All Notable changes to laravel-state-machine
will be documented in this file
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Add support for Laravel 7
- Add command to generate images of graphs (#32)
- Display array when debugging metadata (#33)
- Remove support for Laravel 6
- Check or apply transitions with additional context
- Fix service provider
- Use loose equality operator for comparing states (#27) Thanks @ddevdreamer
- Fix normalization of numeric states
- Drop support for PHP 7.0
- Add support for Laravel 6.0
- Drop support for Laravel 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4.
- Added a MetadataStore to fetch metadata from graphs, states and transitions.
- Update changelog
- Fix tests
- Update dependencies for Laravel 5.8
- Add support for Laravel 5.8
- Implemented authorization using Gates and Policies.
- Display callbacks in the debug command.
- Callback methods for classes that are not bound to the container are called statically.
- Return exit codes for errors in the debug command.
- Add support for Laravel 5.7
- Add support for Laravel 5.6
- Don't merge default configuration
- Update tests for Laravel 5.5
- Support package auto-discovery
- Simplify event dispatcher implementation
- Add support for Laravel 5.4
- Execute PHPUnit from vendor in Travis CI
- Implement event dispatcher
- initial release