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Gene regulatory networks

This example takes a base unit defining a simple model for expression of one gene and uses it to create gene regulatory networks. When creating this type of networks sbmodelr adds one synthesis reaction to each species where that reaction has a number of effectors (determined by the topology) and each effector can be an inducer or repressor, according to a kinetic function that multiplies one generic term per effector. The equation is expressed as:

Generic equation for regulatory synthesis networks

where V is a maximal rate parameter, M_i is the effector species, h_i is a Hill coefficient that expresses a degree of cooperativity (can be any integer between 1-10), and a_i is a parameter that encodes the sign and strength of the interaction; a_i can be any value between -1 and +1, where -1 is full strength repression, and +1 is full strength induction; a value of zero makes that effector have no effect. Note that this equation makes the effect of all effectors to be non-additive (e.g. if one term becomes zero, the rate will be zero irrespective of the concentrations of any other effector). The effect of each effector M_1 (i.e. the value of their corresponding regulatory term) is represented graphically below, showing the effect of a_i and h_i parameters.

Generic equation for regulatory synthesis networks

Fig. 1. Behavior of multiplicative term for each effector, depending on the effector concentration (X-axis), value of a_i (color) and h_i (shade).

Case 1

We create a small network of inhibitory genes, known as the "repressilator", described by Elowitz and Leibler (1). This network consists of three genes inhibiting each other in a triangle. The network is expressed by the file 3circle.gv:

digraph _3circle{
// three nodes affecting each other in a circle
1 -> 2
2 -> 3
3 -> 1

File contains the full sbmodelr command required to create the new model.

command line options comment
sbmodelr run sbmodelr
--output ex6case1.cps name the output file
-n 3circle.gv network file with a triangle of interacting units
-g G \ indicate species interacting between units through regulatory synthesis
--ignore-compartments \ put everything inside a single compartment
--grn-V 30 set max rate of synthesis
--grn-a -1 set interactions to be repressions
--grn-h 4 add some cooperativity (sigmoid repression curves)
--pn G 0.8 uni sample initial concentrations uniformly within +/-80% original value
GenExBase.cps COPASI file with the base model for gene expression
3 create 3 units

Running the command explained above (e.g. by running file results in a new model file ex6case1.cps. We then have to load this model into COPASI in order to:

  1. Create a plot that includes the particle numbers of all three species (G_1, G_2, G_3)
  2. Run a deterministic time course
  3. Run a stochastic time course (using stochastic Direct Method)

After doing these operations we obtain figures reproducing the behavior displayed in Fig. 1c of Ref.1 (but see note 2):

Deterministic and stochastic time course of repressilator model

Fig. 2. Behavior of the repressilator system, roughly similar to Fig.1c of reference 1.


  1. Elowitz MB, Leibler S (2000) A synthetic oscillatory network of transcriptional regulators. Nature 403:335–338
  2. Note that the number of particles per cell is different from Ref. 1, and in fact all the parameter values used here are also different. This is reproducing only the rough behavior of the repressilator system.