diff --git a/.eslintignore b/.eslintignore
index 9a0ecdac..63902168 100644
--- a/.eslintignore
+++ b/.eslintignore
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/.github/workflows/cf-pages.yml b/.github/workflows/cf-pages.yml
index 44804da0..5ee70f93 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/cf-pages.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/cf-pages.yml
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ jobs:
pull-requests: write
deployments: write
- - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
- run: echo Deploying ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
- name: Await CF Pages
id: cf-pages
diff --git a/.github/workflows/deploy.yml b/.github/workflows/deploy.yml
index ae39396f..81361ae5 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/deploy.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/deploy.yml
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ jobs:
cache: 'yarn'
- run: yarn
- run: yarn build
+ - run: npm install -g vercel
- name: Deploy to Vercel Action
uses: BetaHuhn/deploy-to-vercel-action@v1
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 0cd43930..e69de29b 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-[submodule "wgpu-compute-toy"]
- path = wgpu-compute-toy
- url = https://github.com/compute-toys/wgpu-compute-toy.git
diff --git a/components/banner.tsx b/components/banner.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 82b97a0a..00000000
--- a/components/banner.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import Alert from '@mui/material/Alert';
-import AlertTitle from '@mui/material/AlertTitle';
-import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography';
-import Logo from 'components/global/logo';
-import { theme } from 'theme/theme';
-export default function Banner() {
- return (
- is an experimental editor for{' '}
- WebGPU compute shaders
- .
- At this time, only Chrome (
- v113+ ) is supported,
- as{' '}
- WebGPU is not yet fully supported by other browsers
- .
- );
diff --git a/components/editor/explainer.tsx b/components/editor/explainer.tsx
index 9e98f31c..6b44ecb8 100644
--- a/components/editor/explainer.tsx
+++ b/components/editor/explainer.tsx
@@ -48,9 +48,11 @@ const ExplainerBody = () => {
Timing information is in the time struct:
- time.frame: u32
time.elapsed: f32
+ time.delta: f32
+ time.frame: u32
Custom uniforms are in the custom struct:
@@ -109,9 +111,17 @@ const ExplainerBody = () => {
#dispatch_count ENTRYPOINT N for dispatching an entrypoint
multiple times in a row
+ #dispatch_once ENTRYPOINT for initialization purposes, ensuring
+ the entrypoint is dispatched only once
#storage NAME TYPE for declaring a storage buffer
+ SCREEN_WIDTH and SCREEN_HEIGHT are predefined
+ variables for accessing the canvas dimensions
Read-write storage buffers can be declared using the #storage {' '}
@@ -130,31 +140,53 @@ const ExplainerBody = () => {
storage texture, which displays the result in the canvas on this page.
+ {/*
Debugging assertions are supported with an assert helper function:
assert(0, isfinite(col.x))
assert(1, isfinite(col.y))
+ */}
+ Preprocessor #include
+ Storage usage
+ Texture usage
- Simple single pass shader
+ Texture pass
- Preprocessor #include
+ Custom uniforms
- Terminal overlay
+ Preprocessor #workgroup_count
- Storage usage
+ Preprocessor #dispatch_once
+ Preprocessor #dispatch_count
@@ -163,18 +195,28 @@ const ExplainerBody = () => {
- Preprocessor #dispatch_count
+ Threads execution order
- Preprocessor #workgroup_count
+ Enable WGSL extension
+ Terminal text overlay
+ Simple raymarcher
- Assert
+ Simple rasterizer
diff --git a/components/wgputoy.tsx b/components/wgputoy.tsx
index bfbd9c35..b5df6b50 100644
--- a/components/wgputoy.tsx
+++ b/components/wgputoy.tsx
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import { canvasElAtom, wgpuAvailabilityAtom } from 'lib/atoms/wgputoyatoms';
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
import { Suspense, useCallback, useState } from 'react';
import { theme } from 'theme/theme';
-import Logo from './global/logo';
export const WgpuToyWrapper = props => {
const setCanvasEl = useSetAtom(canvasElAtom);
@@ -68,8 +67,13 @@ export const WgpuToyWrapper = props => {
WebGPU support was not detected in your browser.
- For information on how to set up your browser to run WebGPU code, please see
- the instructions linked on the homepage.
+ Click here
+ {' '}
+ for further information about supported browsers.
diff --git a/components/wgputoycontroller.tsx b/components/wgputoycontroller.tsx
index 4c269e5b..ba7acd7d 100644
--- a/components/wgputoycontroller.tsx
+++ b/components/wgputoycontroller.tsx
@@ -26,13 +26,8 @@ import {
} from 'lib/atoms/atoms';
-import {
- canvasElAtom,
- canvasParentElAtom,
- isSafeContext,
- wgputoyAtom,
- wgputoyPreludeAtom
-} from 'lib/atoms/wgputoyatoms';
+import { canvasElAtom, canvasParentElAtom, wgputoyPreludeAtom } from 'lib/atoms/wgputoyatoms';
+import { ComputeEngine } from 'lib/engine';
import { useCallback, useEffect } from 'react';
import { theme } from 'theme/theme';
import { getDimensions } from 'types/canvasdimensions';
@@ -45,6 +40,7 @@ declare global {
const needsInitialResetAtom = atom
+const performingInitialResetAtom = atom(false);
Controller component. Returns null because we expect to be notified
@@ -65,6 +61,9 @@ const WgpuToyController = props => {
const [sliderUpdateSignal, setSliderUpdateSignal] = useTransientAtom(sliderUpdateSignalAtom);
const [manualReload, setManualReload] = useTransientAtom(manualReloadAtom);
const [needsInitialReset, setNeedsInitialReset] = useTransientAtom(needsInitialResetAtom);
+ const [performingInitialReset, setPerformingInitialReset] = useTransientAtom(
+ performingInitialResetAtom
+ );
const [isPlaying, setIsPlaying] = useTransientAtom(isPlayingAtom);
const [codeHot] = useTransientAtom(codeAtom);
const [dbLoaded] = useTransientAtom(dbLoadedAtom);
@@ -76,19 +75,18 @@ const WgpuToyController = props => {
// "hot" access and effect hook access for code
const code = useAtomValue(codeAtom);
- const [parseError, setParseError] = useTransientAtom(parseErrorAtom);
+ const [, setParseError] = useTransientAtom(parseErrorAtom);
const loadedTextures = useAtomValue(loadedTexturesAtom);
const setEntryPoints = useSetAtom(entryPointsAtom);
const setSaveColorTransitionSignal = useSetAtom(saveColorTransitionSignalAtom);
- const wgputoy = useAtomValue(wgputoyAtom);
const canvas = useAtomValue(canvasElAtom);
const [, setPrelude] = useAtom(wgputoyPreludeAtom);
const parentRef = useAtomValue(canvasParentElAtom);
const [width, setWidth] = useTransientAtom(widthAtom);
- const [, setHeight] = useTransientAtom(heightAtom);
+ const [height, setHeight] = useTransientAtom(heightAtom);
const [scale, setScale] = useTransientAtom(scaleAtom);
const [requestFullscreenSignal, setRequestFullscreenSignal] = useAtom(requestFullscreenAtom);
@@ -96,50 +94,30 @@ const WgpuToyController = props => {
const halfResolution = useAtomValue(halfResolutionAtom);
const updateUniforms = useCallback(async () => {
- if (isSafeContext(wgputoy)) {
- const names: string[] = [];
- const values: number[] = [];
- [...sliderRefMap().keys()].map(uuid => {
- names.push(sliderRefMap().get(uuid).getUniform());
- values.push(sliderRefMap().get(uuid).getVal());
- }, this);
- if (names.length > 0) {
- await wgputoy.set_custom_floats(names, Float32Array.from(values));
- }
- setSliderUpdateSignal(false);
+ const names: string[] = [];
+ const values: number[] = [];
+ [...sliderRefMap().keys()].map(uuid => {
+ names.push(sliderRefMap().get(uuid).getUniform());
+ values.push(sliderRefMap().get(uuid).getVal());
+ }, this);
+ if (names.length > 0) {
+ // console.log(`Setting uniforms: ${names} with values: ${values}`);
+ await ComputeEngine.getInstance().setCustomFloats(names, Float32Array.from(values));
+ setSliderUpdateSignal(false);
}, []);
- const reloadCallback = useCallback(() => {
- updateUniforms().then(() => {
- if (isSafeContext(wgputoy)) {
- wgputoy.preprocess(codeHot()).then(s => {
- if (s) {
- wgputoy.compile(s);
- setPrelude(wgputoy.prelude());
- wgputoy.render();
- }
- });
- setManualReload(false);
- }
- });
- }, []);
- const awaitableReloadCallback = async () => {
- return updateUniforms().then(() => {
- if (isSafeContext(wgputoy)) {
- wgputoy.preprocess(codeHot()).then(s => {
- if (s) {
- wgputoy.compile(s);
- setPrelude(wgputoy.prelude());
- wgputoy.render();
- }
- });
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- });
+ const recompile = async () => {
+ await updateUniforms();
+ console.log('Recompiling shader...');
+ const s = await ComputeEngine.getInstance().preprocess(codeHot());
+ if (s) {
+ await ComputeEngine.getInstance().compile(s);
+ setPrelude(ComputeEngine.getInstance().getPrelude());
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().render();
+ } else {
+ console.error('Recompilation failed');
+ }
@@ -147,42 +125,65 @@ const WgpuToyController = props => {
where manualReload gets set before the controller is loaded, which
results in the effect hook for manualReload never getting called.
