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Array of cells

Spatio-temporal dynamics in cell layers with transport and diffusion through the medium

Warning: this example requires a lot of computational resources creating the file with sbmodelr, editing the resulting file with COPASI, and running the simulation. All these operations take a long time, as described below, and require a computer with at least 16 Gb RAM (32Gb would be better). If you want to try a similar approach with a smaller model then use a smaller grid, such as 21x21 where the central unit has coordinates of 11,11.

This follows the work of Schütze and Wolf (1) that used a core model of glycolysis with autocatalysis replicated in a 49x49 array. Each unit represents a cell and the medium in its vicinity, with transport of its two metabolites to and from the medium. The pathway roughly represents glycolysis with only two metabolites, X and Y, representing upper and lower glycolysis. Conversion of X to Y includes product activation (autocatalysis), Y is used for other processes and can also move to the medium. X is imported from the medium through an irreversible Michaelis-Menten process (active transport). The medium volume is set to be 10x larger than the cell volume. In this case the base model, glycolysis-autocatalytic.cps, contains the cell and the medium around it. The array of 49x49 units then connects the external metabolites (ie X and Y in the medium, named Xex and Yex) through reversible transport (akin to diffusion).

Here we will use a COPASI version of the single cell and its surrounding medium, glycolysis-autocatalytic.cps, as the base unit and make the larger models of 49x49 units. Because this is a square array of units, we do not have to provide a network file with the specific connectivity; sbmodelr will connect all neighboring cells in a square array topology automatically since we provide 2D dimensions (i.e. 49 49)

Case 1

This replicates the results of Figure 4 of Reference 1. In this case only Xex diffuses between neighboring spaces (Yex is immobile). The alpha parameter (basal rate of the reaction converting X to Y) is allowed to vary between cells by +/- 10%. Parameter Jin is zero for all the units, except that it is set at 720.3 in the central unit (coordinates 25,25). The large model can be created with the command in file

command line options comment
sbmodelr run sbmodelr
--output ex3case1.cps name the output file
-t Xex transport the species Xex
-k 5 value of rate constant for transport
--pn alpha 0.1 uni add noise to parameter alpha in each unit
glycolysis-autocatalytic.cps COPASI file with the base unit
49 49 create an array of 49x49 units

Running the command explained above (e.g. by running file results in a new model file ex3case1.cps. Note that this takes a rather long time (38 minutes on a Xeon 3.4 GHz)! This is because the generated model has 2,401 units, resulting in a model with 4,802 compartments, 9,604 species, 16,709 reactions and 21,610 parameters!

We then have to load this model into COPASI (which also takes several minutes) in order to:

  1. set the Jin_25,25 parameter to 720.3 (leave all other Jin_i,j at 0)
  2. create a report with time and all the [X_i,j] species
  3. in the time course task set the executable flag
  4. in the time course task set a report using the template created in 2.
  5. in the time course task set to suppress output before 790 s
  6. run the time course
  7. alternative to step 6. you can save the file as ex3case1ready.cps and then run it on the command line using CopasiSE ex3case1ready.cps and the output file will be created with the data needed to plot a figure similar to Fig. 4

Note that most operations on this model by the COPASI GUI (steps 1-6 above) are currently very slow (at least up to version 4.44); the COPASI team is actively profiling the software with large models such as this one to improve its performance. COPASI needs a minimum of 16Gb of RAM to process this file, if your computer has less than that do not attempt to load this file!

Because of Github limitations on file sizes, we uploaded here ex3case1.omex instead of ex3case1.cps and ex3case1ready.omex instead of ex3case1ready.cps. The omex files (COMBINE archive files, see reference 2) contain the COPASI files inside and are much smaller because they are compressed. You can load them into COPASI by using the file menu option "Import Combine Archive".

After doing the operations 1-7 above, and running the modified ex3case1ready.cps (warning: it took over 2 hours), we obtain data reproducing the behavior displayed in Fig. 4 of reference 1. We use a small python program ( to plot the data for time 800 using the matplotlib library (Fig 1.)

