- Copy '~/Downloads' folder from previous machine onto this machine.
- Copy relevant projects in '~/development' from previous machine onto this machine.
- Confirm MacOS settings were applied correctly by the setup script
- Sign into iCloud
- Enable Firewall
- In Automatic Updates, enable "Install macOS updates".
- Set Bluetooth to "Show in Menu Bar"
- Set Focus to "Always Show in Menu Bar"
- Set Sound to "Always Show in Menu Bar"
- Set Battery to "Show Percentage".
- Set Music Recognition to "Always Show in Control Center"
- In Clock Options, enable "Display the time with seconds"
- Set Spotlight to Don't Show in Menu Bar
- Enable Ask Siri
- Enable
- Enable for all available apps.
- Enable "Improve Sensitive Content Warning" if this is a personal machine.
- Change default web browser to Arc.
- Enable "Ask to keep changes when closing documents".
- Disable "Tiled windows have margins".
- Enable "Group windows by application".
- Require password after 5 seconds of sleep or screen saver.
- Turn off Turn Dock Hiding On/Off (option-command-d)
- Turn off Mission Control (control-up).
- Turn off Application windows (control-down).
- Turn off Move left a space (control-left).
- Turn off Move right a space (control-right).
- Turn on Dictation.
- Turn off Swipe between pages
- Change Swipe between full screen apps to four fingers.
- Change Mission Control to four fingers.
- Change App Expose to four fingers.
- Set up Touch ID.
- Change "New Finder window shows" to home folder.
- Change 'Favorites' sidebar list to: home folder, development, Downloads, Applications, Air Drop.
- Change 'Locations' sidebar list to: Conrad's MacBook Pro, External disks
- Check "Remove items from trash after 30 days".
- Xcode
- Install this first since it's huge.
- Awair Home
- Install the iOS version from the Mac App Store.
- BetterTouchTool
- Load license. (In iCloud Drive > Software Licenses and Such.)
- Load configuration. (In this repo.)
- Install process priority helper tool.
- Bitdefender Virus Scanner
- Install it manually.
- Add these exceptions:
- /Volumes/Mac Backup
- /Volumes/.timemachine
- /Volumes/com.apple.TimeMachine.localsnapshots
- Dash
- Activate subscription
- Set up syncing. (In this repo at ./Dash/Dash.dashsync)
- Set up snippets. (In this repo at ./Dash/Snippets.dash)
- Load custom docsets (In this repo at ./Dash/custom_dash_docsets)
- Karabiner Elements
- Run Karabiner Elements and give it all necessary permissions.
- Homerow
- General
- Enable "Launch at login"
- Enable "Check for updates automatically"
- Appearance
- Set "Label size" to 5th position from the top
- Clicking
- Set shortcut to hyper key + ;
- Enable "Automatic click"
- Scrolling
- Set shortcut to hyper key + j
- Set "Dash speed" to 3rd from the top
- General
- iTerm
- Load configuration. (In this repo. Change in Settings > General > Settings)
- Firefox Developer Edition
- Sign in with Firefox account.
- Messages
- Turn on "Enable Messages in iCloud". (In Settings > iMessage.)
- Microsoft Copilot (Deseret Book machines only)
- Install from the Mac App Store.
- Sign in with Deseret Book Microsoft account.
- Mouseless
- Import config file from this repo.
- Obsidian
- Set up Obsidian Sync. Put the vault in ~/Obsidian.
- Perplexity (personal machines only)
- Install from Mac App Store.
- Disable all shortcuts.
- Sign in with email. (No password required.)
- TablePlus
- Enable Alert Mode 2. Warn before sending queries to the server except SELECT type queries. Change in Preferences > Security > Default Safe Mode for new connection.
- Visual Studio Code
- Sign in to turn on Settings Sync. Sign in with GitHub.
Remove all unwanted apps from Dock.
- Hit +I to install plugins.
- Run :checkhealth.
- Create and populate ~/.anthropic_api_key.
- Generate a new GPG key. (Follow the GitHub docs: https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/managing-commit-signature-verification/generating-a-new-gpg-key)
- Add the new GPG key to your GitHub account.
- Copy your SSH key by running 'pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub' and add it to GitHub.
Add these login items (In Settings > Users & Groups > Login Items):
- BetterTouchTool
- Dash
- Homerow
- Karabiner Elements
- Microsoft Outlook if this is a Deseret Book machine.
- Microsoft Teams if this is a Deseret Book machine.
- Mouseless
- Postgres.app