- const liveReloadCallback = useCallback(() => {
- if (needsInitialReset() && dbLoaded()) {
- awaitableReloadCallback().then(ready => {
- // we don't want to reset in general except on load
- if (ready && parseError().success) {
- resetCallback();
- setNeedsInitialReset(false);
- }
- });
- } else if (dbLoaded() && manualReload()) {
- reloadCallback();
+ useAnimationFrame(async e => {
+ if (sliderUpdateSignal() && !needsInitialReset()) {
+ await updateUniforms();
- }, []);
- useAnimationFrame(e => {
- if (isSafeContext(wgputoy)) {
- if (sliderUpdateSignal()) {
- updateUniforms().then(() => {
- liveReloadCallback();
- });
- } else {
- liveReloadCallback();
+ if (performingInitialReset()) {
+ // wait for initial reset to complete
+ } else if (needsInitialReset() && dbLoaded()) {
+ console.log('Initialising engine...');
+ setPerformingInitialReset(true);
+ await ComputeEngine.create();
+ const engine = ComputeEngine.getInstance();
+ if (!canvas) {
+ console.error('Canvas not found');
+ return;
- if (sliderUpdateSignal() && !isPlaying()) {
- wgputoy.set_time_delta(e.delta);
- wgputoy.render();
- } else if (isPlaying() || manualReload()) {
- let t = timer();
- if (!manualReload()) {
- t += e.delta;
- }
- setTimer(t);
- wgputoy.set_time_elapsed(t);
- wgputoy.set_time_delta(e.delta);
- wgputoy.render();
+ engine.setSurface(canvas);
+ engine.onSuccess(handleSuccess);
+ engine.onError(handleError);
+ setTimer(0);
+ engine.setPassF32(float32Enabled);
+ updateResolution();
+ engine.resize(width(), height(), scale());
+ engine.reset();
+ loadTexture(0, loadedTextures[0].img);
+ loadTexture(1, loadedTextures[1].img);
+ await updateUniforms();
+ console.log('Compiling shader...');
+ const s = await engine.preprocess(codeHot());
+ if (!s) {
+ console.error('Initialisation aborted: shader compilation failed');
+ return;
+ }
+ await engine.compile(s);
+ setPrelude(engine.getPrelude());
+ engine.render();
+ setManualReload(false);
+ setNeedsInitialReset(false);
+ setPerformingInitialReset(false);
+ console.log('Initialisation complete');
+ } else if (dbLoaded() && manualReload()) {
+ console.log('Manual reload triggered');
+ await recompile();
+ setManualReload(false);
+ }
+ if (needsInitialReset()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (sliderUpdateSignal() && !isPlaying()) {
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().setTimeDelta(e.delta);
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().render();
+ } else if (isPlaying() || manualReload()) {
+ let t = timer();
+ if (!manualReload()) {
+ t += e.delta;
+ setTimer(t);
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().setTimeElapsed(t);
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().setTimeDelta(e.delta);
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().render();
@@ -195,10 +196,11 @@ const WgpuToyController = props => {
}, []);
const resetCallback = useCallback(() => {
- if (isSafeContext(wgputoy)) {
+ if (!needsInitialReset()) {
+ console.log('Resetting engine...');
- wgputoy.reset();
- reloadCallback();
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().reset();
+ recompile();
}, []);
@@ -221,34 +223,31 @@ const WgpuToyController = props => {
if (!hotReloadHot()) setSaveColorTransitionSignal(theme.palette.dracula.orange);
}, []);
- if (window) window['wgsl_error_handler'] = handleError;
+ // if (window) window['wgsl_error_handler'] = handleError;
const loadTexture = useCallback((index: number, uri: string) => {
- if (isSafeContext(wgputoy)) {
- fetch(uri)
- .then(response => {
- if (!response.ok) {
- throw new Error('Failed to load image');
- }
- return response.blob();
- })
- .then(b => b.arrayBuffer())
- .then(data => {
- if (uri.match(/\.hdr/i)) {
- wgputoy.load_channel_hdr(index, new Uint8Array(data));
- } else {
- wgputoy.load_channel(index, new Uint8Array(data));
- }
- })
- .catch(error => console.error(error));
- }
+ console.log(`Loading texture ${index} from ${uri}`);
+ fetch(uri)
+ .then(response => {
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ throw new Error('Failed to load image');
+ }
+ return response.blob();
+ })
+ .then(b => b.arrayBuffer())
+ .then(data => {
+ if (uri.match(/\.hdr/i)) {
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().loadChannelHDR(index, new Uint8Array(data));
+ } else {
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().loadChannel(index, new Uint8Array(data));
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(error => console.error(error));
}, []);
const requestFullscreen = useCallback(() => {
- if (isSafeContext(wgputoy) && canvas !== false) {
- if (!document.fullscreenElement) {
- canvas.requestFullscreen({ navigationUI: 'hide' });
- }
+ if (canvas && !document.fullscreenElement) {
+ canvas.requestFullscreen({ navigationUI: 'hide' });
}, []);
@@ -257,9 +256,9 @@ const WgpuToyController = props => {
useEffect(() => {
const handleKeyDown = e => {
- if (isSafeContext(wgputoy)) {
- if (typeof e.keyCode === 'number') wgputoy.set_keydown(e.keyCode, true);
- }
+ // console.log(`Key down: ${e.keyCode}`);
+ if (typeof e.keyCode === 'number')
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().setKeydown(e.keyCode, true);
if (canvas) {
canvas.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown);
@@ -270,9 +269,9 @@ const WgpuToyController = props => {
useEffect(() => {
const handleKeyUp = e => {
- if (isSafeContext(wgputoy)) {
- if (typeof e.keyCode === 'number') wgputoy.set_keydown(e.keyCode, false);
- }
+ // console.log(`Key up: ${e.keyCode}`);
+ if (typeof e.keyCode === 'number')
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().setKeydown(e.keyCode, false);
if (canvas) {
canvas.addEventListener('keyup', handleKeyUp);
@@ -399,30 +398,27 @@ const WgpuToyController = props => {
useEffect(() => {
if (canvas !== false) {
const handleMouseMove = (e: MouseEvent) => {
- if (isSafeContext(wgputoy)) {
- wgputoy.set_mouse_pos(
- e.offsetX / canvas.clientWidth,
- e.offsetY / canvas.clientHeight
- );
- if (!isPlaying()) {
- wgputoy.render();
- }
+ // console.log(`Mouse move: ${e.offsetX}, ${e.offsetY}`);
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().setMousePos(
+ e.offsetX / canvas.clientWidth,
+ e.offsetY / canvas.clientHeight
+ );
+ if (!isPlaying()) {
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().render();
const handleMouseUp = () => {
- if (isSafeContext(wgputoy)) {
- wgputoy.set_mouse_click(false);
- canvas.onmousemove = null;
- }
+ // console.log('Mouse up');
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().setMouseClick(false);
+ canvas.onmousemove = null;
const handleMouseDown = (e: MouseEvent) => {
- if (isSafeContext(wgputoy)) {
- wgputoy.set_mouse_click(true);
- handleMouseMove(e);
- canvas.onmousemove = handleMouseMove;
- }
+ // console.log('Mouse down');
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().setMouseClick(true);
+ handleMouseMove(e);
+ canvas.onmousemove = handleMouseMove;
canvas.onmousedown = handleMouseDown;
@@ -431,12 +427,6 @@ const WgpuToyController = props => {
}, []);
- useEffect(() => {
- if (isSafeContext(wgputoy)) {
- wgputoy.on_success(handleSuccess);
- }
- }, []);
useEffect(() => {
if (!isPlaying()) {
@@ -462,56 +452,64 @@ const WgpuToyController = props => {
special case where we're paused and a reload is called
if (hotReload || (!isPlaying() && manualReload())) {
- reloadCallback();
+ console.log('Hot reload triggered...');
+ recompile().then(() => setManualReload(false));
}, [code, hotReload, manualReload()]);
const updateResolution = () => {
- if (isSafeContext(wgputoy)) {
- let dimensions = { x: 0, y: 0 }; // dimensions in device (physical) pixels
- if (document.fullscreenElement) {
- // calculate actual screen resolution, accounting for both zoom and hidpi
- // https://stackoverflow.com/a/55839671/78204
- dimensions.x =
- Math.round(
- (window.screen.width * window.devicePixelRatio) /
- (window.outerWidth / window.innerWidth) /
- 80
- ) * 80;
- dimensions.y =
- Math.round(
- (window.screen.height * window.devicePixelRatio) /
- (window.outerWidth / window.innerWidth) /
- 60
- ) * 60;
- } else if (props.embed) {
- dimensions = getDimensions(window.innerWidth * window.devicePixelRatio);
- } else {
- const padding = 16;
- dimensions = getDimensions(
- (parentRef.offsetWidth - padding) * window.devicePixelRatio
- );
- }
- const newScale = halfResolution ? 0.5 : 1;
- if (dimensions.x !== width() || newScale !== scale()) {
- setWidth(dimensions.x);
- setHeight(dimensions.y);
- setScale(newScale);
- wgputoy.resize(dimensions.x, dimensions.y, newScale);
- reloadCallback();
- }
- if (canvas) {
- canvas.width = dimensions.x;
- canvas.height = dimensions.y;
- canvas.style.width = `${dimensions.x / window.devicePixelRatio}px`;
- canvas.style.height = `${dimensions.y / window.devicePixelRatio}px`;
- }
+ let dimensions = { x: 0, y: 0 }; // dimensions in device (physical) pixels
+ if (document.fullscreenElement) {
+ // calculate actual screen resolution, accounting for both zoom and hidpi
+ // https://stackoverflow.com/a/55839671/78204
+ dimensions.x =
+ Math.round(
+ (window.screen.width * window.devicePixelRatio) /
+ (window.outerWidth / window.innerWidth) /
