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File metadata and controls

930 lines (677 loc) · 16 KB

Methods, Scopes, and Actions

Every request that trogdord receives can be broken down into a method, a scope, and an action. These three values together map to a specific operation that trogdord should perform.


The method component of a request is analagous to the HTTP methods GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, etc. and determines what sort of operation you wish to perform. The following methods have been defined and are understood by trogdord:

Method Meaning
get These requests retrieve resources and data from the server and are analagous to the HTTP verb GET.
post These requests create new resources and data and are analagous to the HTTP verb POST.
put These requests replace already existing resources and data.
set These requests are like HTTP's PATCH and modify (but don't replace) existing resources and data.
delete These requests are like HTTP'S DELETE and destroy resources and data.


If trogdord were an MVC application, then the scope would be your controller. Scopes are organized according to how general or specific the resource is that you're querying, as well as the type. The following scopes have been defined by trogdord:

Scope Meaning
global Requests that have an effect on the server as a whole.
game Requests related to games.
entity Requests related to entities of any type.
resource Requests related to entities of type Resource.
tangible Requests related to entities of type Tangible.
place Requests related to entities of type Place.
room Requests related to entities of type Room.
thing Requests related to entities of type Thing.
object Requests related to entities of type Object.
being Requests related to entities of type Being.
creature Requests related to entities of type Creature.
player Requests related to players.


It is the action component of a request that, combined with the method and scope, identifies the specific operation you wish to perform. For example, a request with the method "get", the scope "game", and the action "list" will return a list of all games that currently exist on the server.

Sometimes, a scope will define a default action. In that case, the action may be left out and trogdord will still know how to route your request. For example, specifying the method "get" with the scope "game" with no action will retrieve the details of a specific game from the server.

A Complete Reference

Below, you'll find a complete reference of all currently defined actions as well as how to format your requests.

Global Scope

1. get:global:config

Retrieves non-sensitive settings from trogdord.ini.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "get",
	"scope": "global",
	"action": "config"



Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code and all non-sensitive configuration settings.

	"status": 200,
	"config": {
		"<setting>": <int|boolean|string>,

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success

2. get:global:statistics

Retrieves statistical information about the server.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "get",
	"scope": "global",
	"action": "statistics"



Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code, the number of players, and the version of both the core library and trogdord.

	"status": 200,
	"players": <unsigned int>,
	"version": {
		"major": <unsigned int>,
		"minor": <unsigned int>,
		"patch": <unsigned int>
	"lib_version": {
		"major": <unsigned int>,
		"minor": <unsigned int>,
		"patch": <unsigned int>

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success

3. post:global:dump

Dumps the server's current state (including all games) to disk. This state can later be restored.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "post",
	"scope": "global",
	"action": "dump"



Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code.

	"status": 200

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success
500 An error occurred
501 State feature was disabled in trogdord.ini

4. post:global:restore

Restores the server's current state (including all games) from disk.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "post",
	"scope": "global",
	"action": "restore"



Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code.

	"status": 200

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success
206 Partial success (only some games could be restored, not all)
500 An error occurred
501 State feature was disabled in trogdord.ini

Game Scope

1. get:game

Returns the details of an existing game, referenced by id.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "get",
	"scope": "game",
	"args": {
		"id": <unsigned integer>,
		"name": <string>,
		"definition": <string>,
		"created": <unsigned int>,
		"current_time": <int>,
		"is_running": <boolean>


Argument Required? Value
id Yes The id of the game whose details you wish to retrieve

Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code, the game's id, the game's name, the definition filename that was used to create the game, the time the game was created (UNIX timestamp), the current time in the game, and whether or not the game is running.

	"status": 200,
	"id": <unsigned int>,
	"name": <string>,
	"definition": <string>,
	"created": <unsigned int>,
	"current_time": <unsigned int>,
	"is_running": <boolean>

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success
400 Invalid Game Id
404 Game not found

2. post:game

Creates a new game and returns its id as part of a successful response.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "post",
	"scope": "game",
	"args": {
		"id": <int>,
		"created": <unsigned int>


Argument Required? Value
name Yes The game's name
definition Yes The definition file that should be used to create the game (must be one of the files returned by get:game:definitions)
One or more key/value pairs No Meta data that should be set for the game when it's created

Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code, the new game's id, and the time the game was created (UNIX timestamp.)

	"status": 200,
	"id": <unsigned int>,
	"name": <string>,
	"definition": <string>,
	"created": <unsigned int>

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success
400 Missing one or more required arguments, or the definition path or one or more meta value arguments are invalid
500 An internal error occurred

3. delete:game

Destroys an existing game.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "delete",
	"scope": "game",
	"args": {
		"id": <unsigned int>,
		"delete_dump": <boolean> (optional)


Argument Required? Value
id Yes The game's id
delete_dump No Whether or not to also delete all dumps of the game (true by default)

Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code indicating success.

	"status": 200

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success
404 Game not found

4. delete:game:dump

Deletes a game's entire dump history or just a specific dump slot, depending on the arguments passed.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "delete",
	"scope": "game",
	"action": "dump",
	"args": {
		"id": <unsigned int>,
		"slot": <unsigned int> (optional)

Passing just an id results in the game's entire dump history being deleted. Passing a slot results in just that dump slot being deleted.


