# How Mentorship Program Works

The Mentorship program is a phase-by-phase progress:

1. **Reviewing Submitted Application:** After you submit your application, and apply to project(s), it takes a minimum of two weeks of time to evaluate your application. You are advised to complete the prerequisite tasks during this time period failing which your application will not be considered for the mentorship program. You can check your application status by navigating to your Linux Foundation account. For details about how to submit application, and apply to project(s), see [How to Apply](how-to-apply.md).
2. **Mentee Contract:** If you are selected for the mentorship program, you will be contacted through email or phone, and you will have to undergo contract and HR processes.
3. **Mentee Working:** This is the time when you actually learn and contribute to the community. During this period, you are expected to dedicate your quality time, and work with your mentor in structuring a project planning, understanding open source culture, development tooling and infrastructure, making steady progress towards completing objectives, milestones, and tasks as defined in the project plan, and actively contribute to the community to successfully complete the course. You can start by making small contributions to the projects. You are highly encouraged to contribute to documentation.
4. **Evaluation:** You will be evaluated on a periodic basis by your mentors.The reason behind this is to get feedback from your mentor about your progress, and to check if you are completing your objectives and milestones as per the project planning , and are actively participating in community discussions, and so on.\
   **Note:** Depending on the project, there will be three or four evaluations during the entire program. 
5. **Stipend:** A stipend payment will be released after the second and forth evaluation. Stipends are released if your evaluation report shows satisfactory progress of your mentorship training, and the total stipend amount can vary from project to project. 
6. **Letter of Completion:** If you successfully complete all your project milestones, deliverables and assigned tasks, which may include an exam, you will be asked to complete a feedback survey before you can officially graduate and receive a digital Letter of Completion.