#!/bin/bash start_webapp_dev_env () { set -e start_nodes load_native_asset mint_usdt start_bobtimus start_webapp } start_extension_dev_env () { set -e start_nodes load_native_asset mint_usdt build_webapp start_bobtimus } stop_dev_env () { stop_nodes stop_bobtimus } start_nodes () { set -e # start elementsd, esplora (et al) nigiri start --liquid # wait for everything to be started up sleep 2 } load_native_asset () { # get native asset ID. local native_asset_id=$(nigiri rpc --liquid dumpassetlabels | jq -r '.bitcoin') if [ "$native_asset_id" = "null" ]; then echo "Bitcoin asset id not found." exit 1 fi echo "NATIVE_ASSET_ID=$native_asset_id" echo "$native_asset_id" > .native_asset_id } mint_usdt () { set -e local -r amount=1000000 usdt_asset_id=$(docker exec liquid elements-cli -rpcuser=admin1 -rpcpassword=123 -rpcport=18884 issueasset $amount 1 | jq -r '.asset') # mine a block address=$(nigiri rpc --liquid getnewaddress) docker exec liquid elements-cli -rpcuser=admin1 -rpcpassword=123 -rpcport=18884 generatetoaddress 1 $address &> /dev/null # get usdt asset ID. if [ "$usdt_asset_id" = "null" ]; then echo "Usdt asset id not found." exit 1 fi echo "USDT_ASSET_ID=$usdt_asset_id" echo "$usdt_asset_id" > .usdt_asset_id } start_bobtimus () { if [ -f ".bobtimus" ]; then echo "Are you sure Bobtimus is not already up?" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f ".usdt_asset_id" ]; then echo "Usdt asset id not configured. Did you run mint_usdt?" exit 1 fi usdt_asset_id=$(cat .usdt_asset_id) set -e __ensure_log_dir __read_env_file cargo build --bin bobtimus --features faucet local -r elementsd_rpc_user="admin1" local -r elementsd_rpc_password="123" RUST_LOG=debug,hyper=info,reqwest=info cargo run --bin bobtimus --features faucet -- \ start \ --http \ --elementsd http://$elementsd_rpc_user:$elementsd_rpc_password@$LIQUID_NODE_PORT \ --usdt $usdt_asset_id \ --db-file="./.bobtimus.sqlite" > $log_dir/bobtimus 2>&1 & bobtimus_pid=$! sleep 1 curl --fail &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then set +e pkill bobtimus_pid set -e echo "Failed to start Bobtimus" exit 1 fi # save bobtimus pid to file for future teardown echo $bobtimus_pid > .bobtimus echo "Started bobtimus with pid $bobtimus_pid" } start_webapp () { set -e build_webapp cd waves yarn run start } build_webapp () { set -e __read_env_file cd waves yarn install export REACT_APP_BLOCKEXPLORER_URL="http://localhost:$LIQUID_ESPLORA_PORT" yarn run build cd .. } start_extension () { set -e cd extension yarn run dev } build_extension () { set -e if [ ! -f ".native_asset_id" ]; then echo "Native asset id not configured." exit 1 fi __read_env_file cd extension yarn install export NATIVE_ASSET_ID=$(cat ../.native_asset_id) export USDT_ASSET_ID=$(cat ../.usdt_asset_id) export CHAIN=ELEMENTS echo "export NATIVE_ASSET_ID=$NATIVE_ASSET_ID" echo "export USDT_ASSET_ID=$USDT_ASSET_ID" echo "export CHAIN=$CHAIN" yarn run build cd .. } stop_nodes () { nigiri stop --delete rm .native_asset_id rm .usdt_asset_id } stop_bobtimus () { bobtimus_pid=$(cat .bobtimus) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Are you sure Bobtimus is still running?" exit 1 fi kill -9 $bobtimus_pid echo "Terminated bobtimus with pid $bobtimus_pid" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Bobtimus is not running" fi rm .bobtimus } restart_bobtimus () { stop_bobtimus start_bobtimus } __read_env_file () { export $(cat ~/.nigiri/.env | xargs) } __ensure_log_dir () { readonly log_dir="./.log" mkdir -p $log_dir } "$@"