Reproduction of behavior in Fig.4 of reference 1

Fig. 1. Reproduction of behavior in Fig.4 of reference 1. Note the same type of (apparently) random values at a circle in the center. In this case the corners still have low values, but in their figure they are already high, this is likely becasue the initial conditions were not described in reference 1 and may have been different from those used here. Note that Ref. 1 indexes the units in a range [-24,24], where this figure shows [0,49], so our center unit in this figure is 24,24, which corresponds to 0,0 in the original.

Case 2

We now replicate the results of Figures 5A and 6A. This case is similar to the previous however now Yex also diffuses across neighboring units. The new model is created this way (file

command line options comment
sbmodelr run sbmodelr
--output ex3case2.cps name the output file
-t Xex transport the species Xex
-t Yex transport the species Yex
-k 5 value of rate constant for transport
--pn alpha 0.1 uni add noise to parameter alpha in each unit
glycolysis-autocatalytic.cps COPASI file with the base unit
49 49 create an array of 49x49 units

Running the command explained above (e.g. by running file results in a new model file ex3case2.cps. As previously, we have to load this new file into the COPASI GUI to change the parameter Jin_25,25; and now additionally change parameter k_Yex_transport, the rate of "diffusion" of Yex, which takes value 10 as described in Figure 5 of Reference 1. Note that sbmodelr has only one option to specify the rate of transport and then it sets all rates of transport to that value. This is how we alter the new file in the COPASI GUI:

  1. set the Jin_25,25 parameter to 720.3 (leave all other Jin_i,j at 0)
  2. set the k_Yex_transport to 10
  3. create a report with time and all the [X_25,j] species (for the middle line, as in Figs. 5A and 6A of ref. 1)
  4. in the time course task set the executable flag
  5. in the time course task set a report using the template created in 3.
  6. in the time course task set to suppress output before 700 s
  7. run the time course
  8. alternative to step 7. you can save the file as ex3case2ready.cps and then run it on the command line using CopasiSE ex3case2ready.cps and the output file will be created with the data needed to plot a figure similar to Figs. 5A and 6A

Because of Github limitations on file sizes, we uploaded here ex3case2.omex instead of ex3case2.cps and ex3case2ready.omex instead of ex3case2ready.cps. The omex files (COMBINE archive files, see reference 2) contain the COPASI files inside and are much smaller because they are compressed. You can load them into COPASI by using the file menu option "Import Combine Archive".

After doing the operations 1-8 above, and running the modified ex3case2ready.cps (warning: it took over 2 hours), we obtain data reproducing the behavior displayed in Fig. 5 of reference 1. We use a small python program ( to plot the kymograph in Fig 2. (equivalent to their Fig. 5A)

Reproduction of behavior in Fig.5A of reference 1

Fig. 2. Reproduction of behavior in Fig.5A of reference 1. Note here we obtain a behavior similar to their Fig5B, where there are three types of waves interleaved, instead of just one. It is not clear why this is different from the paper, though it could be that the published paper does not describe the exact parameters obtained in their figure 1. Another possibility is that the randomness of the alpha parameter may cause different results at different times. Ref. 1 indexes the units in a range [-24,24], where this figure shows [0,48], so our center unit in this figure is 24, which corresponds to 0 in the original paper. This figure was created with matplotlib (file

The same data can be used to plot a figure similar to Fig 6A of reference 1. Here we use gnuplot to create the time course plot using the same output file as used for Fig. 2.

Reproduction of behavior in Fig.6A of reference 1

Fig. 3. Reproduction of behavior in Fig.6A of reference 1. Again, we obtain a behavior perhaps more similar to their Fig6B, and the difference could be due to differences in the initial conditions, the randomness of alpha parameter, or perhaps the actual parameter values for their Fig 6A not being what is stated in the text. Ref. 1 indexes the units in a range [-24,24], where we use [1,49], so the units displayed here correspond to their numbers 0, 10, and 22 (here 25, 35, 37). This figure was created with gnuplot (file ex3case2fig3.plt).


  1. Schütze J, Wolf J (2010) Spatio-temporal dynamics of glycolysis in cell layers. A mathematical model. BioSystems 99:104–108

  2. Bergmann FT, et al. (2014) COMBINE archive and OMEX format: one file to share all information to reproduce a modeling project. BMC Bioinformatics 15:369