+ 80
+ ) * 80;
+ dimensions.y =
+ Math.round(
+ (window.screen.height * window.devicePixelRatio) /
+ (window.outerWidth / window.innerWidth) /
+ 60
+ ) * 60;
+ } else if (props.embed) {
+ dimensions = getDimensions(window.innerWidth * window.devicePixelRatio);
+ } else {
+ const padding = 16;
+ dimensions = getDimensions((parentRef.offsetWidth - padding) * window.devicePixelRatio);
+ }
+ if (canvas) {
+ canvas.width = dimensions.x;
+ canvas.height = dimensions.y;
+ canvas.style.width = `${dimensions.x / window.devicePixelRatio}px`;
+ canvas.style.height = `${dimensions.y / window.devicePixelRatio}px`;
+ const newScale = halfResolution ? 0.5 : 1;
+ if (dimensions.x !== width() || newScale !== scale()) {
+ console.log(`Resizing to ${dimensions.x}x${dimensions.y} @ ${newScale}x`);
+ setWidth(dimensions.x);
+ setHeight(dimensions.y);
+ setScale(newScale);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
- useResizeObserver(parentRef, updateResolution);
+ useResizeObserver(parentRef, () => {
+ if (!needsInitialReset() && updateResolution()) {
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().resize(width(), height(), scale());
+ resetCallback();
+ }
+ });
- useEffect(updateResolution, [halfResolution]);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (!needsInitialReset() && updateResolution()) {
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().resize(width(), height(), scale());
+ resetCallback();
+ }
+ }, [halfResolution]);
useEffect(() => {
if (reset) {
@@ -521,11 +519,15 @@ const WgpuToyController = props => {
}, [reset]);
useEffect(() => {
- loadTexture(0, loadedTextures[0].img);
+ if (!needsInitialReset()) {
+ loadTexture(0, loadedTextures[0].img);
+ }
}, [loadedTextures[0]]);
useEffect(() => {
- loadTexture(1, loadedTextures[1].img);
+ if (!needsInitialReset()) {
+ loadTexture(1, loadedTextures[1].img);
+ }
}, [loadedTextures[1]]);
useEffect(() => {
@@ -536,10 +538,12 @@ const WgpuToyController = props => {
}, [requestFullscreenSignal]);
useEffect(() => {
- if (isSafeContext(wgputoy)) {
- wgputoy.set_pass_f32(float32Enabled);
+ if (!needsInitialReset()) {
+ console.log(`Setting passF32 to ${float32Enabled}`);
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().setPassF32(float32Enabled);
+ ComputeEngine.getInstance().reset();
if (dbLoaded()) {
- awaitableReloadCallback().then(() => {
+ recompile().then(() => {
diff --git a/lib/atoms/wgputoyatoms.tsx b/lib/atoms/wgputoyatoms.tsx
index 75772fe6..d22f523c 100644
--- a/lib/atoms/wgputoyatoms.tsx
+++ b/lib/atoms/wgputoyatoms.tsx
@@ -1,16 +1,5 @@
'use client';
import { atom } from 'jotai';
-import { create_renderer, WgpuToyRenderer } from 'lib/wgputoy';
-import { getDimensions } from '../../types/canvasdimensions';
-// just to check if the object has already been freed (ptr=0)
-declare module 'lib/wgputoy' {
- interface WgpuToyRenderer {
- __wbg_ptr: number;
- }
-const isSSR = typeof window === 'undefined';
// Using 'false' here to satisfy type checker for Jotai's function overloads
export const canvasElAtom = atom(false);
@@ -28,18 +17,4 @@ export const canvasParentElAtom = atom('unknown');
-export const wgputoyAtom = atom>(async get => {
- if (!isSSR && get(canvasElAtom) !== false && get(canvasParentElAtom)) {
- const parentEl = get(canvasParentElAtom);
- const dim = getDimensions(parentEl.offsetWidth * window.devicePixelRatio);
- return create_renderer(dim.x, dim.y, (get(canvasElAtom) as HTMLCanvasElement).id);
- } else {
- return false;
- }
export const wgputoyPreludeAtom = atom('');
-// type predicate
-export const isSafeContext = (context: WgpuToyRenderer | false): context is WgpuToyRenderer =>
- context !== false && context.__wbg_ptr !== 0;
diff --git a/lib/engine/bind.ts b/lib/engine/bind.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e459f041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/engine/bind.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+// Constants
+const NUM_KEYCODES = 256;
+const MAX_CUSTOM_PARAMS = 32;
+// export const NUM_ASSERT_COUNTERS = 10;
+// const USER_DATA_BYTES = 4096;
+const OFFSET_ALIGNMENT = 256;
+// Core data structures
+class Time {
+ frame: number;
+ elapsed: number;
+ delta: number;
+ constructor(frame: number = 0, elapsed: number = 0, delta: number = 0) {
+ this.frame = frame;
+ this.elapsed = elapsed;
+ this.delta = delta;
+ }
+ toBuffer(): Uint8Array {
+ const buffer = new Uint8Array(12);
+ const view = new DataView(buffer.buffer);
+ view.setUint32(0, this.frame, true); // true for little-endian
+ view.setFloat32(4, this.elapsed, true);
+ view.setFloat32(8, this.delta, true);
+ return buffer;
+ }
+class Mouse {
+ pos: [number, number];
+ click: number;
+ constructor(x: number, y: number, click: number) {
+ this.pos = [x, y];
+ this.click = click;
+ }
+ toBuffer(): Uint8Array {
+ const buffer = new Uint8Array(12);
+ const view = new DataView(buffer.buffer);
+ view.setInt32(0, this.pos[0], true);
+ view.setInt32(4, this.pos[1], true);
+ view.setInt32(8, this.click, true);
+ return buffer;
+ }
+class BitArray {
+ private bits: Uint8Array;
+ constructor(size: number) {
+ this.bits = new Uint8Array(Math.ceil(size / 8));
+ }
+ toBuffer(): Uint8Array {
+ return this.bits;
+ }
+ get(index: number): boolean {
+ const byteIndex = Math.floor(index / 8);
+ const bitIndex = index % 8;
+ return (this.bits[byteIndex] & (1 << bitIndex)) !== 0;
+ }
+ set(index: number, value: boolean): void {
+ const byteIndex = Math.floor(index / 8);
+ const bitIndex = index % 8;
+ if (value) {
+ this.bits[byteIndex] |= 1 << bitIndex;
+ } else {
+ this.bits[byteIndex] &= ~(1 << bitIndex);
+ }
+ }
+interface Binding {
+ getLayoutEntry(binding: number): GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry;
+ binding(): GPUBindingResource;
+ toWGSL(): string;
+class BufferBinding implements Binding {
+ host: H;
+ device: GPUBuffer;
+ layout: GPUBufferBindingLayout;
+ bindingSize?: GPUSize64;
+ decl: string;
+ constructor(params: {
+ host: H;
+ device: GPUBuffer;
+ layout: GPUBufferBindingLayout;
+ bindingSize?: GPUSize64;
+ decl: string;
+ }) {
+ this.host = params.host;
+ this.device = params.device;
+ this.layout = params.layout;
+ this.bindingSize = params.bindingSize;
+ this.decl = params.decl;
+ }
+ getLayoutEntry(binding: number): GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry {
+ return {
+ binding,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
+ buffer: this.layout
+ };
+ }
+ binding(): GPUBufferBinding {
+ return { buffer: this.device, offset: 0, size: this.bindingSize };
+ }
+ toWGSL(): string {
+ return this.decl;
+ }
+class TextureBinding implements Binding {
+ device: GPUTexture;
+ view: GPUTextureView;
+ layout: GPUTextureBindingLayout;
+ decl: string;
+ constructor(params: {
+ device: GPUTexture;
+ view: GPUTextureView;
+ layout: GPUTextureBindingLayout;
+ decl: string;
+ }) {
+ this.device = params.device;
+ this.view = params.view;
+ this.layout = params.layout;
+ this.decl = params.decl;
+ }
+ getLayoutEntry(binding: number): GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry {
+ return {
+ binding,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
+ texture: this.layout
+ };
+ }
+ binding(): GPUTextureView {
+ return this.view;
+ }
+ toWGSL(): string {
+ return this.decl;
+ }
+ texture(): GPUTexture {
+ return this.device;
+ }
+ setTexture(texture: GPUTexture): void {
+ this.device = texture;
+ this.view = texture.createView();
+ }
+class StorageTextureBinding implements Binding {
+ device: GPUTexture;
+ view: GPUTextureView;
+ layout: GPUStorageTextureBindingLayout;
+ decl: string;
+ constructor(params: {
+ device: GPUTexture;
+ view: GPUTextureView;
+ layout: GPUStorageTextureBindingLayout;
+ decl: string;
+ }) {
+ this.device = params.device;
+ this.view = params.view;
+ this.layout = params.layout;
+ this.decl = params.decl;
+ }
+ getLayoutEntry(binding: number): GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry {
+ return {
+ binding,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
+ storageTexture: this.layout
+ };
+ }
+ binding(): GPUTextureView {
+ return this.view;
+ }
+ toWGSL(): string {
+ return this.decl;
+ }
+ texture(): GPUTexture {
+ return this.device;
+ }
+ setTexture(texture: GPUTexture): void {
+ this.device = texture;
+ this.view = texture.createView();
+ }
+class SamplerBinding implements Binding {
+ layout: GPUSamplerBindingLayout;
+ bind: GPUSampler;
+ decl: string;
+ constructor(params: { layout: GPUSamplerBindingLayout; bind: GPUSampler; decl: string }) {
+ this.layout = params.layout;
+ this.bind = params.bind;
+ this.decl = params.decl;
+ }
+ getLayoutEntry(binding: number): GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry {
+ return {
+ binding,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE,
+ sampler: this.layout
+ };
+ }
+ binding(): GPUSampler {
+ return this.bind;
+ }
+ toWGSL(): string {
+ return this.decl;
+ }
+// Main bindings class
+export class Bindings {
+ time: BufferBinding;
+ mouse: BufferBinding;
+ keys: BufferBinding;
+ custom: BufferBinding<[string[], Float32Array]>;
+ // userData: BufferBinding>;
+ storage1: BufferBinding;
