diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/crimera/patches/twitter/misc/bringbacktwitter/strings/StringsMap.kt b/src/main/kotlin/crimera/patches/twitter/misc/bringbacktwitter/strings/StringsMap.kt index 3e78eafc..eb5aee57 100644 --- a/src/main/kotlin/crimera/patches/twitter/misc/bringbacktwitter/strings/StringsMap.kt +++ b/src/main/kotlin/crimera/patches/twitter/misc/bringbacktwitter/strings/StringsMap.kt @@ -5,5 +5,6 @@ object StringsMap { "values" to en_rGB.values, "values-en-rGB" to en_rGB.values, "values-hi" to hi.values, + "values-pt-rBR" to pt_rBR.values, ) } diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/crimera/patches/twitter/misc/bringbacktwitter/strings/pt_rBR.kt b/src/main/kotlin/crimera/patches/twitter/misc/bringbacktwitter/strings/pt_rBR.kt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..65d97cff --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/kotlin/crimera/patches/twitter/misc/bringbacktwitter/strings/pt_rBR.kt @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +package crimera.patches.twitter.misc.bringbacktwitter.strings + +object pt_rBR { + val values = mapOf( + "button_action_add_tweet" to "Adicionar um tweet", + "button_action_options_tweet" to "Opções do tweet", + "button_action_retweet" to "Retweet", + "button_new_tweet" to "Novo tweet", + "button_status_retweeted" to "Retweet (retweetado)", + "chrome_action_post" to "Tweet", + "ps__share_post_tweet" to "Tweet", + "rux_landing_page_title" to "Tweet", + "tweet_fab_item" to "Tweet", + "tweet_title" to "Tweet", + "search_twitter" to "Procurar Twitter", + "search_hint" to "Procurar Twitter", + "ps__accessibility_retweet_broadcast_button" to "Retweet", + "shortcut_retweet_tweet" to "Retweet", + "social_you_retweeted" to "Você retweetou", + "composer_hint_self_thread" to "Adicionar outro tweet", + "confirm_delete_shared_tweet_description" to "Tem certeza de que deseja remover este tweet?", + "confirm_delete_shared_tweet_title" to "Remover tweet", + "conversation_control_reply_restricted_dialog_title" to "Tweet não enviado", + "conversation_control_reply_restricted_error" to "Tweet não enviado. As respostas estão restritas.", + "conversations_alternative_reply_hint" to "Tweet sua resposta", + "conversations_other_tweets" to "Outros tweets", + "curation_i_dont_like_this_tweet" to "Eu não gosto desse tweet", + "date_posted" to "Eu não gosto desse tweet", + "post_tweet" to "Tweet", + "deleted_tweet_title" to "Este tweet foi excluído.", + "dm_sensitive_tweet_interstitial_header" to "Este tweet pode conter material sensível", + "dm_untrusted_tweet_interstitial_header" to "Este tweet está oculto", + "empty_profile_tweets_tab_title" to "Você ainda não twittou", + "feedback_action_report_tweet" to "Denunciar tweet", + "feedback_tweet_unavailable" to "Este tweet não está disponível.", + "filter_item_tweets" to "Tweets", + "filter_item_tweets_and_replies" to "Tweets & respostas", + "profile_tab_title_timeline" to "Tweets", + "users_turn_off_retweets" to "Desativar retweets", + "tweets_retweet" to "Retweet", + "tweets_retweeted" to "%s retweetou", + "tweets_undo_retweet_vertical" to "Desfazer retweet", + "users_turn_on_retweets" to "Ativar retweets", + "ps__post_broadcast_twitter" to "Tweetar no Twitter", + "ps__retweet_broadcast_action" to "Retweetar no Twitter", + "retweeters_title" to "Retweetado por", + "icon_view_tweet_activity" to "Ver atividade do tweet", + "a11y_views_text" to "Ver atividade do tweet", + "tweet_analytics_title" to "Atividade do tweet", + "tweets_delete_title" to "Excluir tweet", + "share_tweet_sheet_title" to "Compartilhar tweet", + "view_quote_tweet" to "Ver tweet", + "view_tweet" to "Ver tweet", + "view_tweet_text" to "Ver tweet", + "quote_label_subtitle" to "Adicione um comentário, foto ou GIF antes de compartilhar este tweet", + "retweet_label_subtitle" to "Compartilhe este tweet com seus seguidores", + "tweet_added_to_your_bookmarks" to "Tweet adicionado aos seus Itens salvos", + "tweet_author" to "Autor do tweet", + "tweets_retweeted_accessibility_description" to "Tweetado por %s", + "tweets_topic_accessibility_description" to "Tweet do tópico %s", + "tweets_unauthorized_error" to "Desculpe, você não está autorizado a ver esses tweets.", + "ps__posted_on_twitter" to "*%s* tweetou em", + "ps__retweeted_on_twitter" to "*%s* retweetou em", + "tweet_removed_from_your_bookmarks" to "Tweet removido dos seus Itens salvos" + ) +}