Argument Required? Value
id Yes The game's id
slot No Dump slot to delete. If this argument isn't passed, the game's entire dump history will be destroyed.

Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code indicating success.

	"status": 200

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success
400 Request was invalid
404 Game or slot not found
500 An internal server error occurred
501 State feature was disabled in trogdord.ini

5. get:game:list

Returns a list of all games that currently exist on the server.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "get",
	"scope": "game",
	"action": "list",
	"args": {
		"filters": {...} || [{...}, ...]


Argument Required? Value
filters No A filter group or filter union in JSON format. For more information about what filters are and how they work see: Filters.


The following filters are accepted by this request and determine which games are listed in the response:

Filter Valid Values Matches
is_running boolean Games that are either running (true) or not running (false)
name_starts string Games whose names are prefixed by that value

Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code and an array of key/value pairs containing the id and name of every existing game. If filters were applied,only games matching their criteria will be listed.

	"status": 200,
	"games": [
			"id": <unsigned int>,
			"name": <string>,
			"definition": <string>,
			"created": <unsigned int>

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success
400 One or more filters were invalid

6. get:game:meta

Returns metadata for a specific game. Can either return specific values or all values depending on the arguments passed along with the request.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "get",
	"scope": "game",
	"action": "meta",
	"args": {
		"id": <unsigned int>,
		"meta": [<string>, ...]


Argument Required? Value
id Yes Id of the game we're retrieving the metadata from.
meta No Array of string keys representing the meta values that should be returned in the response. If any of those meta values don't exist, an empty string will be returned.

Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code and an object of key/value pairs representing the requested game-specific metadata.

	"status": 200,
	"meta": {
		<string key>: <string value>

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success
400 Invalid Game Id
404 Game not found

7. get:game:statistics

Returns game-specific statistics.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "get",
	"scope": "game",
	"action": "statistics",
	"args": {
		"id": <unsigned int>


Argument Required? Value
id Yes Id of an existing game

Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code, the time the game was created, how many players are currently in the game, the current game time, and whether or not the game is running.

	"status": 200,
	"created": <unsigned int>,
	"players": <unsigned int>,
	"current_time": <unsigned int>,
	"is_running": <boolean>

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success
400 Invalid Game Id
404 Game not found

8. get:game:time

Returns the current time in a game.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "get",
	"scope": "game",
	"action": "time",
	"args": {
		"id": <unsigned int>


Argument Required? Value
id Yes Id of an existing game

Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code and the current in-game time.

	"status": 200,
	"current_time": <unsigned int>

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success
404 Game not found

9. get:game:is_running

Returns true if the specified game is running and false if it's not.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "get",
	"scope": "game",
	"action": "is_running",
	"args": {
		"id": <unsigned int>


Argument Required? Value
id Yes Id of an existing game

Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code and whether or not the game is running.

	"status": 200,
	"is_running": <boolean>

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success
404 Game not found

10. get:game:definitions

Returns a list of all game definition files seen by the server. These are the files that can be used to make new games.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "get",
	"scope": "game",
	"action": "definitions"



Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code and a JSON array of all available definition files.

	"status": 200,
	"definitions": [

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success
500 An internal error occurred

11. get:game:dump


12. get:game:dumplist


13. set:game:start

Starts the specified game.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "set",
	"scope": "game",
	"action": "start",
	"args": {
		"id": <unsigned int>


Argument Required? Value
id Yes Id of an existing game

Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code indicating success.

	"status": 200

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success
404 Game not found

14. set:game:stop

Stops the specified game.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "set",
	"scope": "game",
	"action": "stop",
	"args": {
		"id": <unsigned int>


Argument Required? Value
id Yes Id of an existing game

Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code indicating success.

	"status": 200

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success
404 Game not found

15. set:game:meta

Sets meta data associated with the specified game.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "set",
	"scope": "game",
	"action": "meta",
	"args": {
		"id": <unsigned int>,
		"meta": <object of key/value pairs>


Argument Required? Value
id Yes Id of an existing game
meta Yes Object containing key/value pairs of data

Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code indicating success.

	"status": 200

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success
400 Request was invalid
404 Game not found

16. post:game:dump

Dumps the specified game.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "post",
	"scope": "game",
	"action": "dump",
	"args": {
		"id": <unsigned int>


Argument Required? Value
id Yes Id of an existing game

Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code indicating success and the dump slot (like a version) the game was saved to.

	"status": 200,
	"slot": 0

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success
400 Invalid request
404 Game not found
500 An internal error occured
501 State feature was disabled in trogdord.ini

17. post:game:restore

Restores the specified dumped game.

JSON Request Format:

	"method": "post",
	"scope": "game",
	"action": "restore",
	"args": {
		"id": <unsigned int>,
		"slot": <unsigned int> (optional)


Argument Required? Value
id Yes Id of an existing game
slot No The dump slot (like a version) to restore (defaults to the latest slot)

Successful JSON Response:

Returns a status code indicating success and the dump slot (like a version) that was restored.

	"status": 200,
	"slot": 0

Possible Status Codes:

Status Meaning
200 Success
400 Invalid request
404 Game or slot not found
500 An internal error occured
501 State feature was disabled in trogdord.ini

TODO: finish documenting the remaining entity scopes