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Service to validate SCL Files.

Common Environment variables

Below environment variable(s) can be used to configure which claims and information are used to fill the UserInfo response.

Environment variable Java Property Description Example
USERINFO_NAME_CLAIMNAME The Name of the user logged in. name
USERINFO_WHO_CLAIMNAME compas.userinfo.who.claimname The Name of the user used in the Who History. name
USERINFO_SESSION_WARNING compas.userinfo.session.warning Number of minutes a Session Warning can be displayed. 20
USERINFO_SESSION_EXPIRES compas.userinfo.session.expires Number of minutes a Session Expires to display in Frontend. 30


To use most of the endpoints the users needs to be authenticated using JWT in the authorization header. There are 4 environment variables that can be set in the container to configure the validation/processing of the JWT.

Environment variable Java Property Description Example
JWT_VERIFY_KEY smallrye.jwt.verify.key.location Location of certificates to verify the JWT. http://localhost:8089/auth/realms/compas/protocol/openid-connect/certs
JWT_VERIFY_ISSUER mp.jwt.verify.issuer The issuer of the JWT. http://localhost:8089/auth/realms/compas
JWT_VERIFY_CLIENT_ID mp.jwt.verify.audiences The Client ID that should be in the "aud" claim. scl-validator
JWT_GROUPS_PATH smallrye.jwt.path.groups The JSON Path where to find the roles of the user. resource_access/scl-validator/roles