+ storage2: BufferBinding;
+ // debugBuffer: BufferBinding;
+ dispatchInfo: BufferBinding;
+ texScreen: StorageTextureBinding;
+ texRead: TextureBinding;
+ texWrite: StorageTextureBinding;
+ channels: TextureBinding[];
+ nearest: SamplerBinding;
+ bilinear: SamplerBinding;
+ trilinear: SamplerBinding;
+ nearestRepeat: SamplerBinding;
+ bilinearRepeat: SamplerBinding;
+ trilinearRepeat: SamplerBinding;
+ constructor(device: GPUDevice, width: number, height: number, passF32: boolean) {
+ const uniformBuffer: GPUBufferBindingLayout = {
+ type: 'uniform'
+ };
+ const storageBuffer: GPUBufferBindingLayout = {
+ type: 'storage'
+ };
+ const passFormat = passF32 ? 'rgba32float' : 'rgba16float';
+ const blank: GPUTextureDescriptor = {
+ size: {
+ width: 1,
+ height: 1,
+ depthOrArrayLayers: 1
+ },
+ format: 'rgba8unorm-srgb',
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING,
+ dimension: '2d',
+ mipLevelCount: 1,
+ sampleCount: 1
+ };
+ const channelLayout: GPUTextureBindingLayout = {
+ sampleType: 'float',
+ viewDimension: '2d',
+ multisampled: false
+ };
+ const repeat: GPUSamplerDescriptor = {
+ addressModeU: 'repeat',
+ addressModeV: 'repeat',
+ addressModeW: 'repeat'
+ };
+ // Create textures
+ const texScreen = device.createTexture({
+ size: {
+ width,
+ height,
+ depthOrArrayLayers: 1
+ },
+ format: 'rgba16float',
+ dimension: '2d',
+ mipLevelCount: 1,
+ sampleCount: 1
+ });
+ const texRead = device.createTexture({
+ size: {
+ width,
+ height,
+ depthOrArrayLayers: 4
+ },
+ format: passF32 ? 'rgba32float' : 'rgba16float',
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST | GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING,
+ dimension: '2d',
+ mipLevelCount: 1,
+ sampleCount: 1
+ });
+ const texWrite = device.createTexture({
+ size: {
+ width,
+ height,
+ depthOrArrayLayers: 4
+ },
+ format: passF32 ? 'rgba32float' : 'rgba16float',
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUTextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING,
+ dimension: '2d',
+ mipLevelCount: 1,
+ sampleCount: 1
+ });
+ const channel0 = device.createTexture(blank);
+ const channel1 = device.createTexture(blank);
+ // Initialize time binding
+ this.time = new BufferBinding({
+ host: new Time(),
+ device: device.createBuffer({
+ size: 16, // Aligned to 16 bytes
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST
+ }),
+ layout: uniformBuffer,
+ decl: 'var time: Time'
+ });
+ // Initialize mouse binding
+ this.mouse = new BufferBinding({
+ host: new Mouse(width / 2, height / 2, 0),
+ device: device.createBuffer({
+ size: 16, // Aligned to 16 bytes
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST
+ }),
+ layout: uniformBuffer,
+ decl: 'var mouse: Mouse'
+ });
+ // Initialize keyboard binding
+ this.keys = new BufferBinding({
+ host: new BitArray(NUM_KEYCODES),
+ device: device.createBuffer({
+ size: 32, // Aligned to 16 bytes
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST
+ }),
+ layout: uniformBuffer,
+ decl: 'var _keyboard: array,2>'
+ });
+ // Initialize custom binding
+ this.custom = new BufferBinding<[string[], Float32Array]>({
+ host: [['_dummy'], new Float32Array([0])],
+ device: device.createBuffer({
+ size: MAX_CUSTOM_PARAMS * 4,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST
+ }),
+ layout: uniformBuffer,
+ decl: 'var custom: Custom'
+ });
+ // Initialize user data binding
+ // this.userData = new BufferBinding>({
+ // host: new Map([['_dummy', new Uint32Array([0])]]),
+ // device: device.createBuffer({
+ // size: USER_DATA_BYTES,
+ // usage: GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST
+ // }),
+ // layout: { ...storageBuffer, type: 'read-only-storage' },
+ // decl: 'var data: Data'
+ // });
+ // Initialize storage buffers
+ const storageSize = 128 * 1024 * 1024; // 128MB
+ this.storage1 = new BufferBinding({
+ host: undefined,
+ device: device.createBuffer({
+ size: storageSize,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE
+ }),
+ layout: storageBuffer,
+ decl: ''
+ });
+ this.storage2 = new BufferBinding({
+ host: undefined,
+ device: device.createBuffer({
+ size: storageSize,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE
+ }),
+ layout: storageBuffer,
+ decl: ''
+ });
+ // Initialize debug buffer
+ // this.debugBuffer = new BufferBinding({
+ // host: undefined,
+ // device: device.createBuffer({
+ // size: 16 * NUM_ASSERT_COUNTERS, // Aligned to 16 bytes
+ // usage: GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST
+ // }),
+ // layout: storageBuffer,
+ // decl: 'var _assert_counts: array>'
+ // });
+ // Initialize dispatch info buffer
+ this.dispatchInfo = new BufferBinding({
+ host: undefined,
+ device: device.createBuffer({
+ size: 256 * OFFSET_ALIGNMENT,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST
+ }),
+ layout: { ...uniformBuffer, hasDynamicOffset: true, type: 'uniform' },
+ bindingSize: 4,
+ decl: 'var dispatch: DispatchInfo'
+ });
+ // Initialize texture bindings
+ this.texScreen = new StorageTextureBinding({
+ device: texScreen,
+ view: texScreen.createView(),
+ layout: {
+ access: 'write-only',
+ format: 'rgba16float',
+ viewDimension: '2d'
+ },
+ decl: 'var screen: texture_storage_2d'
+ });
+ this.texRead = new TextureBinding({
+ device: texRead,
+ view: texRead.createView({
+ dimension: '2d-array'
+ }),
+ layout: {
+ sampleType: passF32 ? 'unfilterable-float' : 'float',
+ viewDimension: '2d-array',
+ multisampled: false
+ },
+ decl: 'var pass_in: texture_2d_array'
+ });
+ this.texWrite = new StorageTextureBinding({
+ device: texWrite,
+ view: texWrite.createView({
+ dimension: '2d-array'
+ }),
+ layout: {
+ access: 'write-only',
+ format: passF32 ? 'rgba32float' : 'rgba16float',
+ viewDimension: '2d-array'
+ },
+ decl: `var pass_out: texture_storage_2d_array<${passFormat},write>`
+ });
+ this.channels = [
+ new TextureBinding({
+ device: channel0,
+ view: channel0.createView(),
+ layout: channelLayout,
+ decl: 'var channel0: texture_2d'
+ }),
+ new TextureBinding({
+ device: channel1,
+ view: channel1.createView(),
+ layout: channelLayout,
+ decl: 'var channel1: texture_2d'
+ })
+ ];
+ // Initialize sampler bindings
+ this.nearest = new SamplerBinding({
+ layout: {
+ type: 'non-filtering'
+ },
+ bind: device.createSampler(),
+ decl: 'var nearest: sampler'
+ });
+ this.bilinear = new SamplerBinding({
+ layout: {
+ type: 'filtering'
+ },
+ bind: device.createSampler({
+ magFilter: 'linear',
+ minFilter: 'linear'
+ }),
+ decl: 'var bilinear: sampler'
+ });
+ this.trilinear = new SamplerBinding({
+ layout: {
+ type: 'filtering'
+ },
+ bind: device.createSampler({
+ magFilter: 'linear',
+ minFilter: 'linear',
+ mipmapFilter: 'linear'
+ }),
+ decl: 'var trilinear: sampler'
+ });
+ this.nearestRepeat = new SamplerBinding({
+ layout: {
+ type: 'non-filtering'
+ },
+ bind: device.createSampler(repeat),
+ decl: 'var nearest_repeat: sampler'
+ });
+ this.bilinearRepeat = new SamplerBinding({
+ layout: {
+ type: 'filtering'
+ },
+ bind: device.createSampler({
+ ...repeat,
+ magFilter: 'linear',
+ minFilter: 'linear'
+ }),
+ decl: 'var bilinear_repeat: sampler'
+ });
+ this.trilinearRepeat = new SamplerBinding({
+ layout: {
+ type: 'filtering'
+ },
+ bind: device.createSampler({
+ ...repeat,
+ magFilter: 'linear',
+ minFilter: 'linear',
+ mipmapFilter: 'linear'
+ }),
+ decl: 'var trilinear_repeat: sampler'
+ });
+ }
+ private getAllBindings(): Binding[] {
+ return [
+ this.storage1,
+ this.storage2,
+ this.time,
+ this.mouse,
+ this.keys,
+ this.custom,
+ // this.userData,
+ // this.debugBuffer,
+ this.dispatchInfo,
+ this.texScreen,
+ this.texRead,
+ this.texWrite,
+ ...this.channels,
+ this.nearest,
+ this.bilinear,
+ this.trilinear,
+ this.nearestRepeat,
+ this.bilinearRepeat,
+ this.trilinearRepeat
+ ];
+ }
+ createBindGroupLayout(device: GPUDevice): GPUBindGroupLayout {
+ return device.createBindGroupLayout({
+ entries: this.getAllBindings().map((binding, index) => binding.getLayoutEntry(index))
+ });
+ }
+ createPipelineLayout(device: GPUDevice, layout: GPUBindGroupLayout): GPUPipelineLayout {
+ return device.createPipelineLayout({
+ bindGroupLayouts: [layout]
+ });
+ }
+ createBindGroup(device: GPUDevice, layout: GPUBindGroupLayout): GPUBindGroup {
+ return device.createBindGroup({
+ layout,
+ entries: this.getAllBindings().map((binding, index) => ({
+ binding: index,
+ resource: binding.binding()
+ }))
+ });
+ }
+ toWGSL(): string {
+ return this.getAllBindings()
+ .map((binding, index) => {
+ const decl = binding.toWGSL();
+ if (!decl) return '';
+ return `@group(0) @binding(${index}) ${decl};`;
+ })
+ .filter(s => s)
+ .join('\n');
+ }
+ stage(queue: GPUQueue): void {
+ queue.writeBuffer(this.custom.device, 0, this.custom.host[1].buffer);
+ // queue.writeBuffer(this.userData.device, 0, this.userData.host.toBuffer());
+ queue.writeBuffer(this.time.device, 0, this.time.host.toBuffer());
+ queue.writeBuffer(this.mouse.device, 0, this.mouse.host.toBuffer());
+ queue.writeBuffer(this.keys.device, 0, this.keys.host.toBuffer());
+ }
