# IAMAccessKey
kubectl get -ojson \
  | jq 'del(.items[].metadata.namespace,.items[].metadata.resourceVersion,.items[].metadata.uid,.items[].metadata.generation) | .items[].metadata.creationTimestamp=null' \
  | sed 's|||g' \
  | sed 's|IAMAccessKey|AccessKey|g' \
  | kubectl apply -f -
# IAMGroup
kubectl get -ojson \
  | jq 'del(.items[].metadata.namespace,.items[].metadata.resourceVersion,.items[].metadata.uid,.items[].metadata.generation) | .items[].metadata.creationTimestamp=null' \
  | sed 's|||g' \
  | sed 's|IAMGroup|Group|g' \
  | kubectl apply -f -
# IAMGroupPolicyAttachment
kubectl get -ojson \
  | jq 'del(.items[].metadata.namespace,.items[].metadata.resourceVersion,.items[].metadata.uid,.items[].metadata.generation) | .items[].metadata.creationTimestamp=null' \
  | sed 's|||g' \
  | sed 's|IAMGroupPolicyAttachment|GroupPolicyAttachment|g' \
  | kubectl apply -f -
# IAMGroupUserMembership
kubectl get -ojson \
  | jq 'del(.items[].metadata.namespace,.items[].metadata.resourceVersion,.items[].metadata.uid,.items[].metadata.generation) | .items[].metadata.creationTimestamp=null' \
  | sed 's|||g' \
  | sed 's|IAMGroupUserMembership|GroupUserMembership|g' \
  | kubectl apply -f -
# OpenIDConnectProvider
kubectl get -ojson \
  | jq 'del(.items[].metadata.namespace,.items[].metadata.resourceVersion,.items[].metadata.uid,.items[].metadata.generation) | .items[].metadata.creationTimestamp=null' \
  | sed 's|||g' \
  | kubectl apply -f -
# IAMPolicy
kubectl get -ojson \
  | jq 'del(.items[].metadata.namespace,.items[].metadata.resourceVersion,.items[].metadata.uid,.items[].metadata.generation) | .items[].metadata.creationTimestamp=null' \
  | sed 's|||g' \
  | sed 's|IAMPolicy|Policy|g' \
  | kubectl apply -f -
# IAMUserPolicyAttachment
kubectl get -ojson \
  | jq 'del(.items[].metadata.namespace,.items[].metadata.resourceVersion,.items[].metadata.uid,.items[].metadata.generation) | .items[].metadata.creationTimestamp=null' \
  | sed 's|||g' \
  | sed 's|IAMUserPolicyAttachment|UserPolicyAttachment|g' \
  | kubectl apply -f -

# IAMRole
kubectl get -ojson \
  | jq 'del(.items[].metadata.namespace,.items[].metadata.resourceVersion,.items[].metadata.uid,.items[].metadata.generation) | .items[].metadata.creationTimestamp=null' \
  | sed 's|||g' \
  | sed 's|IAMRole|Role|g' \
  | kubectl apply -f -

# IAMRolePolicyAttachment
kubectl get -ojson \
  | jq 'del(.items[].metadata.namespace,.items[].metadata.resourceVersion,.items[].metadata.uid,.items[].metadata.generation) | .items[].metadata.creationTimestamp=null' \
  | sed 's|||g' \
  | sed 's|IAMRolePolicyAttachment|RolePolicyAttachment|g' \
  | kubectl apply -f -

Check whether we have created a counterpart for all CR instances.

# The number of old CRs in identity group.
kubectl get aws -o name | grep '' | wc -l
# The number of new CRs in iam group. This number should be equal to the number
# of old CRs from identity group.
kubectl get aws -o name | grep '' | wc -l

Update Composition References

If you didn't use Composition to deploy these resources, you can skip this step and continue with the clean up.

We need to edit each and every composite resource (XR) that references to the old ojects to make them point to the new CRs we just created. In addition, we'll also need to update Composition objects so that future creations use the new CRDs.

Since Crossplane is actively reconciling the composite resource and Composition, we need to scale it down so that it doesn't create duplicate CRs while we're doing the changes.

# Make sure to check the namespace.
kubectl -n crossplane-system scale deployment crossplane --replicas=0

We will first edit the Composition objects to use the new CRD apiVersion and kinds. Find all Compositions to see which of them uses IAM resources:

kubectl get composition

In each element of the spec.resources array, make sure all IAM resources have the new apiVersion and kind.

kind: Composition
    - name: user
        apiVersion: # <--- change this to the new group,
        kind: IAMUser # <--- change this to the new kind, i.e. "User" in this case.

You will now need to edit composite resources that has composed resources with the old CRDs. Get the list of all composite resources:

kubectl get composite
# Assuming the composite type is XPostgreSQLInstance
kubectl edit XPostgreSQLInstance resource-wfmfp

The changes you need to make are as following:

  - apiVersion: # <--- change this to the new group,
    kind: IAMAccessKey # <--- change type to the new name, i.e. AccessKey in this case.
    name: platform-ref-aws-cluster-mwx8t-5j9hv # <--- make sure there is a resource with this name whose kind is AccessKey
  # Make the changes described above for every entry in this array.
  - apiVersion:
    kind: IAMUser
    name: platform-ref-aws-cluster-mwx8t-klb7w
  - apiVersion:
    kind: IAMRole
    name: platform-ref-aws-cluster

At this point, everything looks like they were created with these apiVersion and kind in the first place. Before scaling Crossplane up again, let's check how many identity resources exist in the cluster at this point so that we can be sure no duplicate is created by composition controller:

kubectl get aws -o name | grep '' | wc -l

We can bring back Crossplane:

kubectl -n crossplane-system scale deployment crossplane --replicas=1

After it's up and running check how many resources are there now and compare with the initial number:

kubectl get aws -o name | grep '' | wc -l

All good if the numbers match!

Clean up the old CRs

Now that the new ones took place of the old ones, we can delete the old ones:

# Since no controller is reconciling them, we need to remove the finalizer to
# unblock deletion.
kubectl get aws -o name \
  | grep '' \
  | xargs -I {} kubectl patch {} -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers": []}}' --type=merge
# Delete all resources in identity group
kubectl get aws -o name \
  | grep '' \
  | xargs kubectl delete

You can check whether there is any remaining CRs from the old types:

kubectl get aws -o name | grep ''

Done! You can check all resources by running kubectl get managed.