diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/script-issue.yaml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml
similarity index 72%
rename from .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/script-issue.yaml
rename to .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml
index b8e83878bb7..54a11f33a39 100644
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/script-issue.yaml
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-name: Problems with a script
-description: Generate a report on an issue pertaining specifically to a script. For other inquires please share them in the Discussions section.
+name: "🐞 Script Issue Report"
+description: Report a specific issue with a script. For other inquiries, please use the Discussions section.
   - type: markdown
@@ -8,37 +9,38 @@ body:
         - Prior to submitting, kindly search the closed issues to check if the problem you are reporting has already been addressed and resolved. If you come across a closed issue that pertains to your problem, please leave a comment on that issue instead of creating a new one.
         - If the default Linux distribution is not adhered to, script support will be discontinued.
         - When encountering the error message `[ERROR] in line 23: exit code *: while executing command "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1`, make sure to run the script in verbose mode to accurately determine the underlying issue.
-        - For suggestions, questions or feature/script requests, please share them in the [Discussions section.](https://github.com/community-scripts/ProxmoxVE/discussions)
+        - For suggestions, questions, or feature/script requests, please use the [Discussions section.](https://github.com/community-scripts/ProxmoxVE/discussions)
   - type: input
     id: guidelines
       label: Please verify that you have read and understood the guidelines.
-      placeholder: 'yes'
+      placeholder: "yes"
       required: true
   - type: textarea
     id: bug
       label: A clear and concise description of the issue.
       required: true
-  - type: dropdown
-    id: settings
+  - type: checkboxes
       required: true
       label: What settings are you currently utilizing?
-        - 
-        - Default Settings
-        - Advanced Settings
+        - label: Default Settings
+        - label: Advanced Settings
   - type: markdown
-      value: (if Advanced Settings, please try Default Settings before creating an issue)
+      value: "If using Advanced Settings, please try Default Settings before creating an issue."
   - type: dropdown
     id: distribution
-    validations:
-      required: true
       label: Which Linux distribution are you employing?
@@ -49,17 +51,21 @@ body:
         - Ubuntu 20.04
         - Ubuntu 22.04
         - Ubuntu 24.04
+    validations:
+      required: true
   - type: textarea
     id: screenshot
       label: If relevant, including screenshots or a code block can be helpful in clarifying the issue.
-      placeholder: Code blocks begin and conclude by enclosing the code with three backticks (```) above and below it.
+      placeholder: "Code blocks begin and conclude by enclosing the code with three backticks (```) above and below it."
       required: false
   - type: textarea
     id: reproduce
       label: Please provide detailed steps to reproduce the issue.
-      placeholder: First do this, then this ...
+      placeholder: "First do this, then this ..."
       required: false
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
index 5adde47d508..e9a13bc4dae 100644
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
 blank_issues_enabled: false
-  - name: Helper-Scripts Community Support
-    url: https://github.com/community-scripts/ProxmoxVE/discussions
-    about: Please ask and answer questions here.
+    - name: 🤔 Questions and Help
+      url: https://github.com/community-scripts/ProxmoxVE/discussions
+      about: For suggestions or questions, please use the Discussions section.
+    - name: 🌟 Feature request
+      url: https://github.com/community-scripts/ProxmoxVE/discussions/new?category=request-script
+      about: For feature/script requests, please use the Discussions section.
+    - name: 💻 Discord
+      url: https://discord.gg/UHrpNWGwkH
+      about: Join our Discord server to chat with other users in the Proxmox Helper Scripts community.
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/frontend_report.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/frontend_report.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2a6f20af05b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/frontend_report.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+name: "🌐 Website Issue Report"
+description: Report an issue, an optimization request or an documentation issue specifically related to the website.
+labels: "website"
+  - type: markdown
+    attributes:
+      value: |
+        **IMPORTANT:** Failure to comply with the following guidelines may result in immediate closure.
+        - Prior to submitting, kindly search the closed issues to check if the problem you are reporting has already been addressed and resolved. If you come across a closed issue that pertains to your problem, please leave a comment on that issue instead of creating a new one.
+        - If the problem is related to a bug in the website, kindly check for browser compatibility and ensure the issue occurs in multiple browsers before submitting.
+        - For suggestions, questions, or feature requests, please use the [Discussions section.](https://github.com/community-scripts/ProxmoxVE/discussions)
+  - type: input
+    id: guidelines
+    attributes:
+      label: Please verify that you have read and understood the guidelines.
+      placeholder: 'yes'
+    validations:
+      required: true
+  - type: dropdown
+    id: issue_type
+    validations:
+      required: true
+    attributes:
+      label: What type of issue is this?
+      options:
+        - 
+        - Bug
+        - Optimization
+        - Documentation
+        - Other
+  - type: textarea
+    id: bug_description
+    attributes:
+      label: A clear and concise description of the issue.
+    validations:
+      required: true
+  - type: dropdown
+    id: browser
+    validations:
+      required: true
+    attributes:
+      label: Which browser are you using?
+      options:
+        - 
+        - Chrome
+        - Firefox
+        - Safari
+        - Edge
+        - Other
+  - type: markdown
+    attributes:
+      value: |
+        **If the issue is browser-related**, please provide information on the version and platform (Windows, MacOS, Linux, etc.).
+  - type: textarea
+    id: screenshot
+    attributes:
+      label: If relevant, including screenshots or a code block can be helpful in clarifying the issue.
+      placeholder: "Code blocks begin and conclude by enclosing the code with three backticks (```) above and below it."
+    validations:
+      required: false
+  - type: textarea
+    id: reproduce
+    attributes:
+      label: Please provide detailed steps to reproduce the issue.
+      placeholder: "First do this, then this ..."
+    validations:
+      required: false
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/website-issue.yaml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/website-issue.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index abfa19f4465..00000000000
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/website-issue.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-name: Problems with the website
-description: Generate a report on an issue pertaining specifically to the website (https://community-scripts.github.io/ProxmoxVE/). For other inquires please share them in the Discussions section.
-labels: ["website"]
-  - type: markdown
-    attributes:
-      value: |
-        **IMPORTANT:** Failure to comply with the following guidelines may result in immediate closure.
-        - Prior to submitting, kindly search the closed issues to check if the problem you are reporting has already been addressed and resolved. If you come across a closed issue that pertains to your problem, please leave a comment on that issue instead of creating a new one.
-        - For suggestions, questions or feature/script requests, please share them in the [Discussions section.](https://github.com/community-scripts/ProxmoxVE/discussions)
-  - type: input
-    id: guidelines
-    attributes:
-      label: Please verify that you have read and understood the guidelines.
-      placeholder: 'yes'
-    validations:
-      required: true
-  - type: textarea
-    id: bug
-    attributes:
-      label: A clear and concise description of the issue.
-    validations:
-      required: true
-  - type: textarea
-    id: expected-behavior
-    attributes:
-      label: Please provide a description of the expected behavior.
-    validations:
-      required: true
-  - type: textarea
-    id: screenshot
-    attributes:
-      label: If relevant, including screenshots or a code block can be helpful in clarifying the issue.
-      placeholder: Code blocks begin and conclude by enclosing the code with three backticks (```) above and below it.
-    validations:
-      required: false
-  - type: textarea
-    id: reproduce
-    attributes:
-      label: Please provide detailed steps to reproduce the issue.
-      placeholder: First do this, then this ...
-    validations:
-      required: false