diff --git a/lib/engine/blit.ts b/lib/engine/blit.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f4ca359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/engine/blit.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+// WGSL shader for blit operations
+const BLIT_SHADER = `
+struct VertexOutput {
+ @builtin(position) position: vec4,
+ @location(0) tex_coords: vec2
+fn vs_main(@builtin(vertex_index) vertex_index: u32) -> VertexOutput {
+ var out: VertexOutput;
+ let x = i32(vertex_index) / 2;
+ let y = i32(vertex_index) & 1;
+ let tc = vec2(
+ f32(x) * 2.0,
+ f32(y) * 2.0
+ );
+ out.position = vec4(
+ tc.x * 2.0 - 1.0,
+ 1.0 - tc.y * 2.0,
+ 0.0, 1.0
+ );
+ out.tex_coords = tc;
+ return out;
+@group(0) @binding(0) var r_color: texture_2d;
+@group(0) @binding(1) var r_sampler: sampler;
+fn srgb_to_linear(rgb: vec3) -> vec3 {
+ return select(
+ pow((rgb + 0.055) * (1.0 / 1.055), vec3(2.4)),
+ rgb * (1.0/12.92),
+ rgb <= vec3(0.04045));
+fn linear_to_srgb(rgb: vec3) -> vec3 {
+ return select(
+ 1.055 * pow(rgb, vec3(1.0 / 2.4)) - 0.055,
+ rgb * 12.92,
+ rgb <= vec3(0.0031308));
+fn fs_main(in: VertexOutput) -> @location(0) vec4 {
+ return textureSample(r_color, r_sampler, in.tex_coords);
+fn fs_main_linear_to_srgb(in: VertexOutput) -> @location(0) vec4 {
+ let rgba = textureSample(r_color, r_sampler, in.tex_coords);
+ return vec4(linear_to_srgb(rgba.rgb), rgba.a);
+fn fs_main_rgbe_to_linear(in: VertexOutput) -> @location(0) vec4 {
+ let rgbe = textureSample(r_color, r_sampler, in.tex_coords);
+ return vec4(rgbe.rgb * exp2(rgbe.a * 255. - 128.), 1.);
+ * Represents different color space conversions
+ */
+export enum ColorSpace {
+ Linear = 'linear',
+ Rgbe = 'rgbe'
+ * Handles blitting operations between textures with color space conversion
+ */
+export class Blitter {
+ private renderPipeline: GPURenderPipeline;
+ private renderBindGroup: GPUBindGroup;
+ private destFormat: GPUTextureFormat;
+ constructor(
+ device: GPUDevice,
+ src: GPUTextureView,
+ srcSpace: ColorSpace,
+ destFormat: GPUTextureFormat,
+ filter: GPUFilterMode
+ ) {
+ this.destFormat = destFormat;
+ // Create shader module
+ const shaderModule = device.createShaderModule({
+ label: 'Blit Shader',
+ });
+ // Create bind group layout
+ const bindGroupLayout = device.createBindGroupLayout({
+ label: 'Blit Bind Group Layout',
+ entries: [
+ {
+ binding: 0,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
+ texture: {
+ sampleType: 'float',
+ viewDimension: '2d',
+ multisampled: false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ binding: 1,
+ visibility: GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
+ sampler: {
+ type: filter === 'linear' ? 'filtering' : 'non-filtering'
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ });
+ // Create pipeline layout
+ const pipelineLayout = device.createPipelineLayout({
+ label: 'Blit Pipeline Layout',
+ bindGroupLayouts: [bindGroupLayout]
+ });
+ // Create sampler
+ const sampler = device.createSampler({
+ minFilter: filter,
+ magFilter: filter
+ });
+ // Create bind group
+ this.renderBindGroup = device.createBindGroup({
+ layout: bindGroupLayout,
+ entries: [
+ {
+ binding: 0,
+ resource: src
+ },
+ {
+ binding: 1,
+ resource: sampler
+ }
+ ]
+ });
+ // Determine fragment shader entry point based on color space conversion
+ const fragmentEntry = this.getFragmentEntry(srcSpace, destFormat);
+ // Create render pipeline
+ this.renderPipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({
+ layout: pipelineLayout,
+ vertex: {
+ module: shaderModule,
+ entryPoint: 'vs_main'
+ },
+ fragment: {
+ module: shaderModule,
+ entryPoint: fragmentEntry,
+ targets: [
+ {
+ format: destFormat
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ primitive: {
+ topology: 'triangle-list'
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine the appropriate fragment shader entry point based on color space conversion
+ */
+ private getFragmentEntry(srcSpace: ColorSpace, destFormat: GPUTextureFormat): string {
+ if (srcSpace === ColorSpace.Linear) {
+ // Handle sRGB conversion cases
+ if (destFormat === 'bgra8unorm' || destFormat === 'rgba8unorm') {
+ return 'fs_main_linear_to_srgb';
+ }
+ if (
+ destFormat === 'bgra8unorm-srgb' ||
+ destFormat === 'rgba8unorm-srgb' ||
+ destFormat === 'rgba16float'
+ ) {
+ return 'fs_main';
+ }
+ }
+ if (srcSpace === ColorSpace.Rgbe && destFormat === 'rgba16float') {
+ return 'fs_main_rgbe_to_linear';
+ }
+ throw new Error(`Unsupported color space conversion: ${srcSpace} to ${destFormat}`);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Perform the blit operation
+ */
+ blit(encoder: GPUCommandEncoder, view: GPUTextureView) {
+ const renderPass = encoder.beginRenderPass({
+ colorAttachments: [
+ {
+ view: view,
+ clearValue: { r: 0, g: 1, b: 0, a: 1 },
+ loadOp: 'clear',
+ storeOp: 'store'
+ }
+ ]
+ });
+ renderPass.setPipeline(this.renderPipeline);
+ renderPass.setBindGroup(0, this.renderBindGroup);
+ renderPass.draw(3, 1, 0, 0);
+ renderPass.end();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a new texture with mipmaps
+ */
+ createTexture(
+ device: GPUDevice,
+ queue: GPUQueue,
+ width: number,
+ height: number,
+ mipLevelCount: number
+ ): GPUTexture {
+ const texture = device.createTexture({
+ size: {
+ width,
+ height,
+ depthOrArrayLayers: 1
+ },
+ mipLevelCount,
+ sampleCount: 1,
+ dimension: '2d',
+ format: this.destFormat,
+ });
+ const encoder = device.createCommandEncoder();
+ // Generate mipmap chain
+ const views: GPUTextureView[] = Array.from({ length: mipLevelCount }, (_, i) =>
+ texture.createView({
+ baseMipLevel: i,
+ mipLevelCount: 1
+ })
+ );
+ // Blit to first mip level
+ this.blit(encoder, views[0]);
+ // Generate remaining mip levels
+ for (let targetMip = 1; targetMip < mipLevelCount; targetMip++) {
+ const prevLevelBlitter = new Blitter(
+ device,
+ views[targetMip - 1],
+ ColorSpace.Linear,
+ this.destFormat,
+ 'linear'
+ );
+ prevLevelBlitter.blit(encoder, views[targetMip]);
+ }
+ queue.submit([encoder.finish()]);
+ return texture;
+ }
diff --git a/lib/engine/hdr.ts b/lib/engine/hdr.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..128abd02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/engine/hdr.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// HDR format loading from https://enkimute.github.io/hdrpng.js/
+export function loadHDR(data: Uint8Array): {
+ rgbe: Uint8Array;
+ width: number;
+ height: number;
+} {
+ let header = '';
+ let pos = 0;
+ // Read header
+ while (!header.match(/\n\n[^\n]+\n/g)) {
+ header += String.fromCharCode(data[pos++]);
+ }
+ // Check format
+ const format = header.match(/FORMAT=(.*)$/m)![1];
+ if (format !== '32-bit_rle_rgbe') {
+ console.warn('unknown format : ' + format);
+ }
+ // Parse resolution
+ const rez = header.split(/\n/).reverse()[1].split(' ');
+ const width = parseInt(rez[3]);
+ const height = parseInt(rez[1]);
+ // Create image
+ const img = new Uint8Array(width * height * 4);
+ let ipos = 0;
+ // Read all scanlines
+ for (let j = 0; j < height; j++) {
+ const rgbe = data.slice(pos, (pos += 4));
+ const scanline: number[] = [];
+ if (rgbe[0] !== 2 || rgbe[1] !== 2 || rgbe[2] & 0x80) {
+ let len = width;
+ let rs = 0;
+ pos -= 4;
+ while (len > 0) {
+ img.set(data.slice(pos, (pos += 4)), ipos);
+ if (img[ipos] === 1 && img[ipos + 1] === 1 && img[ipos + 2] === 1) {
+ let i = img[ipos + 3] << rs;
+ while (i > 0) {
+ img.set(img.slice(ipos - 4, ipos), ipos);
+ ipos += 4;
+ len--;
+ i--;
+ }
+ rs += 8;
+ } else {
+ len--;
+ ipos += 4;
+ rs = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((rgbe[2] << 8) + rgbe[3] !== width) {
+ console.warn('HDR line mismatch ..');
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ let ptr = i * width;
+ const ptr_end = (i + 1) * width;
+ let buf: Uint8Array;
+ let count: number;
+ while (ptr < ptr_end) {
+ buf = data.slice(pos, (pos += 2));
+ if (buf[0] > 128) {
+ count = buf[0] - 128;
+ while (count-- > 0) {
+ scanline[ptr++] = buf[1];
+ }
+ } else {
+ count = buf[0] - 1;
+ scanline[ptr++] = buf[1];
+ while (count-- > 0) {
+ scanline[ptr++] = data[pos++];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < width; i++) {
+ img[ipos++] = scanline[i];
+ img[ipos++] = scanline[i + width];
+ img[ipos++] = scanline[i + 2 * width];
+ img[ipos++] = scanline[i + 3 * width];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return { rgbe: img, width, height };
diff --git a/lib/engine/index.ts b/lib/engine/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..761fe79e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/engine/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+ * WGPU Compute Toy Library
+ * TypeScript port of the Rust compute-toys project
+ */
+import { Mutex } from 'async-mutex';
+import { Bindings } from './bind';
+import { Blitter, ColorSpace } from './blit';
+import { loadHDR } from './hdr';
+import { Preprocessor, SourceMap } from './preprocessor';
+import { countNewlines } from './utils';
+// Regular expression for parsing compute shader entry points
+const RE_ENTRY_POINT = /@compute[^@]*?@workgroup_size\((.*?)\)[^@]*?fn\s+(\w+)/g;
+ * Information about a compute pipeline
+ */
+interface ComputePipeline {
+ name: string;
+ workgroupSize: [number, number, number];
