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Service to validate SCL Files.

Rest and Websockets versions

The validation can be done using both Rest and Websockets as transportation technic.

Method URL
Rest http(s)://server-address/compas-scl-validator/validate/v1/{type}
Websocket ws(s)://server-address/compas-scl-validator/validate-ws/v1/{type}

In CoMPAS OpenSCD there is a switch in the setting to indicate if websockets needs to be used. The logic will automatically determine the URL to be used.


Since version 1.2.x the JAR Files of RiseClipse are distributed through Maven Central Repository. The JAR Files can be retrieved from there and don't need to be build locally anymore. Only the OCL Files for the SCL validation still need to be downloaded from RiseClipse GIT Repository. This is still done using Git Submodules.

To clone the project or update the project this means that the Git commands are sometimes a little different. To clone the project use the following command git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:com-pas/compas-scl-validator.git. This will also clone the submodules.

Tip: The URL to the submodules are configured in the file .gitmodules, but these are using the SSH URL. There is a way described here to overwrite the URL locally with an HTTPS URL of the GIT Repository.

Check the Development page for more detail information how to develop in this GIT repository.

Custom OCL Files

There is a way to add custom OCL Files to the validator, for instance to force company specific rules. In the Docker Image there is a volume /data/ocl which can be used to add these files, see our compas-deployment project for an example how to.

In this directory, you can use subdirectories like SemanticConstraints as RiseClipse is doing. And there is a special directory FileSpecifics. In this directory mostly file specific rules are added. There are functions that can be used in the OCL Rules to determine the type of file, like isInICDFile().

For instance,

└── ocl
    ├── FileSpecifics
    │   └── DOType.ocl
    └── SemanticConstraints
        └── Busbar.ocl

If you are using the validator are library (using JAR Files) there is a property to configure the directory, see Common Environment variables

NSDoc Files

Because NSDoc File can't be distributed in an OpenSource Project these need to be added during deployment. In the Docker Image there is a volume /data/nsdoc which can be used to add these files, see our compas-deployment project for an example how to.

Only direct files found in this directory will be processed. Invalid NSDoc Files will be ignored. A directory can look like this for instance,

└── nsdoc
    ├── IEC_61850-7-2_2007B3-en.nsdoc
    ├── IEC_61850-7-3_2007B3-en.nsdoc
    └── IEC_61850-7-4_2007B3-en.nsdoc

If you are using the validator are library (using JAR Files) there is a property to configure the directory, see Common Environment variables

Common Environment variables

Below environment variable(s) can be used to configure the validator.

Environment variable Java Property Description Example
COMPAS_VALIDATOR_OCL_CUSTOM_DIRECTORY Reference to a directory to load custom OCL Files /data/ocl
COMPAS_VALIDATOR_NSDOC_DIRECTORY Reference to a directory where the NSDoc Files can be found /data/nsdoc


To use most of the endpoints the users needs to be authenticated using JWT in the authorization header. There are 4 environment variables that can be set in the container to configure the validation/processing of the JWT.

Environment variable Java Property Description Example
JWT_VERIFY_KEY smallrye.jwt.verify.key.location Location of certificates to verify the JWT. http://localhost:8089/auth/realms/compas/protocol/openid-connect/certs
JWT_VERIFY_ISSUER mp.jwt.verify.issuer The issuer of the JWT. http://localhost:8089/auth/realms/compas
JWT_VERIFY_CLIENT_ID mp.jwt.verify.audiences The Client ID that should be in the "aud" claim. scl-validator
JWT_GROUPS_PATH smallrye.jwt.path.groups The JSON Path where to find the roles of the user. resource_access/scl-validator/roles