+ workgroupCount?: [number, number, number];
+ dispatchOnce: boolean;
+ dispatchCount: number;
+ pipeline: GPUComputePipeline;
+ * Core renderer class for compute toy
+ */
+export class ComputeEngine {
+ private static instance: ComputeEngine | null = null;
+ private device: GPUDevice;
+ private surface?: GPUCanvasContext;
+ private screenWidth: number;
+ private screenHeight: number;
+ private bindings?: Bindings;
+ private computePipelineLayout: GPUPipelineLayout;
+ private lastComputePipelines?: ComputePipeline[];
+ private computePipelines: ComputePipeline[] = [];
+ private computeBindGroup: GPUBindGroup;
+ private computeBindGroupLayout: GPUBindGroupLayout;
+ private onSuccessCb?: (entryPoints: string[]) => void;
+ private onErrorCb?: (summary: string, row: number, col: number) => void;
+ private passF32: boolean = false;
+ private screenBlitter: Blitter;
+ // private querySet?: GPUQuerySet;
+ private lastStats: number = performance.now();
+ // private source: SourceMap;
+ private compileMutex = new Mutex();
+ // static readonly STATS_PERIOD = 100;
+ // static readonly ASSERTS_SIZE = 40; // NUM_ASSERT_COUNTERS * 4
+ private static shaderError = false;
+ /**
+ * Create a new renderer instance
+ */
+ private constructor(device: GPUDevice) {
+ this.device = device;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Factory method to create a new renderer
+ */
+ public static async create(): Promise {
+ // Initialize WebGPU adapter and device
+ const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter({
+ powerPreference: 'high-performance'
+ });
+ if (!adapter) {
+ throw new Error('No appropriate GPUAdapter found');
+ }
+ // Log adapter capabilities
+ const features = [...adapter.features] as GPUFeatureName[];
+ console.log('Adapter features:', features);
+ console.log('Adapter limits:', adapter.limits);
+ const device = await adapter.requestDevice({
+ label: `compute.toys device created at ${new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}`,
+ requiredFeatures: features
+ });
+ if (ComputeEngine.instance) {
+ console.log('Destroying existing engine');
+ ComputeEngine.instance.device.destroy();
+ }
+ ComputeEngine.instance = new ComputeEngine(device);
+ console.log('WebGPU engine created');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the current renderer instance
+ */
+ public static getInstance(): ComputeEngine {
+ if (!ComputeEngine.instance) {
+ throw new Error('WebGPU engine not initialised');
+ }
+ return ComputeEngine.instance;
+ }
+ public setSurface(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) {
+ this.surface = canvas.getContext('webgpu');
+ if (!this.surface) {
+ throw new Error('WebGPU not supported');
+ }
+ const presentationFormat = navigator.gpu.getPreferredCanvasFormat();
+ this.surface.configure({
+ device: this.device,
+ format: presentationFormat,
+ alphaMode: 'opaque',
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT,
+ viewFormats: [presentationFormat]
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the prelude code that's added to all shaders
+ */
+ public getPrelude(): string {
+ let prelude = '';
+ // Add type aliases
+ for (const [alias, type] of [
+ ['int', 'i32'],
+ ['uint', 'u32'],
+ ['float', 'f32']
+ ]) {
+ prelude += `alias ${alias} = ${type};\n`;
+ }
+ // Vector type aliases
+ for (const [alias, type] of [
+ ['int', 'i32'],
+ ['uint', 'u32'],
+ ['float', 'f32'],
+ ['bool', 'bool']
+ ]) {
+ for (let n = 2; n < 5; n++) {
+ prelude += `alias ${alias}${n} = vec${n}<${type}>;\n`;
+ }
+ }
+ // Matrix type aliases
+ for (let n = 2; n < 5; n++) {
+ for (let m = 2; m < 5; m++) {
+ prelude += `alias float${n}x${m} = mat${n}x${m};\n`;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add struct definitions
+ prelude += `
+struct Time { frame: uint, elapsed: float, delta: float }
+struct Mouse { pos: uint2, click: int }
+struct DispatchInfo { id: uint }
+ // Add custom uniforms struct
+ prelude += 'struct Custom {\n';
+ const [customNames] = this.bindings.custom.host;
+ for (const name of customNames) {
+ prelude += ` ${name}: float,\n`;
+ }
+ prelude += '};\n';
+ // Add user data struct
+ // prelude += 'struct Data {\n';
+ // for (const [key, value] of this.bindings.userData.host) {
+ // prelude += ` ${key}: array,\n`;
+ // }
+ // prelude += '};\n';
+ // Add bindings
+ prelude += this.bindings.toWGSL();
+ // Add utility functions
+ prelude += `
+fn keyDown(keycode: uint) -> bool {
+ return ((_keyboard[keycode / 128u][(keycode % 128u) / 32u] >> (keycode % 32u)) & 1u) == 1u;
+fn assert(index: int, success: bool) {
+ if (!success) {
+ // atomicAdd(&_assert_counts[index], 1u);
+ }
+fn passStore(pass_index: int, coord: int2, value: float4) {
+ textureStore(pass_out, coord, pass_index, value);
+fn passLoad(pass_index: int, coord: int2, lod: int) -> float4 {
+ return textureLoad(pass_in, coord, pass_index, lod);
+ // Add pass sampling function
+ prelude += `
+fn passSampleLevelBilinearRepeat(pass_index: int, uv: float2, lod: float) -> float4 {`;
+ if (this.passF32) {
+ // Manual bilinear filtering for f32 textures
+ prelude += `
+ let res = float2(textureDimensions(pass_in));
+ let st = uv * res - 0.5;
+ let iuv = floor(st);
+ let fuv = fract(st);
+ let a = textureSampleLevel(pass_in, nearest, fract((iuv + float2(0.5,0.5)) / res), pass_index, lod);
+ let b = textureSampleLevel(pass_in, nearest, fract((iuv + float2(1.5,0.5)) / res), pass_index, lod);
+ let c = textureSampleLevel(pass_in, nearest, fract((iuv + float2(0.5,1.5)) / res), pass_index, lod);
+ let d = textureSampleLevel(pass_in, nearest, fract((iuv + float2(1.5,1.5)) / res), pass_index, lod);
+ return mix(mix(a, b, fuv.x), mix(c, d, fuv.x), fuv.y);`;
+ } else {
+ // Hardware filtering for f16 textures
+ prelude += `
+ return textureSampleLevel(pass_in, bilinear, fract(uv), pass_index, lod);`;
+ }
+ prelude += '\n}';
+ return prelude;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Preprocess shader source code
+ */
+ async preprocess(shader: string): Promise {
+ const defines = new Map([
+ ['SCREEN_WIDTH', this.screenWidth.toString()],
+ ['SCREEN_HEIGHT', this.screenHeight.toString()]
+ ]);
+ return new Preprocessor(defines).preprocess(shader);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compile preprocessed shader code
+ */
+ async compile(source: SourceMap): Promise {
+ const release = await this.compileMutex.acquire();
+ const start = performance.now();
+ const prelude = source.extensions + this.getPrelude();
+ const preludeLines = countNewlines(prelude);
+ const wgsl = prelude + source.source;
+ // Parse entry points
+ const entryPoints: Array<[string, [number, number, number]]> = [];
+ const entryPointCode = Preprocessor.stripComments(wgsl);
+ let match;
+ while ((match = RE_ENTRY_POINT.exec(entryPointCode)) !== null) {
+ const [, sizeStr, name] = match;
+ const sizes = sizeStr.split(',').map(s => parseInt(s.trim(), 10));
+ entryPoints.push([name, [sizes[0] || 1, sizes[1] || 1, sizes[2] || 1]]);
+ }
+ // Notify success callback
+ const entryPointNames = entryPoints.map(([name]) => name);
+ this.onSuccessCb?.(entryPointNames);
+ // Create shader module
+ const shaderModule = this.device.createShaderModule({
+ label: 'Compute shader',
+ code: wgsl
+ });
+ const compilationInfo = await shaderModule.getCompilationInfo();
+ for (const message of compilationInfo.messages) {
+ let row = message.lineNum;
+ if (row >= preludeLines) {
+ row -= preludeLines;
+ }
+ if (row < source.map.length) {
+ row = source.map[row];
+ }
+ if (message.type === 'error') {
+ this.onErrorCb?.(message.message, row, message.linePos);
+ } else if (message.type === 'warning') {
+ console.warn(message.message);
+ } else {
+ console.log(message.message);
+ }
+ }
+ // Create compute pipelines
+ if (this.lastComputePipelines) {
+ this.computePipelines = this.lastComputePipelines;
+ }
+ this.lastComputePipelines = this.computePipelines;
+ this.computePipelines = entryPoints.map(([name, workgroupSize]) => ({
+ name,
+ workgroupSize,
+ workgroupCount: source.workgroupCount.get(name),
+ dispatchOnce: source.dispatchOnce.get(name) ?? false,
+ dispatchCount: source.dispatchCount.get(name) ?? 1,
+ pipeline: this.device.createComputePipeline({
+ label: `Pipeline ${name}`,
+ layout: this.computePipelineLayout,
+ compute: {
+ module: shaderModule,
+ entryPoint: name
+ }
+ })
+ }));
+ // Update bindings
+ // this.bindings.userData.host = source.userData;
+ console.log(`Shader compiled in ${(performance.now() - start).toFixed(2)}ms`);
+ // this.source = source;
+ release();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Main render function
+ */
+ async render(): Promise {
+ if (this.compileMutex.isLocked()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ const textureView = this.surface.getCurrentTexture().createView();
+ const encoder = this.device.createCommandEncoder();
+ // Update bindings
+ this.bindings.stage(this.device.queue);
+ // Clear debug buffer periodically
+ // if (this.bindings.time.host.frame % WgpuToyRenderer.STATS_PERIOD === 0) {
+ // this.device.queue.writeBuffer(
+ // this.bindings.debugBuffer.device,
+ // 0,
+ // new Uint32Array(40) // NUM_ASSERT_COUNTERS * 4
+ // );
+ // if (this.bindings.time.host.frame > 0) {
+ // const mean =
+ // (performance.now() - this.lastStats) / WgpuToyRenderer.STATS_PERIOD;
+ // this.lastStats = performance.now();
+ // console.log(`${(1000 / mean).toFixed(1)} fps (${mean.toFixed(1)} ms)`);
+ // }
+ // }
+ // Handle shader errors
+ if (ComputeEngine.shaderError) {
+ ComputeEngine.shaderError = false;
+ if (this.lastComputePipelines) {
+ this.computePipelines = this.lastComputePipelines;
+ }
+ }
+ // Dispatch compute passes
+ let dispatchCounter = 0;
+ for (const pipeline of this.computePipelines) {
+ if (pipeline.dispatchOnce) {
+ if (this.bindings.time.host.frame === 0) {
+ console.log(`Dispatching ${pipeline.name} once`);
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < pipeline.dispatchCount; i++) {
+ const pass = encoder.beginComputePass();
+ const workgroupCount = pipeline.workgroupCount ?? [
+ Math.ceil(this.screenWidth / pipeline.workgroupSize[0]),
+ Math.ceil(this.screenHeight / pipeline.workgroupSize[1]),
+ 1
+ ];
+ // Update dispatch info
+ this.device.queue.writeBuffer(
+ this.bindings.dispatchInfo.device,
+ dispatchCounter * 256,
+ new Uint32Array([i])
+ );
+ pass.setPipeline(pipeline.pipeline);
+ pass.setBindGroup(0, this.computeBindGroup, [dispatchCounter * 256]);
+ pass.dispatchWorkgroups(...workgroupCount);
+ pass.end();
+ // Copy write texture to read texture
+ encoder.copyTextureToTexture(
+ { texture: this.bindings.texWrite.texture() },
+ { texture: this.bindings.texRead.texture() },
+ {
+ width: this.screenWidth,
+ height: this.screenHeight,
+ depthOrArrayLayers: 4
+ }
+ );
+ dispatchCounter++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Blit to screen
+ this.screenBlitter.blit(encoder, textureView);
+ // Submit command buffer
+ this.device.queue.submit([encoder.finish()]);
+ // Update frame counter
+ this.bindings.time.host.frame += 1;
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(error);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set success callback for shader compilation
+ */
+ onSuccess(callback: (entryPoints: string[]) => void): void {
+ this.onSuccessCb = callback;
+ }
+ onError(callback: (summary: string, row: number, col: number) => void): void {
+ this.onErrorCb = callback;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update time information
+ */
+ setTimeElapsed(time: number): void {
+ this.bindings.time.host.elapsed = time;
+ }
+ setTimeDelta(delta: number): void {
+ this.bindings.time.host.delta = delta;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update mouse state
+ */
+ setMousePos(x: number, y: number): void {
+ const mouse = this.bindings.mouse.host;
+ if (mouse.click === 1) {
+ mouse.pos = [Math.floor(x * this.screenWidth), Math.floor(y * this.screenHeight)];
+ this.bindings.mouse.host = mouse;
+ }
+ }
+ setMouseClick(click: boolean): void {
+ const mouse = this.bindings.mouse.host;
+ mouse.click = click ? 1 : 0;
+ this.bindings.mouse.host = mouse;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update keyboard state
+ */
+ setKeydown(keycode: number, keydown: boolean): void {
+ this.bindings.keys.host.set(keycode, keydown);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set custom float parameters
+ */
+ setCustomFloats(names: string[], values: Float32Array): void {
+ this.bindings.custom.host = [names, new Float32Array(values)];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set pass texture format
+ */
+ setPassF32(passF32: boolean): void {
+ this.passF32 = passF32;
+ // this.reset();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle window resize
+ */
+ resize(width: number, height: number, scale: number): void {
+ this.screenWidth = Math.floor(width * scale);
+ this.screenHeight = Math.floor(height * scale);
+ // this.surface.configure(this.surfaceConfig);
+ // this.reset();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reset renderer state
+ */
+ reset(): void {
+ // Create new bindings with current settings
+ const newBindings = new Bindings(
+ this.device,
+ this.screenWidth,
+ this.screenHeight,
+ this.passF32
+ );
+ if (this.bindings) {
+ // Copy over dynamic state
+ newBindings.custom = this.bindings.custom;
+ // newBindings.userData = this.bindings.userData;
+ newBindings.channels = this.bindings.channels;
+ }
+ // Clean up old bindings
+ // this.bindings.destroy();
+ this.bindings = newBindings;
+ // Recreate pipeline and binding group layouts
+ const layout = this.bindings.createBindGroupLayout(this.device);
+ this.computePipelineLayout = this.bindings.createPipelineLayout(this.device, layout);
+ this.computeBindGroup = this.bindings.createBindGroup(this.device, layout);
+ this.computeBindGroupLayout = layout;
+ // Recreate screen blitter
+ const presentationFormat = navigator.gpu.getPreferredCanvasFormat();
+ this.screenBlitter = new Blitter(
+ this.device,
+ this.bindings.texScreen.view,
+ ColorSpace.Linear,
+ presentationFormat,
+ 'linear'
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load texture into channel
+ */
+ async loadChannel(index: number, data: Uint8Array): Promise {
+ const start = performance.now();
+ // Create ImageBitmap from data
+ const imageBitmap = await createImageBitmap(new Blob([data]), {
+ premultiplyAlpha: 'none',
+ colorSpaceConversion: 'none'
+ });
+ // Create texture
+ let texture = this.device.createTexture({
+ size: {
+ width: imageBitmap.width,
+ height: imageBitmap.height,
+ depthOrArrayLayers: 1
+ },
+ format: 'rgba8unorm-srgb',
+ usage:
+ GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST |
+ });
+ // Copy image data to texture
+ this.device.queue.copyExternalImageToTexture(
+ { source: imageBitmap },
+ { texture },
+ {
+ width: imageBitmap.width,
+ height: imageBitmap.height,
+ depthOrArrayLayers: 1
+ }
+ );
+ // Generate mipmap chain
+ const blitter = new Blitter(
+ this.device,
+ texture.createView(),
+ ColorSpace.Linear,
+ 'rgba8unorm-srgb',
+ 'linear'
+ );
+ texture = blitter.createTexture(
+ this.device,
+ this.device.queue,
+ imageBitmap.width,
+ imageBitmap.height,
+ 1 + Math.floor(Math.log2(Math.max(imageBitmap.width, imageBitmap.height)))
+ );
+ // Update channel texture
+ this.bindings.channels[index].setTexture(texture);
+ // Recreate bind group since we changed a texture
+ this.computeBindGroup = this.bindings.createBindGroup(
+ this.device,
+ this.computeBindGroupLayout
+ );
+ console.log(`Channel ${index} loaded in ${(performance.now() - start).toFixed(2)}ms`);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load HDR texture into channel
+ */
+ async loadChannelHDR(index: number, data: Uint8Array): Promise {
+ const start = performance.now();
+ // Load HDR data
+ const { rgbe, width, height } = loadHDR(data);
+ // Create RGBE texture
+ const rgbeTexture = this.device.createTexture({
+ size: {
+ width,
+ height,
+ depthOrArrayLayers: 1
+ },
+ mipLevelCount: 1,
+ sampleCount: 1,
+ dimension: '2d',
+ format: 'rgba8unorm',
+ usage: GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING | GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST
+ });
+ // Copy RGBE data to texture
+ this.device.queue.writeTexture(
+ { texture: rgbeTexture },
+ rgbe,
+ {
+ offset: 0,
+ bytesPerRow: 4 * width,
+ rowsPerImage: height
+ },
+ {
+ width,
+ height,
+ depthOrArrayLayers: 1
+ }
+ );
+ // Convert RGBE to float texture and generate mipmap chain
+ const blitter = new Blitter(
+ this.device,
+ rgbeTexture.createView(),
+ ColorSpace.Rgbe,
+ 'rgba16float',
+ 'linear'
+ );
+ const texture = blitter.createTexture(
+ this.device,
+ this.device.queue,
+ width,
+ height,
+ 1 + Math.floor(Math.log2(Math.max(width, height)))
+ );
+ // Update channel texture
+ this.bindings.channels[index].setTexture(texture);
+ // Recreate bind group since we changed a texture
+ this.computeBindGroup = this.bindings.createBindGroup(
+ this.device,
+ this.computeBindGroupLayout
+ );
+ console.log(`Channel ${index} loaded in ${(performance.now() - start).toFixed(2)}ms`);
+ }
diff --git a/lib/engine/preprocessor.ts b/lib/engine/preprocessor.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c775ec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/engine/preprocessor.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+ * WGSL shader preprocessor implementation
+ */
+import { fetchInclude, parseUint32, WGSLError } from './utils';
+// Regular expressions for preprocessing
+const RE_COMMENT = /(\/\/.*|\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)/g;
+const RE_WORD = /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/g;
+const STRING_MAX_LEN = 20;
+ * Maps the processed shader source to original line numbers
+ */
+export class SourceMap {
+ extensions: string = '';
+ source: string = '';
+ map: number[] = [0];
+ workgroupCount = new Map();
+ dispatchOnce = new Map();
+ dispatchCount = new Map();
+ // assertMap: number[] = [];
+ // userData = new Map([['_dummy', new Uint32Array([0])]]);
+ /**
+ * Add a line to the source map
+ */
+ pushLine(line: string, lineNumber: number) {
+ this.source += line + '\n';
+ this.map.push(lineNumber);
+ }
+ * Handles WGSL preprocessing including includes, defines, etc.
+ */
+export class Preprocessor {
+ private defines: Map;
+ private source: SourceMap;
+ private storageCount: number;
+ // private assertCount: number;
+ private specialStrings: boolean;
+ constructor(defines: Map) {
+ this.defines = new Map(defines);
+ this.defines.set('STRING_MAX_LEN', STRING_MAX_LEN.toString());
+ this.source = new SourceMap();
+ this.storageCount = 0;
+ // this.assertCount = 0;
+ this.specialStrings = false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Strip comments from WGSL source
+ */
+ static stripComments(source: string): string {
+ return source.replace(RE_COMMENT, '');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Substitute defines in source text
+ */
+ private substDefines(source: string): string {
+ return source.replace(RE_WORD, match => {
+ return this.defines.get(match) ?? match;
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Process a single line of shader source
+ */
+ private async processLine(lineOrig: string, lineNum: number): Promise {
+ let line = this.substDefines(lineOrig);
+ // Handle enable directives
+ if (line.trimStart().startsWith('enable')) {
+ line = line.replace(RE_COMMENT, '');
+ this.source.extensions += line + '\n';
+ return;
+ }
+ // Handle preprocessor directives
+ if (line.trimStart().startsWith('#')) {
+ line = line.replace(RE_COMMENT, '');
+ const tokens = line.trim().split(' ');
+ const directive = tokens[0];
+ switch (directive) {
+ case '#include':
+ await this.handleInclude(tokens, lineNum);
+ break;
+ case '#workgroup_count':
+ this.handleWorkgroupCount(tokens, lineNum);
+ break;
+ case '#dispatch_once':
+ this.handleDispatchOnce(tokens);
+ break;
+ case '#dispatch_count':
+ this.handleDispatchCount(tokens, lineNum);
+ break;
+ case '#define':
+ this.handleDefine(lineOrig, tokens, lineNum);
+ break;
+ case '#storage':
+ this.handleStorage(tokens, lineNum);
+ break;
+ // case '#assert':
+ // this.handleAssert(tokens, lineNum);
+ // break;
+ // case '#data':
+ // this.handleData(tokens, lineNum);
+ // break;
+ default:
+ throw new WGSLError('Unrecognized preprocessor directive', lineNum);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Handle string literals if enabled
+ if (this.specialStrings) {
+ let error: WGSLError | null = null;
+ line = line.replace(/"((?:[^\\"]|\\.)*)"/g, match => {
+ try {
+ const unescaped = JSON.parse(match) as string;
+ const chars = Array.from(unescaped).map(c => c.charCodeAt(0));
+ if (chars.length > STRING_MAX_LEN) {
+ error = new WGSLError(
+ `String literals cannot be longer than ${STRING_MAX_LEN} characters`,
+ lineNum
+ );
+ return match;
+ }
+ // Pad array to fixed length
+ const len = chars.length;
+ while (chars.length < STRING_MAX_LEN) {
+ chars.push(0);
+ }
+ return `String(${len}, array(${chars
+ .map(c => `0x${c.toString(16).padStart(4, '0')}`)
+ .join(', ')}))`;
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ return match;
+ }
+ });
+ if (error) {
+ throw error;
+ }
+ }
+ this.source.pushLine(line, lineNum);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle #include directive
+ */
+ private async handleInclude(tokens: string[], lineNum: number): Promise {
+ if (tokens.length !== 2) {
+ throw new WGSLError('Invalid #include syntax', lineNum);
+ }
+ const nameMatcher = tokens[1].match(/"(.*)"/) || tokens[1].match(/<(.*)>/);
+ if (!nameMatcher) {
+ throw new WGSLError('Path must be enclosed in quotes or chevrons', lineNum);
+ }
+ const name = nameMatcher[1];
+ if (/<.*>/.test(tokens[1]) && name === 'string') {
+ this.specialStrings = true;
+ }
+ const includePath = /<.*>/.test(tokens[1]) ? `std/${name}` : name;
+ const includeContent = await fetchInclude(includePath);
+ if (!includeContent) {
+ throw new WGSLError(`Cannot find include ${tokens[1]}`, lineNum);
+ }
+ for (const includeLine of includeContent.split('\n')) {
+ await this.processLine(includeLine, lineNum);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle #workgroup_count directive
+ */
+ private handleWorkgroupCount(tokens: string[], lineNum: number): void {
+ if (tokens.length !== 5) {
+ throw new WGSLError('Invalid #workgroup_count syntax', lineNum);
+ }
+ const [, name, x, y, z] = tokens;
+ this.source.workgroupCount.set(name, [
+ parseUint32(x, lineNum),
+ parseUint32(y, lineNum),
+ parseUint32(z, lineNum)
+ ]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle #dispatch_once directive
+ */
+ private handleDispatchOnce(tokens: string[]): void {
+ const [, name] = tokens;
+ this.source.dispatchOnce.set(name, true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle #dispatch_count directive
+ */
+ private handleDispatchCount(tokens: string[], lineNum: number): void {
+ if (tokens.length !== 3) {
+ throw new WGSLError('Invalid #dispatch_count syntax', lineNum);
+ }
+ const [, name, count] = tokens;
+ this.source.dispatchCount.set(name, parseUint32(count, lineNum));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle #define directive
+ */
+ private handleDefine(lineOrig: string, tokens: string[], lineNum: number): void {
+ const name = lineOrig.trim().split(' ')[1];
+ if (!name) {
+ throw new WGSLError('Invalid #define syntax', lineNum);
+ }
+ const value = tokens.slice(2).join(' ');
+ if (this.defines.has(name)) {
+ throw new WGSLError(`Cannot redefine ${name}`, lineNum);
+ }
+ this.defines.set(name, value);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handle #storage directive
+ */
+ private handleStorage(tokens: string[], lineNum: number): void {
+ if (this.storageCount >= 2) {
+ throw new WGSLError('Only two storage buffers are currently supported', lineNum);
+ }
+ const [, name, ...types] = tokens;
+ const type = types.join(' ');
+ this.source.pushLine(
+ `@group(0) @binding(${this.storageCount}) var ${name}: ${type};`,
+ lineNum
+ );
+ this.storageCount++;
+ }
+ /*
+ private handleAssert(tokens: string[], lineNum: number): void {
+ if (this.assertCount >= NUM_ASSERT_COUNTERS) {
+ throw new WGSLError(
+ `A maximum of ${NUM_ASSERT_COUNTERS} assertions are currently supported`,
+ lineNum
+ );
+ }
+ const predicate = tokens.slice(1).join(' ');
+ this.source.pushLine(`assert(${this.assertCount}, ${predicate});`, lineNum);
+ this.source.assertMap.push(lineNum);
+ this.assertCount++;
+ }
+ private handleData(tokens: string[], lineNum: number): void {
+ if (tokens.length < 4 || tokens[2] !== 'u32') {
+ throw new WGSLError('Invalid #data syntax', lineNum);
+ }
+ const name = tokens[1];
+ const dataStr = tokens.slice(3).join('');
+ const data = new Uint32Array(dataStr.split(',').map(s => parseUint32(s, lineNum)));
+ const existing = this.source.userData.get(name);
+ if (existing) {
+ // Append to existing data
+ const combined = new Uint32Array(existing.length + data.length);
+ combined.set(existing);
+ combined.set(data, existing.length);
+ this.source.userData.set(name, combined);
+ } else {
+ this.source.userData.set(name, data);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ /**
+ * Process complete shader source
+ */
+ async preprocess(shader: string): Promise {
+ const lines = shader.split('\n');
+ for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
+ await this.processLine(lines[i], i + 1);
+ }
+ return this.source;
+ }
diff --git a/lib/engine/utils.ts b/lib/engine/utils.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b581c7be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/engine/utils.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ * Utility functions and types for the compute toy library
+ */
+ * Custom error for WGSL shader compilation and runtime errors
+ */
+export class WGSLError extends Error {
+ line: number;
+ column: number;
+ constructor(message: string, line: number = 0, column: number = 0) {
+ super(message);
+ this.name = 'WGSLError';
+ this.line = line;
+ this.column = column;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Format error message with line and column information
+ */
+ toString(): string {
+ return `${this.name} at line ${this.line}, column ${this.column}: ${this.message}`;
+ }
+ * Parse a string into a uint32, supporting both decimal and hex formats
+ */
+export function parseUint32(value: string, line: number): number {
+ try {
+ const trimmed = value.trim().replace(/u$/, ''); // Remove trailing 'u' if present
+ if (trimmed.startsWith('0x')) {
+ return parseInt(trimmed.slice(2), 16);
+ } else {
+ return parseInt(trimmed, 10);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ throw new WGSLError(`Cannot parse '${value}' as u32`, line);
+ }
+// Cache for fetched includes
+const includeCache = new Map>();
+ * Fetch and cache shader include files
+ */
+export async function fetchInclude(name: string): Promise {
+ const cached = includeCache.get(name);
+ if (cached) {
+ return cached;
+ }
+ const fetchPromise = (async () => {
+ try {
+ const url = `https://compute-toys.github.io/include/${name}.wgsl`;
+ const response = await fetch(url);
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ console.error(`Failed to fetch include ${name}: ${response.statusText}`);
+ return null;
+ }
+ return await response.text();
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(`Error fetching include ${name}:`, error);
+ return null;
+ }
+ })();
+ // Store in cache even if it fails - we don't want to retry failed fetches
+ includeCache.set(name, fetchPromise);
+ return fetchPromise;
+ * Helper to ensure shader error line numbers are correct
+ */
+export function countNewlines(text: string): number {
+ return (text.match(/\n/g) || []).length;
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